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‘causality’ directory

A graph of an extremely complicated set of biological and metabolic pathways in which everything connects to everything, rendering everything correlated but not causal in any useful sense.

Cor­re­la­tions are oft in­ter­preted as ev­i­dence for cau­sa­tion; this is oft fal­si­fied; do causal graphs ex­plain why this is so com­mon, be­cause the num­ber of pos­si­ble in­di­rect paths greatly ex­ceeds the di­rect paths nec­es­sary for use­ful ma­nip­u­la­tion?

It is widely un­der­stood that sta­tis­ti­cal cor­re­la­tion be­tween two vari­ables ≠ cau­sa­tion. De­spite this ad­mo­ni­tion, peo­ple are over­con­fi­dent in claim­ing cor­re­la­tions to sup­port fa­vored causal in­ter­pre­ta­tions and are sur­prised by the re­sults of ran­dom­ized ex­per­i­ments, sug­gest­ing that they are bi­ased & sys­tem­at­i­cally un­der­es­ti­mate the preva­lence of con­founds / common-causation. I spec­u­late that in re­al­is­tic causal net­works or DAGs, the num­ber of pos­si­ble cor­re­la­tions grows faster than the num­ber of pos­si­ble causal re­la­tion­ships. So con­founds re­ally are that com­mon, and since peo­ple do not think in re­al­is­tic DAGs but toy mod­els, the im­bal­ance also ex­plains over­con­fi­dence.

See Also


“Against Caring About Subtle Poisons ”, Gwern 2023

Against Caring About Subtle Poisons

“Statistical Notes ”, Gwern 2014

Statistical Notes

Timecrimes: Time Travel In Hell ”, Gwern 2023

Timecrimes: Time Travel In Hell

“Everything Is Correlated ”, Gwern 2014

Everything Is Correlated

“How Often Does Correlation=Causality? ”, Gwern 2014

How Often Does Correlation=Causality?

“Why Correlation Usually ≠ Causation ”, Gwern 2014

Why Correlation Usually ≠ Causation

“The Replication Crisis: Flaws in Mainstream Science ”, Gwern 2010

The Replication Crisis: Flaws in Mainstream Science

“How Should We Critique Research? ”, Gwern 2019

How Should We Critique Research?

“‘Story Of Your Life’ Is Not A Time-Travel Story ”, Gwern 2012

‘Story Of Your Life’ Is Not A Time-Travel Story
