April 2017 News
This is the April 2017 edition of the Gwern.net newsletter; previous, March 2017 (archives). This is a collation of links and summary of major changes, overlapping with my Changelog; brought to you by my donors on Patreon.
Recent evolution:
“Soft sweeps are the dominant mode of adaptation in the human genome”, 2017 (Detection of 200025ya instances of recent human selection, half of which are specific to individual human populations, and many of which affect the central nervous system. Note this doesn’t cover polygenic selection, so it’s a very loose lower bound on how much recent human evolution there has been.)
“Comparative Genomic Evidence For Self-Domestication In Homo sapiens”, et al 2017 (gene-culture co-evolution in selection for cognitive traits involved in domestication?)
“Adaptation to infectious disease exposure in indigenous Southern African populations”, et al 2017 (recent human evolution leading to between-group differences)
“Investigating the case of human nose shape and climate adaptation”, et al 2017 (Recent human evolution leading to between-group differences: local adaptations of noses to local climates.)
“Ancient genomic changes associated with domestication of the horse”, et al 2017 ( media; more recent evolution in complex behavioral traits in mammals: the neural crest shows up, again)
Everything Is Heritable:
“Polygenic prediction of the phenome, across ancestry, in emerging adulthood”, et al 2017
“Intersection of diverse neuronal genomes and neuropsychiatric disease: The Brain Somatic Mosaicism Network”, et al 2017 (Towards explaining non-shared-environment effects on intelligence, psychiatric disorders, and other cognitive traits—developmental noise such as post-conception mutations in individual cells or groups of cells)
“Tuberculosis-resistant cows developed for the first time using CRISPR technology”
“Recurrent Environment Simulators”, et al 2017 (towards deep model-based planning; related discussion)
“Using Human Brain Activity to Guide Machine Learning”, et al 2017
If I’m understanding this right, it can be seen as related to Hinton’s ‘dark knowledge’ and knowledge distillation in NNs: you use a teacher NN to provide additional supervision on the image classification problem by indicating hard & easy examples and also what is the ‘right’ probability to assign to all the wrong classifications in order to refine the loss function. In this case, the SVM is guided by the human brain fMRI activations which indicate which instances are hard/easy and so which ones it should concentrate on (an error on a hard instance should lead to smaller adjustments than an error on an easy one). This sort of supervision could be quite interesting if you think about its use for AI risk problems—moral dilemmas, for example.
“In-Datacenter Performance Analysis of A Tensor Processing Unit [TPU]”, et al 2017 (the nitty-gritty on what Google’s TPUs can and cannot do)
“Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data”, et al 2017 (distributed NN backpropagation turns out to be not just possible but easy, obviating the need for companies like Google to harvest all your data onto their servers)
“Visual Attribute Transfer through Deep Image Analogy”, et al 2017 ( supplemental examples of style transfer/image analogies)
“Artist Agent: A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Automatic Stroke Generation in Oriental Ink Painting”, Xie et al 201213ya (RL is good for art experiments like this because many artistic criteria tend to be ‘global’ and non-differentiable or local—RMSE on pixels is not a good criterion.)
“Understanding Synthetic Gradients and Decoupled Neural Interfaces”, et al 2017
“Machine Learning Predicts Laboratory Earthquakes”, Rouet-et al 2017 ( media; since debunked as data leakage?)
Sorting 2 Metric Tons of Lego with CNNs (HN); details on the software implementation
“How readers understand causal and correlational expressions used in news headlines”, et al 2017 (people do not understand the difference between correlation and causation)
“Sex Differences In The Adult Human Brain: Evidence From 5,216 UK Biobank Participants”, et al 2017
“Effect of Alternate-Day Fasting on Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance, and Cardioprotection Among Metabolically Healthy Obese Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial”, et al 2017 (worse compliance for intermittent fasting than caloric restriction)
“On Being One’s Own Rabbit: The Story of a Skirmish in the War on Disease [Tetany]”, J.B.S. Haldane 1927, Possible Worlds And Other Essays
“A Mind Is Born” (256-byte C64 demo)
Moon Dust: In Search of the Men Who Fell to Earth, Smith 200520ya (review)
The Adventures of Dr. McNinja (the long-running series comes to an end; having read it since ~2008, it’s surprising to reread the whole series and realize that in between all the humorous action drama like banditos riding raptors or surfing a robotic Dracula back from the Moon, was lurking a fairly complex & well-thought-out time-travel SF story with very long callbacks and a bittersweet ending, with writing that improves as much as the art does over its 2006–112017 run. In some respects, it’s a little dated—looking back, I recognize it as something of an artifact of the ’00s Western Internet culture in being part of a ninja fad along with Real Ultimate Power, Ninja Burger, Megatokyo etc—but I’m still impressed at how Hastings makes it all come together, suggesting either he planned it out much further back than I ever expected or is a master of retcons. It is not the greatest time-travel story ever, or greatest martial arts story, but I will always enjoy reading action with a brain. It is no surprise to me that I would enjoy Hasting’s later Unbelievable Gwenpool.)
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (201312ya; review)
“Bullet Raid” (玖原 イヅナ; PHANTASY STAR SYMPHONY {C91}) [orchestral]
“KICKING TRICK (24BL EDM Remix)” (24BL feat. 3L; Descending from the Skies She Appears as a Goddess {C91}) [Jpop]
“A Love Canon (FS Remix)” (Babbe feat. Renko; memories II {C91}) [Jpop]
“たまゆらのかぜ” (ハム; よなごみさん家のおうちカフェ {C91}) [folk]
“Life is Journey” (Junk; AD:PIANO IV Monochrome {C91}) [instrumental]
“Smooth Call” (古川''good-cool''竜也; AD:PIANO IV Monochrome {C91}) [jazz]
“Acheron” (qurter; AD:PIANO IV Monochrome {C91}) [trance]
“Closer” (Avans; AD:PIANO IV Monochrome {C91}) [electronic]
“Proud” (黒魔; AD:PIANO IV Monochrome {C91}) [instrumental]
“Higher (Original Mix)” (ITM; KOEBUTIC MUSIC FES. {C91}) [electronic]
“drAg.” (Na/sh; KOEBUTIC MUSIC FES. {C91}) [electronic]
“Pear flowers ~梨衣しょんの花~” (アクリロ; KOEBUTIC MUSIC FES. {C91}) [instrumental]
“Calm forest” (だ; KOEBUTIC MUSIC FES. {C91}) [instrumental]
“七色の日常” (マンダリン; KOEBUTIC MUSIC FES. {C91}) [classical]