‘anorexia’ directory
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- “‘You Tried to Tell Yourself I Wasn’t Real’: What Happens When People With Acute Psychosis Meet the Voices in Their Heads?”
- “Genomics Yields Biological and Phenotypic Insights into Bipolar Disorder”, O’Connell et al 2024
- “Persistent Thinness and Anorexia Nervosa Differ on a Genomic Level”, Hübel et al 2024
- “Gastrointestinal Interoception in Eating Disorders: Charting a New Path”, Khalsa et al 2022
- “A Selection Pressure Landscape for 870 Human Polygenic Traits”, Song et al 2021
- “Polygenic Heterogeneity Across Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Subgroups Defined by a Comorbid Diagnosis”, Strom et al 2021
- “Constitutional Thinness and Anorexia Nervosa Differ on a Genomic Level”, Hübel et al 2021
- “Activity-Based Anorexia Animal Model: a Review of the Main Neurobiological Findings”, Spadini et al 2021
- “Genomic Relationships, Novel Loci, and Pleiotropic Mechanisms across Eight Psychiatric Disorders”, Consortium 2019
- “Genome Wide Meta-Analysis Identifies Genomic Relationships, Novel Loci, and Pleiotropic Mechanisms across Eight Psychiatric Disorders”, Consortium et al 2019
- “Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies 8 Risk Loci and Implicates Metabo-Psychiatric Origins for Anorexia Nervosa”, Watson et al 2019
- “Linkage Disequilibrium-Dependent Architecture of Human Complex Traits Shows Action of Negative Selection”, Gazal et al 2017
- “Measurement of Fidgeting in Patients With Anorexia Nervosa Using a Novel Shoe-Based Monitor”, Belak et al 2017
- “Food Insecurity As a Driver of Obesity in Humans: The Insurance Hypothesis”, Nettle et al 2017
- “Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals First Locus for Anorexia Nervosa and Metabolic Correlations”, Duncan et al 2016
- “School Achievement and Risk of Eating Disorders in a Swedish National Cohort”, Sundquist et al 2016
- “An Atlas of Genetic Correlations across Human Diseases and Traits”, Bulik-Sullivan et al 2015
- “A Genome-Wide Association Study of Anorexia Nervosa”, Boraska et al 2014
- “Fecundity of Patients With Schizophrenia, Autism, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Anorexia Nervosa, or Substance Abuse vs Their Unaffected Siblings”, Power et al 2013
- “The Activity-Based Anorexia Mouse Model”, Klenotich & Dulawa 2012
- “Who Is The Fairest One of All? How Evolution Guides Peer and Media Influences on Female Body Dissatisfaction”, Ferguson et al 2011
- “Estimated Intelligence Quotient in Anorexia Nervosa: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Literature”, Lopez et al 2010
- “The Role of Genetic Variation in the Causation of Mental Illness: an Evolution-Informed Framework”, Uher 2009
- “Anorexia Nervosa: an Evolutionary Puzzle”, Gatward 2006
- “Adapted to Flee Famine: Adding an Evolutionary Perspective on Anorexia Nervosa”, Guisinger 2003
- “Pseudoparadoxical Impulsivity in Restrictive Anorexia Nervosa: A Consequence of the Logic of Scarcity”, Fessler 2002
- “Anorexia-Like Wasting Syndromes in Pigs”, Kyriakis 2001
- “Transplantable Glucagonomas Derived from Pluripotent Rat Islet Tumor Tissue Cause Severe Anorexia and Adipsia”, Madsen et al 1995
- “‘Culture’ in Culture-Bound Syndromes: The Case of Anorexia Nervosa”, Banks 1992
- Solving the Anorexia Puzle: A Scientific Approach, Epling & Pierce 1991
- “Differences between IQ and School Achievement in Anorexia Nervosa”, Dura & Bornstein 1989
- “Activity-Based Anorexia: A Biobehavioral Perspective”, Epling & Pierce 1988
- “Activity-Based Anorexia in Rats As a Function of Opportunity to Run on an Activity Wheel”, Epling & Pierce 1984
- “A Theory of Activity-Based Anorexia”, Epling et al 1983
- “Family Genetic-Risk Profiles Associated With Divorce”
- “Book Review: Crazy Like Us”
- “Ontology Of Psychiatric Conditions: Tradeoffs And Failures: To What Degree Are Psychiatric Conditions More like Diseases (Always Bad) vs. Diverse Neurotypes (Potentially Good)?”
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- Bibliography
See Also
“‘You Tried to Tell Yourself I Wasn’t Real’: What Happens When People With Acute Psychosis Meet the Voices in Their Heads?”
“Genomics Yields Biological and Phenotypic Insights into Bipolar Disorder”, O’Connell et al 2024
Genomics yields biological and phenotypic insights into bipolar disorder
“Persistent Thinness and Anorexia Nervosa Differ on a Genomic Level”, Hübel et al 2024
Persistent thinness and anorexia nervosa differ on a genomic level
“Gastrointestinal Interoception in Eating Disorders: Charting a New Path”, Khalsa et al 2022
Gastrointestinal Interoception in Eating Disorders: Charting a New Path
“A Selection Pressure Landscape for 870 Human Polygenic Traits”, Song et al 2021
A selection pressure landscape for 870 human polygenic traits
“Polygenic Heterogeneity Across Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Subgroups Defined by a Comorbid Diagnosis”, Strom et al 2021
“Constitutional Thinness and Anorexia Nervosa Differ on a Genomic Level”, Hübel et al 2021
Constitutional thinness and anorexia nervosa differ on a genomic level
“Activity-Based Anorexia Animal Model: a Review of the Main Neurobiological Findings”, Spadini et al 2021
Activity-based anorexia animal model: a review of the main neurobiological findings
“Genomic Relationships, Novel Loci, and Pleiotropic Mechanisms across Eight Psychiatric Disorders”, Consortium 2019
Genomic Relationships, Novel Loci, and Pleiotropic Mechanisms across Eight Psychiatric Disorders
“Genome Wide Meta-Analysis Identifies Genomic Relationships, Novel Loci, and Pleiotropic Mechanisms across Eight Psychiatric Disorders”, Consortium et al 2019
“Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies 8 Risk Loci and Implicates Metabo-Psychiatric Origins for Anorexia Nervosa”, Watson et al 2019
“Linkage Disequilibrium-Dependent Architecture of Human Complex Traits Shows Action of Negative Selection”, Gazal et al 2017
“Measurement of Fidgeting in Patients With Anorexia Nervosa Using a Novel Shoe-Based Monitor”, Belak et al 2017
Measurement of fidgeting in patients with anorexia nervosa using a novel shoe-based monitor
“Food Insecurity As a Driver of Obesity in Humans: The Insurance Hypothesis”, Nettle et al 2017
Food insecurity as a driver of obesity in humans: The insurance hypothesis
“Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals First Locus for Anorexia Nervosa and Metabolic Correlations”, Duncan et al 2016
Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals First Locus for Anorexia Nervosa and Metabolic Correlations
“School Achievement and Risk of Eating Disorders in a Swedish National Cohort”, Sundquist et al 2016
School Achievement and Risk of Eating Disorders in a Swedish National Cohort
“An Atlas of Genetic Correlations across Human Diseases and Traits”, Bulik-Sullivan et al 2015
An Atlas of Genetic Correlations across Human Diseases and Traits
“A Genome-Wide Association Study of Anorexia Nervosa”, Boraska et al 2014
“Fecundity of Patients With Schizophrenia, Autism, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Anorexia Nervosa, or Substance Abuse vs Their Unaffected Siblings”, Power et al 2013
“The Activity-Based Anorexia Mouse Model”, Klenotich & Dulawa 2012
“Who Is The Fairest One of All? How Evolution Guides Peer and Media Influences on Female Body Dissatisfaction”, Ferguson et al 2011
“Estimated Intelligence Quotient in Anorexia Nervosa: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Literature”, Lopez et al 2010
“The Role of Genetic Variation in the Causation of Mental Illness: an Evolution-Informed Framework”, Uher 2009
The role of genetic variation in the causation of mental illness: an evolution-informed framework
“Anorexia Nervosa: an Evolutionary Puzzle”, Gatward 2006
“Adapted to Flee Famine: Adding an Evolutionary Perspective on Anorexia Nervosa”, Guisinger 2003
Adapted to Flee Famine: Adding an Evolutionary Perspective on Anorexia Nervosa
“Pseudoparadoxical Impulsivity in Restrictive Anorexia Nervosa: A Consequence of the Logic of Scarcity”, Fessler 2002
“Anorexia-Like Wasting Syndromes in Pigs”, Kyriakis 2001
“Transplantable Glucagonomas Derived from Pluripotent Rat Islet Tumor Tissue Cause Severe Anorexia and Adipsia”, Madsen et al 1995
“‘Culture’ in Culture-Bound Syndromes: The Case of Anorexia Nervosa”, Banks 1992
‘Culture’ in culture-bound syndromes: The case of anorexia nervosa
Solving the Anorexia Puzle: A Scientific Approach, Epling & Pierce 1991
Solving the Anorexia Puzle: A Scientific Approach :
View PDF (26MB):
“Differences between IQ and School Achievement in Anorexia Nervosa”, Dura & Bornstein 1989
Differences between IQ and school achievement in anorexia nervosa
“Activity-Based Anorexia: A Biobehavioral Perspective”, Epling & Pierce 1988
“Activity-Based Anorexia in Rats As a Function of Opportunity to Run on an Activity Wheel”, Epling & Pierce 1984
Activity-based anorexia in rats as a function of opportunity to run on an activity wheel
“A Theory of Activity-Based Anorexia”, Epling et al 1983
“Family Genetic-Risk Profiles Associated With Divorce”
“Book Review: Crazy Like Us”
“Ontology Of Psychiatric Conditions: Tradeoffs And Failures: To What Degree Are Psychiatric Conditions More like Diseases (Always Bad) vs. Diverse Neurotypes (Potentially Good)?”
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: “A Selection Pressure Landscape for 870 Human Polygenic Traits”,2009-uher.pdf
: “The Role of Genetic Variation in the Causation of Mental Illness: an Evolution-Informed Framework”,2006-gatward.pdf
: “Anorexia Nervosa: an Evolutionary Puzzle”,2001-kyriakis.pdf
: “Anorexia-Like Wasting Syndromes in Pigs”,1984-epling.pdf
: “Activity-Based Anorexia in Rats As a Function of Opportunity to Run on an Activity Wheel”,