Quantifying social organization and political polarization in online platforms
Comparing stereotypes across racial and partisan lines: a study in affective polarization
Is political extremism supported by an illusion of understanding?
Exploring the effects of algorithm-driven news sources on political behavior and polarization
The partisan trade-off bias: When political polarization meets policy trade-offs
The rise and fall of rationality in language
Individual-Level Cognitive and Personality Predictors of Ideological Worldviews: The Psychological Profiles of Political, Nationalistic, Dogmatic, Religious, and Extreme Believers
The Psychology of Online Political Hostility: A Comprehensive, Cross-National Test of the Mismatch Hypothesis
No Polarization From Partisan News: Over-Time Evidence From Trace Data
Global evidence on the selfish rich inequality hypothesis
Community Interaction and Conflict on the Web
Overperception of moral outrage in online social networks inflates beliefs about intergroup hostility
Are Collectivistic Cultures More Prone to Rapid Transformation? Computational Models of Cross-Cultural Differences, Social Network Structure, Dynamic Social Influence, and Cultural Change