Bibliography (303):


  2. Marc Andreessen Says The 1990s Dot-Com Bubble Startups Were ‘All Right But Just Early’

  3. The Optimistic Thought Experiment

  4. The Invention of Money: In Three Centuries, the Heresies of Two Bankers Became the Basis of Our Modern Economy

  5. Betting the House


  7. Human, All-Too-Human, Part II

  8. What Technology Wants: Chapter 7, Convergence

  9. In the Air

  10. One Man’s Modus Ponens

  11. Turns Out the Dot-Com Bust’s Worst Flops Were Actually Fantastic Ideas

  12. Chewy Inc. Form S-1

  13. Liquidation Lotto

  14. June 2017 News § The Digital Antiquarian

    [Transclude the forward-link's context]

  15. My thanks to Eric Jackson for His Thoughtful Questions and Post on

  16. The Rise and Fall and Rise of Virtual Reality

  17. Laws of Tech: Commoditize Your Complement

  18. Pity the Scientist Who Discovers the Discovered


  20. In Praise of Failure

  21. Anti-Portfolio

  22. Michael Wolfe's Answer to What Were the Most Ridiculous Startup Ideas That Eventually Became Successful?

  23. Elon Musk: SpaceX and Tesla Were Two of the 'Dumbest' Business Ideas


  25. Blockbuster Could Have Bought Netflix for $50 Million but the CEO Thought It Was a Joke: John Antioco's Arrogance in September 2000 Cost Blockbuster Its Future

  26. The Sharp Startup: When PayPal Found Product-Market Fit: Reflections on the 20th Anniversary of a $100+ Billion Product

  27. bitcoin-is-worse-is-better#contemporary-objections

    [Transclude the forward-link's context]


  29. The Internet of Food: Online Food Delivery Was Probably Secretly Essential to the Internet's Success, but It Took a While for Us to Get a Food Option As Good As Grubhub.

  30. Online Extra: Fred Smith on the Birth of FedEx—The Delivery Giant's Founder Recalls How He Started It, What Made It Take Off, and Why It Helped Spark a Revolution in Business

  31. The Airbnbs

  32. Idea for Online Networking Brings Two Entrepreneurs Together


  34. Almost Wikipedias and Innovation in Free Collaboration Projects

  35. How To Be Successful

  36. Nicolás Gómez Davila: An Anthology

  37. Don Colacho’s Aphorisms: #2,669

  38. Freeman Dyson’s Brain

  39. Why did we wait so long for the bicycle?


  41. Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days: Introduction

  42. Predicting History


  44. Marissa Mayer on Career Growth and How a Revenue Guarantee Almost Killed Google


  46. The Friendship That Made Google Huge: Coding Together at the Same Computer, Jeff Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat Changed the Course of the Company—And the Internet

  47. Why Tech Companies Are Bad


  49. Gwern’s Review of Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup

    [Transclude the forward-link's context]


  51. Elon Musk: SpaceX and Tesla Alive ‘By Skin of Their Teeth’

  52. Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future

  53. EXCLUSIVE: The IM Conversation In Which 19-Year-Old Zuckerberg Decided To Build Facebook, This Year's $100 Billion IPO

  54. YouTube Was Meant to Be a Video-Dating Website: Co-Founder Steve Chen Tells SXSW Conference That ‘We Thought Dating Would Be the Obvious Choice'—But Internet Users Didn’t Agree

  55. How One VC Firm Amassed a 24% Stake in Slack Worth $4.6 Billion: Stewart Butterfield Wanted to Quit and Give the Money back to Investors. They Wouldn't Let Him.

  56. Episode 13: Masters of Scale Episode Transcript: Stewart Butterfield [2018]

  57. Jotengine: Audio Transcription and Video Captioning

  58. Performance persistence in entrepreneurship

  59. Do Serial Entrepreneurs Run Successively Better-Performing Businesses?

  60. If You Don't Succeed, Should You Try Again? The Role of Entrepreneurial Experience in Venture Survival

  61. Entrepreneurial Uncertainty and Expert Evaluation: An Empirical Analysis

  62. Predicting entrepreneurial success is hard: Evidence from a business plan competition in Nigeria

  63. Notes Essays—Peter Thiel’s CS183: Startup

  64. The Slaughterhouse of Literature

  65. Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary History, ch. 3: Trees

  66. Adventures of a Man of Science


  68. 1976-rosenthal-experimenterexpectancyeffects-ch3.pdf

  69. Laws of Tech: Commoditize Your Complement

  70. Pacchiarotto/Fears and Scruples

  71. Kafka and His Precursors

  72. Losing Their Grip: An Oral History of Nintendo's Power Glove

  73. All the money in the world couldn’t make Kinect happen: For a moment a decade ago, the game industry looked like a very different place

  74. On Machine Intelligence, Second Edition § Pg99

  75. The Organization of Thought


  77. 122 Things Everyone Should Know About Investing and the Economy


  79. Peter Thiel’s CS183: Startup - Class 13 Notes

  80. How We'Re Predicting AI—Or Failing To

  81. Forecasting Transformative AI: An Expert Survey

  82. Predictions of Human-Level AI Timelines

  83. 1986-hamming#problems-with-attacks

    [Transclude the forward-link's context]

  84. Ed Boyden on Minding your Brain (Episode 64)

  85. Technology Forecasting: The Garden of Forking Paths

  86. Was Moore’s Law Inevitable?

  87. ARPA and SCI: Surfing AI

  88. Uncertainty and Individual Discretion in Allocating Research Funds

  89. The Changing Structure of American Innovation: Some Cautionary Remarks for Economic Growth

  90. Grooks, by Piet Hein

  91. The Kelly Coin-Flipping Game: Exact Solutions

  92. socks#exploration

    [Transclude the forward-link's context]

  93. bakewell#the-improving-attitude

    [Transclude the forward-link's context]

  94. Bayesian Reinforcement Learning: A Survey

  95. (More) Efficient Reinforcement Learning via Posterior Sampling [PSRL]

  96. A Bayesian Framework for Reinforcement Learning

  97. Posterior Sampling for Large Scale Reinforcement Learning

  98. 2016 Letter to Shareholders

  99. Evolution as Backstop for Reinforcement Learning

  100. What My Deep Model Doesn’t Know...

  101. Human collective intelligence as distributed Bayesian inference

  102. A Rational Choice Framework for Collective Behavior

  103. The Human Strategy: A Conversation With Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland [10.30.17]

  104. Essays in Learning and the Revelation of Private Information § Pg53

  105. Science Funding Is a Mess. Could Grant Lotteries Make It Better? We Might Be Better off Funding Scientific Research by Choosing Projects at Random. Here's Why.

  106. Construction of arbitrarily strong amplifiers of natural selection using evolutionary graph theory

  107. Origins of Innovation: Bakewell & Breeding

  108. Littlewood’s Law and the Global Media

  109. You Are Not Late

  110. ‘Build Something People Want’ Is Not Enough – Avichal Garg

  111. The Myth of The Infrastructure Phase

  112. Book Review: Zero To One

  113. Pmarchive

  114. 2018-07-25-johnbackus-howdecentralizationevolves.html

  115. The Curious Wavefunction: Technological Convergence in Drug Discovery and Other Endeavors

  116. Explicit and Tacit Rationality

  117. The Milo Criterion

  118. Quantifying the evolution of individual scientific impact

  119. Large Teams Develop and Small Teams Disrupt Science and Technology

  120. How DFS, Poker, Basketball, Starcraft and Strong Opinions, Weakly Held (SOWH) Can Help Your Startup

  121. Forecasting S-Curves Is Hard

  122. An Attempt at Explaining, Blaming, and Being Very Slightly Sympathetic Toward Enron

  123. How Bubbles and Megaprojects Parallelize Innovation

  124. Market Research, Wireframing, and Design

  125. Founding Teams and Startup Performance

  126. Spend Twice As Much Effort Every Time You Attempt to Solve a Problem


  128. The Misfit Who Built the IBM PC


  130. A Slow-Motion Revolution

  131. Morris Chang and the Origins of TSMC: Book Review of the Autobiography of Morris Chang


  133. Kary B. Mullis’s Nobel Lecture


  135. Getting Materials out of the Lab

  136. Are Founders Allowed to Lie?

  137. How’d you come up with Metcalfe’s Law?

  138. He Spent $140 Billion on AI With Little to Show. Now He Is Trying Again. Billionaire Masayoshi Son said he would make SoftBank ‘the investment company for the AI revolution’, but he missed out on the most recent frenzy

  139. Essays of Michel De Montaigne


  141. The Early Days of Valve from a Woman Inside






  147. ARPA and SCI: Surfing AI





  152. Scott Kupor

  153. How Early-Stage VCs Decide Where to Invest

  154. Wikipedia Bibliography:

    1. Winner's curse

    2. Stewart Brand

    3. MIT Media Lab

    4. MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

    5. Nicholas Negroponte

    6. General Magic  :

    7. Clifford Stoll  :

    8. Silicon Snake Oil  :

    9. John Law (economist)  :

    10. Mississippi Company  :

    11. Human, All Too Human  :

    12. Multiple discovery

    13. Nathan Myhrvold  :

    14. Intellectual Ventures  :

    15.  :

    16.  :

    17. Dog food

    18. Chewy (company)  :

    19. Social networking service § History  :

    20. Orkut  :

    21. Friendster

    22. Iridium satellite constellation

    23. Starlink

    24. Videotelephony  :

    25. 1964 New York World's Fair

    26. 2001: A Space Odyssey

    27. Oculus Rift

    28. HTC Vive

    29. PlayStation VR  :

    30. Oculus Go  :

    31. Oculus Quest  :

    32. Shapley value

    33. Lawrence Shepp  :

    34. Stanley Osher  :

    35. Dollar Shave Club  :

    36. Nervana Systems  :

    37. PlanetAll  :

    38. Snapchat

    39. Coda Automotive  :

    40. Fisker Automotive  :

    41. History of Tesla, Inc. § The beginnings—Roadster and private funding  :

    42. Netflix

    43. Blockbuster (retailer)

    44. GitHub

    45. Distributed version control

    46. SpaceX

    47. Orbital Sciences Corporation  :

    48. Uber

    49. Lyft

    50. DiDi  :

    51. Instacart

    52. Ocado  :

    53. Uber Eats

    54.  :

    55. Webvan  :

    56. PayPal

    57. Venmo

    58. Patreon

    59. Bitcoin

    60. DigiCash

    61.  :

    62. E-gold

    63. Tether (cryptocurrency)  :

    64. Seamless (company)

    65. Grubhub

    66. DoorDash

    67. Slice (app)

    68. Emery Worldwide Airlines  :

    69. Lotus 1–2-3  :

    70. VisiCalc  :

    71. Airbnb

    72. Stripe, Inc

    73. LinkedIn

    74. Six Degrees patent  :

    75.  :

    76. Slack Technologies  :

    77. English Wikipedia

    78. Encarta  :

    79. Encyclopædia Britannica

    80. H2g2  :

    81. Everything2

    82. Interpedia  :

    83. GNE (encyclopedia)

    84. Nupedia

    85. Zoom (software)  :

    86. Skype

    87. QR code  :

    88. CueCat  :

    89. Nicolás Gómez Dávila  :

    90. Freeman Dyson

    91. Odeo  :

    92. Twitter

    93. PageRank

    94. FedEx  :

    95. Frederick W. Smith  :

    96. Tesla Model 3

    97. Wirehog  :

    98. Stewart Butterfield  :

    99. Flickr

    100. Glitch (video game)  :

    101. Slack (software)

    102. Zero to One

    103. Stigler's law of eponymy

    104. Scholarly peer review § Result-blind peer review  :

    105. An Wang  :

    106. Jerry Yang

    107. Robert Browning

    108. Contemplation (short story collection)  :

    109. Lord Dunsany

    110. Jorge Luis Borges

    111. Fifth Generation Computer Systems

    112. Power Glove  :

    113. Kinect

    114. Experience curve effects

    115. Palmer Luckey  :

    116. Donald Michie

    117. Alfred North Whitehead

    118. Category:Robotics companies  :

    119. Ecclesiastes  :

    120. Yunmen Wenyan

    121. Nichinichi kore kōnichi  :

    122. Blue Cliff Record  :

    123. Doomsday argument

    124. Kennelly–Heaviside layer

    125. Value of information

    126. Edward Boyden

    127. Optogenetics

    128. Expansion microscopy

    129. Konrad Zuse  :

    130. Piet Hein (scientist)  :

    131. Gambler's ruin

    132. Kelly criterion

    133. Thompson sampling

    134. EToro  :

    135. Particle filter

    136. Information cascade

    137. Guess 2⁄3 of the average  :

    138. Ski rental problem

    139. PLATO (computer system)  :

    140. Kary Mullis

    141. Heinrich Hörlein  :

    142. Thomas Edison

    143. Salient (military)  :

    144. Visceral leishmaniasis  :

    145. Andreessen Horowitz

    146. Southwest Airlines  :

    147. Herb Kelleher  :

    148. Marc Andreessen

    149. Ben Horowitz

    150. Chris Dixon