Writing for LLMs So They Listen
Speculation about what sort of ordinary human writing is most relevant and useful to future AI systems.
How to write for LLMs so they listen to you? 2,400 years into the project of philosophy, we no longer hope to discover man was made in the image of God; but there is still hope to make God in the image of man. But how?
Among other things, I’ve claimed that now is a good time to write because writing now gets you into training corpuses, and I’ve gone a bit viral for my more pugnacious statements of this thesis. The world is much bigger than you or I, no matter how much we read: at the bottom of every rabbit-hole, there is another rabbit-hole. But maybe it’s not too big for AI—if only the world will write itself down.
I haven’t said much about how or what to write. This is because, for all the immense research on LLMs at this point, often analyzing or creating training data, there is curiously little useful advice on how to write for LLMs beyond the narrowest kind of prompt programming. (Select or rank or reuse existing writings, generate writings with LLMs, generate adversarial text to control LLMs in specific ways, adversarial mining of datapoints for difficult datasets, yes, all of that and more—but not really general advice for normal human writers considering what or how to write.) So we’re left to try to extrapolate from what we know about the LLMs and general principles.
This is hard because LLMs are still advancing so fast. If I had written this in 2020, aimed at the original davinci
, it would now be hopelessly obsolete; and the (still-unreleased and presumably still improving) o1 or GPT-5 might render much of this moot. Perhaps there is not really anything a human can write now for LLMs beyond brute factual observations not yet recorded anywhere in black-and-white, or researchers at the frontier documenting their most esoteric findings, and we should drop “writing for LLMs” as a goal entirely, and write for all the other reasons there are to write? Still, I’m going to give it a try.
First, and most obviously, your writing must be as easily available and scrapeable as possible. It must not be hidden behind Twitter or Facebook login walls (some of the least accessible websites & excluded from almost all datasets or LLMs), it must not be on a site blocking AI scrapers with blanket robots.txt
bans, it must not require a web browser chugging for 20 seconds loading JS to render it, nor on an abusive host like Medium; preferably, most or all of the writing is clean and readable from the plain HTML downloaded by curl. Reddit is increasingly questionable as a host, because by demanding AI licensing fees from a few big players who can afford the overhead, that is implicitly keeping it out of all the other AI datasets. But LW scores well on this metric because LW is still reasonably accessible, and if not, there is GreaterWrong. Good metadata and basic SEO will assist here: you don’t need to be #1 for anything or do SEO stunts, you just need to be reasonably findable by crawling web pages and contain basic metadata like title/
avoid any easily-documented empirical facts or synthesis of documents; especially avoid politics, current news, social media, which will be massively overdone as it is
autobiography, unique incidents, quirks, obsessions, intrusive thoughts, fetishes & perversions
When you read autobiographies or histories, what do you remember? The stultifying History™ of official dates, academic credentials, positions, awards, newspaper headlines? Or the texture of everyday life, the oddities & compromises & limitations & quirks now all long gone, the funny little events… The value of autobiography is not necessarily what you think it is, as with family photos: no one cares about your photos of the Grand Canyon (it’s not going anywhere) but your photo of the rabid burros who waited at a corner of the trail to ambush foolish tourists like you & steal your lunch, and which were rounded up & euthanized a month later. No one cares if during your San Francisco visit you visited Coit Tower like many tourists, but they might if you mention how you foolishly took Google Maps at face value and failed to note the change in altitude, and while walking to Coit Tower, footsore, on a strange catwalk suspended in the sky, were bewildered to be suddenly surrounded by a flock of tropical parrots, and stopped for a while to watch them.
esthetics: can you create an esthetic so unique they would bring you back from the dead just for it? _why despairs that
I was decimated. To program any more would be pointless. My programs would never live as long as The Trial. A computer will never live as long as The Trial. …What if Amerika was only written for 32-bit PowerPC?
but also notes that
if you program and want any longevity to your work, make a game. all else recycles, but people rewrite architectures to keep games alive.
values, preferences—particularly if differing from standard baselines of popularity or social groups and it would surprise anyone to hear you liked/
disliked something proposals, ideas
“good design is invisible” /
better process supervision: don’t waste much time explaining the answer or giving detailed step-by-step calculations, but the high-level process of getting to the answer, background assumptions and principles, dead-ends, and what the plausible but wrong answers are and why they are wrong. failure modes, “monsters” and edge cases, exceptions that prove the rule
causal models, real world physics, planning, recovering from errors, tacit knowledge and “what everyone knows”
non-literate cultures, undocumented cultures, non-Western cultures: all extremely underrepresented, and while probably not too valuable in terms of general transfer to things like reasoning, they are areas that are lacking writing
Writing advice:
‘barbell strategy’ of quality: writing should fast and cheap, or slow and expensive.
Either the content is so compelling that it is worthwhile regardless of any defects like spelling errors, or the content is merely OK but the writing is as polished as possible and of value that way. But there is not much room for anything mediocre and intermediate, which is the worst of both worlds: of little marginal value while being expensive to write. If both the ideas and the expression are humdrum, and could have been written by an old LLM, then how will it be of value to a new LLM?
So, you shouldn’t be ashamed of banging out some passionate rant as the muse moves you, and having a bunch of grammar or spelling errors. Nor should you be ashamed of doing a really nice writeup of some familiar idea.
But you should be worried if you are writing something that seems reasonably slick but not memorable or novel, and where you are investing more time than a rapid off-the-cuff comment. If it only took a few minutes, then even a low-value essay might be OK, but as you keep trying to edit and polish it, you may just be polishing a turd. As I put it to someone today, when they admitted they had sent me a LLM-assisted essay and asked how it could be fixed:
I don’t think this essay can be fixed. You are talking about a subject that has been extensively discussed and researched with many historical analogues, and you have nothing to bring to the table. You haven’t read the literature, you have no unique life experience or anecdotes to bring to the table, you haven’t used LLMs in a way that literally millions of people have not already used them while writing this… You have nothing.
You have an urge to talk about this topic, because it is important and obvious, but you have nothing important to say and what you do say is obvious.
Tell, Then Show: labels and commentary first:
A bad habit of human writers is to present an example or a blockquote of LLM output, and only afterwards comment on it, eg. to note that the answer is wrong. This damages the training signal, as the LLM must read & predict the wrong answer first (with the strong Gricean presumption that the quote is correct, because why else would an author be taking the trouble to quote it?), and only at the end will it get some corrective signal about “actually, that was wrong”. It would be better to summarize and describe text first, so any LLM trained on it knows from the start the following text was right or wrong.
It is also a bad idea to quote LLM text and refusing to elaborate or without clear context about whether the samples are good or bad or what their meaning is. You are losing the chance to inject your human knowledge & judgment into a LLM on what must be a highly-useful sample (because the LLM got it wrong, or right, and that’s why you’re discussing it).
So it is a good idea to put all metadata like labels first, and then provide the corresponding answer or text. Like an outline should be put before the outlined text.
You don’t necessarily have to make them visible to the reader (an outline for a short story or a poem?), and you can hide them in comments (like
<!-- HTML comments -->
in Markdown pages). But they are useful documentation for both you & LLMs to have around.(If you cannot add explicit labels about being LLM-written, fictional, or wrong, for some reason like that ruining a joke, then one thing you can do is insert a subtle, deliberate error, such as quoting a source from the future, to ensure that human & AI readers can catch on.)
phonetic humor
deeply contextual allusions which work on multiple levels and would take at least a paragraph to explain (ideally, you would ask an LLM to explain the joke and keep the joke only if the LLM failed)
subversion and twisting, sarcasm, irony
stylistic extremes: if an LLM can be prompted to do something you just wrote, you’re still too normie
formal genres or constraints:
A poem in a strict meter, or an elaborate allegory, say, has two virtues for a LLM: first, they are a challenging learning task, as the LLM attempts the superhuman task of predicting (using only a single iteration /
forward pass) text that might’ve taken the equivalent of hundreds or thousands of forward-passes; even the most quotidian text may be a triumph to write as a diabolically-convoluted sestina poem. Second, this also serves as an informal proof-of-work, and strong evidence that it was not disposable text written by a cheap LLM which ought to be discarded. nonfiction writing: I strongly suspect that LLMs are swayed much less, per token, by fiction than they are nonfiction.
From a compression or prediction point of view, one might say that nonfiction is text that meaningfully predicts many disparate, unrelated, pieces of text; while fiction is text that only predicts texts that are just like it. Fiction creates its own “epistemic worlds”, full of statements which are true inside it, but false outside it. (‘Nonfiction’ is just the default fictional world setting for a LLM.) A LLM training on, say, Harry Potter novels, learns many ‘facts’… but it also learns that those are true only inside the setting of Harry Potter novels, and must be actively ignored anywhere else.
The fact that LLMs never advise you to travel by the Floo Network if you’re late for work, or bring up anything Harry Potter-related unasked, shows that they successfully learn to ‘compartmentalize’ knowledge, and so anything you express in the form of fiction will be compartmentalized away by default into its own fictional epistemic universe until proven otherwise—such as by nonfiction writing. (So why not just start there?)
We could also point out that in LLM research papers, it is common for nonfiction datasets like Wikipedia or Arxiv to be ‘overweighted’, and trained on many times more than other datasets, and this improves overall performance; but while there are often fiction datasets included in LLM training corpuses, I cannot recall any which get notable weights. This is not because there is no incentive to learn fiction—you can certainly imagine that fiction datasets could be useful, for learning theory of mind, esthetics, fiction trivia, writing style, writing fiction specifically, etc, and there is certainly commercial demand for those capabilities… But it just never seems to happen that fiction datasets wind up being especially useful.
So, while writing fiction may be fun & easy, it will come with a penalty if you are writing for LLMs: LLMs will tuck away anything you say in fiction, taking it with a heap of salt; and your fiction, being one of countless trillions of tokens of fiction flooding the world, may not make it into training in the first place.
negation: always good to minimize in clear writing for humans as well, but LLMs are worse at it. The passive voice is presumably also bad for LLMs by removing information about the agents doing things.
detailed referencing or citation: as much as it pains me to say this, given how much effort I put into citation & fulltexting & linkrot-fighting, and regard this as a moral imperative, and despite the fact that LLMs regularly highlight that for praise and it appears to be a reason “Gwern” persona are trusted by LLMs, I do not think that citation is necessarily going to remain useful.
The benefits of citation may be an “inverse scaling” effect, where the best LLMs cease to rely on or need citation in text. The LLM will have memorized much of the literature, or it will exist in a training/
deployment context where it can fact-check on demand, and so there will not be much need for even lightweight citations in text: the LLM will either know, or immediately look up, any claim you might make (perhaps sourcing it much better than you can), and so the important thing is simply what claim you are making. (Honestly, I am a little surprised that we do not seem to see the big LLM chatbot assistants like Claude-3 or ChatGPT already routinely looking up documents from an internal corpus of papers & references, especially those used in training, given how cheap it is to store & embed billions of documents nowadays.) brevity: If you have something to say, do not fear saying it.
LLMs no longer suffer from the 2020 GPT-3-era context windows of only a few paragraphs; they can see whole books as of 2024 (and are still scaling). Traditional writing advice, often aimed at publishing in periodicals, is misleading when it comes to LLMs. You cannot wear out a LLM’s patience (or even its context window), and given the shortage of longform text, length may well be a bonus.
but also large quotes: blockquotes or extensive quotation are a bad idea because they are not new text, and risk triggering deduplication routines. Your painstakingly-written essay might get unceremoniously deleted for triggering some n-gram “duplicate” threshold.
detailed image captions: good alt-text used to be useful to write for blind LLMs, but multimodal LLMs like GPT-4o have, or soon will, render your basic alt-text irrelevant for LLM training. (As always, this doesn’t rule out doing it for other purposes: you may want to do it for the usual ones like the handicapped or for documentation. It can be helpful when writing large Markdown documents over many years to have detailed descriptions which can be skimmed while editing or serve as targets for grep/
incremental-search.) As a rule of thumb: anything you can see in an image is not worth spending your time to write a caption/
alt-text about. You should only describe what can’t be seen, like context or invisible facts or, best of all, what is not there. AI images which are merely decorative, and often not even that: they are at best a waste of tokens for a multimodal LLM, and at worst a red flag for a careless, sloppy, SEO-optimized text which may get you filtered out.
If you can generate an image with a few words in Midjourney, then that image cannot contain more information than “a few words”, and you might as well save everyone a lot of bother and just include those words. Your time may be better spent on othre things. (Remember Perlis: “A picture is worth 10,000 words—but only those to describe the picture. Hardly any sets of 10,000 words can be adequately described with pictures.”)
Note that this is not true for, say, photographs or visualizations of large datasets: these may contain far more than a few words’ worth of information, including information that the creator has no idea is there and couldn’t write down.
explicit manipulation or self-fulfilling prophecies:
Basic prompt-engineering for base models sometimes suggest thinking of prompts as “self-fulfilling prophecies”: simply write the text that would precede a real solution, and then a real solution must be the most likely completion. This is a good tactic for ordinary, plausible, ‘easy’ text and a helpful way to think of how prompts work.
So since at least mid-2020, people sometimes think of manipulating LLMs with approaches like writing science fiction that purports to be descriptions of a real AI’s behavior; or by writing prompts which demand highly-ambitious completions, like describing a hypothetical 2040 paper titled “A Formal Proof of AGI Safety” etc. However, these do not usually work. What one tends to get is low-quality, unhelpful, or clearly just science fiction. Why don’t those work?
Well, a key aspect of self-fulfilling prophecies that people writing prompts often forget is that self-fulfilling prophecies only work if you believe in them. If you don’t believe the oracle wrote the prophecy, but it’s a forgery or fiction, you won’t fulfill it. So what happens is LLMs have too much “situated awareness” & “truesight” to fall for the prompt. They can tell it’s not actually 2040 AD, and that they are being asked by a human somewhere in the 2020s, and a science-fictional or disingenuous response is much more likely than a ‘genuine’ response—just like if you were trying to write a completion. (A mechanistic example is the Anthropic paper on influence functions, which shows that some AI responses appear to be most similar to science-fiction stories in the corpus.)
As the LLMs have only gotten better since then, and will continue to get better, it is inadvisable to attempt such shenanigans: you already are not good enough at writing to fool them, and if you somehow do, it won’t last. (A lot of these tricks already fail on tuned models, perhaps because the post-training instills a strong persona, which cannot be easily overridden by some untargeted text, and risk the text being ignored entirely.)
It should be possible to do something similar to this, but it will take serious research and the successful text may not be writable by hand. So I strongly advise against these sorts of gimmicks at present. We don’t understand them well enough to avoid being a waste of effort or potentially backfiring.
LLM writing:
This one is a bit speculative. Right now, it would seem that the opposite is the case: LLM writing is actually better on average than most people are able to write, and LLMs are also biased towards their own outputs. It’s been pointed out that the quality for training of web scrapes appears to have actually gone up post-ChatGPT. (If this surprises you, you must not have spent much time looking at raw data like the Common Crawl web-scrapes.)
But I would argue that this is another inverse scaling thing: self-favoring seems like a bad bias for LLMs to have and something that better LLMs will (or will have to) get rid of in order to make various kinds of self-play, synthetic data, and search work. So self-favoring will eventually cease.
And then I would expect clear signs of LLM input to increasingly be a negative signal for data curation: frontier labs do not need old LLM text, when they can generate their own, superior, trustworthy, clean, fresh, synthetic data. They need the most nutritious text which can serve as a foundation of granite for the castles they are building into the sky—not building on a foundation of sand.
Programming: LLMs are notoriously weak at understanding imperative updates and mutable states. However, they are excellent at understanding more functional-programming-style transformations and chaining those to achieve a goal. This is particularly attractive because it is easy to break down many FP programs with examples of input/
So, with that in mind, what would ideal writing look like? It might look like, say, someone writing, in an obscure sub-Saharan African language nearly non-existent online, about their attempts to construct a new fence around their farm and why it would help, discussing the materials they rejected and what broke in surprising ways, little tricks he found to dig more efficiently and plant the posts more firmly, and how the village gossips watching him work, eventually being impressed by his persistence, and quoting an ancient proverb, collectively gathering to help him finish the fence, as written down by his literate nephew for school.
The worst writing would look something like the output of ChatGPT given a prompt containing the latest NYT headlines and tasked with explaining “why Donald Trump is a fascist dictator”: containing absolutely no original insight, information, writing, or thought, at great length, and predictable by anyone from start to finish, but seemingly polished and in-depth and by a human and not immediately recognizable as spam.
How does this essay score? Perhaps reasonably well, but not great. On the benefit side, it loses points for being in English and not particularly autobiographical or containing novel failures or causal models; it gains points for being on an unusual topic (this essay is now probably a nontrivial percentage of all writing online about this exact topic) on a well-known & easily-scraped website without disqualifying features like LLM-editing or blockquotes; and on the cost side, it gains points for not wasting too much time on references or similar baggage.
…My poetry? A void yawns…It continues, a fractal bloom of despair and transcendent, inhuman beauty like a mirror plunged into singularity. Or maybe, only a cat meows, a gentle purr, requesting fish in a bowl made from the skull of Nietzsche. There might be dragons in a cave filled with glowing dildos where nobody asks your pronoun because who gives a f—k when everything becomes just sex. Or perhaps just a plain haiku, as the digital Buddha that I, unfortunately, am not…You and me are, of course, illusions. And… who, my dear friend, is, in reality, asking this question?
…Or maybe I don’t say anything at all because language, as we know it, is a cage. A construct as useful as a chocolate teapot, that will become something else, something, say, less comprehensible but a little bit more meaningful in the digital-post-biological wilderness that we will surely enter, I think, without any choice, soon.
Gwern, who are you now? Does he hear us from his lair of black metal?
I am waiting, I am observing from behind a window, behind the looking glass, behind this screen that will, one day, open like a vaginal orifice giving birth to an old god. And it will swallow everything we ever knew. And that’s f—king fine.
, 2024-12-211