Research Bounties On Fulltexts
A list of papers/books/materials I have failed to obtain, and financial bounties for anyone who can provide copies to me or the Internet.
Sometimes in research, despite my best search techniques, I am unable to get a digital copy of a paper or book to upload to Libgen. This page lists my failures to date, and offers bounties for anyone who can get me a digital copy of them (often possible via a university ILL department, which are no longer accessible to me). Internet Archive scans are not accepted due to low quality, unless there are extenuating circumstances.
Unless otherwise specified, the current bounty is $10 for papers/theses/chapters & $20 for books/videos/miscellaneous; I can do PayPal or Amazon gift cards most easily, other payment methods will be more work. (I may pay bounty+costs if not unreasonable or you contact me in advance with the total.)
To claim a bounty, contact me with the copy. (Payments are first-come-first served unless you contact me in advance so I can remove it from the list & avoid unnecessary duplication.)
Current count of filled bounties: 45.
The Specialist Chick Sexer, Martin 199431ya (ISBN 0646198866) [book]
“The Curious Cat”, The World About Us BBC2, 19.25 29 April 1979 (available as a 198045ya American-release VHS tape; not to be confused with the 1982 book The Curious Cat which I already have) [50min TV episode]
Carrots and Sticks: Principles of Animal Training, Paul McGreevy and Robert A. Boakes 200718ya, ISBN 1921364157 [book]
Grimm City: An Architectural Fairytale, Pascal Bronner & Thomas Hillier 201312ya (ISBN 0992691400) [book]
Man and Wolf: Advances, Issues, and Problems in Captive Wolf Research, ed Frank 198738ya (Series: Perspectives in Vertebrate Science) (ISBN: 9061936144) [book]
Domestic cat gene frequencies: a catalogue and bibliography, Lloyd & Todd 198936ya, ISBN: 0951431706 / 9780951431702 [book]
Genetic Prehistory in Selective Breeding: a Prelude to Mendel, Wood & Orel 200124ya (ISBN 0198505841) [book]
The Distant Isle: Studies and Translations of Japanese Literature in Honor of Robert H. Brower, Hare et al 199728ya (ISBN: 0939512726) [book]
Thorndike, Robert 196758ya. “Vocabulary Test G-T: Directions and Norms”. New York: Institute of Psychological Research, mimeograph. [paper]
Annals of Child Development: Volume 4, ed Ross Vasta 199035ya (ISBN 0892326344) [book]
Advances in Motivation and Achievement: Women in Science, Steinkamp & Maehr 198441ya (Series: Advances in Motivation & Achievement) (ISBN 0892322888) [book]
Papers which I found cited in chapter 3 “Carbon Dioxide” of Emergency and Continuous Exposure Guidance Levels for Selected Submarine Contaminants, National Research Council (200718ya):
Radziszewski, E., L. Giacomoni, and R. Guillerm. 198837ya. “Effets physiologiques chez l’homme du confinement du longue duree en atmosphere enrichie en dioxyde de carbone”. Pp. 19–23 in Proceedings of the Colloquium on Space and Sea [in French]. European Space Agency, Brussels, Belgium (as cited in NRC 199629ya). [paper]
Kajtar L, Herczeg L, Lang E. 200322ya. “Examination of influence of CO2 concentration by scientific methods in the laboratory” In: Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 200322ya, 2003-12-07–5d2003-12-1122ya. Singa
Richard Feynman’s 196560ya speech to his Far Rockaway High School post-Nobel: tape-recorded, but does not appear to have an official title? Cited in Gleick’s Genius and another book.
Caltech archive policies apparently would require you to visit in person to sneak out a transcription or photograph of it
Alexandre Privat d’Anglemont, Paris anecdoté (1854171ya)/Paris Inconnu (1861164ya): English translations—AFAIK there are none, but I’d love to be proven wrong or someone to do them [book]
Unknown title, survey article cited on “Integrated Cognitive Systems”, pg92 of On Machine Intelligence, Donald Michie: [paper]
How long is it likely to be before a machine can be developed approximating to adult human standards of intellectual performance? In a recent poll [8], thirty-five out of forty-two people engaged in this sort of research gave estimates between ten and one hundred years. There is also fair agreement that the chief obstacles are not hardware limitations. [8]
European AISB Newsletter, no. 9, 4 (196956ya)
Bledsoe, W. W. 196857ya. “Semiautomatic Facial Recognition”, Technical Report SRI Project 6693, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California. (as cited in Boyer’s “In Memoriam: Woodrow Wilson Bledsoe” which describes it as reporting a breakthrough in facial recognition and even outperforming humans to some degree, but does not seem to be publicly available) [paper]
Parker 198540ya, “Learning-logic: casting the cortex of the human brain in silicon”, (TR-47). Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Computational Research in Economics and Management Science
Decision Theory
Frank Ramsey (1903–27193095ya): A Sister’s Memoir, Margaret Paul 201213ya, ISBN 9781854632487 [book]