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Lizardman’s Constant Is 4%
Fundamentally Misunderstanding Visual Perception: Adults’ Belief in Visual Emissions
Everything Is Correlated
Ordinary Incompetence
Generalizing From One Example
Littlewood’s Law and the Global Media
Inaccurate Estimation of Disparities Due to Mischievous Responders
‘Mischievous Responders’ Confound Research On Teens
Are you an independent voter? You aren’t if you checked this box: The American Independent Party is California’s largest third party. A poll shows 73% may be in it by mistake. Are you one of them?
Approval and Mood of Country [Harvard Caps / Harris Poll] § Pg15
Science and Engineering Indicators 2014 § Chapter 7: Public Attitudes and Understanding
The parity of zero, the primality of two, and other mysteries
Despite What Some May Say, Chocolate Milk Does Not Come From Brown Cows
Pilot Study of Agricultural Literacy: Final Report § Table 4: Percentage of Respondents Answering Agricultural Knowledge Statements Correctly and Incorrectly
One fifth of young adults think fish fingers ACTUALLY ARE the fingers of fish, research finds: One quarter of young adults are ‘embarrassed’ at their lack of knowledge on where food comes from
A Qualitative Study of Agricultural Literacy in Urban Youth: What Do Elementary Students Understand about the Agri-Food System? § Table 2: Number and Percentage of Informants Correctly Stating Cheeseburger Origin
Children are unsuspecting meat eaters: An opportunity to address climate change
Belief in God among atheists
Clinton’s Florida Lead Continues to Grow
How To Win An Election
Episode 714: Can A Game Show Lose?
Americans losing faith in what Trump says about the coronavirus: Reuters/Ipsos poll
Why Won’t Americans Get Vaccinated? One in Five Americans Believes the US Government Is Using the COVID-19 Vaccine to Microchip the Population
UK: Voting Intention—19th August 2021: Data Tables
Did people really drink bleach to prevent COVID-19? A tale of problematic respondents and a guide for measuring rare events in survey data
Voters Agree With Lee Anderson about Cracking down on Crime
‘survey’ directory
I’m paid biweekly, just not by leprechauns: Evaluating valid-but-incorrect response rates to attention check items
Why So Serious?: Survey Trolls and Misinformation