‘cloning’ tag
- See Also
- Gwern
- “Office of Public Affairs Montana Man Sentenced for Federal Wildlife Trafficking Charges As Part of Years-Long Effort to Create Giant Hybrid Sheep for Captive Hunting”, Justice 2024
- “Cloned Rhesus Monkey Lives to Adulthood for First Time: A Method That Provides Cloned Embryos With a Healthy Placenta Could Pave the Way for More Research Involving the Primates”, Naddaf 2024
- “Reprogramming Mechanism Dissection and Trophoblast Replacement Application in Monkey Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer”, Liao et al 2024
- “Discovery of Facultative Parthenogenesis in a New World Crocodile”, Booth et al 2023
- “Limits to Selection on Standing Variation in an Asexual Population”, Barton & Sachdeva 2023
- “Invasion Genetics of the Longhorn Crazy Ant: the Global Expansion of a Double-Clonal Reproduction System”, Tseng et al 2022
- “Oocyte-Induced Haploidization”, Palermo et al 2022
- “Virgin Birth: A Genetic Basis for Facultative Parthenogenesis”, Braun et al 2022
- “Viable Offspring Derived from Single Unfertilized Mammalian Oocytes”, Wei et al 2022b
- “Anatomy Promotes Neutral Coexistence of Strains in the Human Skin Microbiome”, Conwill et al 2022
- “Continuous Cell-Free Replication and Evolution of Artificial Genomic DNA in a Compartmentalized Gene Expression System”, Okauchi & Ichihashi 2021
- “In a First, Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Human, and It Worked: A Kidney Grown in a Genetically Altered Pig Functions Normally, Scientists Reported. The Procedure May Open the Door to a Renewable Source of Desperately Needed Organs”, Rabin 2021
- “Camel Beauty Pageants, Races Spur High Demand for Cloning: Technology Allows Wealthy Clients to Replace Their Most Beautiful or Fast Camel With One Just like It”, Harissi 2021
- “China Officially Bans CRISPR Babies, Human Clones and Animal-Human Hybrids”, News 2021
- “Meet Elizabeth Ann, the First Cloned Black-Footed Ferret: Her Birth Represents the First Cloning of an Endangered Species Native to North America, and May Bring Needed Genetic Diversity to the Species”, Imbler 2021
- “Eight Proteins Turn Mouse Stem Cells into Egglike Cells: The Identification of the Transcription Factors That Elicit Oocyte Growth Will Aid Reproductive Biology Research and Might Help Women With Fertility Issues, Scientists Say”, Yeager 2020
- “The Przewalski’s Horse Project”, Revive & Restore 2020
- “A Single Gene Causes Thelytokous Parthenogenesis, the Defining Feature of the Cape Honeybee Apis Mellifera Capensis”, Yagound et al 2020
- “CC, World’s First Cloned Cat, Turns 18 Years Old”, Katz 2020
- “The Transcriptional Legacy of Developmental Stochasticity”, Ballouz et al 2019
- “How Much Does It Cost To Clone A Pet?”, Viagen 2019
- “From Tumors to Species: a SCANDAL Hypothesis”, Panchin et al 2019
- “Clonal Genome Evolution and Rapid Invasive Spread of the Marbled Crayfish”, Gutekunst et al 2018
- “This Mutant Crayfish Clones Itself, and It’s Taking Over Europe”, Zimmer 2018
- “In Vitro Gametogenesis and Reproductive Cloning: Can We Allow One While Banning the Other?”, Segers et al 2018
- “Livestock 2.0—Genome Editing for Fitter, Healthier, and More Productive Farmed Animals”, Tait-Burkard et al 2018
- “One Hundred Years of Statistical Developments in Animal Breeding”, Gianola & Rosa 2014
- “Population-Genomic Insights into the Evolutionary Origin and Fate of Obligately Asexual Daphnia Pulex”, Tucker et al 2013
- “Supplement: Successful Serial Recloning in the Mouse over Multiple Generations”, Wakayama et al 2013
- “Successful Serial Recloning in the Mouse over Multiple Generations”, Wakayama et al 2013
- “Human Embryonic Stem Cells Derived by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer”, Tachibana et al 2013
- “Crunch: Building a Better Apple”, Seabrook 2011
- “Useful Mutants, Bred With Radiation”, Broad 2007
- “A Science Fiction Writer of the Fifties”, Leithauser 2006
- “Mouse Embryos Cloned from Brain Tumors”, Li et al 2003
- “Interspecies Implantation and Mitochondria Fate of Panda-Rabbit Cloned Embryos”, Chen et al 2002
- “Cloning of Mice to 6 Generations”, Wakayama et al 2000
- “Chapter 25: Liability-Threshold Model”, Lynch & Walsh 1998
- “Theory of Index Selection”, Walsh & Lynch 1997
- “Applications of Index Selection”, Walsh & Lynch 1997
- “Cloning, Inbreeding, and History”, Orel 1997
- “A Human Parthenogenetic Chimera”, Strain et al 1995
- “The First Successful Transplants in Man”, Murray 1990
- “Pincogenesis—Parthenogenesis in Rabbits by Gregory Pincus”, Werthessen & Johnson 1974
- “Science Looks at Life in 2057 A.D.: A Geneticist, a Rocket Expert, a Biologist, Two Chemists and a Psychologist Peer into the Future and Find It Generally Good—Provided Mankind Survives That Long”, Times 1957
- “Facultative Parthenogenesis in California Condors Journal of Heredity”
- “Attack of the Clones”
- “Cloning Cows From Steaks (and Other Ways of Building Better Cattle)”
- “Des Moines County Sheriff's Office Working to Launch K-9 Program”
- “Airport Beagles Sniff out Illicit Foodstuffs: Pork Is Primary Threat As U.S. Aims to Prevent African Swine Fever’s Arrival”
- “Horse Clones Start Heading to the Races”
- “The Clones of Polo—Adolfo Cambiaso Interview”
- “Hello, Again, Dolly”
- “Chinese Gene Firm Clones Cat, Sparking Wide Consumer Interest”
- “Would You Do It? Family Uses Service to Clone Dog”
- “The Talk: a Brief Explanation of Sexual Dimorphism”
- “A Somatic Genetic Clock for Clonal Species”
- “Former Navy SEAL Trains Cloned K-9s to Locate and Take Down School Shooters: After Five Tours Overseas, Joshua Morton Returned Home and Put His Skills As a K-9 Handler into Action”
- “A Single Honeybee Has Cloned Itself Hundreds of Millions of Times”
- “The Ride of Their Lives: Children Prepare for the World’s Most Dangerous Organized Sport”
- “His Cat's Death Left Him Heartbroken. So He Cloned It. China's First Duplicate Cat Marks the Country's Emergence in Gene Research and Its Entry in a Potentially Lucrative and Unregulated Market for Cloning Pets.”
- “Nature Versus Nurture? Add ‘Noise’ to the Debate: We Give Our Genes and Our Environment All the Credit for Making Us Who We Are. But Random Noise during Development Might Be a Deciding Factor, Too.”
- “6 Cloned Horses Help Rider Win Prestigious Polo Match”
- “Cloning Humans Is Technically Possible. It’s Curious No One Has Tried”
- “Researchers Clone the First Primates from Monkey Tissue Cells”
- “I Think I'M a Clone Now”
- Sort By Magic
- Wikipedia
- Miscellaneous
- Bibliography
See Also
“Dog Cloning For Special Forces: Breed All You Can Breed”, Gwern 2018
“Office of Public Affairs Montana Man Sentenced for Federal Wildlife Trafficking Charges As Part of Years-Long Effort to Create Giant Hybrid Sheep for Captive Hunting”, Justice 2024
“Cloned Rhesus Monkey Lives to Adulthood for First Time: A Method That Provides Cloned Embryos With a Healthy Placenta Could Pave the Way for More Research Involving the Primates”, Naddaf 2024
“Reprogramming Mechanism Dissection and Trophoblast Replacement Application in Monkey Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer”, Liao et al 2024
“Discovery of Facultative Parthenogenesis in a New World Crocodile”, Booth et al 2023
Discovery of facultative parthenogenesis in a new world crocodile
“Limits to Selection on Standing Variation in an Asexual Population”, Barton & Sachdeva 2023
Limits to selection on standing variation in an asexual population
“Invasion Genetics of the Longhorn Crazy Ant: the Global Expansion of a Double-Clonal Reproduction System”, Tseng et al 2022
“Oocyte-Induced Haploidization”, Palermo et al 2022
“Virgin Birth: A Genetic Basis for Facultative Parthenogenesis”, Braun et al 2022
Virgin Birth: A genetic basis for facultative parthenogenesis
“Viable Offspring Derived from Single Unfertilized Mammalian Oocytes”, Wei et al 2022b
Viable offspring derived from single unfertilized mammalian oocytes
“Anatomy Promotes Neutral Coexistence of Strains in the Human Skin Microbiome”, Conwill et al 2022
Anatomy promotes neutral coexistence of strains in the human skin microbiome
“Continuous Cell-Free Replication and Evolution of Artificial Genomic DNA in a Compartmentalized Gene Expression System”, Okauchi & Ichihashi 2021
“In a First, Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Human, and It Worked: A Kidney Grown in a Genetically Altered Pig Functions Normally, Scientists Reported. The Procedure May Open the Door to a Renewable Source of Desperately Needed Organs”, Rabin 2021
“Camel Beauty Pageants, Races Spur High Demand for Cloning: Technology Allows Wealthy Clients to Replace Their Most Beautiful or Fast Camel With One Just like It”, Harissi 2021
“China Officially Bans CRISPR Babies, Human Clones and Animal-Human Hybrids”, News 2021
China officially bans CRISPR babies, human clones and animal-human hybrids
“Meet Elizabeth Ann, the First Cloned Black-Footed Ferret: Her Birth Represents the First Cloning of an Endangered Species Native to North America, and May Bring Needed Genetic Diversity to the Species”, Imbler 2021
“Eight Proteins Turn Mouse Stem Cells into Egglike Cells: The Identification of the Transcription Factors That Elicit Oocyte Growth Will Aid Reproductive Biology Research and Might Help Women With Fertility Issues, Scientists Say”, Yeager 2020
“The Przewalski’s Horse Project”, Revive & Restore 2020
“A Single Gene Causes Thelytokous Parthenogenesis, the Defining Feature of the Cape Honeybee Apis Mellifera Capensis”, Yagound et al 2020
“CC, World’s First Cloned Cat, Turns 18 Years Old”, Katz 2020
“The Transcriptional Legacy of Developmental Stochasticity”, Ballouz et al 2019
“How Much Does It Cost To Clone A Pet?”, Viagen 2019
“From Tumors to Species: a SCANDAL Hypothesis”, Panchin et al 2019
“Clonal Genome Evolution and Rapid Invasive Spread of the Marbled Crayfish”, Gutekunst et al 2018
Clonal genome evolution and rapid invasive spread of the marbled crayfish
“This Mutant Crayfish Clones Itself, and It’s Taking Over Europe”, Zimmer 2018
This Mutant Crayfish Clones Itself, and It’s Taking Over Europe
“In Vitro Gametogenesis and Reproductive Cloning: Can We Allow One While Banning the Other?”, Segers et al 2018
In vitro gametogenesis and reproductive cloning: Can we allow one while banning the other?:
“Livestock 2.0—Genome Editing for Fitter, Healthier, and More Productive Farmed Animals”, Tait-Burkard et al 2018
Livestock 2.0—genome editing for fitter, healthier, and more productive farmed animals
“One Hundred Years of Statistical Developments in Animal Breeding”, Gianola & Rosa 2014
One Hundred Years of Statistical Developments in Animal Breeding
“Population-Genomic Insights into the Evolutionary Origin and Fate of Obligately Asexual Daphnia Pulex”, Tucker et al 2013
“Supplement: Successful Serial Recloning in the Mouse over Multiple Generations”, Wakayama et al 2013
Supplement: Successful Serial Recloning in the Mouse over Multiple Generations:
“Successful Serial Recloning in the Mouse over Multiple Generations”, Wakayama et al 2013
Successful Serial Recloning in the Mouse over Multiple Generations
“Human Embryonic Stem Cells Derived by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer”, Tachibana et al 2013
Human embryonic stem cells derived by somatic cell nuclear transfer
“Crunch: Building a Better Apple”, Seabrook 2011
“Useful Mutants, Bred With Radiation”, Broad 2007
“A Science Fiction Writer of the Fifties”, Leithauser 2006
“Mouse Embryos Cloned from Brain Tumors”, Li et al 2003
“Interspecies Implantation and Mitochondria Fate of Panda-Rabbit Cloned Embryos”, Chen et al 2002
Interspecies Implantation and Mitochondria Fate of Panda-Rabbit Cloned Embryos
“Cloning of Mice to 6 Generations”, Wakayama et al 2000
“Chapter 25: Liability-Threshold Model”, Lynch & Walsh 1998
“Theory of Index Selection”, Walsh & Lynch 1997
“Applications of Index Selection”, Walsh & Lynch 1997
“Cloning, Inbreeding, and History”, Orel 1997
“A Human Parthenogenetic Chimera”, Strain et al 1995
“The First Successful Transplants in Man”, Murray 1990
“Pincogenesis—Parthenogenesis in Rabbits by Gregory Pincus”, Werthessen & Johnson 1974
“Science Looks at Life in 2057 A.D.: A Geneticist, a Rocket Expert, a Biologist, Two Chemists and a Psychologist Peer into the Future and Find It Generally Good—Provided Mankind Survives That Long”, Times 1957
“Facultative Parthenogenesis in California Condors Journal of Heredity”
Facultative Parthenogenesis in California Condors Journal of Heredity
“Attack of the Clones”
“Cloning Cows From Steaks (and Other Ways of Building Better Cattle)”
Cloning Cows From Steaks (and Other Ways of Building Better Cattle):
View HTML (18MB):
“Des Moines County Sheriff's Office Working to Launch K-9 Program”
Des Moines County Sheriff's office working to launch K-9 program:
“Airport Beagles Sniff out Illicit Foodstuffs: Pork Is Primary Threat As U.S. Aims to Prevent African Swine Fever’s Arrival”
“Horse Clones Start Heading to the Races”
“The Clones of Polo—Adolfo Cambiaso Interview”
“Hello, Again, Dolly”
View External Link:
“Chinese Gene Firm Clones Cat, Sparking Wide Consumer Interest”
Chinese gene firm clones cat, sparking wide consumer interest:
“Would You Do It? Family Uses Service to Clone Dog”
“The Talk: a Brief Explanation of Sexual Dimorphism”
“A Somatic Genetic Clock for Clonal Species”
“Former Navy SEAL Trains Cloned K-9s to Locate and Take Down School Shooters: After Five Tours Overseas, Joshua Morton Returned Home and Put His Skills As a K-9 Handler into Action”
“A Single Honeybee Has Cloned Itself Hundreds of Millions of Times”
A single honeybee has cloned itself hundreds of millions of times:
“The Ride of Their Lives: Children Prepare for the World’s Most Dangerous Organized Sport”
The Ride of Their Lives: Children prepare for the world’s most dangerous organized sport
“His Cat's Death Left Him Heartbroken. So He Cloned It. China's First Duplicate Cat Marks the Country's Emergence in Gene Research and Its Entry in a Potentially Lucrative and Unregulated Market for Cloning Pets.”
“Nature Versus Nurture? Add ‘Noise’ to the Debate: We Give Our Genes and Our Environment All the Credit for Making Us Who We Are. But Random Noise during Development Might Be a Deciding Factor, Too.”
“6 Cloned Horses Help Rider Win Prestigious Polo Match”
“Cloning Humans Is Technically Possible. It’s Curious No One Has Tried”
Cloning humans is technically possible. It’s curious no one has tried:
“Researchers Clone the First Primates from Monkey Tissue Cells”
Researchers clone the first primates from monkey tissue cells
“I Think I'M a Clone Now”
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Beginning with the newest annotation, it uses the embedding of each annotation to attempt to create a list of nearest-neighbor annotations, creating a progression of topics. For more details, see the link.
: -
: “From Tumors to Species: a SCANDAL Hypothesis”, -
: “Clonal Genome Evolution and Rapid Invasive Spread of the Marbled Crayfish”, -
: “This Mutant Crayfish Clones Itself, and It’s Taking Over Europe”, -
: “Population-Genomic Insights into the Evolutionary Origin and Fate of Obligately Asexual Daphnia Pulex”,