‘spaced repetition’ directory
Efficient memorization using the spacing effect: literature review of widespread applicability, tips on use & what it’s good for.
Spaced repetition is a centuries-
old psychological technique for efficient memorization & practice of skills where instead of attempting to memorize by ‘cramming’, memorization can be done far more efficiently by instead spacing out each review, with increasing durations as one learns the item, with the scheduling done by software. Because of the greater efficiency of its slow but steady approach, spaced repetition can scale to memorizing hundreds of thousands of items (while crammed items are almost immediately forgotten) and is especially useful for foreign languages & medical studies. I review what this technique is useful for, some of the large research literature on it and the testing effect (up to ~2013, primarily), the available software tools and use patterns, and miscellaneous ideas & observations on it.
See Also
- Gwern
- “KARL: Knowledge-Aware Retrieval and Representations Aid Retention and Learning in Students ”, Shu et al 2024
- “Interleaving Retrieval Practice Promotes Science Learning ”, Sana & Yan 2022
- “The Robustness of the Interleaving Benefit ”, Yan & Sana 2021
- “Amateur Hour: Improving Knowledge Diversity in Psychological and Behavioral Science by Harnessing Contributions from Amateurs ”, Mohlhenrich & Krpan 2021
- “Testing (Quizzing) Boosts Classroom Learning: A Systematic And Meta-Analytic Review ”, Yang et al 2021
- “Spaced Mathematics Practice Improves Test Scores and Reduces Overconfidence ”, Emeny et al 2021
- “Self-Directed Learning Online: An Opportunity to Binge ”, LaTour & Noel 2021
- “Smash Training Retrospective ”, Khan 2020
- “Implementing Distributed Practice in Statistics Courses: Benefits for Retention and Transfer ”, Ebersbach & Nazari 2020
- “The Overfitted Brain: Dreams Evolved to Assist Generalization ”, Hoel 2020
- “Memorising Milton’s Paradise Lost: A Study of a Septuagenarian Exceptional Memorizer ”, Seamon et al 2020
- “How Can We Develop Transformative Tools For Thought? ”, Matuschak & Nielsen 2019
- “Measuring Actual Learning versus Feeling of Learning in Response to Being Actively Engaged in the Classroom ”, Deslauriers et al 2019
- “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Interleaved Mathematics Practice ”, Rohrer et al 2019
- “Enhancing Human Learning via Spaced Repetition Optimization ”, Tabibian 2019
- “Inducing Self-Explanation: a Meta-Analysis ”, Bisra et al 2018
- “Adapting Learning With Digital Tutoring ”, Fletcher 2018
- “The Complexity of Human Computation: A Concrete Model With an Application to Passwords ”, Blum & Vempala 2017
- “Rethinking the Use of Tests: A Meta-Analysis of Practice Testing ”, Adesope et al 2017
- “Learning From Errors ”, Metcalfe 2017
- “Relearn Faster and Retain Longer: Along With Practice, Sleep Makes Perfect ”, Mazza et al 2016
- “Motor Skills Are Strengthened through Reconsolidation ”, Wymbs et al 2016
- “The Impact of Student-Generated Digital Flashcards on Student Learning of Constitutional Law ”, Colbran et al 2015
- “Replication and Analysis of Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve ”, Murre & Dros 2015
- “Why Is There so Much Resistance to Direct Instruction? ”, McMullen & Madelaine 2014
- “Interleaved Practice Improves Mathematics Learning ”, Rohrer et al 2014b
- “Spaced Repetition and Mnemonics Enable Recall of Multiple Strong Passwords ”, Blocki et al 2014
- “Spacing Simultaneously Promotes Multiple Forms of Learning in Childrens’ Science Curriculum ”, Gluckman et al 2014
- “The Spacing Effect and Metacognitive Control ”
- “Equal Spacing and Expanding Schedules in Children’s Categorization and Generalization ”, Vlach et al 2014
- “Is Spacing Really the "Friend of Induction"? ”, Verkoeijen & Bouwmeester 2014
- “Taking the Testing Effect Beyond the College Freshman: Benefits for Lifelong Learning ”, Meyer & Logan 2013
- “Improving Students’ Learning With Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions From Cognitive and Educational Psychology ”, Dunlosky et al 2013
- “Self-Regulated Learning: Beliefs, Techniques, and Illusions ”
- “Chapter 38: Test-Enhanced Learning ”, Larsen & Butler 2013
- “Pattern and Predictability in Memory Formation: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Relevance ”, Philips et al 2013
- “Behavioral and Neuroanatomical Investigation of Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM). ”, LePort et al 2012
- “Distributing Learning Over Time: The Spacing Effect in Children’s Acquisition and Generalization of Science Concepts ”, Vlach & Sandhofer 2012
- “Long-Term Retention of Prose Following Testing ”, Duchastel & Nungester 2012
- “Using Quizzes to Enhance Summative-Assessment Performance in a Web-Based Class: An Experimental Study ”, McDaniel et al 2012
- “Distributed Learning: Data, Metacognition, and Educational Implications ”
- “Molecular Determinants of the Spacing Effect ”, Naqib 2012
- “Spacing and Induction: Application to Exemplars Presented As Auditory and Visual Text ”, Zulkiply et al 2011
- “Multiplying 10-Digit Numbers Using Flickr: The Power of Recognition Memory ”, Drucker 2011
- “Is Expanding Retrieval a Superior Method for Learning Text Materials? ”, Karpicke & Roediger 2010
- “Optimizing Retrieval As a Learning Event: When and Why Expanding Retrieval Practice Enhances Long-Term Retention ”, Storm et al 2010
- “A Functional Application of the Spacing Effect to Improve Learning and Memory in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis ”, Goverover et al 2009
- “Optimising Learning Using Flashcards: Spacing Is More Effective Than Cramming ”, Kornell 2009
- “Online Spaced Education to Teach Urology to Medical Students: a Multi-Institutional Randomized Trial ”, Kerfoot & Brotschi 2009b
- “Learning Benefits of On-Line Spaced Education Persist for 2 Years ”, Kerfoot 2009
- “The Spacing Effect in Intentional and Incidental Free Recall by Children and Adults: Limits on the Automaticity Hypothesis ”
- “Learning How to Use a Computer-Based Concept-Mapping Tool: Self-Explaining Examples Helps ”, Hilbert & Renkl 2009
- “Applying the Principles of Adult Learning to the Teaching of Psychopharmacology: Overview and Finding the Focus ”, Stahl & Davis 2009
- “The Effect of Online Chapter Quizzes on Exam Performance in an Undergraduate Social Psychology Course ”, Johnson & Kiviniemi 2009
- “Reconsolidation: Maintaining Memory Relevance ”, Lee 2009
- “The Spacing Effect in Children’s Memory and Category Induction ”, Vlach et al 2008
- “Want to Remember Everything You’ll Ever Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm ”, Wolf 2008
- “Learning Concepts and Categories: Is Spacing the ‘Enemy of Induction’? ”
- “The Critical Importance of Retrieval for Learning ”, Karpicke & Roediger 2008
- “Knowledge Retention After an Online Tutorial: a Randomized Educational Experiment among Resident Physicians ”, Bell et al 2008
- “Enhancing Learning and Retarding Forgetting: Choices and Consequences ”, Pashler et al 2007
- “A Case of Unusual Autobiographical Remembering ”, Parker et al 2007
- “Expanding Retrieval Practice Promotes Short-Term Retention, but Equally Spaced Retrieval Enhances Long-Term Retention ”, Karpicke & Roediger 2007
- “11251_2007_9015_35_6-Web 481..4 ”
- “Is Expanded Retrieval Practice a Superior Form of Spaced Retrieval? A Critical Review of the Extant Literature ”, Balota et al 2007
- “Neurogenesis and the Spacing Effect: Learning over Time Enhances Memory and the Survival of New Neurons ”, Sisti et al 2007
- “The Power of Testing Memory: Basic Research and Implications for Educational Practice ”, III & Karpicke 2006
- “Test-Enhanced Learning: Taking Memory Tests Improves Long-Term Retention ”, Roediger & Karpicke 2006
- “Spacing Learning Events Over Time: What the Research Says ”, Thalheimer 2006
- “Distributed Practice in Verbal Recall Tasks: A Review and Quantitative Synthesis ”, Cepeda et al 2006
- “Teaching Surgical Skills: What Kind of Practice Makes Perfect?: a Randomized, Controlled Trial ”, Moulton et al 2006
- “The Role of Encoding in the Self-Explanation Effect ”, Calin-Jageman & Ratner 2005
- “Application of the Testing and Spacing Effects to Name Learning ”, Carpenter & DeLosh 2005
- “The Effect of Rest Breaks on Human Sensorimotor Adaptation ”, Bock et al 2005
- “Illusions of Competence in Monitoring One’s Knowledge During Study ”, Koriat & Bjork 2005
- “Examining the Spacing Effect in Advertising: Encoding Variability, Retrieval Processes, and Their Interaction ”
- “Distributed and Massed Practice: from Laboratory to Classroom ”
- “Especial Skills: Their Emergence With Massive Amounts of Practice ”, Keetch et al 2005
- “Chapter 2: Contextual Interference ”, Lee & Simon 2004
- “High Levels of Contextual Interference Enhance Handwriting Skill Acquisition ”
- “Practice Makes Perfect: The Critical Role of Mixed Practice in the Acquisition of ECG Interpretation Skills ”
- “Is Temporal Spacing of Tests Helpful Even When It Inflates Error Rates? ”, Pashler et al 2003
- “Classroom Research and Cargo Cults ”, Hirsch 2002
- “The Exam-A-Day Procedure Improves Performance in Psychology Classes ”, Leeming 2002
- “The Efficacy of the ‘Mind Map’ Study Technique ”, Farrand et al 2002
- “Spacing Effects in Cued-Memory Tasks for Unfamiliar Faces and Nonwords ”
- “The Effect of Concept Mapping to Enhance Text Comprehension and Summarization ”, Chang et al 2002
- “Interaction between Amount and Pattern of Training in the Induction of Intermediate-Term and Long-Term Memory for Sensitization in Aplysia ”, Sutton et al 2002
- “The Effects of Cumulative Practice on Mathematics Problem Solving ”, Mayfield & Chase 2002
- “5 Years Later: Children’s Memory for Medical Emergencies ”, Peterson & Whalen 2001
- “Massed and Spaced Learning in Honeybees: The Role of CS, US, the Intertrial Interval, and the Test Interval ”, Menzel et al 2001
- “Metacognition in Motor Learning ”
- “Untangling the Benefits of Multiple Study Opportunities and Repeated Testing for Cued Recall ”
- “Sleep-Induced Changes in Associative Memory ”, Stickgold et al 1999
- “A Meta-Analytic Review of the Distribution of Practice Effect: Now You See It, Now You Don’t ”, Donovan & Radosevich 1999
- “Impact of Formal Continuing Medical Education: Do Conferences, Workshops, Rounds, and Other Traditional Continuing Education Activities Change Physician Behavior or Health Care Outcomes? ”, Davis 1999
- “Factors That Influence Skill Decay and Retention: A Quantitative Review and Analysis ”
- “The Mismeasure of Memory: When Retrieval Fluency Is Misleading As a Meta-Mnemonic Index ”, Benjamin et al 1998
- “Does CME Work? An Analysis of the Effect of Educational Activities on Physician Performance or Health Care Outcomes ”, Davis 1998
- “Florida Journal of Educational Research ”, Admin 1997
- “The Psychology of Thinking: Embedding Artifice in Nature ”, Simon 1996
gateway.ut.ovid.com/ gw2/ ovidweb.cgi ”, WainnerRS 1995 - “Training in Self-Explanation and Self-Regulation Strategies: Investigating the Effects of Knowledge Acquisition Activities on Problem Solving ”, Bielaczyc et al 1995
- “Does the Sensitivity of Judgments of Learning (JOLs) to the Effects of Various Study Activities Depend on When the JOLs Occur? ”
- “Memory and Metamemory Considerations in the Training of Human Beings ”
- “Maintenance of Foreign Language Vocabulary and the Spacing Effect ”, Bahrick et al 1993
- “The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of Expert Performance ”, Ericsson et al 1993
- “Cramming: A Barrier to Student Success, A Way to Beat the System or an Effective Learning Strategy ”, Vacha & McBride 1993
- “Effects of Frequent Classroom Testing ”
- “Remembering Ebbinghaus ”, Roediger 1985
- “The Effect of Expanded versus Massed Practice on the Retention of Multiplication Facts and Spelling Lists ”, Rea & Modigliani 1985
- “Effects of Massed and Distributed Practice on the Learning and Retention of Second-Language Vocabulary ”
- “Spacing Repetitions over 1 Week ”
- “Contextual Interference Effects on the Acquisition, Retention, and Transfer of a Motor Skill ”, Shea & Morgan 1979
- “Learning 10,000 Pictures ”, Standing 1973
- “Long-Term Habituation of a Defensive Withdrawal Reflex in Aplysia ”
- “The Situation with respect to the Spacing of Repetitions and Memory ”, Melton 1970
- “The Effect of Overlearning on Retention ”, Krueger 1929
- “The Conditions of Retention ”, Luh 1922
- “Educational Psychology (Volume 2): The Psychology of Learning ”, Thorndike 1921
- “Studies on the Telegraphic Language: The Acquisition of a Hierarchy of Habits ”, Bryan & Harter 1899
- “Studies in the Physiology and Psychology of the Telegraphic Language ”, Bryan & Harter 1897
- “Memory Predictions Are Influenced by Perceptual Information: Evidence for Metacognitive Illusions ”
- “Spaced Repetition Technology for Legal Education ”
- “Repeat Before Forgetting: Spaced Repetition for Efficient and Effective Training of Neural Networks ”
- The Mind Of A Mnemonist, Luria 2025
- “Spaced Repetition for Teaching Two-Year Olds How to Read (Interview) ”
- “Very Long Term Retention of Knowledge ”
- “Book Summary: Accelerated Expertise ”
- “Spaced Repetition for Mathematics ”
- “The Impact of the Spacing Effect and Overlearning on Student Performance ”, Gorgievski 2025
- “The Effects of Distributed Practice on Two Grade 10 Mathematics Classes ”
- “Theoretical Aspects of Spaced Repetition in Learning ”, Wozniak 2025
- “How Much Knowledge Can Human Brain Hold ”
- “Skills Plateau Because Of Decay And Interference ”
- “Long-Term Memory Is Facilitated by CAMP Response Element-Binding Protein Overexpression in the Amygdala ”, Josselyn 2025
- “Optimized, Individualized Spaced Repetition in Hierarchical Knowledge Structures ”, Skycak 2025
- “Learning Science: Actively Recalling Information from Memory Beats Elaborate Study Methods; Put down Those Science Text Books and Work at Recalling Information from Memory. That’s the Shorthand Take Away Message of New Research That Says Practicing Memory Retrieval Boosts Science Learning Far Better Than Elaborate Study Methods. ”
- “Effective Learning: 20 Rules of Formulating Knowledge ”, Wozniak 2025
- “Spaced Repetition Technology for Legal Education [Video] ”
- Sort By Magic
- Wikipedia
- Miscellaneous
- Bibliography
“Spaced Repetition for Efficient Learning ”, Gwern 2009
“Prediction Markets ”, Gwern 2009
“Treadmill Desk Observations ”, Gwern 2012
“KARL: Knowledge-Aware Retrieval and Representations Aid Retention and Learning in Students ”, Shu et al 2024
KARL: Knowledge-Aware Retrieval and Representations aid Retention and Learning in Students
“Interleaving Retrieval Practice Promotes Science Learning ”, Sana & Yan 2022
“The Robustness of the Interleaving Benefit ”, Yan & Sana 2021
“Amateur Hour: Improving Knowledge Diversity in Psychological and Behavioral Science by Harnessing Contributions from Amateurs ”, Mohlhenrich & Krpan 2021
“Testing (Quizzing) Boosts Classroom Learning: A Systematic And Meta-Analytic Review ”, Yang et al 2021
Testing (Quizzing) Boosts Classroom Learning: A Systematic And Meta-Analytic Review
“Spaced Mathematics Practice Improves Test Scores and Reduces Overconfidence ”, Emeny et al 2021
Spaced mathematics practice improves test scores and reduces overconfidence
“Self-Directed Learning Online: An Opportunity to Binge ”, LaTour & Noel 2021
“Smash Training Retrospective ”, Khan 2020
“Implementing Distributed Practice in Statistics Courses: Benefits for Retention and Transfer ”, Ebersbach & Nazari 2020
Implementing Distributed Practice in Statistics Courses: Benefits for Retention and Transfer
“The Overfitted Brain: Dreams Evolved to Assist Generalization ”, Hoel 2020
The Overfitted Brain: Dreams evolved to assist generalization
“Memorising Milton’s Paradise Lost: A Study of a Septuagenarian Exceptional Memorizer ”, Seamon et al 2020
Memorising Milton’s Paradise Lost: A study of a septuagenarian exceptional memorizer
“How Can We Develop Transformative Tools For Thought? ”, Matuschak & Nielsen 2019
“Measuring Actual Learning versus Feeling of Learning in Response to Being Actively Engaged in the Classroom ”, Deslauriers et al 2019
“A Randomized Controlled Trial of Interleaved Mathematics Practice ”, Rohrer et al 2019
A randomized controlled trial of interleaved mathematics practice
“Enhancing Human Learning via Spaced Repetition Optimization ”, Tabibian 2019
Enhancing human learning via spaced repetition optimization
“Inducing Self-Explanation: a Meta-Analysis ”, Bisra et al 2018
“Adapting Learning With Digital Tutoring ”, Fletcher 2018
“The Complexity of Human Computation: A Concrete Model With an Application to Passwords ”, Blum & Vempala 2017
The Complexity of Human Computation: A Concrete Model with an Application to Passwords
“Rethinking the Use of Tests: A Meta-Analysis of Practice Testing ”, Adesope et al 2017
Rethinking the Use of Tests: A Meta-Analysis of Practice Testing
“Learning From Errors ”, Metcalfe 2017
“Relearn Faster and Retain Longer: Along With Practice, Sleep Makes Perfect ”, Mazza et al 2016
Relearn Faster and Retain Longer: Along With Practice, Sleep Makes Perfect
“Motor Skills Are Strengthened through Reconsolidation ”, Wymbs et al 2016
“The Impact of Student-Generated Digital Flashcards on Student Learning of Constitutional Law ”, Colbran et al 2015
The impact of student-generated digital flashcards on student learning of constitutional law
“Replication and Analysis of Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve ”, Murre & Dros 2015
“Why Is There so Much Resistance to Direct Instruction? ”, McMullen & Madelaine 2014
“Interleaved Practice Improves Mathematics Learning ”, Rohrer et al 2014b
“Spaced Repetition and Mnemonics Enable Recall of Multiple Strong Passwords ”, Blocki et al 2014
Spaced Repetition and Mnemonics Enable Recall of Multiple Strong Passwords
“Spacing Simultaneously Promotes Multiple Forms of Learning in Childrens’ Science Curriculum ”, Gluckman et al 2014
Spacing Simultaneously Promotes Multiple Forms of Learning in Childrens’ Science Curriculum
“The Spacing Effect and Metacognitive Control ”
The Spacing Effect and Metacognitive Control
“Equal Spacing and Expanding Schedules in Children’s Categorization and Generalization ”, Vlach et al 2014
Equal spacing and expanding schedules in children’s categorization and generalization
“Is Spacing Really the "Friend of Induction"? ”, Verkoeijen & Bouwmeester 2014
“Taking the Testing Effect Beyond the College Freshman: Benefits for Lifelong Learning ”, Meyer & Logan 2013
Taking the Testing Effect Beyond the College Freshman: Benefits for Lifelong Learning
“Improving Students’ Learning With Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions From Cognitive and Educational Psychology ”, Dunlosky et al 2013
“Self-Regulated Learning: Beliefs, Techniques, and Illusions ”
Self-Regulated Learning: Beliefs, Techniques, and Illusions
“Chapter 38: Test-Enhanced Learning ”, Larsen & Butler 2013
Chapter 38: Test-Enhanced Learning
“Pattern and Predictability in Memory Formation: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Relevance ”, Philips et al 2013
Pattern and predictability in memory formation: From molecular mechanisms to clinical relevance
“Behavioral and Neuroanatomical Investigation of Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM). ”, LePort et al 2012
Behavioral and neuroanatomical investigation of Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM).
“Distributing Learning Over Time: The Spacing Effect in Children’s Acquisition and Generalization of Science Concepts ”, Vlach & Sandhofer 2012
“Long-Term Retention of Prose Following Testing ”, Duchastel & Nungester 2012
“Using Quizzes to Enhance Summative-Assessment Performance in a Web-Based Class: An Experimental Study ”, McDaniel et al 2012
“Distributed Learning: Data, Metacognition, and Educational Implications ”
Distributed Learning: Data, Metacognition, and Educational Implications
“Molecular Determinants of the Spacing Effect ”, Naqib 2012
“Spacing and Induction: Application to Exemplars Presented As Auditory and Visual Text ”, Zulkiply et al 2011
Spacing and induction: Application to exemplars presented as auditory and visual text
“Multiplying 10-Digit Numbers Using Flickr: The Power of Recognition Memory ”, Drucker 2011
Multiplying 10-digit numbers using Flickr: The power of recognition memory
“Is Expanding Retrieval a Superior Method for Learning Text Materials? ”, Karpicke & Roediger 2010
Is expanding retrieval a superior method for learning text materials?
“Optimizing Retrieval As a Learning Event: When and Why Expanding Retrieval Practice Enhances Long-Term Retention ”, Storm et al 2010
“A Functional Application of the Spacing Effect to Improve Learning and Memory in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis ”, Goverover et al 2009
“Optimising Learning Using Flashcards: Spacing Is More Effective Than Cramming ”, Kornell 2009
Optimising Learning Using Flashcards: Spacing Is More Effective Than Cramming
“Online Spaced Education to Teach Urology to Medical Students: a Multi-Institutional Randomized Trial ”, Kerfoot & Brotschi 2009b
“Learning Benefits of On-Line Spaced Education Persist for 2 Years ”, Kerfoot 2009
Learning Benefits of On-Line Spaced Education Persist for 2 Years
“The Spacing Effect in Intentional and Incidental Free Recall by Children and Adults: Limits on the Automaticity Hypothesis ”
“Learning How to Use a Computer-Based Concept-Mapping Tool: Self-Explaining Examples Helps ”, Hilbert & Renkl 2009
Learning how to use a computer-based concept-mapping tool: Self-explaining examples helps
“Applying the Principles of Adult Learning to the Teaching of Psychopharmacology: Overview and Finding the Focus ”, Stahl & Davis 2009
“The Effect of Online Chapter Quizzes on Exam Performance in an Undergraduate Social Psychology Course ”, Johnson & Kiviniemi 2009
“Reconsolidation: Maintaining Memory Relevance ”, Lee 2009
“The Spacing Effect in Children’s Memory and Category Induction ”, Vlach et al 2008
The spacing effect in children’s memory and category induction
“Want to Remember Everything You’ll Ever Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm ”, Wolf 2008
Want to Remember Everything You’ll Ever Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm
“Learning Concepts and Categories: Is Spacing the ‘Enemy of Induction’? ”
Learning Concepts and Categories: Is Spacing the ‘Enemy of Induction’?
“The Critical Importance of Retrieval for Learning ”, Karpicke & Roediger 2008
The Critical Importance of Retrieval for Learning
“Knowledge Retention After an Online Tutorial: a Randomized Educational Experiment among Resident Physicians ”, Bell et al 2008
“Enhancing Learning and Retarding Forgetting: Choices and Consequences ”, Pashler et al 2007
Enhancing learning and retarding forgetting: Choices and consequences
“A Case of Unusual Autobiographical Remembering ”, Parker et al 2007
“Expanding Retrieval Practice Promotes Short-Term Retention, but Equally Spaced Retrieval Enhances Long-Term Retention ”, Karpicke & Roediger 2007
“11251_2007_9015_35_6-Web 481..4 ”
11251_2007_9015_35_6-web 481..4
“Is Expanded Retrieval Practice a Superior Form of Spaced Retrieval? A Critical Review of the Extant Literature ”, Balota et al 2007
“Neurogenesis and the Spacing Effect: Learning over Time Enhances Memory and the Survival of New Neurons ”, Sisti et al 2007
“The Power of Testing Memory: Basic Research and Implications for Educational Practice ”, III & Karpicke 2006
The Power of Testing Memory: Basic Research and Implications for Educational Practice
“Test-Enhanced Learning: Taking Memory Tests Improves Long-Term Retention ”, Roediger & Karpicke 2006
Test-Enhanced Learning: Taking Memory Tests Improves Long-Term Retention
“Spacing Learning Events Over Time: What the Research Says ”, Thalheimer 2006
“Distributed Practice in Verbal Recall Tasks: A Review and Quantitative Synthesis ”, Cepeda et al 2006
Distributed Practice in Verbal Recall Tasks: A Review and Quantitative Synthesis
“Teaching Surgical Skills: What Kind of Practice Makes Perfect?: a Randomized, Controlled Trial ”, Moulton et al 2006
Teaching surgical skills: what kind of practice makes perfect?: a randomized, controlled trial
“The Role of Encoding in the Self-Explanation Effect ”, Calin-Jageman & Ratner 2005
“Application of the Testing and Spacing Effects to Name Learning ”, Carpenter & DeLosh 2005
Application of the testing and spacing effects to name learning
“The Effect of Rest Breaks on Human Sensorimotor Adaptation ”, Bock et al 2005
“Illusions of Competence in Monitoring One’s Knowledge During Study ”, Koriat & Bjork 2005
Illusions of Competence in Monitoring One’s Knowledge During Study
“Examining the Spacing Effect in Advertising: Encoding Variability, Retrieval Processes, and Their Interaction ”
“Distributed and Massed Practice: from Laboratory to Classroom ”
Distributed and massed practice: from laboratory to classroom
“Especial Skills: Their Emergence With Massive Amounts of Practice ”, Keetch et al 2005
Especial Skills: Their Emergence With Massive Amounts of Practice
“Chapter 2: Contextual Interference ”, Lee & Simon 2004
Chapter 2: Contextual interference
“High Levels of Contextual Interference Enhance Handwriting Skill Acquisition ”
High Levels of Contextual Interference Enhance Handwriting Skill Acquisition
“Practice Makes Perfect: The Critical Role of Mixed Practice in the Acquisition of ECG Interpretation Skills ”
“Is Temporal Spacing of Tests Helpful Even When It Inflates Error Rates? ”, Pashler et al 2003
Is Temporal Spacing of Tests Helpful Even When It Inflates Error Rates?
“Classroom Research and Cargo Cults ”, Hirsch 2002
“The Exam-A-Day Procedure Improves Performance in Psychology Classes ”, Leeming 2002
The Exam-A-Day Procedure Improves Performance in Psychology Classes
“The Efficacy of the ‘Mind Map’ Study Technique ”, Farrand et al 2002
“Spacing Effects in Cued-Memory Tasks for Unfamiliar Faces and Nonwords ”
Spacing effects in cued-memory tasks for unfamiliar faces and nonwords
“The Effect of Concept Mapping to Enhance Text Comprehension and Summarization ”, Chang et al 2002
The Effect of Concept Mapping to Enhance Text Comprehension and Summarization
“Interaction between Amount and Pattern of Training in the Induction of Intermediate-Term and Long-Term Memory for Sensitization in Aplysia ”, Sutton et al 2002
“The Effects of Cumulative Practice on Mathematics Problem Solving ”, Mayfield & Chase 2002
The effects of cumulative practice on mathematics problem solving
“5 Years Later: Children’s Memory for Medical Emergencies ”, Peterson & Whalen 2001
“Massed and Spaced Learning in Honeybees: The Role of CS, US, the Intertrial Interval, and the Test Interval ”, Menzel et al 2001
“Metacognition in Motor Learning ”
Metacognition in Motor Learning
“Untangling the Benefits of Multiple Study Opportunities and Repeated Testing for Cued Recall ”
Untangling the benefits of multiple study opportunities and repeated testing for cued recall
“Sleep-Induced Changes in Associative Memory ”, Stickgold et al 1999
“A Meta-Analytic Review of the Distribution of Practice Effect: Now You See It, Now You Don’t ”, Donovan & Radosevich 1999
A meta-analytic review of the distribution of practice effect: Now you see it, now you don’t
“Impact of Formal Continuing Medical Education: Do Conferences, Workshops, Rounds, and Other Traditional Continuing Education Activities Change Physician Behavior or Health Care Outcomes? ”, Davis 1999
“Factors That Influence Skill Decay and Retention: A Quantitative Review and Analysis ”
Factors That Influence Skill Decay and Retention: A Quantitative Review and Analysis
“The Mismeasure of Memory: When Retrieval Fluency Is Misleading As a Meta-Mnemonic Index ”, Benjamin et al 1998
The mismeasure of memory: When retrieval fluency is misleading as a meta-mnemonic index
“Does CME Work? An Analysis of the Effect of Educational Activities on Physician Performance or Health Care Outcomes ”, Davis 1998
“Florida Journal of Educational Research ”, Admin 1997
Florida Journal of Educational Research
“The Psychology of Thinking: Embedding Artifice in Nature ”, Simon 1996
“Http://gateway.ut.ovid.com/gw2/ovidweb.cgi ”, WainnerRS 1995
“Training in Self-Explanation and Self-Regulation Strategies: Investigating the Effects of Knowledge Acquisition Activities on Problem Solving ”, Bielaczyc et al 1995
“Does the Sensitivity of Judgments of Learning (JOLs) to the Effects of Various Study Activities Depend on When the JOLs Occur? ”
“Memory and Metamemory Considerations in the Training of Human Beings ”
Memory and Metamemory Considerations in the Training of Human Beings
“Maintenance of Foreign Language Vocabulary and the Spacing Effect ”, Bahrick et al 1993
Maintenance of Foreign Language Vocabulary and the Spacing Effect
“The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of Expert Performance ”, Ericsson et al 1993
The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance
“Cramming: A Barrier to Student Success, A Way to Beat the System or an Effective Learning Strategy ”, Vacha & McBride 1993
Cramming: A Barrier to Student Success, A Way to Beat the System or an Effective Learning Strategy
“Effects of Frequent Classroom Testing ”
Effects of Frequent Classroom Testing
“Remembering Ebbinghaus ”, Roediger 1985
“The Effect of Expanded versus Massed Practice on the Retention of Multiplication Facts and Spelling Lists ”, Rea & Modigliani 1985
“Effects of Massed and Distributed Practice on the Learning and Retention of Second-Language Vocabulary ”
“Spacing Repetitions over 1 Week ”
Spacing repetitions over 1 week
“Contextual Interference Effects on the Acquisition, Retention, and Transfer of a Motor Skill ”, Shea & Morgan 1979
Contextual interference effects on the acquisition, retention, and transfer of a motor skill
“Learning 10,000 Pictures ”, Standing 1973
“Long-Term Habituation of a Defensive Withdrawal Reflex in Aplysia ”
Long-Term Habituation of a Defensive Withdrawal Reflex in Aplysia
“The Situation with respect to the Spacing of Repetitions and Memory ”, Melton 1970
The situation with respect to the spacing of repetitions and memory
“The Effect of Overlearning on Retention ”, Krueger 1929
“The Conditions of Retention ”, Luh 1922
“Educational Psychology (Volume 2): The Psychology of Learning ”, Thorndike 1921
Educational Psychology (volume 2): The Psychology of Learning
“Studies on the Telegraphic Language: The Acquisition of a Hierarchy of Habits ”, Bryan & Harter 1899
Studies on the telegraphic language: The acquisition of a hierarchy of habits
“Studies in the Physiology and Psychology of the Telegraphic Language ”, Bryan & Harter 1897
Studies in the physiology and psychology of the telegraphic language
“Memory Predictions Are Influenced by Perceptual Information: Evidence for Metacognitive Illusions ”
Memory predictions are influenced by perceptual information: evidence for metacognitive illusions
“Spaced Repetition Technology for Legal Education ”
Spaced Repetition Technology for Legal Education
“Repeat Before Forgetting: Spaced Repetition for Efficient and Effective Training of Neural Networks ”
Repeat before Forgetting: Spaced Repetition for Efficient and Effective Training of Neural Networks
The Mind Of A Mnemonist, Luria 2025
“Spaced Repetition for Teaching Two-Year Olds How to Read (Interview) ”
Spaced repetition for teaching two-year olds how to read (Interview)
“Very Long Term Retention of Knowledge ”
“Book Summary: Accelerated Expertise ”
“Spaced Repetition for Mathematics ”
“The Impact of the Spacing Effect and Overlearning on Student Performance ”, Gorgievski 2025
The Impact of the Spacing Effect and Overlearning on Student Performance
“The Effects of Distributed Practice on Two Grade 10 Mathematics Classes ”
The effects of distributed practice on two grade 10 mathematics classes
“Theoretical Aspects of Spaced Repetition in Learning ”, Wozniak 2025
“How Much Knowledge Can Human Brain Hold ”
“Skills Plateau Because Of Decay And Interference ”
“Long-Term Memory Is Facilitated by CAMP Response Element-Binding Protein Overexpression in the Amygdala ”, Josselyn 2025
“Optimized, Individualized Spaced Repetition in Hierarchical Knowledge Structures ”, Skycak 2025
Optimized, Individualized Spaced Repetition in Hierarchical Knowledge Structures
“Learning Science: Actively Recalling Information from Memory Beats Elaborate Study Methods; Put down Those Science Text Books and Work at Recalling Information from Memory. That’s the Shorthand Take Away Message of New Research That Says Practicing Memory Retrieval Boosts Science Learning Far Better Than Elaborate Study Methods. ”
“Effective Learning: 20 Rules of Formulating Knowledge ”, Wozniak 2025
“Spaced Repetition Technology for Legal Education [Video] ”
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psychology/ spaced-repetition/ 2019-02-03-gwern-mnemosyne-export.cards.xz /doc/
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: “The Role of Encoding in the Self-Explanation Effect ”,2005-koriat.pdf
: “Illusions of Competence in Monitoring One’s Knowledge During Study ”,2002-chang.pdf
: “The Effect of Concept Mapping to Enhance Text Comprehension and Summarization ”,