‘Evolution DNM’ directory
- See Also
- Gwern
- “Counterfeits on Darknet Markets: A Measurement between Jan-2014 and Sep-2015”, Soldner et al 2022
- “Are Illicit Drugs a Driving Force for Cryptomarket Leadership?”, Hiramoto & Tsuchiya 2022
- “Drugs on the Web, Crime in the Streets. The Impact of Shutdowns of Dark Net Marketplaces on Street Crime”, Zambiasi 2022
- “Measuring and Analyzing Online Anonymous (‘Darknet’) Marketplaces § Pg3”, Christin 2022 (page 3)
- “AMoC: A Multifaceted Machine Learning-Based Toolkit for Analysing Cybercriminal Communities on the Darknet”, Chen et al 2021b
- “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Clock: Selling Exclusivity Through Conspicuous Goods on Evolution”, Oosterman & Angelini 2021
- “Emergence and Structure of Decentralised Trade Networks around Dark Web Marketplaces”, Nadini et al 2021
- “The Impact of Adverse Events in Darknet Markets: an Anomaly Detection Approach”, Ursani et al 2021
- “Relationship Between Vendor Popularity and Prices on Dark Web Marketplaces”, Aņikevičs 2021
- “Shocks to Production Risk and Supply Responses: Evidence from Darknet Data”, Artner 2021
- “Dark Web in the Dark: Investigating When Transactions Take Place on Cryptomarkets”, Tsuchiya 2020
- “Measuring Dark Web Marketplaces via Bitcoin Transactions: From Birth to Independence”, Hiramoto 2020
- “Information Extraction from Darknet Market Advertisements and Forums”, Heistracher et al 2020b
- “Analysis of Darknet Market Activity As a Country-Specific, Socio-Economic and Technological Phenomenon”, Sutanrikulu et al 2020
- “Behavioral Profiling of Darknet Marketplace Vendors”, Shan 2020
- “Shedding Light on the Dark: The Impact of Legal Enforcement on Darknet Transactions”, Chan et al 2020
- “Open Secrecy: How Police Crackdowns and Creative Problem-Solving Brought Illegal Markets out of the Shadows”, Ladegaard 2020
- “Towards Image-Based Dark Vendor Profiling: An Analysis of Image Metadata and Image Hashing in Dark Web Marketplaces”, Jeziorowski et al 2020
- “Machine Learning Techniques for the Classification of Product Descriptions from Darknet Marketplaces”, Heistracher et al 2020
- “Beneath the Radar: Exploring the Economics of Business Fraud via Underground Markets”, Gãnán et al 2020
- “From Darknets to Light”, Vana & Pachigolla 2019
- “Your Style Your Identity: Leveraging Writing and Photography Styles for Drug Trafficker Identification in Darknet Markets over Attributed Heterogeneous Information Network”, Zhang et al 2019c
- “Forensic Drug Intelligence and the Rise of Cryptomarkets. Part II: Combination of Data from the Physical and Virtual Markets”, Morelato et al 2018
- “Forensic Drug Intelligence and the Rise of Cryptomarkets. Part I: Studying the Australian Virtual Market”, Broséus et al 2017b
- “A Geographical Analysis of Trafficking on a Popular Darknet Market”, Broséus et al 2017
- “Buying Drugs on a Darknet Market: A Better Deal? Studying the Online Illicit Drug Market through the Analysis of Digital, Physical and Chemical Data”, Rhumorbarbe et al 2016
- “Do Police Crackdowns Disrupt Drug Cryptomarkets? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effects of Operation Onymous”, Décary-Hétu & Giommoni 2016
- “Man Ordered ‘Breaking Bad-Style’ Ricin Delivery from FBI Agent, Court Hears; Mohammed Ammer Ali Denies Charge of Attempting to Possess Chemical Weapon, Arguing He Was Trying to Buy Poison for ‘Peaceful Purpose’”
- “The Rise and Fall of Shiny Flakes, Germany’s Online Drug Market”, Locker 2015
- “Gemeinsame Medieninformation Von Staatsanwaltschaft Und Polizeidirektion Leipzig: Weltweit Anbietende Onlineplattform ‘Shiny Flakes’ Stillgelegt”
- “Number of Defendants Charged in Fentanyl Overdoses up to 5”
- “Flowery Branch Couple Busted on Drug Charges”
- “Darkexpresso”
- “Grand Forks Man Pleads Guilty in Several Fentanyl Overdoses”
- “Tre Män Från Länet I Stor Knarkhärva”
- “Härifrån Skötte Han Största Narkotikaligan: Härifrån Skötte Den 26-Årige Skelleftebon Sveriges Största Narkotikaliga. I Dag Åtalas Sex Män. Klockan 10.00 Hålls Presskonferens—Norran Rapporterar Direkt”
- “Polisen Stoppar Omfattande Narkotikahandel via Darknet: Polisen Har I Ett Framgångsrikt Samarbete Tillsammans Med Åklagarmyndigheten Stoppat En Omfattande Försäljning Av Narkotiska Preparat via Darknet”
- “International Drug Network Linked to Grand Forks Teen’s Overdose”
- “Teenager Admits Trying to Buy Deadly Toxin”
- “Liam Lyburd Guilty of College Murder Plot”
- “Breaking Bad Fan Guilty of Dark Web Ricin Plot”
- “Breaking Bad Fan Jailed over Dark Web Ricin Plot”
- “Er Verkaufte Hunderte Kilo Koks, LSD, Crystal, Marihuana Und Medikamente Übers Internet +++ Gefundenes Rauschgift Ist Über 4 Mio. Euro Wert”
- “Liam Lyburd, from Newcastle, Was Today Sentenced to Life in Prison for Buying a Gun, Gas Canisters, and Pipe Bomb Materials from the Dark Web With Intent to Shoot Students at His Former College. BuzzFeed News Follows the Trail and Asks Whether Someone in Future Might Succeed Where He Failed.”
- “Teenager Jailed For Life For Planning Massacre At Newcastle College”
- “Teenager Accused of Plotting Pipe Bomb Attack ‘Was Targeting Further Education College’”
- “Mohammed Ammer Ali ‘Bought Ricin in FBI Sting’ in Liverpool”
- “Liam Lyburd ‘Stockpiled Arsenal to Carry out Mass Murder at Newcastle College’”
- “‘Shiny Flakes’: 38 Hausdurchsuchungen Nach Drogenfund in Leipzig”
- “Oregon Man Indicted in Fatal Grand Forks Overdose Case”
- “Police Investigate Suspected Drug Overdose Death in Grand Forks”
- “Oregon Man Pleads Guilty for ‘Integral Role’ in Grand Forks Fentanyl Deaths”
- “Teenager in Court Charged With Trying to Acquire Lethal Toxin Abrin”
- “Office of Public Affairs New York Man Indicted For Attempting to Acquire Deadly Toxin, Ricin”
- “California Man Convicted Of Conspiracy To Distribute Drugs On The Internet”
- “New York Man Sentenced In Manhattan Federal Court To 16 Years In Prison For Attempting To Acquire Deadly Toxin, Ricin”
- “Fentanyl, Bitcoin and the Seedy Side of the Web: 3 People from Portland and Southwest Washington Are Accused in the Plot”
- “Update—Leipziger Ermittler Nehmen Drogenversand ‘Shiny Flakes’ Hoch”
- “A Guy Used Bitcoin To Stockpile Weapons And Ammunition In A Bid To Carry Out Mass Murder At His Former College”
- “Spektakulärer Polizei-Erfolg in Leipzig: 360 Kilo Drogen Sichergestellt—Ermittlungen Im Darknet”
- “Schlag Gegen Online-Drogenhandel in Leipzig”
- “Liam Lyburd: Bitter Teen ‘Planned Mass Murder at College With Kill Bag Full of Weapons and Explosives’”
- “Liam Lyburd: Bomb Suspect Teen ‘Left Note Blaming Establishment for His Miserable Life’”
- “Germany Drug Bust Finds $4M Haul Destined for Online Sale: Cops”
- “3 OD on Dangerous Drug in Portland Jail; Feds Say Inmate Smuggled Contraband inside Her Body”
- “New York Man Convicted of Trying to Buy Ricin ‘Death Pills’ Online”
- “Teenager Walks Free from Court After Trying to Order Lethal Toxin over Internet: Sixteen-Year-Old Boy from Manchester given 12-Month Referral Order After Claiming He Attempted to Buy Abrin to Kill Himself”
- “German Teenager Sold One Tonne of Drugs from His Mother’s Flat: Boy Nicknamed the ‘Bedroom Dealer’ Jailed for €4m Online Drug Business Run from His Apartment in Leipzig”
- “Exklusiv: Das Interview Mit Dem Verhafteten Online-Dealer Von Shiny Flakes”
- “German Police Just Made a Gigantic Dark-Web Drug Bust”
- Sort By Magic
- Miscellaneous
- Bibliography
See Also
“DNM-Related Arrests, 2011–2015”, Gwern 2012
“Counterfeits on Darknet Markets: A Measurement between Jan-2014 and Sep-2015”, Soldner et al 2022
Counterfeits on Darknet Markets: A measurement between Jan-2014 and Sep-2015
“Are Illicit Drugs a Driving Force for Cryptomarket Leadership?”, Hiramoto & Tsuchiya 2022
Are Illicit Drugs a Driving Force for Cryptomarket Leadership?
“Drugs on the Web, Crime in the Streets. The Impact of Shutdowns of Dark Net Marketplaces on Street Crime”, Zambiasi 2022
“Measuring and Analyzing Online Anonymous (‘Darknet’) Marketplaces § Pg3”, Christin 2022 (page 3)
Measuring and Analyzing Online Anonymous (‘Darknet’) Marketplaces § pg3
“AMoC: A Multifaceted Machine Learning-Based Toolkit for Analysing Cybercriminal Communities on the Darknet”, Chen et al 2021b
“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Clock: Selling Exclusivity Through Conspicuous Goods on Evolution”, Oosterman & Angelini 2021
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Clock: Selling Exclusivity Through Conspicuous Goods on Evolution
“Emergence and Structure of Decentralised Trade Networks around Dark Web Marketplaces”, Nadini et al 2021
Emergence and structure of decentralised trade networks around dark web marketplaces
“The Impact of Adverse Events in Darknet Markets: an Anomaly Detection Approach”, Ursani et al 2021
The Impact of Adverse Events in Darknet Markets: an Anomaly Detection Approach
“Relationship Between Vendor Popularity and Prices on Dark Web Marketplaces”, Aņikevičs 2021
Relationship Between Vendor Popularity and Prices on Dark Web Marketplaces
“Shocks to Production Risk and Supply Responses: Evidence from Darknet Data”, Artner 2021
Shocks to production risk and supply responses: Evidence from darknet data
“Dark Web in the Dark: Investigating When Transactions Take Place on Cryptomarkets”, Tsuchiya 2020
Dark web in the dark: Investigating when transactions take place on cryptomarkets
“Measuring Dark Web Marketplaces via Bitcoin Transactions: From Birth to Independence”, Hiramoto 2020
Measuring dark web marketplaces via Bitcoin transactions: From birth to independence
“Information Extraction from Darknet Market Advertisements and Forums”, Heistracher et al 2020b
Information Extraction from Darknet Market Advertisements and Forums
“Analysis of Darknet Market Activity As a Country-Specific, Socio-Economic and Technological Phenomenon”, Sutanrikulu et al 2020
“Behavioral Profiling of Darknet Marketplace Vendors”, Shan 2020
“Shedding Light on the Dark: The Impact of Legal Enforcement on Darknet Transactions”, Chan et al 2020
Shedding Light on the Dark: The Impact of Legal Enforcement on Darknet Transactions
“Open Secrecy: How Police Crackdowns and Creative Problem-Solving Brought Illegal Markets out of the Shadows”, Ladegaard 2020
“Towards Image-Based Dark Vendor Profiling: An Analysis of Image Metadata and Image Hashing in Dark Web Marketplaces”, Jeziorowski et al 2020
“Machine Learning Techniques for the Classification of Product Descriptions from Darknet Marketplaces”, Heistracher et al 2020
Machine Learning Techniques for the Classification of Product Descriptions from Darknet Marketplaces
“Beneath the Radar: Exploring the Economics of Business Fraud via Underground Markets”, Gãnán et al 2020
Beneath the radar: Exploring the economics of business fraud via underground markets
“From Darknets to Light”, Vana & Pachigolla 2019
“Your Style Your Identity: Leveraging Writing and Photography Styles for Drug Trafficker Identification in Darknet Markets over Attributed Heterogeneous Information Network”, Zhang et al 2019c
“Forensic Drug Intelligence and the Rise of Cryptomarkets. Part II: Combination of Data from the Physical and Virtual Markets”, Morelato et al 2018
“Forensic Drug Intelligence and the Rise of Cryptomarkets. Part I: Studying the Australian Virtual Market”, Broséus et al 2017b
“A Geographical Analysis of Trafficking on a Popular Darknet Market”, Broséus et al 2017
A geographical analysis of trafficking on a popular darknet market
“Buying Drugs on a Darknet Market: A Better Deal? Studying the Online Illicit Drug Market through the Analysis of Digital, Physical and Chemical Data”, Rhumorbarbe et al 2016
“Do Police Crackdowns Disrupt Drug Cryptomarkets? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effects of Operation Onymous”, Décary-Hétu & Giommoni 2016
“Man Ordered ‘Breaking Bad-Style’ Ricin Delivery from FBI Agent, Court Hears; Mohammed Ammer Ali Denies Charge of Attempting to Possess Chemical Weapon, Arguing He Was Trying to Buy Poison for ‘Peaceful Purpose’”
“The Rise and Fall of Shiny Flakes, Germany’s Online Drug Market”, Locker 2015
The Rise and Fall of Shiny Flakes, Germany’s Online Drug Market
“Gemeinsame Medieninformation Von Staatsanwaltschaft Und Polizeidirektion Leipzig: Weltweit Anbietende Onlineplattform ‘Shiny Flakes’ Stillgelegt”
“Number of Defendants Charged in Fentanyl Overdoses up to 5”
Number of Defendants Charged in Fentanyl Overdoses up to 5 :
“Flowery Branch Couple Busted on Drug Charges”
“Grand Forks Man Pleads Guilty in Several Fentanyl Overdoses”
“Tre Män Från Länet I Stor Knarkhärva”
“Härifrån Skötte Han Största Narkotikaligan: Härifrån Skötte Den 26-Årige Skelleftebon Sveriges Största Narkotikaliga. I Dag Åtalas Sex Män. Klockan 10.00 Hålls Presskonferens—Norran Rapporterar Direkt”
“Polisen Stoppar Omfattande Narkotikahandel via Darknet: Polisen Har I Ett Framgångsrikt Samarbete Tillsammans Med Åklagarmyndigheten Stoppat En Omfattande Försäljning Av Narkotiska Preparat via Darknet”
“International Drug Network Linked to Grand Forks Teen’s Overdose”
International drug network linked to Grand Forks teen’s overdose :
“Teenager Admits Trying to Buy Deadly Toxin”
“Liam Lyburd Guilty of College Murder Plot”
“Breaking Bad Fan Guilty of Dark Web Ricin Plot”
“Breaking Bad Fan Jailed over Dark Web Ricin Plot”
“Er Verkaufte Hunderte Kilo Koks, LSD, Crystal, Marihuana Und Medikamente Übers Internet +++ Gefundenes Rauschgift Ist Über 4 Mio. Euro Wert”
“Liam Lyburd, from Newcastle, Was Today Sentenced to Life in Prison for Buying a Gun, Gas Canisters, and Pipe Bomb Materials from the Dark Web With Intent to Shoot Students at His Former College. BuzzFeed News Follows the Trail and Asks Whether Someone in Future Might Succeed Where He Failed.”
“Teenager Jailed For Life For Planning Massacre At Newcastle College”
Teenager Jailed For Life For Planning Massacre At Newcastle College
“Teenager Accused of Plotting Pipe Bomb Attack ‘Was Targeting Further Education College’”
Teenager accused of plotting pipe bomb attack ‘was targeting further education college’ :
“Mohammed Ammer Ali ‘Bought Ricin in FBI Sting’ in Liverpool”
Mohammed Ammer Ali ‘bought ricin in FBI sting’ in Liverpool :
“Liam Lyburd ‘Stockpiled Arsenal to Carry out Mass Murder at Newcastle College’”
Liam Lyburd ‘stockpiled arsenal to carry out mass murder at Newcastle college’ :
“‘Shiny Flakes’: 38 Hausdurchsuchungen Nach Drogenfund in Leipzig”
‘Shiny Flakes’: 38 Hausdurchsuchungen nach Drogenfund in Leipzig :
“Oregon Man Indicted in Fatal Grand Forks Overdose Case”
“Police Investigate Suspected Drug Overdose Death in Grand Forks”
Police investigate suspected drug overdose death in Grand Forks :
“Oregon Man Pleads Guilty for ‘Integral Role’ in Grand Forks Fentanyl Deaths”
Oregon man pleads guilty for ‘integral role’ in Grand Forks fentanyl deaths :
“Teenager in Court Charged With Trying to Acquire Lethal Toxin Abrin”
Teenager in court charged with trying to acquire lethal toxin abrin :
“Office of Public Affairs New York Man Indicted For Attempting to Acquire Deadly Toxin, Ricin”
Office of Public Affairs New York Man Indicted For Attempting to Acquire Deadly Toxin, Ricin :
“California Man Convicted Of Conspiracy To Distribute Drugs On The Internet”
California Man Convicted Of Conspiracy To Distribute Drugs On The Internet :
“New York Man Sentenced In Manhattan Federal Court To 16 Years In Prison For Attempting To Acquire Deadly Toxin, Ricin”
“Fentanyl, Bitcoin and the Seedy Side of the Web: 3 People from Portland and Southwest Washington Are Accused in the Plot”
“Update—Leipziger Ermittler Nehmen Drogenversand ‘Shiny Flakes’ Hoch”
Update—Leipziger Ermittler nehmen Drogenversand ‘Shiny Flakes’ hoch :
“A Guy Used Bitcoin To Stockpile Weapons And Ammunition In A Bid To Carry Out Mass Murder At His Former College”
“Spektakulärer Polizei-Erfolg in Leipzig: 360 Kilo Drogen Sichergestellt—Ermittlungen Im Darknet”
Spektakulärer Polizei-Erfolg in Leipzig: 360 Kilo Drogen sichergestellt—Ermittlungen im Darknet :
“Schlag Gegen Online-Drogenhandel in Leipzig”
“Liam Lyburd: Bitter Teen ‘Planned Mass Murder at College With Kill Bag Full of Weapons and Explosives’”
“Liam Lyburd: Bomb Suspect Teen ‘Left Note Blaming Establishment for His Miserable Life’”
Liam Lyburd: Bomb suspect teen ‘left note blaming establishment for his miserable life’ :
“Germany Drug Bust Finds $4M Haul Destined for Online Sale: Cops”
Germany Drug Bust Finds $4M Haul Destined for Online Sale: Cops :
“3 OD on Dangerous Drug in Portland Jail; Feds Say Inmate Smuggled Contraband inside Her Body”
3 OD on dangerous drug in Portland jail; feds say inmate smuggled contraband inside her body :
“New York Man Convicted of Trying to Buy Ricin ‘Death Pills’ Online”
New York man convicted of trying to buy ricin ‘death pills’ online :
“Teenager Walks Free from Court After Trying to Order Lethal Toxin over Internet: Sixteen-Year-Old Boy from Manchester given 12-Month Referral Order After Claiming He Attempted to Buy Abrin to Kill Himself”
“German Teenager Sold One Tonne of Drugs from His Mother’s Flat: Boy Nicknamed the ‘Bedroom Dealer’ Jailed for €4m Online Drug Business Run from His Apartment in Leipzig”
“Exklusiv: Das Interview Mit Dem Verhafteten Online-Dealer Von Shiny Flakes”
Exklusiv: Das Interview mit dem verhafteten Online-Dealer von Shiny Flakes
“German Police Just Made a Gigantic Dark-Web Drug Bust”
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: “Measuring and Analyzing Online Anonymous (‘Darknet’) Marketplaces § Pg3”,