You and Your Research: a Stroke of Genius: Striving for Greatness in All You Do
31. Hamming, Learning to Learn: You and Your Research, 6 June 1995
GREAT SPEECHES: You & Your Research (And Career) By Richard Hamming
Learning to Learn: Superintendent’s Guest Lecture (SGL), 4 April 1990
Learning to Learn: Foundations of Digital Revolution, 30 March 1995
Learning to Learn: History of Computers—Hardware, 31 March 1995
04. Hamming, Learning to Learn: History Of Computers—Software, 4 April 1995
Learning to Learn: History of Computers—Applications, 6 April 1995
07. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Artificial Intelligence (AI) II, 11 April 1995
08. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Artificial Intelligence (AI) III, 13 April 1995
10. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Coding Theory I, 18 April 1995
11. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Coding Theory II, 20 April 1995
12. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Error-Correcting Codes, 21 April 1995
13. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Information Theory, 25 April 1995
14. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Digital Filters I, 27 April 1995
15. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Digital Filters II, 28 April 1995
16. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Digital Filters III, 2 May 1995
17. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Digital Filters IV, 4 May 1995
22. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) 16 May 1995
24. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Quantum Mechanics, 19 May 1995
27. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Unreliable Data, 26 May 1995
28. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Systems Engineering, 30 May 1995
29. Hamming, Learning to Learn: You Get What You Measure, 1 June 1995
30. Hamming, Learning to Learn: How Do We Know What We Know? 2 June 1995
31. Hamming, Learning to Learn: You and Your Research, 6 June 1995
Ten Simple Rules for Lifelong Learning, According to Hamming
An Essay On The Psychology Of Invention In The Mathematical Field
Practicing Western Science Outside the West: Personal Observations on the Indian Scene
Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years: Appendix: Language Choice
A Reflection on Richard Hamming’s ‘You and Your Research’: Striving for Greatness
Teachers and the Transmission of Excellence: Disentangling Selection and Training
Bell Labs Memoirs: Voices of Innovation: 5. Alan G. Chynoweth
Biographia Britannica: Or, The Lives of the Most Eminent Persons Who Have ...
Application of the Buffon needle problem and its extensions to parallel-line search sampling scheme
Transmission Properties of Laminated Clogston Type Conductors
Richard W. Hamming: Curiosity And Collaboration Define A Coding Career
Prizes and Productivity: How Winning the Fields Medal Affects Scientific Output
Impact of major awards [Nobel & MacArthur] on the subsequent work of their recipients
Practicing Western Science Outside the West: Personal Observations on the Indian Scene
Interview of John Tukey: The Princeton Mathematics Community in the 1930s [Transcript #41 (PMC41)]
Quiet Contributor: The Civic Career and times of John W. Tukey
Stable Predictor-Corrector Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations
Memories: A Personal History of Bell Telephone Laboratories § Amenities and Infrastructure
Survey finds low office productivity linked to staffing imbalances
You and Your Research: Seminar by Richard W. Hamming : Transcription of the ...
The Changing Structure of American Innovation: Some Cautionary Remarks for Economic Growth
How a Turing Award–winning Researcher Also Became a Legendary Academic Advisor
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