rotten > Library > Biographies > US Officials > E. Howard Hunt

E. Howard Hunt

OSS and later CIA agent.

Some allege his involvement with the John F. Kennedy assassination, as one of the "derelicts" or "tramps" taken into custody from a boxcar nearby Dealy Plaza. There is a similarity of appearance, but he is most certainly not one of the tramps.

Stationed in Guatamala and later Mexico. Wrote over 40 spy novels.

From off-site, Hunt coordinated the physical break-in to the Democratic national party headquarters office at the Watergate hotel.

Hunt's wife Dorothy died in an coincidentally-timed airplane crash less than 60 days before his guilty plea.


9 Oct 1918 Edward Howard Hunt born, East Hamburg NY.
1942 First novel, East of Farewell.
1950 Stationed in Mexico, 1950 to 1951.
22 Nov 1963 John F. Kennedy assassinated at Dealey Plaza. Several tramps arrested in a boxcar soon after, one of them resembling Hunt.
1970 Officially retires from the Central Intelligence Agency.
1972 Bernard Barker introduces Hunt to fellow Watergate plumber Frank Sturgis.
8 Dec 1972 E. Howard Hunt's wife, Dorothy Hunt killed in the United Airlines airplane crash of Flight 533. Veronica Kuculich, her daughter Theresa, and 43 passengers die when the plan destroys the Kuculich residence at 3722 70th Place in Chicago. Eighteen passengers survive. Dorothy Hunt's purse suspiciously contains $10,585 cash. The NTSB, FBI, and Congress investigate for sabotage but find nothing, blaming the crash on the flight crew's failure to activate wing spoilers.
30 Jan 1973 E. Howard Hunt pleads guilty to burglary and wiretapping over the Watergate break-in, a mere two months after the strange death of his wife. Serves 33 months in prison, fined $10,000.
1973 Novel, The Berlin Ending.
20 May 1974 A closeup of E. Howard Hunt's face appears on the cover of People magazine.
21 Apr 1975 A Federal Bureau of Investigation report by agent Lyndal Shaneyfelt concludes that "neither E. Howard Hunt nor Frank Sturgis appear as any of the three 'derelicts' arrested in Dallas, Texas as shown in the photographs submitted."
1980 Novel, The Hargrave Deception, loosely based on Angleton and Philby.

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