Bibliography (1176):

  1. 2002-07-duchamp-itsawfulandenticingradiance.html


  3. Radiance by Carter Scholz [Review]




  7. Radiance


  9. RADIANCE by Carter Scholz

  10. Potpourri of Science Fiction Literature: 2002: Radiance (Scholz, Carter)

  11. Carter Scholz Radiance Reviewed by Rick Kleffel

  12. The Library of Babel

  13. The Day After Today – Interview With Novelist Kim Stanley Robinson

  14. Radiance, Carter Scholz (2002)



  17. Radiance: A Novel by Carter Scholz

  18. Radiance by Carter Scholz

  19. book#radiance-scholz-2003

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  20. Radiance: A Novel




  24. 100 SUNS



  27. The physical principles of thermonuclear explosives, inertial confinement fusion, and the quest for fourth generation nuclear weapons

  28. Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth


  30. American Ground Zero

  31. Address to the Nation on National Security By President Ronald Reagan, March 23, 1983

  32. Sun in Aries; The Word of Dante

  33. THE MAN WHO BLEW THE WHISTLE ON 'STAR WARS' : Roy Woodruff's Ordeal Began When He Tried to Turn the Vision of an X-Ray Laser into Reality

  34. Out of Control


  36. Artificial Life: A Report from the Frontier Where Computers Meet Biology

  37. Center for Nonlinear Studies

  38. The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci/XIX

  39. Hacker Jargon File

  40. Project Orion: The True Story of the Atomic Spaceship

  41. Ripple: An Investigation of the World’s Most Advanced High-Yield Thermonuclear Weapon Design


  43. A Symbol or Emblem That Acts As a Trademark or a Means of Identification of an Institution or Other Entity, Usually Referred to As a Logo.

  44. 1973-westfall.pdf

  45. Newton’s Two ‘Moon-Tests’

  46. The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci/XIX

  47. The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci/XX

  48. Beavers On The Run

  49. Medieval Bestiary : Beasts : Beaver

  50. What Were Leonardo Da Vinci's Machineries of War

  51. 404 Not Found – Science & Society Picture Library Prints

  52. Introduction To GR by Allen Ruch



  55. A CONVERSATION WITH/Hugh Gusterson; Finding Rich Fodder In Nuclear Scientists



  58. 1986-hamming#ias

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  59. A Young Hen, Especially One Less Than One Year Old.

  60. No Loyalty to DNA

  61. The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci/XIX

  62. Museo Nazionale Della Scienza E Della Tecnologia

  63. Top U.S. Laser Expert Admits Lack of a Ph.D. and Resigns

  64. Little Brother Snares The Sun

  65. TELL ME A STORY: Little Brother and the Sun (A Winnebago Indian Tale)

  66. How to Burn a Magnesium NeXT Cube

  67. The Skills of Leonardo Da Vinci


  69. A.Word.A.Day --Nescient

  70. The Command Line In 2004

  71. Clothestime's Creditors File Bankruptcy Petition


  73. Special Tasks

  74. ‘The Republican Spending Explosion’, Cato Institute

  75. ‘Scanners Live in Vain’ as realistic SF

  76. Robert Johnson: Stones in My Passway


  78. Being Half-Rational About Pascal's Wager Is Even Worse

  79. Coyote The Cheat

  80. Space Settlements: A Design Study


  82. S-1 Supercomputer (1975–1988)


  84. Laser Compression of Matter to Super-High Densities: Thermonuclear (CTR) Applications


  86. 2001: A Space Odyssey #2 Movie CLIP—From Bone to Satellite (1968) HD

  87. Freon Ban Drives Price Sky-High—Smugglers Thrive: Smugglers Avoid Paying A Stiff Excise Tax On The Chemical, So They Can Sell It For A Lot Less Than The Market Price

  88. As Coolant Is Phased Out, Smugglers Reap Large Profits

  89. Tattoo

  90. Information Technology: 21 Century Revolution; DOE’s ASCI Program

  91. Tacit Knowledge, Weapons Design, and the Uninvention of Nuclear Weapons


  93. Did America Forget How to Make the H-Bomb? Inside an institutional memory lapse of nuclear proportions


  95. Missing Page


  97. S&TR


  99. Department of Energy




  103. (Yiddish) an Important Person, Often in the Negative Sense of Self-Important; a Bigwig

  104. 2011-nist-cradatemplate.pdf

  105. Hyundai in Quagmire of North Korea Politics

  106. National Assembly Approves Arrest of Lee Seok-Gi

  107. (V.) To Chirp or to Make a Mournful Cry, As a Bird Does.

  108. Steward



  111. White House Task Force To Probe Radiation Exposure


  113. Pgpry Download

  114. John the Ripper Password Cracker


  116. Cratylus

  117. Ethics in Strategy Gaming, Part 2: Colonization (Just What Do You Do next After You’ve Created an Epic, Career-Defining Masterpiece? That Was the Question Facing Sid Meier After the Release of Civilization in the Waning Days of 1991, After the Gushing Reviews and the Impressive Sales Figures Had Begun Pouring in to His Employer MicroProse.)

  118. Statement of Victor S. Rezendes, Director, Energy and Science Issues, Resources,Community, and Economic Development Division

  119. UCAR Property Office

  120. The Galileo Project

  121. The Narrowing Circle § The Fukuyama Thesis

  122. Restoration After Decay or Dilapidation; Renewal; Repair






  128. Tony Smith Consulting Is Coming Soon

  129. A Talk Tedious or at Length.


  131. Targets of Opportunity: How Nuclear Planners Found New Targets for Old Weapons

  132. 1995

  133. Venery




  137. B61-11 Earth-Penetrating Weapon

  138. B61-11 Concerns and Background

  139. The Nuclear Information Project: the B61-11

  140. Teller's Energy Source: A Historical Study of Debate over the National Ignition Facility


  142. Assorted Lessons in SCA Heraldry: On Proper...

  143. German; ‘Bad’

  144. wikipedia-doj-diazepamvalium.jpg

  145. Characteristics of Potential Repository Wastes: Volume 4, Appendix 4A, Nuclear Reactors at Educational Institutions of the United States; Appendix 4B, Data Sheets for Nuclear Reactors at Educational Institutions; Appendix 4C, Supplemental Data for Fort St. Vrain Spent Fuel; Appendix 4D, Supplemental Data for Peach Bottom 1 Spent Fuel; Appendix 4E, Supplemental Data for Fast Flux Test Facility

  146. Nuclear Power 101



  149. Arzamas-16 / Sarov / ‘The Installation’ / Russian Federal Nuclear Center / All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF)

  150. Ballistic System for Anti-Asteroid Defense

  151. Planetary Defense Workshop

  152. Dirty Medicine: The Epic inside Story of Long-Term Criminal Fraud at Ranbaxy, the Indian Drug Company That Makes Generic Lipitor for Millions of Americans

  153. How Two Students Built an A-Bomb: It's One of the Burning Questions of the Moment: How Easy Would It Be for a Country With No Nuclear Expertise to Build an A-Bomb? Forty Years Ago in a Top-Secret Project, the US Military Set about Finding Out. Oliver Burkeman Talks to the Men Who Solved the Nuclear Puzzle in Just 30 Months

  154. (Adv.) above All


  156. 1964-pillsbury-avisittothenewyorkworldsfair.pdf




  160. Doctrine and Covenants 121

  161. Cisco 7505 Router


  163. SALD-201V Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer

  164. SEISTRONIX Exploration Seismographs

  165. RAS-24 Exploration Seismograph


  167. Ensign

  168. The Philosophy of Niels Bohr

  169. Tom Waits

  170. 1995-scholz-radiance.pdf


  172. Old Legends

  173. The Sword of Achilles

  174. culture-is-not-about-esthetics#they-snatched-societys-brain

    [Transclude the forward-link's context]

  175. Dwdiff

  176. Aha: Ansi HTML Adapter

  177. 1995-scholz-radiance-plaintext.txt

  178. The Astounding Investigation: The Manhattan Project’s Confrontation With Science Fiction, published in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact

  179. 1988-franklin-warstars.pdf

  180. 1970-benford.pdf


  182. 1974-clay.pdf

  183. Galaxy Magazine (February 1954)

  184. From Eros to Gaia



  187. Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman

  188. A Pedagogy of Diminishing Returns: Scientific Involution across Three Generations of Nuclear Weapons Science

  189. 1985-broad-starwarriors.pdf



  192. Scientist's View of Lasers Helped 'Star Wars'

  193. Weird Science: Livermore’s X-Ray Laser Flap

  194. How Safe Is Safe? Only 52% of US Nuclear Weapons Have the Improved Electrical Control System Introduced in 1977. And Insensitive High Explosive, Available Since 1979, Is Used in Only 25% of the Stockpile




  198. Confessions of the Father of the Neutron Bomb






  204. 1992-serber-thelosalamosprimer.epub

  205. The Legacy of Hiroshima




  209. Warhead Politics: Livermore and the Competitive System of Nuclear Weapon Design

  210. Report to Congress on stockpile reliability, weapon remanufacture, and the role of nuclear testing

  211. 1987-kidder.pdf

  212. Panel Faults Laser Architect for Overruns

  213. Laser Project Is Delayed and Over Budget



  216. 1965-lemay-missionwithlemay.pdf

  217. Wikipedia Bibliography:

    1. Carter Scholz  :

    2. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

    3. Strategic Defense Initiative

    4. Global catastrophic risk

    5. Kim Stanley Robinson § Science in the Capital series  :

    6. Forty Signs of Rain  :

    7. Fifty Degrees Below  :

    8. Sixty Days and Counting  :

    9. U.S.A. (trilogy)

    10. On Thermonuclear War  :

    11. Gravity's Rainbow  :

    12. Thomas Pynchon  :

    13. Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise

    14. Cryptonomicon

    15. The Baroque Cycle

    16. Brad Leithauser

    17. Francis Spufford  :

    18. What Technology Wants

    19. Kevin Kelly (editor)

    20. National Atomic Testing Museum  :

    21. Quotation mark § Quotation dash  :

    22. Quine (computing)

    23. Jonathan Lethem

    24. Karen Joy Fowler  :

    25. William Gaddis  :

    26. Guy Davenport

    27. Kim Stanley Robinson

    28. Inanna  :

    29. Ronald Reagan

    30. Immanuel Kant

    31. Lowell Wood  :

    32. Embrasure

    33. Micrograph  :

    34. Fractal § Natural phenomena with fractal features  :

    35. Need to know  :

    36. Beringer Vineyards  :

    37. Riesling  :

    38. Autoregressive model

    39. Ring (mathematics)  :

    40. Field (mathematics)  :

    41. Group (mathematics)

    42. Leonardo da Vinci § Journals and notes  :

    43. Codex Leicester  :

    44. Windows 95  :

    45. Differential equation

    46. Null device  :

    47. George Chapline Junior  :

    48. Quantitative analysis (finance)  :

    49. Styx  :

    50. Dis (Divine Comedy)  :

    51. Ecbatana  :

    52. The Cantos  :

    53. Leonardo da Vinci

    54. Military engineering  :

    55. Ludovico Sforza  :

    56. List of dukes of Milan  :

    57. Project Excalibur

    58. Strategic Defense Initiative § X-ray laser  :

    59. Neural network (machine learning)

    60. Genetic programming  :

    61. Nanotechnology

    62. Virtual reality

    63. Cold fusion

    64. Artificial life

    65. K. Eric Drexler  :

    66. Chris Langton

    67. Richard Dawkins

    68. Aristid Lindenmayer  :

    69. John Henry Holland

    70. Hans Moravec

    71. Alchemy § Alchemy in the Renaissance and modern age  :

    72. Radiative transfer  :

    73. Bremsstrahlung  :

    74. Black box

    75. Debugger  :

    76. C (programming language)

    77. C dynamic memory allocation  :

    78. Archytas  :

    79. NaN

    80. Nanorobotics  :

    81. A German Requiem (Brahms)  :

    82. Butthole Surfers  :

    83. Booster (rocketry)  :

    84. Cold fusion § Fleischmann.E2.80.93Pons experiment  :

    85. Peter L. Hagelstein  :

    86. Brilliant Pebbles  :

    87. Baldr  :

    88. Anti-satellite weapon

    89. Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty  :

    90. Dual-use technology  :

    91. Kinetic bombardment  :

    92. NORAD § False alarms  :

    93. It's a Long Way to Tipperary  :

    94. Edward Teller

    95. Enewetak Atoll

    96. Wave–particle duality  :

    97. Quantum tunnelling

    98. Trinity (nuclear test)  :

    99. Inertial confinement fusion

    100. Cambric  :

    101. Shiva  :

    102. Devi  :

    103. Edward Teller § Oppenheimer controversy  :

    104. Robert Russell Newton  :

    105. Anatoly Fomenko  :

    106. Paul Feyerabend  :

    107. Daniel Bernoulli § Early life  :

    108. Gregor Mendel § Controversy  :

    109. Robert Andrews Millikan § Data selection controversy  :

    110. Scientific misconduct  :

    111. Betrayers of the Truth

    112. Alfred Nobel § Inventions  :

    113. Laser guide star  :

    114. Robert Grosseteste  :

    115. Taliesin  :

    116. Beryllium

    117. Annulus (mathematics)  :

    118. Beaver § Commercial uses  :

    119. Shrapnel shell  :

    120. Courier (typeface)  :

    121. Book of Kells  :

    122. Humanitas  :

    123. Workstation  :

    124. IBM Selectric  :

    125. Aldus Manutius  :

    126. Tao Te Ching

    127. The Dancing Wu Li Masters  :

    128. Sun Tzu  :

    129. Calvinism  :

    130. Unconditional election

    131. Hugh Gusterson  :

    132. Turkey vulture

    133. Day of the Dead  :

    134. Aztlán § Use by the Chicano movement  :

    135. Anti-nuclear protests in the United States § Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory  :

    136. X-ray lithography  :

    137. Chemical warfare  :

    138. Biological warfare  :

    139. Relative density  :

    140. Quakers

    141. Sandia National Laboratories

    142. Stephen LaBerge § Lucid dreaming education and facilitation  :

    143. Lucid dream

    144. Magnum opus (alchemy)  :

    145. Antonin Gadal  :

    146. Physical Review Letters

    147. Superradiance  :

    148. Computer-aided software engineering  :

    149. Array (data structure)

    150. Floating-point arithmetic

    151. Tiger team  :

    152. Parsifal § Act 1  :

    153. Paul Kammerer  :

    154. Object-oriented programming

    155. Rota Fortunae  :

    156. Useful idiot  :

    157. Laurus nobilis  :

    158. Umbellularia  :

    159. Artemisia tridentata  :

    160. Adaptive optics  :

    161. Chyme  :

    162. CERN

    163. Noumenon  :

    164. Technology transfer  :

    165. Superplasticity § Iron and steel  :

    166. TeX

    167. Command-line interface  :

    168. Institute for Advanced Study

    169. Digital Signal 3  :

    170. Great Basin  :

    171. Nevada Test Site  :

    172. Enchanted Mesa  :

    173. Owens Valley  :

    174. Moraine  :

    175. United States Department of Defense

    176. Hertz Foundation  :

    177. Saddam Hussein

    178. PDP-11

    179. Spacewar!

    180. DARPA

    181. Mazatlán  :

    182. Valparaíso  :

    183. Forth (programming language)

    184. United States Geological Survey  :

    185. United States Department of the Interior  :

    186. NordicTrack  :

    187. Cordillera  :

    188. Basil Zaharoff  :

    189. Atomic Energy Act of 1954  :

    190. Extinction event  :

    191. Transhumanism

    192. Software patents under United States patent law

    193. University of Tsukuba  :

    194. Yoshitaka Fujii  :

    195. Al-Khwarizmi  :

    196. Teratology

    197. Closed city  :

    198. Color depth § True color (24-bit)  :

    199. Tgif (program)  :

    200. MIDI

    201. Cowbell  :

    202. Silicon Graphics  :

    203. PostScript

    204. Slide projector  :

    205. ADAT  :

    206. California Highway Patrol  :

    207. Armistice Day  :

    208. Cerro Grande Fire  :

    209. Government Accountability Office

    210. Glissando  :

    211. San Francisco Bay Area  :

    212. IHeartMedia  :

    213. Rush Limbaugh  :

    214. I386  :

    215. Foobar

    216. Macintosh clone  :

    217. Data General  :

    218. Eleusinian Mysteries  :

    219. Futura (typeface)

    220. California Department of Transportation  :

    221. Dangerous goods  :

    222. Superuser § Unix and Unix-like  :

    223. Judge Holden § Judge Holden in Blood Meridian  :

    224. Blood Meridian

    225. Hair transplantation  :

    226. Edge of chaos  :

    227. Mudra  :

    228. Dim sum  :

    229. Corona (beer)  :

    230. Chicken feet  :

    231. Wyatt Earp  :

    232. Teledesic  :

    233. Aviation Week & Space Technology  :

    234. Camcorder

    235. Hydrazine  :

    236. Cooperative research and development agreement  :

    237. Fred Iklé  :

    238. Sand Hill Road

    239. Orbital station-keeping  :

    240. Aaronic priesthood (Latter Day Saints) § Deacon  :

    241. Iridium satellite constellation

    242. Dan Quayle  :

    243. Freedom of Information Act (United States)  :

    244. Business plan  :

    245. Kim Jong Il

    246. Carl Friedrich Gauss

    247. Jean le Rond d'Alembert  :

    248. The Stonemason  :

    249. Winnebago Industries  :

    250. Ho-Chunk  :

    251. Phaethon

    252. Helios  :

    253. Robert Johnson  :

    254. Chaparral  :

    255. Motley  :

    256. Regents of the University of California  :

    257. NeXT

    258. NeXTcube  :

    259. Serotonin

    260. Carnegie Mellon University

    261. Sneakernet

    262. Mu (negative)

    263. GIF

    264. Rayleigh–Taylor instability  :

    265. Rodney King  :

    266. Peace dividend  :

    267. Haruspex  :

    268. Rector (ecclesiastical)  :

    269. Directed-energy weapon  :

    270. Public Interest Research Group  :

    271. Greenpeace  :

    272. California Institute of Technology

    273. Bombard (weapon)  :

    274. Mortar (weapon)  :

    275. Diazepam

    276. Tachycardia  :

    277. Tumble turn  :

    278. Pyridinium chlorochromate  :

    279. The Voyage of Bran  :

    280. Extremely low frequency  :

    281. Geotechnical engineering  :

    282. Nuclear densitometry  :

    283. Leaseback  :

    284. Special access program  :

    285. Hocket  :

    286. Clio Awards  :

    287. Equal-time rule  :

    288. Core dump  :

    289. Melanoma

    290. Target Corporation  :

    291. FedEx Office  :

    292. Tower Records  :

    293. Enforced disappearance  :

    294. Death squad  :

    295. Mi krop  :

    296. Repo Man (film)  :

    297. Pi  :

    298. Kind Hearted Woman Blues  :

    299. Exxon Valdez oil spill  :

    300. Iraqi no-fly zones conflict  :

    301. Oakland Athletics  :

    302. Strategic Defense Initiative § Homing Overlay Experiment (HOE)  :

    303. Steve Forbes  :

    304. Newt Gingrich

    305. Neil Bush  :

    306. Savings and loan crisis  :

    307. Rockport (company)  :

    308. Catenary  :

    309. Sun Myung Moon  :

    310. News World Communications  :

    311. Unification Church  :

    312. Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit  :

    313. Compton's Encyclopedia  :

    314. Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy  :

    315. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations  :

    316. The World Set Free  :

    317. The Martian Chronicles  :

    318. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich  :

    319. Select board  :

    320. Key Club  :

    321. Flash powder  :

    322. Dewlap  :

    323. Reason Foundation  :

    324. Advertising mail  :

    325. Political action committee

    326. MIM-104 Patriot  :

    327. Read my lips: no new taxes  :

    328. Jane Fonda  :

    329. Ted Turner  :

    330. Piccata  :

    331. Salman Rushdie

    332. Patent troll

    333. Sequoia (supercomputer)  :

    334. Austria-Hungary  :

    335. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems  :

    336. List of Saturday Night Live commercial parodies § N  :

    337. Asteroid impact avoidance

    338. RAND Corporation

    339. Hoover Institution  :

    340. American Enterprise Institute  :

    341. JASON (advisory group)

    342. Cato Institute  :

    343. Mein Kampf  :

    344. High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program  :

    345. Ionosphere

    346. Nerium  :

    347. ARCO  :

    348. Naval Postgraduate School

    349. Missile Command  :

    350. Figured bass § Basso continuo  :

    351. Pavel Sudoplatov  :

    352. Special Tasks  :

    353. J. Robert Oppenheimer

    354. Contract with America  :

    355. NKVD

    356. Chlorambucil  :

    357. Talking drum  :

    358. Superstring theory  :

    359. Tungsten carbide  :

    360. Media monitoring service  :

    361. The Art of War

    362. ABM-1 Galosh  :

    363. Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle

    364. Parable of the Unjust Steward  :

    365. Rufous  :

    366. Environmental impact of wind power § Birds  :

    367. Mendocino National Forest  :

    368. United States Forest Service  :

    369. Colusa County, California  :

    370. Home rule in the United States  :

    371. John Birch Society  :

    372. Radar detector

    373. K band (NATO)  :

    374. Lenticular cloud  :

    375. Planck constant

    376. No Fear  :

    377. Aleph number  :

    378. Miko

    379. Baryon  :

    380. Java virtual machine § Execution environment  :

    381. Parsifal

    382. Cornucopianism  :

    383. Terraforming  :

    384. Stewart Brand

    385. Whole Earth Catalog  :

    386. Carrying capacity  :

    387. Daemon (computing)  :

    388. Eiger  :

    389. Computational theory of mind  :

    390. Mark Kryder § Kryder’s law projection  :

    391. Arrow of time

    392. Tipler cylinder  :

    393. Clarke's 3 laws  :

    394. Ahura Mazda  :

    395. Ahriman  :

    396. Greek fire  :

    397. Fine-tuned universe

    398. Paracelsus  :

    399. Trofim Lysenko

    400. PDP-10

    401. Laphroaig distillery  :

    402. Joseph Priestley

    403. Michael Faraday

    404. James Clerk Maxwell

    405. Charles Babbage

    406. Isaac Newton's occult studies

    407. Coyote (mythology)  :

    408. Habanos S.A  :

    409. What a piece of work is a man  :

    410. Apparatchik  :

    411. Creation science  :

    412. Young Earth creationism § Paleontology and dinosaurs  :

    413. William Shockley

    414. William Shockley § Statements about populations and genetics  :

    415. Cost-plus contract  :

    416. Joint Chiefs of Staff

    417. Russian mafia  :

    418. OTRAG  :

    419. Zaire

    420. Luvua River  :

    421. Mobutu Sese Seko  :

    422. Leopold II of Belgium  :

    423. Stockpile stewardship  :

    424. Parable of the Talents § Parable of the Talents  :

    425. Noise barrier  :

    426. L5 Society  :

    427. Railgun  :

    428. Seymour Cray

    429. Cray

    430. Control Data Corporation  :

    431. Cray-1  :

    432. Alembic  :

    433. Oppenheimer security hearing  :

    434. RDS-1  :

    435. History of the Teller–Ulam design § Teller's ‘Super’  :

    436. Snell's law  :

    437. Shiva laser  :

    438. Nova (laser)  :

    439. Aqua vitae  :

    440. Luminiferous aether  :

    441. N-ray

    442. Polywater  :

    443. Cinnabar  :

    444. Jasper  :

    445. Electrum  :

    446. Antimony

    447. Radium

    448. Plutonium

    449. The First Men in the Moon § Plot summary  :

    450. Carolinium  :

    451. Zero-point energy  :

    452. Robert Ettinger

    453. Many-worlds interpretation

    454. Proton decay  :

    455. Steganography

    456. Time travel § Time travel to the past in physics  :

    457. CPT symmetry

    458. Steven Levy

    459. Inflatable space habitat  :

    460. Perpetual motion § Classification  :

    461. Dark matter

    462. 2001: A Space Odyssey

    463. Dichlorodifluoromethane  :

    464. Freon

    465. Montreal Protocol

    466. Bricolage  :

    467. Lancelot  :

    468. Mirror writing  :

    469. Transformers: Generation 1  :

    470. Leo Szilard § Developing the idea of the nuclear chain reaction  :

    471. Starbucks

    472. Dick Cheney  :

    473. San Mateo–Hayward Bridge  :

    474. Hypericum perforatum  :

    475. Ginkgo biloba  :

    476. Contralto  :

    477. Matrix management  :

    478. Turbot  :

    479. Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty

    480. Hazel R. O'Leary  :

    481. National interest  :

    482. Reliable Replacement Warhead  :

    483. Tacit knowledge

    484. Embodied cognition  :

    485. Fogbank

    486. Nth Country Experiment

    487. National Ignition Facility

    488. Superconducting Super Collider

    489. Higgs boson  :

    490. FLOPS

    491. MOSFET

    492. Adaptive mesh refinement  :

    493. Dual-Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test Facility  :

    494. Advanced Simulation and Computing Program  :

    495. Clementine (spacecraft)  :

    496. Persephone § Mythology  :

    497. Oh My Darling, Clementine  :

    498. Lunar water

    499. Raymond J. Leopold  :

    500. Tim Berners-Lee

    501. Hypertext

    502. World Wide Web

    503. General Foods  :

    504. STN display  :

    505. Mosaic (web browser)

    506. National Center for Supercomputing Applications  :

    507. Marc Andreessen

    508. HTTP 404

    509. Baud  :

    510. Modem § 1200 and 2400 bps  :

    511. Mail order  :

    512. Trojan Room coffee pot  :

    513. Slow-scan television  :

    514. Personal digital assistant

    515. Productivity paradox

    516. Karen Silkwood  :

    517. Sensitive compartmented information facility  :

    518. Juvenal  :

    519. Satires (Juvenal)  :

    520. Dentifrice  :

    521. University of California  :

    522. Bechtel  :

    523. Babcock & Wilcox  :

    524. URS Corporation  :

    525. Battelle Memorial Institute  :

    526. Texas A&M University System  :

    527. Arms Export Control Act  :

    528. Korea Aerospace Industries  :

    529. Hyundai Group  :

    530. Hyundai Asan  :

    531. Kaesong Industrial Region  :

    532. Cash-for-summit scandal  :

    533. List of launch service providers  :

    534. Atlas (rocket family)  :

    535. Proton (rocket family)  :

    536. Long March (rocket family)  :

    537. Taepodong-2  :

    538. Naproxen  :

    539. Curriculum vitae  :

    540. Yggdrasil  :

    541. Tunguska event  :

    542. Chelyabinsk meteor  :

    543. Chicxulub crater  :

    544. Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty § Leaks of nuclear fallout  :

    545. Niels Bohr

    546. Eugene Wigner

    547. Albert Einstein

    548. Ernest Lawrence  :

    549. Enrico Fermi

    550. Harold Urey  :

    551. Isidor Isaac Rabi  :

    552. Hans Bethe

    553. Felix Bloch  :

    554. Valerian (herb) § Medicinal use  :

    555. Circuit City  :

    556. Toys ‘R’ Us  :

    557. Barnes & Noble  :

    558. Office Depot  :

    559. Bed Bath & Beyond  :

    560. CompUSA  :

    561. Zany Brainy  :

    562. Borders Group  :

    563. Staples Inc  :

    564. Linens 'n Things  :

    565. Baja California peninsula  :

    566. Las sergas de Esplandián  :

    567. Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo  :

    568. Gaspar de Portolá  :

    569. Junípero Serra  :

    570. Vandenberg Space Force Base  :

    571. Agaricus bisporus  :

    572. Risotto  :

    573. Alstroemeria  :

    574. Bosc pear  :

    575. Human radiation experiments § Experiments performed in the United States  :

    576. Downwinders  :

    577. Doctor Strangeloves  :

    578. Erinyes  :

    579. Disk partitioning  :

    580. Pretty Good Privacy

    581. Phil Zimmermann

    582. Data Encryption Standard  :

    583. Public-key cryptography

    584. Symmetric-key algorithm  :

    585. Pentium FDIV bug

    586. Ancient drachma  :

    587. Prodicus  :

    588. Sophist  :

    589. Navier–Stokes equations

    590. Screensaver  :

    591. Creature from the Black Lagoon  :

    592. Where's Wally?  :

    593. Hieronymus Bosch  :

    594. National Gallery of Art

    595. Bridgeman Art Library v. Corel Corp  :

    596. The Garden of Earthly Delights  :

    597. Saint Sebastian § In art and literature  :

    598. René Magritte  :

    599. The Son of Man  :

    600. Annunciation in Christian art  :

    601. Antonio Salieri  :

    602. Zither  :

    603. Clef § Treble clef  :

    604. Markov chain

    605. Köchel catalogue  :

    606. Franz Lisp  :

    607. Franz Liszt  :

    608. C.P.U. Bach  :

    609. Mostly Mozart Festival  :

    610. Cowbell (instrument)  :

    611. Yo-Yo Ma  :

    612. Steve Jobs

    613. Directory (computing)  :

    614. Cd (command)  :

    615. Ls  :

    616. Grep

    617. Fiscal year

    618. Laminar flow  :

    619. Turbulence  :

    620. Persephone

    621. Mormons  :

    622. Mormon cosmology  :

    623. Johannes Kepler

    624. Cypherpunk

    625. V-2 rocket

    626. Super Nintendo Entertainment System

    627. Francis Fukuyama

    628. The End of History and the Last Man

    629. Economic liberalism  :

    630. Passive-aggressive behavior  :

    631. The Merchant of Venice  :

    632. Memorandum of understanding  :

    633. Whig history

    634. Laser § Laser  :

    635. Hohlraum  :

    636. National Reconnaissance Office  :

    637. Salomon's House

    638. New Atlantis

    639. New economy  :

    640. Bail bondsman  :

    641. Coldwell Banker  :

    642. The X-Files  :

    643. The One Minute Manager  :

    644. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People  :

    645. Dot matrix printing  :

    646. Articles of association  :

    647. S corporation  :

    648. Adtalem Global Education  :

    649. Parable of the Talents

    650. Gunfire locator  :

    651. Smart gun  :

    652. Antiviral drug  :

    653. Mercury (element)  :

    654. Chromium  :

    655. Strontium

    656. Lead

    657. Nitrate  :

    658. Hexachloroethane  :

    659. Benzene

    660. 1,2-Dibromoethane  :

    661. Polychlorinated biphenyl  :

    662. Volatile organic compound

    663. Prosperity theology  :

    664. START II  :

    665. Jimmy Carter

    666. Presidency of Jimmy Carter § Strategic Arms Limitations Talks .28SALT.29  :

    667. LGM-118 Peacekeeper  :

    668. AGM-86 ALCM  :

    669. Tomahawk (missile)  :

    670. Ohio-class submarine

    671. Regal Cinemas  :

    672. IMAX  :

    673. Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository  :

    674. Free Tibet  :

    675. Laser Mégajoule  :

    676. Federal Protective Service (United States)  :

    677. Aquarius (constellation)  :

    678. Dragon's teeth (mythology)  :

    679. National Ignition Facility § Halite and Centurion  :

    680. The Waste Land

    681. Tristan und Isolde  :

    682. Prisoner’s dilemma

    683. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

    684. Contrabass  :

    685. Plutonium § Precautions  :

    686. Plutonium § Allotropes  :

    687. Phase diagram

    688. Missile defense § Theater missile defense  :

    689. Large Hadron Collider

    690. Superconducting Super Collider § Comparison to the Large Hadron Collider  :

    691. Netscape Navigator  :

    692. United States Atomic Energy Commission

    693. Lunar water § Uses  :

    694. Lockheed Martin § History  :

    695. Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor § Production and procurement  :

    696. Battlespace  :

    697. COMDEX  :

    698. B61 nuclear bomb  :

    699. Hanford Site  :

    700. Suze Orman  :

    701. Catbird  :

    702. Wilhelm Röntgen  :

    703. Platinocyanide  :

    704. Henri Becquerel  :

    705. Marie Curie § Death  :

    706. Ernest Rutherford

    707. Jáchymov § History.2C mining and coinage  :

    708. Ore Mountains  :

    709. Health effects of radon  :

    710. Radium Girls  :

    711. Radium § Luminescent paint  :

    712. Tritium radioluminescence  :

    713. Cyclotron § History  :

    714. Dither

    715. Chyle  :

    716. Olestra § Side effects  :

    717. Hwasong-7  :

    718. Henrik Ibsen  :

    719. An Enemy of the People  :

    720. ISBN

    721. Dewey Decimal Classification  :

    722. Mars Climate Orbiter § Cause of failure  :

    723. Tortious interference  :

    724. Strategic lawsuit against public participation  :

    725. Travertine  :

    726. What would Jesus do?  :

    727. KSOL  :

    728. FreeBSD

    729. KPFA  :

    730. Jacques Mallet du Pan  :

    731. Enki  :

    732. Ereshkigal  :

    733. Gallu  :

    734. Dumuzid  :

    735. Heraldry  :

    736. Blazon  :

    737. Escutcheon (heraldry)  :

    738. Vert (heraldry)  :

    739. Bend (heraldry)  :

    740. Dexter and sinister  :

    741. Or (heraldry)  :

    742. Chief (heraldry)  :

    743. Sun (heraldry)  :

    744. Cribbage (pool)  :

    745. Ensign § Heraldic ensigns  :

    746. Roundel § Heraldry  :

    747. Azure (heraldry)  :

    748. Bordure  :

    749. Motto § Heraldry  :

    750. Holy Grail  :

    751. Economy (religion)  :

    752. Baba Yaga  :

    753. Tom Waits  :

    754. Cytisus scoparius  :

    755. Mustard plant  :

    756. Lupinus  :

    757. Mills College at Northeastern University  :

    758. Rowing (sport)  :

    759. Rayleigh scattering

    760. John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh  :

    761. Mie scattering

    762. Raman scattering

    763. Brillouin scattering  :

    764. Urushiol  :

    765. Cortisone

    766. Benadryl  :

    767. Nyongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center  :

    768. 2006 North Korean nuclear test  :

    769. Kwangmyŏngsŏng-3 Unit 2  :

    770. North Korean famine  :

    771. Kwangmyŏngsŏng-2  :

    772. Space Operations Command  :

    773. Anti-satellite weapon § U.S. programs  :

    774. Nuclear electromagnetic pulse  :

    775. Game Boy  :

    776. Bayh–Dole Act  :

    777. Richard Viguerie  :

    778. Tom Clancy  :

    779. Johannes Trithemius

    780. Art of memory  :

    781. Enochian magic  :

    782. Gaspar Schott  :

    783. Hypnerotomachia Poliphili  :

    784. Francesco Colonna (writer)  :

    785. Superfund  :

    786. Air Jordan  :

    787. Traffic enforcement camera  :

    788. Types of mesh  :

    789. Natural Resources Defense Council  :

    790. Ridgid  :

    791. KGO-TV  :

    792. Trust, but verify  :

    793. Modest Mussorgsky  :

    794. Bösendorfer  :

    795. Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9  :

    796. Armageddon (1998 film)  :

    797. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky  :

    798. O. J. Simpson  :

    799. John and Lorena Bobbitt  :

    800. Pictures at an Exhibition  :

    801. Comet Swift–Tuttle  :

    802. Charge-coupled device

    803. Ranbaxy Laboratories  :

    804. The Rolling Stones

    805. You Can't Always Get What You Want  :

    806. Reader's Digest  :

    807. Life (magazine)

    808. GEICO  :

    809. Publishers Clearing House  :

    810. Green Giant  :

    811. Yellow pages  :

    812. Estate liquidation  :

    813. Trousseau gris  :

    814. 1964 New York World's Fair

    815. Captain Hook  :

    816. William James

    817. Chautauqua  :

    818. DuPont

    819. Westinghouse Time Capsules  :

    820. Hovercraft  :

    821. Domed city § Engineering proposals  :

    822. Communications satellite  :

    823. Deep sea mining  :

    824. Colonization of the Moon § Exporting material to Earth  :

    825. Asteroid mining  :

    826. Organ transplantation

    827. National Geographics  :

    828. Encyclopædia Britannica

    829. Friction tape  :

    830. The Crystal Palace  :

    831. Great Exhibition

    832. International Rescue Committee  :

    833. Book of Mormon  :

    834. Joseph Smith  :

    835. Mormon (Book of Mormon prophet)  :

    836. Plates of Nephi  :

    837. Codex Atlanticus  :

    838. Suisun Bay Reserve Fleet  :

    839. Pay toilet  :

    840. Doctrine and Covenants  :

    841. Degaussing § Magnetic data storage media  :

    842. SPARCstation 10  :

    843. Gas chromatography

    844. VAX 8000 § VAX 8500  :

    845. Bayreuth  :

    846. Hans Knappertsbusch  :

    847. Hughes Aircraft Company  :

    848. Sermon on the Mount  :

    849. John Dee  :

    850. Archon § Gnosticism  :

    851. Nag Hammadi library

    852. Investor's Business Daily  :

    853. Project Orion (nuclear propulsion)

    854. Neutron bomb  :

    855. Greg Bear  :

    856. Gregory Benford  :

    857. History of the Haber process  :

    858. Chemical weapons in World War I  :

    859. Diff

    860. Gregory Benford § Contributions to science and speculative science  :

    861. Space Age  :

    862. Sputnik 1

    863. SS America (1939)  :

    864. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

    865. Nuclear weapon

    866. Thermonuclear weapon

    867. University of California, San Diego

    868. Stanley Kubrick

    869. Dr. Strangelove  :

    870. University of California, Irvine

    871. In the Ocean of Night

    872. John W. Campbell

    873. Analog Science Fiction and Fact

    874. Cleve Cartmill  :

    875. Deadline (science fiction story)  :

    876. Uranium-235  :

    877. Mail cover

    878. Isotope separation  :

    879. Critical mass

    880. Office of Censorship  :

    881. Postal censorship  :

    882. Comstock laws  :

    883. Espionage Act of 1917  :

    884. Sedition Act of 1918  :

    885. H. Bruce Franklin  :

    886. Harry S. Truman  :

    887. Tachyon

    888. Physical Review

    889. Tachyonic antitelephone  :

    890. Fermi paradox

    891. Drake equation

    892. Search for extraterrestrial intelligence

    893. Gerald Feinberg  :

    894. Columbia University

    895. Sheldon Glashow  :

    896. Steven Weinberg  :

    897. Electroweak interaction  :

    898. Weak interaction  :

    899. Electromagnetism  :

    900. Etaoin shrdlu  :

    901. Timescape  :

    902. James Blish

    903. The Quincunx of Time  :

    904. Freeman Dyson

    905. Dyson sphere

    906. Jules Verne

    907. J. D. Bernal

    908. ‘The world, the flesh, and the devil’ § J. D. Bernal  :

    909. Olaf Stapledon

    910. Arthur C. Clarke

    911. Infinite in All Directions

    912. Leo Szilard

    913. Einstein–Szilard letter  :

    914. Manhattan Project

    915. John Aristotle Phillips  :

    916. Jerry Pournelle  :

    917. Citizens' Advisory Council on National Space Policy  :

    918. National security advisor  :

    919. Larry Niven

    920. A-135 anti-ballistic missile system  :

    921. H. G. Wells

    922. Robert A. Heinlein

    923. 2010: The Year We Make Contact  :

    924. 2010: Odyssey Two  :

    925. X-ray laser  :

    926. James Gleick  :

    927. Richard Feynman

    928. Solution Unsatisfactory  :

    929. Underground nuclear weapons testing  :

    930. Permissive action link  :

    931. Insensitive munition  :

    932. Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award  :

    933. United States Department of Energy  :

    934. Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

    935. Project Plowshare  :

    936. Recoilless rifle  :

    937. Samuel T. Cohen

    938. Howard Morland  :

    939. George Dyson (science historian)

    940. Nuclear weapon design § Livermore  :

    941. Davy Crockett (nuclear device)  :

    942. W47  :

    943. Assembly language

    944. Fortran

    945. Operation Plumbbob

    946. Nuclear weapon design § Warhead design safety  :

    947. Maytag  :

    948. Curtis LeMay  :

    949. Strategic Air Command

    950. Convair B-58 Hustler  :

    951. Jack-in-the-box  :

    952. Petard

    953. Culverin  :

    954. Long Tom (cannon)  :

    955. Battle of Jutland  :

    956. Paris Gun  :

    957. Battle of Spotsylvania Court House  :

    958. Battle of Shiloh  :

    959. Atlanta campaign  :

    960. Capacitor  :