Virtual communication curbs creative idea generation
Remote Collaboration Fuses Fewer Breakthrough Ideas
Office productivity: the impacts of staffing, intellectual specialization and technology
Survey finds low office productivity linked to staffing imbalances
The Work Life of Developers: Activities, Switches and Perceived Productivity
Bored Mondays and focused afternoons: the rhythm of attention and online activity in the workplace
Unexpected Interruptions, Idle Time, and Creativity: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Music is as distracting as noise: the differential distraction of background music and noise on the cognitive test performance of introverts and extraverts
When More Is Less: Field Evidence on Unintended Consequences of Multitasking
Teams vs. Crowds: A Field Test of the Relative Contribution of Incentives, Member Ability, and Emergent Collaboration to Crowd-Based Problem Solving Performance
The Relationship Between Team Diversity and Team Performance: Reconciling Promise and Reality Through a Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Registered Report
The Life Cycle of Businesses and their Internal Organization