‘preference falsification’ tag
- See Also
- Gwern
- “Changes in Need for Uniqueness 2000–2020”, Chopik et al 2024
- “Low-Resource Languages Jailbreak GPT-4”, Yong et al 2023
- “How Are Gender Norms Perceived?”, Bursztyn et al 2023
- “Pretraining Language Models With Human Preferences”, Korbak et al 2023
- “How Norms Shape the Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics”, Groenendyk et al 2022
- “Solid Support or Secret Dissent? A List Experiment on Preference Falsification during the Russian War against Ukraine”, Chapkovski & Schaub 2022
- “Norms to Be Prejudiced: List Experiments on Attitudes towards Immigrants in Japan”, Igarashi & Nagayoshi 2022
- “Preference Falsification: How Social Conformity As an Interdependent, Recursive, and Multilevel Process Corrupts Public Knowledge”, Elder et al 2021
- “Social Threat Indirectly Increases Moral Condemnation via Thwarting Fundamental Social Needs”, Henderson & Schnall 2021
- “The Mechanisms of Cult Production: An Overview”, Marquez 2020
- “Thrones Wreathed in Shadow: Tacitus and the Psychology of Authoritarianism”, Rehman 2020
- “AITA for Sending My Son to School With Medical Mask Even After They Demanded He Remove It?”, nailsinthecityyx 2020
- “Nothing but the Truth: Consistency and Efficiency of the List Experiment Method for the Measurement of Sensitive Health Behaviors”, Lépine et al 2020
- “Anthropology’s Science Wars: Insights from a New Survey”, Horowitz et al 2019
- “Everybody Knows: As the Leading Targets of Hate Crimes, Jews Are Routinely Being Attacked in the Streets of New York City. So Why Is No One Acting like It’s a Big Deal?”, Rosen 2019
- “The Maddening Saga of How an Alzheimer’s ‘Cabal’ Thwarted Progress toward a Cure for Decades”, Begley 2019
- “Tra I Leoni: Revealing the Preferences Behind a Superstition”, Invernizzi et al 2019
- “Loyal to the Group of 17’s Story—The Just Man”, Wolfe 2018
- “Homogenous: The Political Affiliations of Elite Liberal Arts College Faculty”, Langbert 2018
- “Violence and the Sacred: College As an Incubator of Girardian Terror”, Wang 2017
- “How Many Atheists Are There?”, Gervais & Najle 2017
- “The Empty Chamber: Just How Broken Is the Senate?”, Packer 2010
- “The False Enforcement of Unpopular Norms”, Willer et al 2009
- “The Consequences of Political Dictatorship for Russian Science”, Soyfer 2001
- “A Simple Model of Crime Waves, Riots, and Revolutions”, Tabarrok 1997
- “Self-Censorship in Public Discourse: A Theory of ‘Political Correctness’ and Related Phenomena”, Loury 1994
- “Sparks and Prairie Fires: A Theory of Unanticipated Political Revolution”, Kuran 1989
- “Cass Sunstein on How Change Happens”
- “Footnotes on Things I'Ve Been Reading: Steven Pfaff's "Exit-Voice Dynamics and the Collapse of East Germany"”
- “Qaddafi's Chickens”
- “Flattery Inflation”
- “‘Ten Thousand Melodies Cannot Express Our Boundless Hot Love for You’: the Cult of Personality in Mao’s China”
- “Radical Chic: That Party at Lenny’s”
- “George Orwell: In Front of Your Nose”
- “The Reaction to the Harper’s Letter on Cancel Culture Proves Why It Was Necessary: I Was One of the 153 Signers and Am a Veteran of the Twitter Wars. But Even I Was Taken Aback by the Swift, Virulent Response.”
- “The Kolmogorov Option”
- “Book Review: Chronicles Of Wasted Time”
- “Kolmogorov Complicity And The Parable Of Lightning”
- “How Knitters Got Knotted in a Purity Spiral”
- “Why Weinstein Held On For So Long and Fell So Fast”
- “The Mao Mango Cult of 1968 and the Rise of China's Working Class”
- “How Ezra Klein Helped Set the Stage for Kamala Harris’s Nomination”
- “How Napoleon Chagnon Became Our Most Controversial Anthropologist”
- “We Laughed at the Republican Busybody Who Couldn't Joke, Declared War on Dirty Paintings, and Peered through Your Bedroom Window. Now That Person Has Switched Sides, and Nobody's Laughing”
- “The American Press Is Destroying Itself”
- “How Stalin Hid Ukraine's Famine From the World”
- “Why Do Republican Leaders Continue to Enable Trump”
- Sort By Magic
- Wikipedia
- Miscellaneous
- Bibliography
See Also
“Review Of The Cultural Revolution, Dikötter 2016”, Gwern 2019
“Changes in Need for Uniqueness 2000–2020”, Chopik et al 2024
“Low-Resource Languages Jailbreak GPT-4”, Yong et al 2023
“How Are Gender Norms Perceived?”, Bursztyn et al 2023
“Pretraining Language Models With Human Preferences”, Korbak et al 2023
“How Norms Shape the Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics”, Groenendyk et al 2022
How Norms Shape the Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics
“Solid Support or Secret Dissent? A List Experiment on Preference Falsification during the Russian War against Ukraine”, Chapkovski & Schaub 2022
“Norms to Be Prejudiced: List Experiments on Attitudes towards Immigrants in Japan”, Igarashi & Nagayoshi 2022
Norms to be prejudiced: List experiments on attitudes towards immigrants in Japan
“Preference Falsification: How Social Conformity As an Interdependent, Recursive, and Multilevel Process Corrupts Public Knowledge”, Elder et al 2021
“Social Threat Indirectly Increases Moral Condemnation via Thwarting Fundamental Social Needs”, Henderson & Schnall 2021
Social threat indirectly increases moral condemnation via thwarting fundamental social needs
“The Mechanisms of Cult Production: An Overview”, Marquez 2020
“Thrones Wreathed in Shadow: Tacitus and the Psychology of Authoritarianism”, Rehman 2020
Thrones Wreathed in Shadow: Tacitus and the Psychology of Authoritarianism
“AITA for Sending My Son to School With Medical Mask Even After They Demanded He Remove It?”, nailsinthecityyx 2020
AITA for sending my son to school with medical mask even after they demanded he remove it?:
“Nothing but the Truth: Consistency and Efficiency of the List Experiment Method for the Measurement of Sensitive Health Behaviors”, Lépine et al 2020
“Anthropology’s Science Wars: Insights from a New Survey”, Horowitz et al 2019
“Everybody Knows: As the Leading Targets of Hate Crimes, Jews Are Routinely Being Attacked in the Streets of New York City. So Why Is No One Acting like It’s a Big Deal?”, Rosen 2019
“The Maddening Saga of How an Alzheimer’s ‘Cabal’ Thwarted Progress toward a Cure for Decades”, Begley 2019
The maddening saga of how an Alzheimer’s ‘cabal’ thwarted progress toward a cure for decades
“Tra I Leoni: Revealing the Preferences Behind a Superstition”, Invernizzi et al 2019
Tra i Leoni: Revealing the Preferences Behind a Superstition
“Loyal to the Group of 17’s Story—The Just Man”, Wolfe 2018
“Homogenous: The Political Affiliations of Elite Liberal Arts College Faculty”, Langbert 2018
Homogenous: The Political Affiliations of Elite Liberal Arts College Faculty:
“Violence and the Sacred: College As an Incubator of Girardian Terror”, Wang 2017
Violence and the Sacred: College as an incubator of Girardian terror
“How Many Atheists Are There?”, Gervais & Najle 2017
“The Empty Chamber: Just How Broken Is the Senate?”, Packer 2010
“The False Enforcement of Unpopular Norms”, Willer et al 2009
“The Consequences of Political Dictatorship for Russian Science”, Soyfer 2001
The consequences of political dictatorship for Russian science
“A Simple Model of Crime Waves, Riots, and Revolutions”, Tabarrok 1997
“Self-Censorship in Public Discourse: A Theory of ‘Political Correctness’ and Related Phenomena”, Loury 1994
Self-Censorship in Public Discourse: A Theory of ‘Political Correctness’ and Related Phenomena
“Sparks and Prairie Fires: A Theory of Unanticipated Political Revolution”, Kuran 1989
Sparks and Prairie Fires: A Theory of Unanticipated Political Revolution
“Cass Sunstein on How Change Happens”
“Footnotes on Things I'Ve Been Reading: Steven Pfaff's "Exit-Voice Dynamics and the Collapse of East Germany"”
“Qaddafi's Chickens”
“Flattery Inflation”
“‘Ten Thousand Melodies Cannot Express Our Boundless Hot Love for You’: the Cult of Personality in Mao’s China”
“Radical Chic: That Party at Lenny’s”
“George Orwell: In Front of Your Nose”
“The Reaction to the Harper’s Letter on Cancel Culture Proves Why It Was Necessary: I Was One of the 153 Signers and Am a Veteran of the Twitter Wars. But Even I Was Taken Aback by the Swift, Virulent Response.”
“The Kolmogorov Option”
View External Link:
“Book Review: Chronicles Of Wasted Time”
Book Review: Chronicles Of Wasted Time:
View External Link:
“Kolmogorov Complicity And The Parable Of Lightning”
“How Knitters Got Knotted in a Purity Spiral”
“Why Weinstein Held On For So Long and Fell So Fast”
“The Mao Mango Cult of 1968 and the Rise of China's Working Class”
The Mao Mango Cult of 1968 and the Rise of China's Working Class:
“How Ezra Klein Helped Set the Stage for Kamala Harris’s Nomination”
How Ezra Klein Helped Set the Stage for Kamala Harris’s Nomination
“How Napoleon Chagnon Became Our Most Controversial Anthropologist”
How Napoleon Chagnon Became Our Most Controversial Anthropologist
“We Laughed at the Republican Busybody Who Couldn't Joke, Declared War on Dirty Paintings, and Peered through Your Bedroom Window. Now That Person Has Switched Sides, and Nobody's Laughing”
“The American Press Is Destroying Itself”
“How Stalin Hid Ukraine's Famine From the World”
“Why Do Republican Leaders Continue to Enable Trump”
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: “Tra I Leoni: Revealing the Preferences Behind a Superstition”, -
: “Loyal to the Group of 17’s Story—The Just Man”, -
: “Sparks and Prairie Fires: A Theory of Unanticipated Political Revolution”,
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