‘animal psych’ directory
See Also
- Gwern
- “Mouse-To-Mouse Resuscitation: Rodents Try to Revive Unconscious Buddies; 3 Studies Show That a Mouse Will Try to Rouse an Unconscious Companion ”, Tomma 2025
- “Learned Magnetic Map Cues and Two Mechanisms of Magnetoreception in Turtles ”, Goforth et al 2025
- “Long-Term Tracking of Social Structure in Groups of Rats ”, Nagy et al 2024
- “Do Rodents Smell With Sound? ”, Mercado & Zhuo 2024
- “African Elephants Address One Another With Individually Specific Name-Like Calls ”, Pardo et al 2024
- “Machine Learning Reveals the Control Mechanics of an Insect Wing Hinge ”, Melis et al 2024
- “Influence of COVID-19 on the Emergence of Stone-Tool Use Behavior in a Population of Common Long-Tailed Macaques (Macaca Fascicularis Fascicularis) in Thailand ”, Muhammad et al 2023
- “Abnormal Behavioral Episodes Associated With Sleep and Quiescence in Octopus Insularis: Possible Nightmares in a Cephalopod? ”, Ramos et al 2023
- “Why Flying Insects Gather at Artificial Light ”, Fabian et al 2023
- “A Circuit Mechanism Linking past and Future Learning through Shifts in Perception ”, Crossley et al 2023
- “The Nematode Worm C. Elegans Chooses between Bacterial Foods As If Maximizing Economic Utility ”, Katzen et al 2023
- “Chimpanzee and Human Risk Preferences Show Key Similarities ”, Haux et al 2023
- “In the Line of Fire: Debris Throwing by Wild Octopuses ”, Godfrey-Smith et al 2022
- “Sorry, Prey. Black Widows Have Surprisingly Good Memory: Despite Having Tiny Arthropod Brains, Spiders in a New Experiment Showed Some Complex Cognitive Calculations ”, Levy 2022
- “Do Bumble Bees Play? ”, Dona et al 2022
- “Western Black Widow Spiders (Latrodectus Hesperus) Remember Prey Capture Location and Size, but Only Alter Behavior for Prey Caught at Particular Sites ”, Sergi et al 2022
- “The Impact of Environmental Factors on the Evolution of Brain Size in Carnivorans ”, Michaud et al 2022
- “Male Rock Hyraxes That Maintain an Isochronous Song Rhythm Achieve Higher Reproductive Success ”, Demartsev et al 2022
- “Do Monkeys Use Sex Toys? Evidence of Stone Tool-Assisted Masturbation in Free-Ranging Long-Tailed Macaques ”, Cenni et al 2022
- “Motivational Trade-Offs and Modulation of Nociception in Bumblebees ”, Gibbons et al 2022
- “Paper Wasps Form Abstract Concept of ‘Same and Different’ ”, Weise et al 2022
- “Is the Naked Mole-Rat a Domestic Animal? ”, Nájera & Kin 2022
- “Rats Emit Unique Distress Calls in Social Inequality Conditions ”, Okabe et al 2022
- “Where Is It Like to Be an Octopus? ”, Carls-Diamante 2022
- “A Meta-Analysis of Sex Differences in Animal Personality: No Evidence for the Greater Male Variability Hypothesis ”, Harrison et al 2021
- “Short-Term & Long-Term Effects of an Extreme Case of Autotomy: Does ‘tail’ Loss and Subsequent Constipation Decrease the Locomotor Performance of Male and Female Scorpions? ”, García-hernández & Machado 2021
- “A Pathogenic Fungus Uses Volatiles to Entice Male Flies into Fatal Matings With Infected Female Cadavers ”, Naundrup et al 2021
- “Echolocating Bats Rely on an Innate Speed-Of-Sound Reference ”, Amichai & Yovel 2021
- “The Psychological Reach of Culture in Animals’ Lives ”, Whiten 2021b
- “The Burgeoning Reach of Animal Culture ”, Whiten 2021
- “Coping With Mortality: Responses of Monkeys and Great Apes to Collapsed, Inanimate and Dead Conspecifics ”, Marco et al 2021
- “Cuttlefish Exert Self-Control in a Delay of Gratification Task ”, Schnell et al 2021
- “Why Do Some Primate Mothers Carry Their Infant’s Corpse? A Cross-Species Comparative Study ”, Fernández-Fueyo et al 2021
- “A Group of Orca Outcasts Is Now Dominating an Entire Sea: Killer Whales That Feast on Seals and Hunt in Small Packs Are Thriving While Their Widely Beloved Siblings Are Dying Out ”, Gammon 2021
- “Personality Structure in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops Truncatus) ”, Morton et al 2021
- “Darwin, Sexual Selection, and the Brain ”, Ryan 2021
- “Red Imported Fire Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Cover Inaccessible Surfaces With Particles to Facilitate Food Search and Transportation ”, Wen et al 2020
- “Recursive Sequence Generation in Monkeys, Children, US Adults, and Native Amazonians ”, Ferrigno et al 2020
- “Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off in Plants ”, Ceccarini et al 2020
- “Intentional Stranding by Mammal-Hunting Killer Whales (Orcinus Orca) in the Salish Sea ”, MicNnes et al 2020
- “Bumblebees Perceive the Spatial Layout of Their Environment in Relation to Their Body Size and Form to Minimize Inflight Collisions ”, Ravi et al 2020
- “Individual Differences in Behavior Explain Variation in Survival: a Meta-Analysis ”, Moiron et al 2019
- “Plants Neither Possess nor Require Consciousness ”, Taiz et al 2019
- “Optimizing Color for Camouflage and Visibility Using Deep Learning: the Effects of the Environment and the Observer’s Visual System ”, Fennell et al 2019
- “Miniature Spiders (With Miniature Brains) Forget Sooner ”, Kilmer & Rodríguez 2019
- “Working across Species down on the Farm: Howard S. Liddell and the Development of Comparative Psychopathology, C. 1923–1962 ”, Kirk & Ramsden 2018
- “Alarm Calls Evoke a Visual Search Image of a Predator in Birds ”, Suzuki 2018
- “Bats Pre-Adapt Sensory Acquisition according to Target Distance prior to Takeoff Even in the Presence of Closer Background Objects ”, Amichai & Yovel 2017
- “Extended Spider Cognition ”, Japyassú & Laland 2017
- “Area-Specific Features of Pyramidal Neurons-A Comparative Study in Mouse and Rhesus Monkey ”, Gilman et al 2017
- “A Simple Computational Model of the Bee Mushroom Body Can Explain Seemingly Complex Forms of Olfactory Learning and Memory ”, Peng & Chittka 2016
- “Associative Mechanisms Allow for Social Learning and Cultural Transmission of String Pulling in an Insect ”, Alem et al 2016
- “101 Weird Writers #39: James Tiptree Junior ”
- “Optimal Group Size in a Highly Social Mammal ”, Markham et al 2015
- “Behavior and Body Patterns of the Larger Pacific Striped Octopus ”, Caldwell et al 2015
- “The Contribution of Additive Genetic Variation to Personality Variation: Heritability of Personality ”, Dochtermann et al 2015
- “Domestication Effects on Behavioral Traits and Learning Performance: Comparing Wild Cavies to Guinea Pigs ”, Brust & Guenther 2014
- “Nociceptive Sensitization Reduces Predation Risk ”, Crook et al 2014
- “All Brains Are Made of This: a Fundamental Building Block of Brain Matter With Matching Neuronal and Glial Masses ”, Mota & Herculano-Houzel 2014
- “Ontogeny and Phylogeny of Language ”, Yang 2013
- “Forebrain Engraftment by Human Glial Progenitor Cells Enhances Synaptic Plasticity and Learning in Adult Mice ”, Han et al 2013
- “Till Death (Or an Intruder) Do Us Part: Intrasexual-Competition in a Monogamous Primate ”, Fernandez-Duque & Huck 2012
- “Learning How to ‘Make a Deal’: Human (Homo Sapiens) and Monkey (Macaca Mulatta) Performance When Repeatedly Faced With the Monty Hall Dilemma ”, Klein et al 2012
- “On a Tiny Caribbean Island, Hermit Crabs Form Sophisticated Social Networks [Video]: Hermit Crabs Have Evolved Sophisticated Social Strategies to Exchange Resources so That Everyone Benefits ”, Jabr 2012
- “The Activity-Based Anorexia Mouse Model ”, Klenotich & Dulawa 2012
- “It Pays to Cheat: Tactical Deception in a Cephalopod Social Signaling System ”, Brown et al 2012
- “Deep Intellect ”, Montgomery 2011
- “Scaling of Brain Metabolism With a Fixed Energy Budget per Neuron: Implications for Neuronal Activity, Plasticity and Evolution ”, Herculano-Houzel 2011
- “In Practice, Chimp Memory Study Flawed ”, Cook & Wilson 2010
- “Escaping the Laboratory: The Rodent Experiments of John B. Calhoun & Their Cultural Influence ”, Ramsden & Adams 2009
- “Memory for the Order of Briefly Presented Numerals in Humans As a Function of Practice ”, Silberberg & Kearns 2008
- “Orangutans, Resistance and the Zoo ”, Hribal 2008
- “Anesthetizing the Public Conscience: Lethal Injection and Animal Euthanasia ”, Alper 2008
- “Parasitoid Increases Survival of Its Pupae by Inducing Hosts to Fight Predators ”, Grosman et al 2008
“Factors Affecting Autumn Deer/
vehicle Collisions in a Rural Virginia County ”, McShea 2008 - “Working Memory of Numerals in Chimpanzees ”, Inoue & Matsuzawa 2007
- “Male Chimpanzees Prefer Mating With Old Females ”, Muller et al 2006
- “The Evolution of Personality Variation in Humans and Other Animals ”, Nettle 2006
- “Warm Eyes Provide Superior Vision in Swordfishes ”, Fritsches et al 2005
- “Is Somnambulism a Distinct Disorder of Humans and Not Seen in Non-Human Primates? ”, Kantha 2003
- “Self-Induced Increase of Gut Motility and the Control of Parasitic Infections in Wild Chimpanzees ”, Huffman & Caton 2001
- “Chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes) Recognize Spatial and Object Correspondences Between a Scale Model and Its Referent ”, Kuhlmeier & Boysen 2001
- “Intensity of Nest Defence Is Related to Offspring Sex Ratio in the Great Tit Parus Major ”, Radford & Blakey 2000
- “If a Lion Could Talk: Animal Intelligence and the Evolution of Consciousness ”, Budiansky 1998
- “Leaf-Swallowing by Chimpanzees: A Behavioral Adaptation for the Control of Strongyle Nematode Infections ”, Huffman et al 1996
- “Environment Is Not the Most Important Variable in Determining Oral Morphine Consumption in Wistar Rats ”, Petrie 1996
- “On Publishing Controversy: Norman R. F. Maier and the Genesis of Seizures ”, Dewsbury 1993
- “Female Preference Predates the Evolution of the Sword in Swordtail Fish ”, Basolo 1990
- “Alcohol Self-Administration by Elephants ”, Siegel & Brodie 1984
- “LSD-Induced Effects in Elephants: Comparisons With Musth Behavior ”, Siegel 1984b
- “Beetles On The Bottle: Male Buprestids Mistake Stubbies For Females (Coleoptera) ”, Gwynne & Rentz 1983
- “A Brain Heater in the Swordfish ”, Carey 1982
- “The Psychology of Life After Death ”, Siegel 1980
- “Paul Thomas Young: 1892–1978 ”, O’Kelly 1979
- “The Screwfly Solution ”, Sheldon 1977
- “Sleeping Behavior and Associations in a Group of Captive Chimpanzees ”, Riss & Goodall 1976
- “Specific Hungers and Poison Avoidance As Adaptive Specializations of Learning ”, Rozin & Kalat 1971
- “Regulation of Blood Meal Size in the Mosquito ”, Gwadz 1969
- “Ability of the Ground Squirrel, Citellus Lateralis, to Be Habituated to Stimuli While in Hibernation ”, Pengelley & Fisher 1968
- “My Beaver Colony ”, Wilsson & Bulman 1968
- “Comparative Psychopathology: Animal and Human ”, Zubin & Hunt 1967
- “Paul Thomas Young: Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award ”, Association 1965
- “Angeborenes Und Erworbenes Im Verhalten Einiger Säuger ”, Eibl-Eibesfeldt 1963
- “Ethology, the Comparative Study of Animal Behavior ”, Eibl-Eibesfeldt & Kramer 1958
- “Echolocation in Rats ”, Riley & Rosenzweig 1957
- “Non-Equipotential Cortical Function in Maze Learning ”, Pickett 1952
- “Book Review of Frustration; The Study of Behavior without a Goal by Norma R. F. Maier 1949 ”, Hilgard 1950
- “Food-Seeking Drive, Affective Process, and Learning ”, Young 1949
- “Appetite, Palatability and Feeding Habit: a Critical Review ”, Young 1948
- “Factors Involved in the Ejection of Milk ”, Ely & Petersen 1941
- “Reversal of Food Preferences of the White Rat Through Controlled Pre-Feeding ”, Young 1940
- “Factors Involved in the Ejection of Milk [Preliminary Abstract] ”, Ely & Petersen 1939
- “Frustration As An Experimental Problem: 3. Some Interrelations Of Behavioral Measures Of Frustration In Chimpanzees ”, Haslerud 1938
- “Frustration As An Experimental Problem: 1. The Significance Of Frustration As A Problem Of Research ”, Rosenzweig et al 1938
- “Frustration As An Experimental Problem: 4. Some Physiological Consequences Of Frustration ”, Curtis 1938
- “Preferences and Demands of the White Rat for Food ”, Young 1938
- “Experimental Neurosis in the Pig ”, Curtis 1937b
- “Further Analysis of the Conditioned Reflex Method in Relation to the Experimental Neurosis ”, Liddell et al 1937
- “Diurnal Variation in the Free Activity of Sheep and Pig ”, Curtis 1937
- “The Role of Kinesthesis in Maze Learning ”, Honzik 1936
- Principles of Animal Psychology, Maier & Schneirla 1935
- “The Effect of Auditory Stimulation Upon the Maze Behavior of the White Rat ”, Pennington 1934
- “Humanizing the Ape ”, Kellog 1931
- “Visual Cues in Maze Running by the Albino Rat ”, Walton 1930
- “An Experimental Study of the Mental Processes of the Rat ”, Small 1900
- “London Labour and the London Poor; a Cyclopaedia of the Condition and Earnings of Those That Will Work, Those That Cannot Work, and Those That Will Not Work V3 § Jack Black ”, Mayhew 1851
- “Sébastien Moro on the Most Insane Things Fish Can Do ”, Moro 2025
- “Two Concrete Ways to Help Feeder Rodents ”
- “Interviews With an Octopus ”
- “Monkeys, Marines, and Manners ”
- Clever Hans (The Horse of Mr. Von Osten), Pfungst 2025
- “Clever Hans (The Horse of Mr. Von Osten) § Learned Animals ”, Pfungst 2025
- “Worm Grunting, Fiddling, and Charming ”
- “The Ride of Their Lives: Children Prepare for the World’s Most Dangerous Organized Sport ”
- Sort By Magic
- Wikipedia
- Miscellaneous
- Bibliography
“Are Sunk Costs Fallacies? ”, Gwern 2012
“Mouse-To-Mouse Resuscitation: Rodents Try to Revive Unconscious Buddies; 3 Studies Show That a Mouse Will Try to Rouse an Unconscious Companion ”, Tomma 2025
“Learned Magnetic Map Cues and Two Mechanisms of Magnetoreception in Turtles ”, Goforth et al 2025
Learned magnetic map cues and two mechanisms of magnetoreception in turtles
“Long-Term Tracking of Social Structure in Groups of Rats ”, Nagy et al 2024
“Do Rodents Smell With Sound? ”, Mercado & Zhuo 2024
“African Elephants Address One Another With Individually Specific Name-Like Calls ”, Pardo et al 2024
African elephants address one another with individually specific name-like calls
“Machine Learning Reveals the Control Mechanics of an Insect Wing Hinge ”, Melis et al 2024
Machine learning reveals the control mechanics of an insect wing hinge
“Influence of COVID-19 on the Emergence of Stone-Tool Use Behavior in a Population of Common Long-Tailed Macaques (Macaca Fascicularis Fascicularis) in Thailand ”, Muhammad et al 2023
“Abnormal Behavioral Episodes Associated With Sleep and Quiescence in Octopus Insularis: Possible Nightmares in a Cephalopod? ”, Ramos et al 2023
“Why Flying Insects Gather at Artificial Light ”, Fabian et al 2023
“A Circuit Mechanism Linking past and Future Learning through Shifts in Perception ”, Crossley et al 2023
A circuit mechanism linking past and future learning through shifts in perception
“The Nematode Worm C. Elegans Chooses between Bacterial Foods As If Maximizing Economic Utility ”, Katzen et al 2023
The nematode worm C. elegans chooses between bacterial foods as if maximizing economic utility
“Chimpanzee and Human Risk Preferences Show Key Similarities ”, Haux et al 2023
“In the Line of Fire: Debris Throwing by Wild Octopuses ”, Godfrey-Smith et al 2022
“Sorry, Prey. Black Widows Have Surprisingly Good Memory: Despite Having Tiny Arthropod Brains, Spiders in a New Experiment Showed Some Complex Cognitive Calculations ”, Levy 2022
“Do Bumble Bees Play? ”, Dona et al 2022
“Western Black Widow Spiders (Latrodectus Hesperus) Remember Prey Capture Location and Size, but Only Alter Behavior for Prey Caught at Particular Sites ”, Sergi et al 2022
“The Impact of Environmental Factors on the Evolution of Brain Size in Carnivorans ”, Michaud et al 2022
The impact of environmental factors on the evolution of brain size in carnivorans
“Male Rock Hyraxes That Maintain an Isochronous Song Rhythm Achieve Higher Reproductive Success ”, Demartsev et al 2022
Male rock hyraxes that maintain an isochronous song rhythm achieve higher reproductive success
“Do Monkeys Use Sex Toys? Evidence of Stone Tool-Assisted Masturbation in Free-Ranging Long-Tailed Macaques ”, Cenni et al 2022
“Motivational Trade-Offs and Modulation of Nociception in Bumblebees ”, Gibbons et al 2022
Motivational trade-offs and modulation of nociception in bumblebees
“Paper Wasps Form Abstract Concept of ‘Same and Different’ ”, Weise et al 2022
“Is the Naked Mole-Rat a Domestic Animal? ”, Nájera & Kin 2022
“Rats Emit Unique Distress Calls in Social Inequality Conditions ”, Okabe et al 2022
Rats emit unique distress calls in social inequality conditions
“Where Is It Like to Be an Octopus? ”, Carls-Diamante 2022
“A Meta-Analysis of Sex Differences in Animal Personality: No Evidence for the Greater Male Variability Hypothesis ”, Harrison et al 2021
“Short-Term & Long-Term Effects of an Extreme Case of Autotomy: Does ‘tail’ Loss and Subsequent Constipation Decrease the Locomotor Performance of Male and Female Scorpions? ”, García-hernández & Machado 2021
“A Pathogenic Fungus Uses Volatiles to Entice Male Flies into Fatal Matings With Infected Female Cadavers ”, Naundrup et al 2021
“Echolocating Bats Rely on an Innate Speed-Of-Sound Reference ”, Amichai & Yovel 2021
Echolocating bats rely on an innate speed-of-sound reference
“The Psychological Reach of Culture in Animals’ Lives ”, Whiten 2021b
“The Burgeoning Reach of Animal Culture ”, Whiten 2021
“Coping With Mortality: Responses of Monkeys and Great Apes to Collapsed, Inanimate and Dead Conspecifics ”, Marco et al 2021
“Cuttlefish Exert Self-Control in a Delay of Gratification Task ”, Schnell et al 2021
Cuttlefish exert self-control in a delay of gratification task
“Why Do Some Primate Mothers Carry Their Infant’s Corpse? A Cross-Species Comparative Study ”, Fernández-Fueyo et al 2021
Why do some primate mothers carry their infant’s corpse? A cross-species comparative study
“A Group of Orca Outcasts Is Now Dominating an Entire Sea: Killer Whales That Feast on Seals and Hunt in Small Packs Are Thriving While Their Widely Beloved Siblings Are Dying Out ”, Gammon 2021
“Personality Structure in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops Truncatus) ”, Morton et al 2021
Personality Structure in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
“Darwin, Sexual Selection, and the Brain ”, Ryan 2021
“Red Imported Fire Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Cover Inaccessible Surfaces With Particles to Facilitate Food Search and Transportation ”, Wen et al 2020
“Recursive Sequence Generation in Monkeys, Children, US Adults, and Native Amazonians ”, Ferrigno et al 2020
Recursive sequence generation in monkeys, children, US adults, and native Amazonians
“Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off in Plants ”, Ceccarini et al 2020
“Intentional Stranding by Mammal-Hunting Killer Whales (Orcinus Orca) in the Salish Sea ”, MicNnes et al 2020
Intentional Stranding by Mammal-Hunting Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) in the Salish Sea
“Bumblebees Perceive the Spatial Layout of Their Environment in Relation to Their Body Size and Form to Minimize Inflight Collisions ”, Ravi et al 2020
“Individual Differences in Behavior Explain Variation in Survival: a Meta-Analysis ”, Moiron et al 2019
Individual differences in behavior explain variation in survival: a meta-analysis
“Plants Neither Possess nor Require Consciousness ”, Taiz et al 2019
“Optimizing Color for Camouflage and Visibility Using Deep Learning: the Effects of the Environment and the Observer’s Visual System ”, Fennell et al 2019
“Miniature Spiders (With Miniature Brains) Forget Sooner ”, Kilmer & Rodríguez 2019
Miniature spiders (with miniature brains) forget sooner
“Working across Species down on the Farm: Howard S. Liddell and the Development of Comparative Psychopathology, C. 1923–1962 ”, Kirk & Ramsden 2018
“Alarm Calls Evoke a Visual Search Image of a Predator in Birds ”, Suzuki 2018
Alarm calls evoke a visual search image of a predator in birds
“Bats Pre-Adapt Sensory Acquisition according to Target Distance prior to Takeoff Even in the Presence of Closer Background Objects ”, Amichai & Yovel 2017
“Extended Spider Cognition ”, Japyassú & Laland 2017
“Area-Specific Features of Pyramidal Neurons-A Comparative Study in Mouse and Rhesus Monkey ”, Gilman et al 2017
Area-Specific Features of Pyramidal Neurons-a Comparative Study in Mouse and Rhesus Monkey
“A Simple Computational Model of the Bee Mushroom Body Can Explain Seemingly Complex Forms of Olfactory Learning and Memory ”, Peng & Chittka 2016
“Associative Mechanisms Allow for Social Learning and Cultural Transmission of String Pulling in an Insect ”, Alem et al 2016
“101 Weird Writers #39: James Tiptree Junior ”
“Optimal Group Size in a Highly Social Mammal ”, Markham et al 2015
“Behavior and Body Patterns of the Larger Pacific Striped Octopus ”, Caldwell et al 2015
Behavior and Body Patterns of the Larger Pacific Striped Octopus
“The Contribution of Additive Genetic Variation to Personality Variation: Heritability of Personality ”, Dochtermann et al 2015
The contribution of additive genetic variation to personality variation: heritability of personality
“Domestication Effects on Behavioral Traits and Learning Performance: Comparing Wild Cavies to Guinea Pigs ”, Brust & Guenther 2014
“Nociceptive Sensitization Reduces Predation Risk ”, Crook et al 2014
“All Brains Are Made of This: a Fundamental Building Block of Brain Matter With Matching Neuronal and Glial Masses ”, Mota & Herculano-Houzel 2014
“Ontogeny and Phylogeny of Language ”, Yang 2013
“Forebrain Engraftment by Human Glial Progenitor Cells Enhances Synaptic Plasticity and Learning in Adult Mice ”, Han et al 2013
“Till Death (Or an Intruder) Do Us Part: Intrasexual-Competition in a Monogamous Primate ”, Fernandez-Duque & Huck 2012
Till Death (Or an Intruder) Do Us Part: Intrasexual-Competition in a Monogamous Primate
“Learning How to ‘Make a Deal’: Human (Homo Sapiens) and Monkey (Macaca Mulatta) Performance When Repeatedly Faced With the Monty Hall Dilemma ”, Klein et al 2012
“On a Tiny Caribbean Island, Hermit Crabs Form Sophisticated Social Networks [Video]: Hermit Crabs Have Evolved Sophisticated Social Strategies to Exchange Resources so That Everyone Benefits ”, Jabr 2012
“The Activity-Based Anorexia Mouse Model ”, Klenotich & Dulawa 2012
“It Pays to Cheat: Tactical Deception in a Cephalopod Social Signaling System ”, Brown et al 2012
It pays to cheat: tactical deception in a cephalopod social signaling system
“Deep Intellect ”, Montgomery 2011
“Scaling of Brain Metabolism With a Fixed Energy Budget per Neuron: Implications for Neuronal Activity, Plasticity and Evolution ”, Herculano-Houzel 2011
“In Practice, Chimp Memory Study Flawed ”, Cook & Wilson 2010
In Practice, Chimp Memory Study Flawed
“Escaping the Laboratory: The Rodent Experiments of John B. Calhoun & Their Cultural Influence ”, Ramsden & Adams 2009
Escaping the Laboratory: The Rodent Experiments of John B. Calhoun & Their Cultural Influence
“Memory for the Order of Briefly Presented Numerals in Humans As a Function of Practice ”, Silberberg & Kearns 2008
Memory for the order of briefly presented numerals in humans as a function of practice
“Orangutans, Resistance and the Zoo ”, Hribal 2008
“Anesthetizing the Public Conscience: Lethal Injection and Animal Euthanasia ”, Alper 2008
Anesthetizing the Public Conscience: Lethal Injection and Animal Euthanasia
“Parasitoid Increases Survival of Its Pupae by Inducing Hosts to Fight Predators ”, Grosman et al 2008
Parasitoid Increases Survival of Its Pupae by Inducing Hosts to Fight Predators
“Factors Affecting Autumn Deer/vehicle Collisions in a Rural Virginia County ”, McShea 2008
Factors affecting autumn deer/
“Working Memory of Numerals in Chimpanzees ”, Inoue & Matsuzawa 2007
Working memory of numerals in chimpanzees
“Male Chimpanzees Prefer Mating With Old Females ”, Muller et al 2006
“The Evolution of Personality Variation in Humans and Other Animals ”, Nettle 2006
The evolution of personality variation in humans and other animals
“Warm Eyes Provide Superior Vision in Swordfishes ”, Fritsches et al 2005
“Is Somnambulism a Distinct Disorder of Humans and Not Seen in Non-Human Primates? ”, Kantha 2003
Is somnambulism a distinct disorder of humans and not seen in non-human primates?
“Self-Induced Increase of Gut Motility and the Control of Parasitic Infections in Wild Chimpanzees ”, Huffman & Caton 2001
Self-induced Increase of Gut Motility and the Control of Parasitic Infections in Wild Chimpanzees
“Chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes) Recognize Spatial and Object Correspondences Between a Scale Model and Its Referent ”, Kuhlmeier & Boysen 2001
“Intensity of Nest Defence Is Related to Offspring Sex Ratio in the Great Tit Parus Major ”, Radford & Blakey 2000
Intensity of nest defence is related to offspring sex ratio in the great tit Parus major
“If a Lion Could Talk: Animal Intelligence and the Evolution of Consciousness ”, Budiansky 1998
If a Lion Could Talk: Animal Intelligence and the Evolution of Consciousness
“Leaf-Swallowing by Chimpanzees: A Behavioral Adaptation for the Control of Strongyle Nematode Infections ”, Huffman et al 1996
“Environment Is Not the Most Important Variable in Determining Oral Morphine Consumption in Wistar Rats ”, Petrie 1996
“On Publishing Controversy: Norman R. F. Maier and the Genesis of Seizures ”, Dewsbury 1993
On publishing controversy: Norman R. F. Maier and the genesis of seizures
“Female Preference Predates the Evolution of the Sword in Swordtail Fish ”, Basolo 1990
Female Preference Predates the Evolution of the Sword in Swordtail Fish
“Alcohol Self-Administration by Elephants ”, Siegel & Brodie 1984
“LSD-Induced Effects in Elephants: Comparisons With Musth Behavior ”, Siegel 1984b
LSD-induced effects in elephants: Comparisons with musth behavior
“Beetles On The Bottle: Male Buprestids Mistake Stubbies For Females (Coleoptera) ”, Gwynne & Rentz 1983
Beetles On The Bottle: Male Buprestids Mistake Stubbies For Females (Coleoptera)
“A Brain Heater in the Swordfish ”, Carey 1982
“The Psychology of Life After Death ”, Siegel 1980
“Paul Thomas Young: 1892–1978 ”, O’Kelly 1979
Paul Thomas Young: 1892–1978
“The Screwfly Solution ”, Sheldon 1977
“Sleeping Behavior and Associations in a Group of Captive Chimpanzees ”, Riss & Goodall 1976
Sleeping Behavior and Associations in a Group of Captive Chimpanzees
“Specific Hungers and Poison Avoidance As Adaptive Specializations of Learning ”, Rozin & Kalat 1971
Specific hungers and poison avoidance as adaptive specializations of learning
“Regulation of Blood Meal Size in the Mosquito ”, Gwadz 1969
“Ability of the Ground Squirrel, Citellus Lateralis, to Be Habituated to Stimuli While in Hibernation ”, Pengelley & Fisher 1968
Ability of the Ground Squirrel, Citellus lateralis, to Be Habituated to Stimuli While in Hibernation
“My Beaver Colony ”, Wilsson & Bulman 1968
“Comparative Psychopathology: Animal and Human ”, Zubin & Hunt 1967
Comparative Psychopathology: Animal and Human
“Paul Thomas Young: Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award ”, Association 1965
Paul Thomas Young: Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award
“Angeborenes Und Erworbenes Im Verhalten Einiger Säuger ”, Eibl-Eibesfeldt 1963
Angeborenes und Erworbenes im Verhalten einiger Säuger
“Ethology, the Comparative Study of Animal Behavior ”, Eibl-Eibesfeldt & Kramer 1958
Ethology, the Comparative Study of Animal Behavior
“Echolocation in Rats ”, Riley & Rosenzweig 1957
“Non-Equipotential Cortical Function in Maze Learning ”, Pickett 1952
Non-Equipotential Cortical Function in Maze Learning
“Book Review of Frustration; The Study of Behavior without a Goal by Norma R. F. Maier 1949 ”, Hilgard 1950
Book review of Frustration; The Study of Behavior without a Goal by Norma R. F. Maier 1949
“Food-Seeking Drive, Affective Process, and Learning ”, Young 1949
“Appetite, Palatability and Feeding Habit: a Critical Review ”, Young 1948
“Factors Involved in the Ejection of Milk ”, Ely & Petersen 1941
Factors Involved in the Ejection of Milk
“Reversal of Food Preferences of the White Rat Through Controlled Pre-Feeding ”, Young 1940
Reversal of Food Preferences of the White Rat Through Controlled Pre-Feeding
“Factors Involved in the Ejection of Milk [Preliminary Abstract] ”, Ely & Petersen 1939
Factors Involved in the Ejection of Milk [preliminary abstract]
“Frustration As An Experimental Problem: 3. Some Interrelations Of Behavioral Measures Of Frustration In Chimpanzees ”, Haslerud 1938
“Frustration As An Experimental Problem: 1. The Significance Of Frustration As A Problem Of Research ”, Rosenzweig et al 1938
Frustration As An Experimental Problem: 1. The Significance Of Frustration As A Problem Of Research
“Frustration As An Experimental Problem: 4. Some Physiological Consequences Of Frustration ”, Curtis 1938
Frustration As An Experimental Problem: 4. Some Physiological Consequences Of Frustration
“Preferences and Demands of the White Rat for Food ”, Young 1938
“Experimental Neurosis in the Pig ”, Curtis 1937b
Experimental Neurosis in the Pig
“Further Analysis of the Conditioned Reflex Method in Relation to the Experimental Neurosis ”, Liddell et al 1937
Further analysis of the conditioned reflex method in relation to the experimental neurosis
“Diurnal Variation in the Free Activity of Sheep and Pig ”, Curtis 1937
Diurnal Variation in the Free Activity of Sheep and Pig
“The Role of Kinesthesis in Maze Learning ”, Honzik 1936
The Role of Kinesthesis in Maze Learning
Principles of Animal Psychology, Maier & Schneirla 1935
Principles of Animal Psychology
“The Effect of Auditory Stimulation Upon the Maze Behavior of the White Rat ”, Pennington 1934
The Effect of Auditory Stimulation Upon the Maze Behavior of the White Rat
“Humanizing the Ape ”, Kellog 1931
“Visual Cues in Maze Running by the Albino Rat ”, Walton 1930
Visual Cues in Maze Running by the Albino Rat
“An Experimental Study of the Mental Processes of the Rat ”, Small 1900
An Experimental Study of the Mental Processes of the Rat
“London Labour and the London Poor; a Cyclopaedia of the Condition and Earnings of Those That Will Work, Those That Cannot Work, and Those That Will Not Work V3 § Jack Black ”, Mayhew 1851
“Sébastien Moro on the Most Insane Things Fish Can Do ”, Moro 2025
“Two Concrete Ways to Help Feeder Rodents ”
Two Concrete Ways to Help Feeder Rodents
“Interviews With an Octopus ”
“Monkeys, Marines, and Manners ”
Monkeys, Marines, and Manners
Clever Hans (The Horse of Mr. Von Osten), Pfungst 2025
“Clever Hans (The Horse of Mr. Von Osten) § Learned Animals ”, Pfungst 2025
Clever Hans (The Horse of Mr. von Osten) § Learned Animals
“Worm Grunting, Fiddling, and Charming ”
“The Ride of Their Lives: Children Prepare for the World’s Most Dangerous Organized Sport ”
The Ride of Their Lives: Children prepare for the world’s most dangerous organized sport
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: “Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off in Plants ”,link.springer.com/ article/ 10.3758/ s13423-020-01753-4 https://
: “Optimal Group Size in a Highly Social Mammal ”,www.pnas.org/ doi/ full/ 10.1073/ pnas.1517794112 https://
: “The Contribution of Additive Genetic Variation to Personality Variation: Heritability of Personality ”,royalsocietypublishing.org/ doi/ full/ 10.1098/ rspb.2014.2201 2012-klein.pdf
: “Learning How to ‘Make a Deal’: Human (Homo Sapiens) and Monkey (Macaca Mulatta) Performance When Repeatedly Faced With the Monty Hall Dilemma ”,2009-silberberg.pdf
: “Memory for the Order of Briefly Presented Numerals in Humans As a Function of Practice ”,1993-dewsbury.pdf
: “On Publishing Controversy: Norman R. F. Maier and the Genesis of Seizures ”,1969-gwadz.pdf
: “Regulation of Blood Meal Size in the Mosquito ”,1957-riley.pdf
: “Echolocation in Rats ”,