Frank P. Ramsey bibliography
Due to how long ago he worked and his premature death, his papers are hard to find, so I spent some time going through Wikipedia & other sources, and obtaining copies of most of his corpus and other relevant papers:
decision theory: Ramsey 1922103ya, “Mr Keynes on Probability [review of J. M. Keynes, A Treatise on Probability 1921104ya]”
Ramsey 192699ya?/
Ramsey 199035ya, “Weight or the Value of Knowledge”
Ramsey 192798ya, “A Contribution to the Theory of Taxation”
Ramsey 192897ya, “A Mathematical Theory of Saving”
Keynes 193095ya, “F. P. Ramsey [obituary]”
Samuelson 197055ya, “What Makes for a Beautiful Problem in Science?”
Arrow 198045ya, “Book review: Foundations: Essays in Philosophy, Logic, Mathematics and Economics. F. P. Ramsey , D. H. Mellor”
Gaspard 200322ya, “Ramsey’s theory of National Saving: A Mathematician in Cambridge”
Duarte 200916ya, “Frank Ramsey’s Notes on Saving and Taxation”
Ramsey 192699ya, “The Foundations of Mathematics”
Ramsey 193095ya, “On A Problem of Formal Logic”
Ramsey 193194ya, “Foundations of Mathematics and other Logical Essays (International Library of Philosophy)”
Ramsey 1923102ya, “Review of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein”
Ramsey 1925100ya, “Universals”
Ramsey 192798ya, “Symposium: Facts and Propositions”
Ramsey 192699ya, “Truth and Probability” (mirror)
Ramsey 192897ya, “Reasonable Degree of Belief”
Ramsey 192996ya, “Probability and Partial Belief”
Mellor 199530ya, “Cambridge Philosophers I: F. P. Ramsey”
Forrester 200421ya, “Freud in Cambridge”
F. P. Ramsey: Philosophical Papers, ed. 1990