Hybrid Rainbow
Poem about man & his machines.
"How long will this last?
I'm so tired of these games."
«We've only begun; how is it the same?
Just wait and this soon will pass.»
And he said to me:
"I just can't no mo'"
As we sat and played Halo...
"Look at that cute fake:
You've bought something else shiny new."
«Why should that matter to you?
Reality does not pleasure or beauty make.»
And he said to me:
"I can't look no mo'"
As we watched my brown Aibo...
"In life I just want to soar
But these machines always drag me down."
«All the time wearing a frown,
Never satisfied, forever wanting more?»
So he said to me.
But I replied no mo',
and watched a hybrid rainbow...