Bibliography (334):

  1. Richard Hamming (1915–1998) - Biography


  3. Richard Hamming

  4. You and Your Research: a Stroke of Genius: Striving for Greatness in All You Do

  5. 31. Hamming, Learning to Learn: You and Your Research, 6 June 1995

  6. GREAT SPEECHES: You & Your Research (And Career) By Richard Hamming

  7. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Art of Science and Engineering

  8. Learning to Learn: Superintendent’s Guest Lecture (SGL), 4 April 1990

  9. 01. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Orientation, 28 March 1995

  10. Learning to Learn: Foundations of Digital Revolution, 30 March 1995

  11. Learning to Learn: History of Computers—Hardware, 31 March 1995

  12. 04. Hamming, Learning to Learn: History Of Computers—Software, 4 April 1995

  13. Learning to Learn: History of Computers—Applications, 6 April 1995

  14. Learning to Learn: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  15. 07. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Artificial Intelligence (AI) II, 11 April 1995

  16. 08. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Artificial Intelligence (AI) III, 13 April 1995

  17. Learning to Learn: n-Dimensional Space, 14 April 1995

  18. 10. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Coding Theory I, 18 April 1995

  19. 11. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Coding Theory II, 20 April 1995

  20. 12. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Error-Correcting Codes, 21 April 1995

  21. 13. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Information Theory, 25 April 1995

  22. 14. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Digital Filters I, 27 April 1995

  23. 15. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Digital Filters II, 28 April 1995

  24. 16. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Digital Filters III, 2 May 1995

  25. 17. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Digital Filters IV, 4 May 1995

  26. Learning to Learn: Simulation I, 5 May 1995

  27. 19. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Simulation II, 9 May 1995

  28. 20. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Simulation III, 10 May 1995

  29. 21. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Fiber Optics, 12 May 1995

  30. 22. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) 16 May 1995

  31. 23. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Mathematics, 18 May 1995

  32. 24. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Quantum Mechanics, 19 May 1995

  33. 25. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Creativity, 23 May 1995

  34. 26. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Experts, 25 May 1995

  35. 27. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Unreliable Data, 26 May 1995

  36. 28. Hamming, Learning to Learn: Systems Engineering, 30 May 1995

  37. 29. Hamming, Learning to Learn: You Get What You Measure, 1 June 1995

  38. 30. Hamming, Learning to Learn: How Do We Know What We Know? 2 June 1995

  39. 31. Hamming, Learning to Learn: You and Your Research, 6 June 1995

  40. You and Your Research Library Digital Collections

  41. 1997-hamming-theartofdoingscienceandengineering.pdf



  44. Ten Simple Rules for Lifelong Learning, According to Hamming


  46. 1997-hamming-theartofdoingscienceandengineering.pdf#page=218

  47. 1997-hamming-theartofdoingscienceandengineering.pdf#page=42


  49. Santiago Ramón y Cajal’s Advice for a Young Investigator

  50. Advice To A Young Scientist

  51. An Essay On The Psychology Of Invention In The Mathematical Field


  53. Ten Lessons I Wish I Had Been Taught

  54. Epigrams on Programming

  55. Practicing Western Science Outside the West: Personal Observations on the Indian Scene


  57. John W. Tukey: His Life and Professional Contributions

  58. Technology and Courage § Pg3

  59. Effects of World War II on education in science


  61. Higher-order truths about chmess

  62. Work Hard


  64. Principles of Effective Research

  65. Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years: Appendix: Language Choice

  66. Poetry and Ambition



  69. Good and Bad Procrastination

  70. How to Do Great Work

  71. The importance of stupidity in scientific research


  73. A Reflection on Richard Hamming’s ‘You and Your Research’: Striving for Greatness

  74. Teachers and the Transmission of Excellence: Disentangling Selection and Training

  75. The Influence of Bell Labs

  76. Leaky Pipelines

  77. The Effectiveness of Unreasonable Small Groups

  78. Timing Technology: Lessons From The Media Lab

  79. ARPA and SCI: Surfing AI

  80. Origins of Innovation: Bakewell & Breeding

  81. Bell Labs Memoirs: Voices of Innovation: 5. Alan G. Chynoweth

  82. Alan G. Chynoweth

  83. Chynoweth, A. G.

  84. Mathematics on a Distant Planet


  86. How Tracy Austin Broke My Heart

  87. Louis Pasteur

  88. Biographia Britannica: Or, The Lives of the Most Eminent Persons Who Have ...

  89. John Maynard Keynes: "Newton, the Man"

  90. Characteristic Statistical Problems of Stochastic Geometry

  91. Application of the Buffon needle problem and its extensions to parallel-line search sampling scheme



  94. Transmission Properties of Laminated Clogston Type Conductors

  95. Mathematical Theory of Laminated Transmission Lines—Part I

  96. Mathematical Theory of Laminated Transmission Lines-Part 2

  97. Richard W. Hamming: Curiosity And Collaboration Define A Coding Career

  98. Bruce MacLennan's Home Page

  99. 1997-hamming-theartofdoingscienceandengineering.pdf#page=10

  100. The Art of Doing Science & Engineering § 1. Orientation


  102. The Nobel Laureate Versus the Graduate Student: John Bardeen, the Leading Condensed Matter Theorist of His Day, Was Quite Wrong When He Dismissed a Startling Prediction by the Unknown Brian Josephson

  103. Prizes and Productivity: How Winning the Fields Medal Affects Scientific Output

  104. Resting on Their Laureates? Research Productivity Among Winners of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

  105. Impact of major awards [Nobel & MacArthur] on the subsequent work of their recipients

  106. Practicing Western Science Outside the West: Personal Observations on the Indian Scene

  107. The Dignified Professor

  108. The Last Great Contrarian?


  110. The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge § Pg7

  111. Regression To The Mean Fallacies


  113. Effects of World War II on education in science

  114. Interview of John Tukey: The Princeton Mathematics Community in the 1930s [Transcript #41 (PMC41)]

  115. John W. Tukey: His Life and Professional Contributions

  116. Quiet Contributor: The Civic Career and times of John W. Tukey

  117. Nuclear magnetic resonance in crystals

  118. KENNETH G. McKAY Memorial Tributes: Volume 19

  119. American Chemical Society's 2017 Chemical Breakthrough Award Recognizes 1951 Discovery by Gutowsky, McCall, and Slichter

  120. Dr. David W. McCall, 73, Bell Labs Scientist

  121. 1996-04-20-rota-tenlessonsiwishihadbeentaught.html#feynman

  122. Work With the Garage Door Up

  123. How I Was Led to the Frequency Approach

  124. Stable Predictor-Corrector Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations

  125. 1997-hamming-theartofdoingscienceandengineering.pdf#page=110

  126. 1997-hamming-theartofdoingscienceandengineering.pdf#page=142

  127. 1997-hamming-theartofdoingscienceandengineering.pdf#page=152

  128. Milne Method

  129. Memories: A Personal History of Bell Telephone Laboratories § Amenities and Infrastructure

  130. Explainers Shoot High. Aim Low!

  131. Survey finds low office productivity linked to staffing imbalances


  133. Converting rejections into positive stimuli

  134. Laziness, Impatience, Hubris: The 3 Programmer Virtues

  135. Duty Calls

  136. Effects of World War II on education in science

  137. book#shannon-late-career

    [Transclude the forward-link's context]

  138. Mathematics

  139. Richard Hamming: You and Your Research

  140. You and Your Research, by Richard Hamming

  141. You and Your Research

  142. Gabriel Robins


  144. You and Your Research: Seminar by Richard W. Hamming : Transcription of the ...

  145. Richard Hamming—You and Your Research


  147. 2007-zeng.pdf

  148. The Changing Structure of American Innovation: Some Cautionary Remarks for Economic Growth

  149. How a Turing Award–winning Researcher Also Became a Legendary Academic Advisor

  150. Wikipedia Bibliography:

    1. Richard Hamming

    2. Naval Postgraduate School

    3. Monterey, California

    4. Bell Labs

    5. James Kaiser

    6. The Art of Doing Science and Engineering  :

    7. Santiago Ramón y Cajal

    8. Peter Medawar

    9. Jacques Hadamard § On creativity  :

    10. TRIZ  :

    11. Richard Feynman

    12. Gian-Carlo Rota

    13. Alan Perlis

    14. John Tukey

    15. Ivan Sutherland  :

    16. Manuel Blum

    17. Daniel Dennett

    18. Terence Tao

    19. Michael Nielsen

    20. Peter Norvig

    21. The Mythical Man-Month  :

    22. Fred Brooks  :

    23. Javier Grillo-Marxuach  :

    24. Paul Graham (programmer)

    25. The Design of Design  :

    26. University of Chicago

    27. University of Nebraska–Lincoln  :

    28. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign  :

    29. Project Y  :

    30. Coding theory

    31. Information theory

    32. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences § Richard Hamming  :

    33. Nobel Prize

    34. Theory of relativity  :

    35. Claude Shannon

    36. Enrico Fermi

    37. Edward Teller

    38. J. Robert Oppenheimer

    39. Hans Bethe

    40. Hendrik Wade Bode  :

    41. David Foster Wallace

    42. Tracy Austin

    43. Albert Einstein

    44. Claude Shannon § Logic circuits  :

    45. Claude Shannon § Wartime research  :

    46. Annus mirabilis papers  :

    47. Louis Pasteur

    48. Einstein's thought experiments § Pursuing a beam of light  :

    49. Buffon's needle problem

    50. Buffon's noodle  :

    51. Grain boundary  :

    52. Intelligence quotient

    53. William Gardner Pfann

    54. Zone melting  :

    55. William Gardner Pfann § Breakthrough  :

    56. Induction heating  :

    57. Germanium

    58. Pegmatites  :

    59. Directional freezing  :

    60. John R. Pierce

    61. John R. Pierce § At Bell Labs  :

    62. Error correction code § Forward error correction

    63. Noisy-channel coding theorem § Achievability for discrete memoryless channels  :

    64. Random walk

    65. Walter Houser Brattain

    66. John Bardeen § Nobel Prize in Physics in 1956  :

    67. John Bardeen

    68. Superconductivity

    69. BCS theory  :

    70. Josephson effect

    71. Institute for Advanced Study

    72. John von Neumann

    73. Columbia University

    74. John R. Dunning  :

    75. Robert Bacher  :

    76. Paul Dirac

    77. Hermann Weyl

    78. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!

    79. Freeman Dyson

    80. IAS machine

    81. Abraham Flexner  :

    82. Cavendish Laboratory

    83. MIT Radiation Laboratory

    84. How Buildings Learn

    85. Machine code

    86. Assembly language

    87. Automatic programming  :

    88. Grace Hopper  :

    89. New Bedford  :

    90. Shorthand

    91. Mechanical drawing  :

    92. Brown University  :

    93. SAT

    94. Journal of the American Chemical Society  :

    95. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society  :

    96. Clarence Raymond Adams  :

    97. Jacob Tamarkin  :

    98. Compound interest

    99. The New Yorker

    100. Thomas Edison

    101. Charles Darwin

    102. The Autobiography of Charles Darwin

    103. Incubation (psychology)

    104. William Shockley

    105. John Bertrand Johnson  :

    106. National Academy of Engineering  :

    107. Time travel

    108. Teleportation  :

    109. Anti-gravity

    110. Classical unified field theories § Einstein's geometric approaches  :

    111. Alfred Russel Wallace

    112. Alfred Russel Wallace § Natural selection and Darwin  :

    113. Special relativity  :

    114. Henri Poincaré § Assessments on Poincaré and relativity  :

    115. AT&T

    116. Discovery of nuclear fission

    117. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

    118. Discovery of nuclear fission § Further research  :

    119. Multiple discovery

    120. ‘Tain't What You Do (It’s the Way That You Do It)  :

    121. Analog computer  :

    122. Numerical integration  :

    123. A. Michael Noll  :

    124. Time-sharing  :

    125. Multics

    126. General Electric

    127. GE 645  :

    128. IBM 7090 § IBM 7094  :

    129. IBM System/360

    130. C (programming language)

    131. Edward E. David Jr  :

    132. Office of Science and Technology Policy  :

    133. Richard Nixon

    134. Computer Control Company  :

    135. Honeywell  :

    136. Max Mathews  :

    137. Emmanuel Ghent  :

    138. Laurie Spiegel  :

    139. Head crash  :

    140. Physical Review

    141. IBM

    142. Sergei Alexander Schelkunoff  :

    143. Bell Labs Technical Journal  :

    144. Socrates

    145. ‘The unexamined life is not worth living’  :

    146. University of California, Irvine

    147. Word processor

    148. 590 Madison Avenue  :

    149. Bolo tie  :

    150. MIT Lincoln Laboratory  :

    151. Murray Hill, New Jersey  :

    152. Bell Labs Holmdel Complex  :

    153. Ian Munro Ross  :

    154. Bernard M. Oliver  :

    155. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers  :

    156. Proceedings of the IEEE  :

    157. Carbon copy  :

    158. Unix

    159. PDP-11

    160. History of Unix § 1970s  :

    161. Leo Durocher § Nice guys finish last  :

    162. Brainstorming  :

    163. Critical mass

    164. Edgar Gilbert  :

    165. Window function § A list of window functions  :

    166. Spectral density § Power spectral density  :

    167. Ampere  :

    168. Watt  :

    169. Numerical analysis

    170. New York University

    171. Princeton University  :

    172. City College of New York  :

    173. Stanford University

    174. Stevens Institute of Technology  :

    175. Association for Computing Machinery

    176. Turing Award

    177. IEEE Emanuel R. Piore Award  :

    178. Harold Pender Award  :

    179. University of Pennsylvania  :

    180. IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal  :

    181. Eduard Rhein  :

    182. Eduard Rhein Foundation § Awards and honors  :

    183. Ordinary differential equation

    184. Troff

    185. Manicule