Bibliography (47):

  1. Updateless Decision Theory

  2. Timeless Decision Theory

  3. Multiverse-wide Cooperation via Correlated Decision Making

  4. TCP Ex Machina: Computer-Generated Congestion Control

  5. Randomness and Mathematical Proof

  6. The Tragedy of the Commons by Garrett Hardin

  7. Human tragedy and natural selection

  8. Rejoinder to Gray and Wolfe

  9. The loving parent meets the selfish gene

  10. George Wald: A Generation in Search of a Future

  11. Wikipedia Bibliography:

    1. Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern

    2. Douglas Hofstadter

    3. Scientific American  :

    4. Superrationality

    5. Game theory

    6. Prisoner’s dilemma

    7. Global catastrophic risk § Defining existential risks  :

    8. Nuclear warfare  :

    9. Martin Gardner  :

    10. Newcomb's paradox

    11. Robert Axelrod  :

    12. Dorothy E. Denning  :

    13. Sympathetic magic  :

    14. Synchronicity  :

    15. Renormalization  :

    16. Virtual particle  :

    17. Daniel Dennett

    18. Charles Brenner (mathematician)  :

    19. Icosahedron  :

    20. Garrett Hardin  :

    21. Tragedy of the commons § Garrett Hardin’s article  :

    22. Avogadro constant  :

    23. Googol  :

    24. Googolplex  :

    25. Gregory Chaitin

    26. Tragedy of the commons

    27. Overpopulation  :

    28. Paul R. Ehrlich

    29. Leon Henkin  :

    30. Liar paradox  :

    31. Copycat (software)

    32. Victor Weisskopf

    33. Raymond Smullyan  :

    34. George Wald  :

    35. Richard Russell Junior  :

    36. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

    37. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks § SALT I Treaty  :