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‘SMPY’ directory

An an­no­tated full­text bib­li­og­ra­phy of pub­li­ca­tions on the Study of Math­e­mat­i­cally Pre­co­cious Youth (SMPY), a lon­gi­tu­di­nal study of high-IQ youth.

SMPY (Study of Math­e­mat­i­cally Pre­co­cious Youth) is a long-running lon­gi­tu­di­nal sur­vey of ex­tremely mathematically-talented or in­tel­li­gent youth, which has been fol­low­ing high-IQ co­horts since the 1970s. It has pro­vided the largest and most con­crete find­ings about the cor­re­lates and pre­dic­tive power of screen­ing ex­tremely in­tel­li­gent chil­dren, and rev­o­lu­tion­ized gifted & tal­ented ed­u­ca­tional prac­tices.

Be­cause it has been run­ning for over 40 years, SMPY-related pub­li­ca­tions are dif­fi­cult to find; many early pa­pers were pub­lished only in long-out-of-print books and are not avail­able in any other way. Oth­ers are dig­i­tized and more ac­ces­si­ble, but one must al­ready know they exist. Be­tween these bar­ri­ers, SMPY in­for­ma­tion is less widely avail­able & used than it should be given its im­por­tance.

To fix this, I have been grad­u­ally going through all SMPY ci­ta­tions and mak­ing full­text copies avail­able on­line with oc­ca­sional com­men­tary.

See Also


“SMPY Bibliography ”, Gwern 2018

SMPY Bibliography

Genius Revisited Revisited ”, Gwern 2016

Genius Revisited Revisited
