Bibliography (21):

  1. Overstating the Role of Environmental Factors in Success: A Cautionary Note

  2. 2017-sala.pdf

  3. Publication bias in the social sciences: Unlocking the file drawer


  5. Most evidence for the compensation account of cognitive training is unreliable

  6. Near and Far Transfer in Cognitive Training: A Second-Order Meta-Analysis

  7. Do the benefits of chess instruction transfer to academic and cognitive skills? A meta-analysis

  8. The effect of active video games on cognitive functioning in clinical and non-clinical populations: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

  9. The cognitive and academic benefits of Cogmed: A meta-analysis

  10. The Meaningfulness of Effect Sizes in Psychological Research: Differences Between Sub-Disciplines and the Impact of Potential Biases

  11. The Power of Bias in Economics Research

  12. Cognitive Training: A Field in Search of a Phenomenon