‘emergenesis’ directory
- See Also
- Gwern
- Links
- “An Exactly Solvable Model for Emergence and Scaling Laws in the Multitask Sparse Parity Problem”, Nam et al 2024
- “Estimating the Additive Heritability of Historiometric Eminence in a Super-Pedigree Comprised of 4 Prominent Families”, Woodley et al 2021b
- “Genetics of Intellectual and Personality Traits Associated With Creative Genius: Could Geniuses Be Cosmobian Dragon Kings?”, Johnson & Bouchard 2014
- “The Mechanism of Emergenesis”, Lykken 2006
- “Giftedness and Genetics: The Emergenic-Epigenetic Model and Its Implications”, Simonton 2005
- “Origins of Genius: Darwinian Perspectives on Creativity”, Simonton 1999
- “Emergenesis: Genetic Traits That May Not Run in Families”, Lykken et al 1992
- “Emergenesis: Genetic Traits That May Not Run in Families § Genius”, Lykken et al 1992 (page 8)
- “EEG Spectra in Twins: Evidence for a Neglected Mechanism of Genetic Determination”, Lykken et al 1982
- “Research With Twins: The Concept of Emergenesis”, Lykken 1982
- Miscellaneous
See Also
“Elon Musk & Bipolar Disorder”, Gwern 2023
“An Exactly Solvable Model for Emergence and Scaling Laws in the Multitask Sparse Parity Problem”, Nam et al 2024
An exactly solvable model for emergence and scaling laws in the multitask sparse parity problem
“Estimating the Additive Heritability of Historiometric Eminence in a Super-Pedigree Comprised of 4 Prominent Families”, Woodley et al 2021b
“Genetics of Intellectual and Personality Traits Associated With Creative Genius: Could Geniuses Be Cosmobian Dragon Kings?”, Johnson & Bouchard 2014
“The Mechanism of Emergenesis”, Lykken 2006
“Giftedness and Genetics: The Emergenic-Epigenetic Model and Its Implications”, Simonton 2005
Giftedness and Genetics: The Emergenic-Epigenetic Model and Its Implications
“Origins of Genius: Darwinian Perspectives on Creativity”, Simonton 1999
“Emergenesis: Genetic Traits That May Not Run in Families”, Lykken et al 1992
“Emergenesis: Genetic Traits That May Not Run in Families § Genius”, Lykken et al 1992 (page 8)
Emergenesis: Genetic Traits That May Not Run in Families § Genius
“EEG Spectra in Twins: Evidence for a Neglected Mechanism of Genetic Determination”, Lykken et al 1982
EEG spectra in twins: Evidence for a neglected mechanism of genetic determination