‘animal cognition’ directory
See Also
- “Possible Evidence for the Law of General Intelligence in Honeybees (Apis Mellifera) ”, Peñaherrera-Aguirre et al 2024
- “The 10-Million-Year Explosion: Paleo-Cognitive Reconstructions of Domain-General Cognitive Ability (G) in Extinct Primates ”, Peñaherrera-Aguirre et al 2023
- “Innovation across 13 Ungulate Species: Problem Solvers Are Less Integrated in the Social Group and Less Neophobic ”, Caicoya et al 2023
- “Do Cleaner Fish (Labroides Dimidiatus) Have General Cognitive Ability? A Reanalysis of Individual Differences Data and Consideration of Phylogenetic Context ”, Woodley et al 2023
- “How Honey Bees Make Fast and Accurate Decisions ”, MaBouDi et al 2023
- “MicroRNAs Are Deeply Linked to the Emergence of the Complex Octopus Brain ”, Zolotarov et al 2022
- “Signs of a Flynn Effect in Rodents? Secular Differentiation of the Manifold of General Cognitive Ability in Laboratory Mice & Norwegian Rats over a Century ”, Woodley et al 2022b
- “Neuron Numbers Link Innovativeness With Both Absolute and Relative Brain Size in Birds ”, Sol et al 2022
- “Using Macroevolutionary Patterns to Distinguish Primary from Secondary Cognitive Modules in Primate Cross-Species Performance Data on 5 Cognitive Ability Measures ”, Woodley et al 2022
- “Cranial Volume and Palate Length of Cats, Felis Spp., under Domestication, Hybridization and in Wild Populations ”, Lesch et al 2022
- “Why Some Animals Can Tell More From Less: Researchers Find That Densely Packed Neurons Play an Outsize Role in Quantitative Skill—Calling into Question Old Assumptions about Evolution ”, Levy 2022
- “A Multivariate View of Cognitive Performance Reveals Positive Correlation in the Trinidadian Guppy (Poecilia Reticulata) ”, Prentice et al 2022
- “The Evolution of Quantitative Sensitivity ”, Bryer et al 2021
- “Cognition and Reproductive Success in Cowbirds ”, White et al 2021
- “Vultures As an Overlooked Model in Cognitive Ecology ”, Overveld et al 2021
- “Behavioral and Neuronal Representation of Numerosity Zero in the Crow ”, Kirschhock et al 2021
- “String-Pulling in the Greater Vasa Parrot (Coracopsis Vasa): A Replication of Capacity, Findings of Longitudinal Retention, and Evidence for a Species-Level General Insight Factor across Five Physical Cognition Tasks ”, Woodley et al 2021
- “Concordant Neurophysiological Signatures of Cognitive Control in Humans and Rats ”, Robble 2021
- “No Evidence for General Intelligence in a Fish ”, Aellen et al 2021
- “Ravens Parallel Great Apes in Physical and Social Cognitive Skills ”, Pika et al 2020
- “Differential and Experimental Approaches to Studying Intelligence in Humans and Non-Human Animals ”, Burgoyne 2020b
- “The Comparative Analysis of Intelligence ”, Flaim & Blaisdell 2020
- “Macroevolutionary Patterns and Selection Modes for General Intelligence (G) and for Commonly Used Neuroanatomical Volume Measures in Primates ”, Fernandes et al 2020
- “Enriched Environment Exposure Accelerates Rodent Driving Skills ”, Crawford et al 2020
- “Dumb or Smart Asses? Donkey’s (Equus Asinus) Cognitive Capabilities Share the Heritability and Variation Patterns of Human’s (Homo Sapiens) Cognitive Capabilities ”, González et al 2019 (page 2)
- “Absolute Brain Size Predicts Dog Breed Differences in Executive Function ”, Horschler et al 2019
- “Rescue Behavior in a Social Bird: Removal of Sticky ‘Bird-Catcher Tree’ Seeds by Group Members ”, Hammers & Brouwer 2017
- “A General Intelligence Factor in Dogs ”, Arden & Adams 2016
- “Low-Dose Paroxetine Exposure Causes Lifetime Declines in Male Mouse Body Weight, Reproduction and Competitive Ability As Measured by the Novel Organismal Performance Assay ”, Ruff et al 2015
- “Quantitative Relationships in Delphinid Neocortex ”, Mortensen et al 2014
- “Artificial Selection on Relative Brain Size in the Guppy Reveals Costs and Benefits of Evolving a Larger Brain ”, Kotrschal et al 2013
- “The Structure of Individual Differences in the Cognitive Abilities of Children and Chimpanzees ”, Herrmann et al 2010
- “The Structure of Individual Differences in the Cognitive Abilities of Children and Chimpanzees § Table 1. Primate Cognition Test Battery: Description of Tasks and Mean Proportion (With Standard Deviation) of Correct Responses by Chimpanzees and Human Children ”, Herrmann et al 2010 (page 4)
- “Trajectories and Constraints in Brain Evolution in Primates and Cetaceans ”, Tartarelli & Bisconti 2007
- “Evidence from the Rat for a General Factor That Underlies Cognitive Performance and That Relates to Brain Size: Intelligence? ”, Anderson 1993
- “The Mating Movements of Male Decorticate Rats: Evidence for Subcortically Generated Movements by the Male but Regulation of Approaches by the Female ”, Whishaw & Kolb 1985
- “Studies of the Inheritance of Intelligence and Temperament in Dogs ”, Dawson et al 1965
- “The Effect of Experimenter Bias on the Performance of the Albino Rat ”
“Do Cats Have Intelligence/
How Intelligent Are Cats? ” -
“Do Cats Have Intelligence/
How Intelligent Are Cats? § 2 ” - “Sociality Does Not Drive the Evolution of Large Brains in Eusocial African Mole-Rats ”
- “The Naked Mole-Rat: An Unusual Organism With an Unexpected Latent Potential for Increased Intelligence? ”
- “Individual Consistency in the Learning Abilities of Honey Bees: Cognitive Specialization within Sensory and Reinforcement Modalities ”
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- Bibliography
“Possible Evidence for the Law of General Intelligence in Honeybees (Apis Mellifera) ”, Peñaherrera-Aguirre et al 2024
Possible evidence for the Law of General Intelligence in honeybees (Apis mellifera)
“The 10-Million-Year Explosion: Paleo-Cognitive Reconstructions of Domain-General Cognitive Ability (G) in Extinct Primates ”, Peñaherrera-Aguirre et al 2023
“Innovation across 13 Ungulate Species: Problem Solvers Are Less Integrated in the Social Group and Less Neophobic ”, Caicoya et al 2023
“Do Cleaner Fish (Labroides Dimidiatus) Have General Cognitive Ability? A Reanalysis of Individual Differences Data and Consideration of Phylogenetic Context ”, Woodley et al 2023
“How Honey Bees Make Fast and Accurate Decisions ”, MaBouDi et al 2023
“MicroRNAs Are Deeply Linked to the Emergence of the Complex Octopus Brain ”, Zolotarov et al 2022
MicroRNAs are deeply linked to the emergence of the complex octopus brain
“Signs of a Flynn Effect in Rodents? Secular Differentiation of the Manifold of General Cognitive Ability in Laboratory Mice & Norwegian Rats over a Century ”, Woodley et al 2022b
“Neuron Numbers Link Innovativeness With Both Absolute and Relative Brain Size in Birds ”, Sol et al 2022
Neuron numbers link innovativeness with both absolute and relative brain size in birds
“Using Macroevolutionary Patterns to Distinguish Primary from Secondary Cognitive Modules in Primate Cross-Species Performance Data on 5 Cognitive Ability Measures ”, Woodley et al 2022
“Cranial Volume and Palate Length of Cats, Felis Spp., under Domestication, Hybridization and in Wild Populations ”, Lesch et al 2022
“Why Some Animals Can Tell More From Less: Researchers Find That Densely Packed Neurons Play an Outsize Role in Quantitative Skill—Calling into Question Old Assumptions about Evolution ”, Levy 2022
“A Multivariate View of Cognitive Performance Reveals Positive Correlation in the Trinidadian Guppy (Poecilia Reticulata) ”, Prentice et al 2022
“The Evolution of Quantitative Sensitivity ”, Bryer et al 2021
“Cognition and Reproductive Success in Cowbirds ”, White et al 2021
“Vultures As an Overlooked Model in Cognitive Ecology ”, Overveld et al 2021
“Behavioral and Neuronal Representation of Numerosity Zero in the Crow ”, Kirschhock et al 2021
Behavioral and Neuronal Representation of Numerosity Zero in the Crow
“String-Pulling in the Greater Vasa Parrot (Coracopsis Vasa): A Replication of Capacity, Findings of Longitudinal Retention, and Evidence for a Species-Level General Insight Factor across Five Physical Cognition Tasks ”, Woodley et al 2021
“Concordant Neurophysiological Signatures of Cognitive Control in Humans and Rats ”, Robble 2021
Concordant neurophysiological signatures of cognitive control in humans and rats
“No Evidence for General Intelligence in a Fish ”, Aellen et al 2021
“Ravens Parallel Great Apes in Physical and Social Cognitive Skills ”, Pika et al 2020
Ravens parallel great apes in physical and social cognitive skills
“Differential and Experimental Approaches to Studying Intelligence in Humans and Non-Human Animals ”, Burgoyne 2020b
Differential and experimental approaches to studying intelligence in humans and non-human animals
“The Comparative Analysis of Intelligence ”, Flaim & Blaisdell 2020
“Macroevolutionary Patterns and Selection Modes for General Intelligence (G) and for Commonly Used Neuroanatomical Volume Measures in Primates ”, Fernandes et al 2020
“Enriched Environment Exposure Accelerates Rodent Driving Skills ”, Crawford et al 2020
Enriched environment exposure accelerates rodent driving skills
“Dumb or Smart Asses? Donkey’s (Equus Asinus) Cognitive Capabilities Share the Heritability and Variation Patterns of Human’s (Homo Sapiens) Cognitive Capabilities ”, González et al 2019 (page 2)
“Absolute Brain Size Predicts Dog Breed Differences in Executive Function ”, Horschler et al 2019
Absolute brain size predicts dog breed differences in executive function
“Rescue Behavior in a Social Bird: Removal of Sticky ‘Bird-Catcher Tree’ Seeds by Group Members ”, Hammers & Brouwer 2017
Rescue behavior in a social bird: removal of sticky ‘bird-catcher tree’ seeds by group members
“A General Intelligence Factor in Dogs ”, Arden & Adams 2016
A general intelligence factor in dogs
“Low-Dose Paroxetine Exposure Causes Lifetime Declines in Male Mouse Body Weight, Reproduction and Competitive Ability As Measured by the Novel Organismal Performance Assay ”, Ruff et al 2015
“Quantitative Relationships in Delphinid Neocortex ”, Mortensen et al 2014
“Artificial Selection on Relative Brain Size in the Guppy Reveals Costs and Benefits of Evolving a Larger Brain ”, Kotrschal et al 2013
“The Structure of Individual Differences in the Cognitive Abilities of Children and Chimpanzees ”, Herrmann et al 2010
The Structure of Individual Differences in the Cognitive Abilities of Children and Chimpanzees
“The Structure of Individual Differences in the Cognitive Abilities of Children and Chimpanzees § Table 1. Primate Cognition Test Battery: Description of Tasks and Mean Proportion (With Standard Deviation) of Correct Responses by Chimpanzees and Human Children ”, Herrmann et al 2010 (page 4)
“Trajectories and Constraints in Brain Evolution in Primates and Cetaceans ”, Tartarelli & Bisconti 2007
Trajectories and Constraints in Brain Evolution in Primates and Cetaceans
“Evidence from the Rat for a General Factor That Underlies Cognitive Performance and That Relates to Brain Size: Intelligence? ”, Anderson 1993
“The Mating Movements of Male Decorticate Rats: Evidence for Subcortically Generated Movements by the Male but Regulation of Approaches by the Female ”, Whishaw & Kolb 1985
“Studies of the Inheritance of Intelligence and Temperament in Dogs ”, Dawson et al 1965
Studies of the inheritance of intelligence and temperament in dogs
“The Effect of Experimenter Bias on the Performance of the Albino Rat ”
The effect of experimenter bias on the performance of the albino rat
“Do Cats Have Intelligence/How Intelligent Are Cats? ”
Do Cats Have Intelligence/
“Do Cats Have Intelligence/How Intelligent Are Cats? § 2 ”
Do Cats Have Intelligence/
“Sociality Does Not Drive the Evolution of Large Brains in Eusocial African Mole-Rats ”
Sociality does not drive the evolution of large brains in eusocial African mole-rats
“The Naked Mole-Rat: An Unusual Organism With an Unexpected Latent Potential for Increased Intelligence? ”
“Individual Consistency in the Learning Abilities of Honey Bees: Cognitive Specialization within Sensory and Reinforcement Modalities ”
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: “Possible Evidence for the Law of General Intelligence in Honeybees (Apis Mellifera) ”,2022-sol.pdf
: “Neuron Numbers Link Innovativeness With Both Absolute and Relative Brain Size in Birds ”,2022-woodley.pdf
: “Using Macroevolutionary Patterns to Distinguish Primary from Secondary Cognitive Modules in Primate Cross-Species Performance Data on 5 Cognitive Ability Measures ”,https://
: “The Evolution of Quantitative Sensitivity ”,royalsocietypublishing.org/ doi/ 10.1098/ rstb.2020.0529 2021-vanoverveld.pdf
: “Vultures As an Overlooked Model in Cognitive Ecology ”,https://
: “Enriched Environment Exposure Accelerates Rodent Driving Skills ”,www.sciencedirect.com/ science/ article/ pii/ S0166432819311763 2017-hammers.pdf
: “Rescue Behavior in a Social Bird: Removal of Sticky ‘Bird-Catcher Tree’ Seeds by Group Members ”,