‘Conscientiousness’ tag
- See Also
- “Delay of Gratification and Adult Outcomes: The Marshmallow Test Does Not Reliably Predict Adult Functioning”, Sperber et al 2024
- “Surveillance and Self-Control”, Cobb-Clark et al 2023
- “Meta-Analytic Relations between Personality and Cognitive Ability”, Stanek & Ones 2023
- “Is There a g in Gunslinger? Cognitive Predictors of Firearms Proficiency”, Cucina et al 2023
- “You And Your Research”, Hamming 2023
- “Founder Personality and Entrepreneurial Outcomes: A Large-Scale Field Study of Technology Startups”, Freiberg & Matz 2023
- “(Not Just) Intelligence Stratifies the Occupational Hierarchy: Ranking 360 Professions by IQ and Non-Cognitive Traits”, Wolfram 2023
- “Godless Owls, Devout Larks: Religiosity and Conscientiousness Are Associated With Morning Preference and (partly) Explain Its Effects on Life Satisfaction”, Gorgol et al 2023
- “Genetic Contributions of Noncognitive Skills to Academic Development”, Malanchini et al 2023
- “Improving Graduate-School Admissions by Expanding Rather Than Eliminating Predictors”, Nye & Ryan 2022
- “Personality Traits of Special Forces Operators: Comparing Commandos, Candidates, and Controls”, Huijzer et al 2022
- “Not by g Alone: The Benefits of a College Education among Individuals With Low Levels of General Cognitive Ability”, McGue et al 2022
- “Cognitive Ability and Conscientiousness Are More Important Than SES for Educational Attainment: An Analysis of the UK Millennium Cohort Study”, O’Connell & Marks 2022
- “Multivariate Genetic Analysis of Personality and Cognitive Traits Reveals Abundant Pleiotropy and Improves Prediction”, Hindley et al 2022
- “Niche Diversity Predicts Personality Structure Across 115 Nations”, Durkee et al 2022
- “Revisiting Meta-Analytic Estimates of Validity in Personnel Selection: Addressing Systematic Overcorrection for Restriction of Range”, Sackett et al 2021
- “How Malleable Are Cognitive Abilities? A Critical Perspective on Popular Brief Interventions”, Moreau 2021
- “Occupational Characteristics Moderate Personality-Performance Relations in Major Occupational Groups”, Wilmot & Ones 2021
- “Does Self-Control Outdo IQ in Predicting Academic Performance?”, Vazsonyi et al 2021
- “Big Five Personality Traits and Performance: A Quantitative Synthesis of 50+ Meta-Analyses”, Zell & Lesick 2021b
- “Why Do Students Use Strategies That Hurt Their Chances of Academic Success? A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents of Academic Self-Handicapping”, Schwinger et al 2021
- “Big Five Personality Traits and Academic Performance: A Meta-Analysis”, Mammadov 2021
- “Personality Maturation and Personality Relaxation: Differences of the Big Five Personality Traits in the Years around the Beginning and Ending of Working Life”, Asselmann & Specht 2021
- “Inequality in Personality over the Life Cycle”, Gensowski et al 2021
- “Genetic and Environmental Architecture of Conscientiousness in Adolescence”, Takahashi et al 2021
- “Does Parental Education Influence Child Educational Outcomes? A Developmental Analysis in a Full-Population Sample and Adoptee Design”, Ludeke et al 2021
- “Grit and Conscientiousness: Another Jangle Fallacy”, Ponnock et al 2020
- “Predicting Mid-Life Capital Formation With Pre-School Delay of Gratification and Life-Course Measures of Self-Regulation”, Benjamin et al 2020
- “Looking under the Tinfoil Hat: Clarifying the Personological and Psychopathological Correlates of Conspiracy Beliefs”, Bowes et al 2020
- “Stability and Change in Personality Traits and Major Life Goals From College to Midlife”, Atherton et al 2020
- “In a Representative Sample Grit Has a Negligible Effect on Educational and Economic Success Compared to Intelligence”, Zissman & Ganzach 2020
- “‘Just the Way You Are’: Linking Music Listening on Spotify and Personality”, Anderson et al 2020
- “Forethought and Intelligence: How Conscientiousness, Future Planning, and General Mental Ability Predict Net Worth”, Shaffer 2020
- “Assessing the Big Five Personality Traits Using Real-Life Static Facial Images”, Kachur et al 2020
- “A Stable Relationship between Personality and Academic Performance from Childhood through Adolescence. An Original Study and Replication in Hundred-Thousand-Person Samples”, Andersen et al 2020
- “How Genetic and Environmental Variance in Personality Traits Shift across the Life Span: Evidence from a Cross-National Twin Study”, Kandler et al 2020
- “A Century of Research on Conscientiousness at Work”, Wilmot & Ones 2019
- “Intelligence, Personality, and Gains from Cooperation in Repeated Interactions”, Proto et al 2019
- “Let There Be Variance: Individual Differences in Consecutive Self-Control in a Laboratory Setting and Daily Life”, Wenzel et al 2019
- “’Same but Different’: Associations between Multiple Aspects of Self-Regulation, Cognition, and Academic Abilities”, Malanchini et al 2018
- “Can Behavioral Tools Improve Online Student Outcomes? Experimental Evidence from a Massive Open Online Course”, Patterson 2018
- “Musical Preferences Predict Personality: Evidence From Active Listening and Facebook Likes”, Nave et al 2018
- “Revisiting the Marshmallow Test: A Conceptual Replication Investigating Links Between Early Delay of Gratification and Later Outcomes”, Watts et al 2018
- “Surveying the Forest: A Meta-Analysis, Moderator Investigation, and Future-Oriented Discussion of the Antecedents of Voluntary Employee Turnover”, Rubenstein et al 2017
- “A Systematic Review of Personality Trait Change Through Intervention”, Roberts et al 2017
- “Genetically-Mediated Associations Between Measures of Childhood Character and Academic Achievement”, Tucker-Drob et al 2016
- “Much Ado About Grit: A Meta-Analytic Synthesis of the Grit Literature”, Credé et al 2016
- “True Grit and Genetics: Predicting Academic Achievement From Personality”, Rimfeld et al 2016
- “Role of Mental Abilities and Mental Tests in Explaining High-School Grades”, Cucina et al 2016
- “Online Foreign Language Education: What Are the Proficiency Outcomes?”, Lin & Warschauer 2015
- “The Mechanics of Human Achievement”, Duckworth et al 2015
- “A Twin Study of Problematic Internet Use: Its Heritability and Genetic Association With Effortful Control”, Li et al 2014
- “How Are Conscientiousness and Cognitive Ability Related to One Another? A Re-Examination of the Intelligence Compensation Hypothesis”, Murray et al 2014
- “The High Heritability of Educational Achievement Reflects Many Genetically Influenced Traits, Not Just Intelligence”, Krapohl et al 2014
- “The Social Development of Contingent Self-Worth in Sexual Minority Young Men: An Empirical Investigation of the ‘Best Little Boy in the World’ Hypothesis”, Pachankis & Hatzenbuehler 2013
- “Academic Performance of Virtual Students Based on Their Personality Traits, Learning Styles and Psychological Well Being: A Prediction”, Fariba 2013
- “The Importance of Personality in Students’ Perceptions of the Online Learning Experience”, Keller & Karau 2013
- “AMA 2012 Winter Educators' Conference”
- “Unemployment Duration and Personality”, Uysal & Pohlmeier 2011
- “The Labor Market Returns to Cognitive and Noncognitive Ability: Evidence from the Swedish Enlistment”, Lindqvist & Vestman 2011
- “Personality and Obesity Across the Adult Life Span”, Sutin 2011
- “On the Heritability of Consumer Decision Making: An Exploratory Approach for Studying Genetic Effects on Judgment and Choice”, Simonson & Sela 2010
- “E-Conscientiousness and E-Performance in Online Undergraduate Management Education”, Abzug 2010
- “Enhancing Knowledge Transfer in Classroom Versus Online Settings: The Interplay Among Instructor, Student, Content, and Context”
- “Positive Predictors of Teacher Effectiveness”, Duckworth et al 2009
- “Personality Scale Validities Increase Throughout Medical School”, Lievens et al 2009
- “Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies”, Means 2009
- “Personality, Intelligence and Approaches to Learning As Predictors of Academic Performance”, Chamorro-Premuzic & Furnham 2008
- “PubTeX Output 2008.01.08:1218”
- “Refining the Relationship Between Personality and Subjective Well-Being”, Steel et al 2008
- “Age Differences in the Big Five across the Life Span: Evidence from Two National Samples”, Donnellan & Lucas 2008
- “What Do Cross-National Comparisons of Personality Traits Tell Us? The Case of Conscientiousness”, Heine 2008
- “Grit: Perseverance and Passion for Long-Term Goals”, Duckworth et al 2007
- “Personalizing Distance Learning”
- “Personality Predictors of Academic Outcomes: Big Five Correlates of GPA and SAT Scores”, Noftle & Robins 2007
- “Promotion and Prevention Orientations in the Choice to Attend Lectures or Watch Them Online”, Bassili 2006
- “Personality and School Performance: Incremental Validity of Self-Ratings & Peer-Ratings over Intelligence”, Bratko et al 2006
- “Venturing a 30-Year Longitudinal Study”, Block & Block 2006
- “40 Years On: Teachers' Assessments of Children’s Personality Traits Predict Self-Reported Health Behaviors and Outcomes at Midlife”, Hampson et al 2006
- “Relationship of Student Undergraduate Achievement and Personality Characteristics in a Total Web-Based Environment: An Empirical Study”
- “What Makes the Difference? A Practical Analysis of Research on the Effectiveness of Distance Education”, Zhao et al 2005
- “Mania and Dysregulation in Goal Pursuit: a Review”, Johnson 2005
- “Predicting Academic Success: General Intelligence, ‘Big Five’ Personality Traits, and Work Drive”, Ridgell & Lounsbury 2004
- “Toward an Integrative Theory of Training Motivation: A Meta-Analytic Path Analysis of 20 Years of Research”, Colquitt et al 2000
- “Work and Personality: Use of the NEO-PI-R in Industrial/Organisational Psychology”
- “The Big Five Personality Dimensions And Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis”, Barrick & Mount 1991
- “Project A Validity Results: The Relationship Between Predictor And Criterion Domains”, McHenry et al 1990
- Children in Amish Society: Socialization and Community Education, Hostetler & Huntington 1971
- “The Energies of Men”, James 1907
- “Do Elite US Colleges Choose Personality over IQ?”
- “Act-Frequency Signatures of the Big Five”
- Sort By Magic
- Wikipedia
- Miscellaneous
- Bibliography
See Also
“Delay of Gratification and Adult Outcomes: The Marshmallow Test Does Not Reliably Predict Adult Functioning”, Sperber et al 2024
“Surveillance and Self-Control”, Cobb-Clark et al 2023
“Meta-Analytic Relations between Personality and Cognitive Ability”, Stanek & Ones 2023
Meta-analytic relations between personality and cognitive ability
“Is There a g in Gunslinger? Cognitive Predictors of Firearms Proficiency”, Cucina et al 2023
Is there a g in gunslinger? Cognitive predictors of firearms proficiency
“You And Your Research”, Hamming 2023
“Founder Personality and Entrepreneurial Outcomes: A Large-Scale Field Study of Technology Startups”, Freiberg & Matz 2023
Founder personality and entrepreneurial outcomes: A large-scale field study of technology startups
“(Not Just) Intelligence Stratifies the Occupational Hierarchy: Ranking 360 Professions by IQ and Non-Cognitive Traits”, Wolfram 2023
View PDF:
“Godless Owls, Devout Larks: Religiosity and Conscientiousness Are Associated With Morning Preference and (partly) Explain Its Effects on Life Satisfaction”, Gorgol et al 2023
“Genetic Contributions of Noncognitive Skills to Academic Development”, Malanchini et al 2023
Genetic contributions of noncognitive skills to academic development
“Improving Graduate-School Admissions by Expanding Rather Than Eliminating Predictors”, Nye & Ryan 2022
Improving Graduate-School Admissions by Expanding Rather Than Eliminating Predictors
“Personality Traits of Special Forces Operators: Comparing Commandos, Candidates, and Controls”, Huijzer et al 2022
Personality Traits of Special Forces Operators: Comparing Commandos, Candidates, and Controls
“Not by g Alone: The Benefits of a College Education among Individuals With Low Levels of General Cognitive Ability”, McGue et al 2022
“Cognitive Ability and Conscientiousness Are More Important Than SES for Educational Attainment: An Analysis of the UK Millennium Cohort Study”, O’Connell & Marks 2022
“Multivariate Genetic Analysis of Personality and Cognitive Traits Reveals Abundant Pleiotropy and Improves Prediction”, Hindley et al 2022
“Niche Diversity Predicts Personality Structure Across 115 Nations”, Durkee et al 2022
Niche Diversity Predicts Personality Structure Across 115 Nations
“Revisiting Meta-Analytic Estimates of Validity in Personnel Selection: Addressing Systematic Overcorrection for Restriction of Range”, Sackett et al 2021
“How Malleable Are Cognitive Abilities? A Critical Perspective on Popular Brief Interventions”, Moreau 2021
How malleable are cognitive abilities? A critical perspective on popular brief interventions
“Occupational Characteristics Moderate Personality-Performance Relations in Major Occupational Groups”, Wilmot & Ones 2021
Occupational characteristics moderate personality-performance relations in major occupational groups
“Does Self-Control Outdo IQ in Predicting Academic Performance?”, Vazsonyi et al 2021
Does Self-control Outdo IQ in Predicting Academic Performance?
“Big Five Personality Traits and Performance: A Quantitative Synthesis of 50+ Meta-Analyses”, Zell & Lesick 2021b
Big Five personality traits and performance: A quantitative synthesis of 50+ meta-analyses
“Why Do Students Use Strategies That Hurt Their Chances of Academic Success? A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents of Academic Self-Handicapping”, Schwinger et al 2021
“Big Five Personality Traits and Academic Performance: A Meta-Analysis”, Mammadov 2021
Big Five personality traits and academic performance: A meta-analysis
“Personality Maturation and Personality Relaxation: Differences of the Big Five Personality Traits in the Years around the Beginning and Ending of Working Life”, Asselmann & Specht 2021
“Inequality in Personality over the Life Cycle”, Gensowski et al 2021
“Genetic and Environmental Architecture of Conscientiousness in Adolescence”, Takahashi et al 2021
Genetic and environmental architecture of Conscientiousness in adolescence
“Does Parental Education Influence Child Educational Outcomes? A Developmental Analysis in a Full-Population Sample and Adoptee Design”, Ludeke et al 2021
“Grit and Conscientiousness: Another Jangle Fallacy”, Ponnock et al 2020
“Predicting Mid-Life Capital Formation With Pre-School Delay of Gratification and Life-Course Measures of Self-Regulation”, Benjamin et al 2020
“Looking under the Tinfoil Hat: Clarifying the Personological and Psychopathological Correlates of Conspiracy Beliefs”, Bowes et al 2020
“Stability and Change in Personality Traits and Major Life Goals From College to Midlife”, Atherton et al 2020
Stability and Change in Personality Traits and Major Life Goals From College to Midlife
“In a Representative Sample Grit Has a Negligible Effect on Educational and Economic Success Compared to Intelligence”, Zissman & Ganzach 2020
“‘Just the Way You Are’: Linking Music Listening on Spotify and Personality”, Anderson et al 2020
‘Just the Way You Are’: Linking Music Listening on Spotify and Personality
“Forethought and Intelligence: How Conscientiousness, Future Planning, and General Mental Ability Predict Net Worth”, Shaffer 2020
“Assessing the Big Five Personality Traits Using Real-Life Static Facial Images”, Kachur et al 2020
Assessing the Big Five personality traits using real-life static facial images
“A Stable Relationship between Personality and Academic Performance from Childhood through Adolescence. An Original Study and Replication in Hundred-Thousand-Person Samples”, Andersen et al 2020
“How Genetic and Environmental Variance in Personality Traits Shift across the Life Span: Evidence from a Cross-National Twin Study”, Kandler et al 2020
“A Century of Research on Conscientiousness at Work”, Wilmot & Ones 2019
“Intelligence, Personality, and Gains from Cooperation in Repeated Interactions”, Proto et al 2019
Intelligence, Personality, and Gains from Cooperation in Repeated Interactions
“Let There Be Variance: Individual Differences in Consecutive Self-Control in a Laboratory Setting and Daily Life”, Wenzel et al 2019
“’Same but Different’: Associations between Multiple Aspects of Self-Regulation, Cognition, and Academic Abilities”, Malanchini et al 2018
“Can Behavioral Tools Improve Online Student Outcomes? Experimental Evidence from a Massive Open Online Course”, Patterson 2018
“Revisiting the Marshmallow Test: A Conceptual Replication Investigating Links Between Early Delay of Gratification and Later Outcomes”, Watts et al 2018
“Surveying the Forest: A Meta-Analysis, Moderator Investigation, and Future-Oriented Discussion of the Antecedents of Voluntary Employee Turnover”, Rubenstein et al 2017
“A Systematic Review of Personality Trait Change Through Intervention”, Roberts et al 2017
A Systematic Review of Personality Trait Change Through Intervention
“Genetically-Mediated Associations Between Measures of Childhood Character and Academic Achievement”, Tucker-Drob et al 2016
Genetically-Mediated Associations Between Measures of Childhood Character and Academic Achievement
“Much Ado About Grit: A Meta-Analytic Synthesis of the Grit Literature”, Credé et al 2016
Much Ado About Grit: A Meta-Analytic Synthesis of the Grit Literature:
“True Grit and Genetics: Predicting Academic Achievement From Personality”, Rimfeld et al 2016
True Grit and Genetics: Predicting Academic Achievement From Personality
“Role of Mental Abilities and Mental Tests in Explaining High-School Grades”, Cucina et al 2016
Role of mental abilities and mental tests in explaining high-school grades
“Online Foreign Language Education: What Are the Proficiency Outcomes?”, Lin & Warschauer 2015
Online Foreign Language Education: What Are the Proficiency Outcomes?:
“The Mechanics of Human Achievement”, Duckworth et al 2015
“A Twin Study of Problematic Internet Use: Its Heritability and Genetic Association With Effortful Control”, Li et al 2014
“How Are Conscientiousness and Cognitive Ability Related to One Another? A Re-Examination of the Intelligence Compensation Hypothesis”, Murray et al 2014
“The High Heritability of Educational Achievement Reflects Many Genetically Influenced Traits, Not Just Intelligence”, Krapohl et al 2014
“The Social Development of Contingent Self-Worth in Sexual Minority Young Men: An Empirical Investigation of the ‘Best Little Boy in the World’ Hypothesis”, Pachankis & Hatzenbuehler 2013
“Academic Performance of Virtual Students Based on Their Personality Traits, Learning Styles and Psychological Well Being: A Prediction”, Fariba 2013
“The Importance of Personality in Students’ Perceptions of the Online Learning Experience”, Keller & Karau 2013
The importance of personality in students’ perceptions of the online learning experience:
“AMA 2012 Winter Educators' Conference”
“Unemployment Duration and Personality”, Uysal & Pohlmeier 2011
“The Labor Market Returns to Cognitive and Noncognitive Ability: Evidence from the Swedish Enlistment”, Lindqvist & Vestman 2011
The Labor Market Returns to Cognitive and Noncognitive Ability: Evidence from the Swedish Enlistment
“Personality and Obesity Across the Adult Life Span”, Sutin 2011
“On the Heritability of Consumer Decision Making: An Exploratory Approach for Studying Genetic Effects on Judgment and Choice”, Simonson & Sela 2010
“E-Conscientiousness and E-Performance in Online Undergraduate Management Education”, Abzug 2010
E-conscientiousness and e-performance in online undergraduate management education
“Enhancing Knowledge Transfer in Classroom Versus Online Settings: The Interplay Among Instructor, Student, Content, and Context”
“Positive Predictors of Teacher Effectiveness”, Duckworth et al 2009
“Personality Scale Validities Increase Throughout Medical School”, Lievens et al 2009
Personality Scale Validities Increase Throughout Medical School
“Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies”, Means 2009
“Personality, Intelligence and Approaches to Learning As Predictors of Academic Performance”, Chamorro-Premuzic & Furnham 2008
Personality, intelligence and approaches to learning as predictors of academic performance
“PubTeX Output 2008.01.08:1218”
“Refining the Relationship Between Personality and Subjective Well-Being”, Steel et al 2008
Refining the Relationship Between Personality and Subjective Well-Being
“Age Differences in the Big Five across the Life Span: Evidence from Two National Samples”, Donnellan & Lucas 2008
Age differences in the Big Five across the life span: evidence from two national samples
“What Do Cross-National Comparisons of Personality Traits Tell Us? The Case of Conscientiousness”, Heine 2008
What Do Cross-National Comparisons of Personality Traits Tell Us? The Case of Conscientiousness:
“Grit: Perseverance and Passion for Long-Term Goals”, Duckworth et al 2007
“Personalizing Distance Learning”
“Personality Predictors of Academic Outcomes: Big Five Correlates of GPA and SAT Scores”, Noftle & Robins 2007
Personality predictors of academic outcomes: Big Five correlates of GPA and SAT scores
“Promotion and Prevention Orientations in the Choice to Attend Lectures or Watch Them Online”, Bassili 2006
Promotion and prevention orientations in the choice to attend lectures or watch them online
“Personality and School Performance: Incremental Validity of Self-Ratings & Peer-Ratings over Intelligence”, Bratko et al 2006
“Venturing a 30-Year Longitudinal Study”, Block & Block 2006
“40 Years On: Teachers' Assessments of Children’s Personality Traits Predict Self-Reported Health Behaviors and Outcomes at Midlife”, Hampson et al 2006
“Relationship of Student Undergraduate Achievement and Personality Characteristics in a Total Web-Based Environment: An Empirical Study”
“What Makes the Difference? A Practical Analysis of Research on the Effectiveness of Distance Education”, Zhao et al 2005
“Mania and Dysregulation in Goal Pursuit: a Review”, Johnson 2005
“Predicting Academic Success: General Intelligence, ‘Big Five’ Personality Traits, and Work Drive”, Ridgell & Lounsbury 2004
Predicting Academic Success: General Intelligence, ‘Big Five’ Personality Traits, and Work Drive
“Toward an Integrative Theory of Training Motivation: A Meta-Analytic Path Analysis of 20 Years of Research”, Colquitt et al 2000
“Work and Personality: Use of the NEO-PI-R in Industrial/Organisational Psychology”
Work and Personality: Use of the NEO-PI-R in Industrial/Organisational Psychology:
“The Big Five Personality Dimensions And Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis”, Barrick & Mount 1991
The Big Five Personality Dimensions And Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis
“Project A Validity Results: The Relationship Between Predictor And Criterion Domains”, McHenry et al 1990
Project A Validity Results: The Relationship Between Predictor And Criterion Domains
Children in Amish Society: Socialization and Community Education, Hostetler & Huntington 1971
Children in Amish Society: Socialization and Community Education
“The Energies of Men”, James 1907
“Do Elite US Colleges Choose Personality over IQ?”
“Act-Frequency Signatures of the Big Five”
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:View External Link:
: “Meta-Analytic Relations between Personality and Cognitive Ability”, -
: “Is There a g in Gunslinger? Cognitive Predictors of Firearms Proficiency”, -
: “You And Your Research”, -
: “Founder Personality and Entrepreneurial Outcomes: A Large-Scale Field Study of Technology Startups”, -
: “Cognitive Ability and Conscientiousness Are More Important Than SES for Educational Attainment: An Analysis of the UK Millennium Cohort Study”, -
: “Predicting Mid-Life Capital Formation With Pre-School Delay of Gratification and Life-Course Measures of Self-Regulation”, -
: “Looking under the Tinfoil Hat: Clarifying the Personological and Psychopathological Correlates of Conspiracy Beliefs”, -
: “Stability and Change in Personality Traits and Major Life Goals From College to Midlife”, -
: “‘Just the Way You Are’: Linking Music Listening on Spotify and Personality”, -
: “Intelligence, Personality, and Gains from Cooperation in Repeated Interactions”, -
: “Can Behavioral Tools Improve Online Student Outcomes? Experimental Evidence from a Massive Open Online Course”, -
: “Genetically-Mediated Associations Between Measures of Childhood Character and Academic Achievement”, -
: “Role of Mental Abilities and Mental Tests in Explaining High-School Grades”, -
: “The Social Development of Contingent Self-Worth in Sexual Minority Young Men: An Empirical Investigation of the ‘Best Little Boy in the World’ Hypothesis”, -
: “Grit: Perseverance and Passion for Long-Term Goals”,