Bibliography (56):

  1. Improving Methodological Standards in Behavioral Interventions for Cognitive Enhancement


  3. Working memory training does not enhance older adults' cognitive skills: A comprehensive meta-analysis

  4. Working memory training in typically developing children: A multilevel meta-analysis

  5. Video game training does not enhance cognitive ability: A comprehensive meta-analytic investigation

  6. Still no evidence that exergames improve cognitive ability: A commentary on Stanmore et al 2017


  8. Cognitive and academic benefits of music training with children: A multilevel meta-analysis


  10. Methods for second order meta-analysis and illustrative applications

  11. Near and Far Transfer in Cognitive Training: A Second-Order Meta-Analysis



  14. A meta-analysis of the experimental evidence on the near-transfer and far-transfer effects among children’s executive function skills

  15. Adaptive working-memory training benefits reading, but not mathematics in middle childhood

  16. Regression To The Mean Fallacies

  17. Most evidence for the compensation account of cognitive training is unreliable


  19. The Nature and Transfer of Cognitive Skills

  20. Brain Plasticity Through the Life Span: Learning to Learn and Action Video Games

  21. The Transfer of Cognitive Skill

  22. The Influence of Improvement in One Mental Function Upon the Efficiency of Other Functions (I)

  23. Transfer Of Training: A Review And Directions For Future Research

  24. Schema induction and analogical transfer

  25. The Case for the Prosecution: Transfer As an Epiphenomenon

  26. Specialization Effect and Its Influence on Memory and Problem Solving in Expert Chess Players

  27. Expert performance: Its structure and acquisition

  28. Templates in Chess Memory: A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards

  29. Skill in Chess: Experiments With Chess-Playing Tasks and Computer Simulation of Skilled Performance Throw Light on Some Human Perceptual and Memory Processes

  30. Cognitive Training Does Not Enhance General Cognition

  31. Shifting Minds: A Quantitative Reappraisal of Cognitive-Intervention Research


  33. Do ‘Brain-Training’ Programs Work?

  34. Testing the structure of human cognitive ability using evidence obtained from the impact of brain lesions over abilities

  35. Chess Instruction Improves Cognitive Abilities and Academic Performance: Real Effects or Wishful Thinking?

  36. On the impacts of working memory training on executive functioning

  37. Overlapping and dissociable brain activations for fluid intelligence and executive functions

  38. Empirical assessment of published effect sizes and power in the recent cognitive neuroscience and psychology literature

  39. Training Working Memory for 2 Years—No Evidence of Latent Transfer to Intelligence

  40. Is Working Memory Training Effective? A Meta-Analytic Review

  41. The Effects of Chess Instruction on Academic and Non-cognitive Outcomes: Field Experimental Evidence from a Developing Country

  42. Do We Really Become Smarter When Our Fluid-Intelligence Test Scores Improve?