Bibliography (18):

  1. The Role of Premarket Factors in Black-White Wage Differences

  2. Trends in levels of academic achievement of blacks and other minorities

  3. Ethnic and Racial Similarity in Developmental Process: A Study of Academic Achievement

  4. All Wealth Is Not Created Equal: Race, Parental Net Worth, and Children’s Achievement

  5. Social Class and Educational Attainment: Do Blacks Benefit Less from Increases in Parents’ Social Class Status?

  6. Education, Income, and Ability

  7. Long-run Trends in the U.S. SES—Achievement Gap

  8. College Quality and Attendance Patterns: A Long-Run View

  9. Effects of range restriction and criterion contamination on differential validity of the SAT by race/ethnicity and sex

  10. Distinctively Black Names and Educational Outcomes

  11. The Elite Illusion: Achievement Effects at Boston and New York Exam Schools