Bibliography (10):

  1. Women’s Intrasexual Competition Results in Beautification

  2. Trait/Financial Information of Potential Male Mate Eliminates Mate-Choice Copying by Women: Trade-Off Between Social Information and Personal Information in Mate Selection

  3. Income attraction: An online dating field experiment

  4. Are men intimidated by highly educated women? Undercover on Tinder

  5. Sex Differences in Mate Preferences Across 45 Countries: A Large-Scale Replication

  6. Known by the company she keeps: Women’s friendship preferences influence interpersonal evaluations

  7. Negligible evidence that people desire partners who uniquely fit their ideals

  8. Not the Cat's Meow? The Impact of Posing with Cats on Female Perceptions of Male Dateability

  9. Height in women predicts maternal tendencies and career orientation

  10. The Skinny on Celebrities: Parasocial Relationships Moderate the Effects of Thin Media Figures on Women’s Body Image