November 2020 News
November 2020 newsletter with links on DL and genomics scaling, dark mode rewrite, 1 essay, and 1 opera review (The Ring cycle).
November 2020’s newsletter is now out; previous, October 2020 (archives). This is a summary of the updates RSS feed, overlapping with my Changelog; brought to you by my donors on Patreon.
- dark-mode rewrite complete (fixes page load flash & laggy scrolling) arabesque navigation bar in footer with JS keyboard shortcuts; IBM Plex Mono font & custom ALGOL-like syntax highlighting for code blocks; new sun/moon icons for horizontal rulers; images in Wikipedia popups; new internal link/citation convention for multiple citations
“Exploring the limits of Concurrency in ML Training on Google TPUs”, et al 2020 ( BERT in 23s on a TPU-4096; “We view the current competition in language understanding as a modern-day Space Race, with competing organizations assembling both giant machines and giant models in the quest for an Artificial General Intelligence breakthrough.”)
“When Do You Need Billions of Words of Pretraining Data?”, et al 2020 (how do NNs learn from language as n increases? The blessings of scale again: superficial linguistic competence is learned easily with mere millions of words, but, like in GPT-3, the interesting capabilities only start to show up at billions+)
“Measuring Progress in Deep Reinforcement Learning Sample Efficiency”, et al 2020 (ALE halving: 10–18mo; continuous state (Half-Cheetah): 5–24mo; continuous pixel (Walker): 4–9mo)
“Contrastive Representation Learning: A Framework and Review”, Le-et al 2020
“Language ID in the Wild: Unexpected Challenges on the Path to a Thousand-Language Web Text Corpus”, et al 2020 (Internet data is noisy: every problem you can think of & more you haven’t); “Generative Models are Unsupervised Predictors of Page Quality: A Colossal-Scale Study”, et al 2020
“Understanding RL Vision”, et al 2020 (‘the blessings of scale’: agent vision generalizes better & is more interpretable with more kinds of levels, even with fixed sample size, past a certain point)
“Towards Playing Full MOBA Games with Deep Reinforcement Learning”, et al 2020 (pro-level on 5 Honor of Kings using 250k CPU-cores/2k GPUs); “TStarBot-X: An Open-Sourced and Comprehensive Study for Efficient League Training in StarCraft II Full Game”, et al 2020 (12.6k CPU-cores/0.3k GPUs)
“VDVAE: Very Deep VAEs Generalize Autoregressive Models and Can Outperform Them on Images”, 2020 (was all VAEs really needed was much larger models & some stabilizing tricks like “gradient skipping”?); “NVAE: A Deep Hierarchical Variational Autoencoder”, 2020 (using spectral regularization instead of gradient skipping)
Everything Is Heritable:
“Discovery of rare variants associated with blood pressure regulation through meta-analysis of 1.3 million individuals”, et al 2020; “Largest GWAS (N = 1,126,563) of Alzheimer’s Disease Implicates Microglia and Immune Cells”, et al 2020
“Genome-wide meta-analysis of brain volume identifies genomic loci and genes shared with intelligence”, et al 2020
“Genetic predictors of educational attainment and intelligence test performance predict voter turnout”, et al 2020
“Estimation of non-additive genetic variance in human complex traits from a large sample of unrelated individuals”, et al 2020 (non-additive variance still trivial: 0% dominance; 6% epistasis)
“An integrative analysis of genomic and exposomic data for complex traits and phenotypic prediction”, 2020
“An antiviral self-replicating molecular heterotroph”, et al 2020
“Engineering Brain Parasites (Toxoplasma) for Intracellular Delivery of Therapeutic Proteins”, et al 2018 (see also Del 2019 (SSC))
“Many Labs 5: Testing Pre-Data-Collection Peer Review as an Intervention to Increase Replicability”, et al 2020 (despite the claims from researchers’ whose work doesn’t replicate, the “experimenter competence” moderator doesn’t exist)
“Bayesian workflow”, et al 2020
Berkson’s paradox (anywhere there is selection or optimization and you are not using total population samples—be on guard)
“Evening home lighting adversely impacts the circadian system and sleep”, et al 2020 (between-housing light differences can drive large individual differences in melatonin)
“Memorising Milton’s Paradise Lost: A study of a septuagenarian exceptional memoriser”, 2010
“Survey of Alternative Displays”, Blair Neal (beyond LEDs)
“Structural Typography: Type as both language and composition”, Bethany Heck (using fonts as integral part of posters’ form & meaning)
“The Relevance of Classic Fuzz Testing: Have We Solved This One?”, et al 2020 (‘no’, they aren’t even robust to the feline form of fuzzing; followup to et al 1990 )
“The daily grind: Before millstones were invented, the preparation of flour for food was an arduous task largely carried out by women for hours every day. How did it affect their lives and why does it remain a tradition in some places even today?”, Rachel Laudan (“all that is solid melts into thin air…”)
Rosemary’s Baby (196857ya)
Ex Machina (201411ya)