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Norvir Advisory


Patient Experiences

IAPAC's policy is not to identify any patient who provides comments or asks questions that are posted in the IAPAC Norvir Advisory. Comments from healthcare professionals featured in the IAPAC Norvir Advisory will also be kept confidential after their identity is verified.

The ramp up was extreme. I felt like I should have been pregnant. I bonded with Mylanta big time. I have passed that now. Viral load has been zero for a year now and T-cells are climbing. All I can say is, just hang in there.
Posted 9/11/98

Notice: This is an IAPAC initiative that is under the sole direction of the IAPAC Norvir Advisory Committee. Contents of the Norvir Advisory section of the IAPAC Web site are subject to the approval of the chair of the advisory committee and will reflect the recommendations of the committee members. Abbott Laboratories has no input in the content of the Norvir Advisory section of the IAPAC Web site.