Death Note’s Ending
Rules of the Death Note
Simulation Inferences
The 3 Grenades and the 4 Noble Truths
DNM-related arrests, 2011–2015
[Transclude the forward-link's context]
Rule of Cool
Rule of Sexy
Metamagical Themas: Sanity and Survival
Good and Real: Demystifying Paradoxes from Physics to Ethics
The Sociopath
Sociopathic Hero
Miscellaneous § The Tragedy of Grand Admiral Thrawn
Twitter Knows When You Sleep, and More
Google Web History (Original Http://blog.muflax.com/personal/google-Web-History/)
Circadian patterns of Wikipedia editorial activity: A demographic analysis
Everything Is Correlated
Privacy Technologies: An Annotated Syllabus
Privacy, Economics, and Price Discrimination on the Internet
Remote Physical Device Fingerprinting
Feasibility and Real-World Implications of Web Browser History Detection
Jeremiah Grossman: I Know Where You'Ve Been
Plugging the CSS History Leak
Using Your Browser URL History to Estimate Gender
How Unique Is Your Web Browser?
Cover Your Tracks
Yet Another Identity Stealing Bug. Will Creeping Normalcy Be the Result?
How Google Docs Leaks Your Identity
Facebook's Instant Personalization: An Analysis of Fundamental Privacy Flaws
Timing attacks on web privacy
Exposing Private Information by Timing Web Applications
How To Break Anonymity of the Netflix Prize Dataset
De-anonymizing Social Networks
Graph Isomorphism: Deceptively Hard
Link Prediction by De-Anonymization: How We Won the Kaggle Social Network Challenge
Lendingclub.com: A De-Anonymization Walkthrough
‘You Might Also Like’: Privacy Risks of Collaborative Filtering [Blog]
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Privacy Risks of Collaborative Filtering
The Linkability of Usernames: a Step Towards ‘Uber-Profiles’
Sharing Medical Data
Latanya Sweeney's Accomplishments
Dr. Latanya Sweeney, Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Latanya Sweeney, Curriculum Vitae
Genomic Privacy Project
Genomic Privacy Project
Genomic Privacy Project
Dr. Latanya Sweeney, Curriculum Vitae
SOS Social Security Number Watch Project
Deep-Spying: Spying using Smartwatch and Deep Learning
Your Morning Commute Is Unique: On the Anonymity of Home/Work Location Pairs
On the Anonymity of Home/Work Location Pairs
Mining Writeprints from Anonymous E-Mails for Forensic Investigation
The Hum That Helps to Fight Crime
SonarSnoop: Active Acoustic Side-Channel Attacks
Hearing your touch: A new acoustic side channel on smartphones
Listen to Your Key: Towards Acoustics-based Physical Key Inference
The Visual Microphone: Passive Recovery of Sound from Video
Your Candy Wrappers Are Listening
Lamphone: Real-Time Passive Sound Recovery from Light Bulb Vibrations
Glowworm Attack: Optical TEMPEST Sound Recovery via a Device’s Power Indicator LED
Extracting Audio from Visual Information
Gyrophone: Recognizing Speech From Gyroscope Signals
The Pentagon Has a Laser That Can Identify People from a Distance—By Their Heartbeat: The Jetson Prototype Can Pick up on a Unique Cardiac Signature from 200 Meters Away, Even through Clothes.
Hard Drive of Hearing: Disks that Eavesdrop with a Synthesized Microphone
Seeing the World in a Bag of Chips
Driver Identification Using Automobile Sensor Data from a Single Turn
Privacy implications of accelerometer data: a review of possible inferences
US20150124107A1: Associating Cameras With Users and Objects in a Social Networking System
Digital Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease: the Mobile/wearable Devices Opportunity
Behavioral Patterns in Smartphone Usage Predict Big Five Personality Traits
Inferring Human Traits From Facebook Statuses
Predicting individual-level income from Facebook profiles
Social media-predicted personality traits and values can help match people to their ideal jobs
Predicting Mental Health From Followed Accounts on Twitter
Personality computing: New frontiers in personality assessment
What Does Your Gaze Reveal About You? On the Privacy Implications of Eye Tracking
Speech2Face: Learning the Face Behind a Voice
Search of DNA Sequences Reveals Full Identities
Why You Can't Really Anonymize Your Data
New Developments in Deanonymization
De-Anonymization Is Not X: The Need for Re-Identification Science
Joe Davidson's Federal Diary: Whistleblowers May Have Friend in Oval Office
Obama Undercuts Whistle-Blowers, Senator Says
Administration Hardens Stance Against Leaks to Press
War on Whistle-Blowers Intensifies
Obama's War on Whistleblowers
War on Whistleblowers Escalating
How Might the Real World React to a Real Kira (Death Note)
Who Wrote The Death Note Script?
Death Note, Anonymity, and Information Theory
マンガ「DEATH NOTE」の殺人鬼・キラが犯した最大のミスは何なのか、Lの推理を情報科学的に分析するとこうなる
Stakeout: How the FBI Tracked and Busted a Chicago Anon
When Anonymous Isn’t Really Anonymous
Why I’m Not an Entropist
Toxic Pairs PII Re-Identification
‘Shattered’: Inside the secret battle to save America’s undercover spies in the digital age
The signal quality of earnings announcements: evidence from an informed trading cartel
T-Rex As: ‘The Computer Scientist’
International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
Probability Theory: The Logic Of Science
Bayesian Justice