In March 2024, a new AI company burst onto the scene with impressive backing: a $21 million Series A led by Founders Fund, with support from industry leaders including the Collison brothers, Elad Gil, and other tech luminaries. The team behind it? IOI gold medalists - the kind of people that solve programming problems most of us can’t even understand. Their product, Devin, promised to be a fully autonomous software engineer that could chat with you like a human colleague, capable of everything from learning new technologies and debugging mature codebases to deploying full applications and even training AI models.
The early demos were compelling. A video showed Devin independently completing an Upwork bounty, installing and running a PyTorch project without human intervention.1 The company claimed Devin could resolve 13.86% of real-world GitHub issues end-to-end on the SWE-bench benchmark - ~3x times better than previous systems. Only a select group of users could access it initially, leading to breathless tweets about how this would revolutionize software development.
As a team at Answer.AI that routinely experiments with AI developer tools, something about Devin felt different. If it could deliver even half of what it promised, it could transform how we work. But while Twitter was full of enthusiasm, we couldn’t find many detailed accounts of people actually using it. So we decided to put it through its paces, testing it against a wide range of real-world tasks. This is our story - a thorough, real-world attempt to work with one of the most hyped AI products of 2024.
What is Devin?
What makes Devin unique is its infrastructure. Unlike typical AI assistants, Devin operates through Slack and spins up its own computing environment. When you chat with Devin, you’re talking to an AI that has access to a full computing environment - complete with a web browser, code editor, and shell. It can install dependencies, read documentation, and even preview web applications it creates. Below is a screenshot of one way to initiate a task for Devin to work on:
The experience is designed to feel like chatting with a colleague. You describe what you want, and Devin starts working. Through Slack, you can watch it think through problems, ask for credentials when needed, and share links to completed work. Behind the scenes, it’s running in a Docker container, which gives it the isolation it needs to safely experiment while protecting your systems. Devin also provides a web interface, which also allows you to gain access to its envirnoment and watch it work with IDEs, Web Browsers and more in real time. Here is a screenshot of the web interface:
Early Wins
Our first task was straightforward but real: pull data from a Notion database into Google Sheets. Devin tackled this with surprising competence. It navigated to the Notion API documentation, understood what it needed, and guided me through setting up the necessary credentials in Google Cloud Console. Rather than just dumping API instructions, it walked me through each menu and button click needed - saving what would typically be tedious documentation sleuthing. The whole process took about an hour (but only a few minutes of human interaction). At the end, Devin shared a link to a perfectly formatted Google Sheet containing our data.
The code it produced was a bit verbose, but it worked. This felt like a glimpse into the future - an AI that could handle the “glue code” tasks that consume so much developer time. Johno had similar success using Devin to create a planet tracker for debunking claims about historical positions of Jupiter and Saturn. What made this particularly impressive was that he managed this entirely through his phone, with Devin handling all the heavy lifting of setting up the environment and writing the code.
Scaling Up Our Testing
Building upon our early successes, we leaned into Devin’s asynchronous capabilities. We imagined having Devin write documentation during our meetings or debug issues while we focused on design work. But as we scaled up our testing, cracks appeared. Tasks that seemed straightforward often took days rather than hours, with Devin getting stuck in technical dead-ends or producing overly complex, unusable solutions.
Even more concerning was Devin’s tendency to press forward with tasks that weren’t actually possible. When asked to deploy multiple applications to a single Railway deployment (something that Railway doesn’t support), instead of identifying this limitation, Devin spent over a day attempting various approaches and hallucinating features that didn’t exist.
The most frustrating aspect wasn’t the failures themselves - all tools have limitations - but rather how much time we spent trying to salvage these attempts.
A Deeper Look at What Went Wrong
At this point in our journey, we were puzzled. We had seen Devin competently handle API integrations and build functional applications, yet it was struggling with tasks that seemed simpler. Was this just bad luck? Were we using it wrong?
Over the course of a month, we systematically documented our attempts across these categories:
- Creating new projects from scratch
- Performing research tasks
- Analyzing & Modifying existing projects
The results were sobering. Out of 20 tasks, we had 14 failures, 3 successes (including our 2 initial ones), and 3 inconclusive results. Even more telling was that we couldn’t discern any pattern to predict which tasks would work. Tasks that seemed similar to our early successes would fail in unexpected ways. We’ve provided more detail about these tasks in the appendix below. Below is a summary of our experiences in each of these categories:
1. Creating New Projects From Scratch
This category should have been Devin’s sweet spot. After all, the company’s demo video showed it autonomously completing an Upwork bounty, and our own early successes suggested it could handle greenfield development. The reality proved more complex.
Take our attempt to integrate with an LLM observability platform called Braintrust. The task was clear: generate synthetic data and upload it. Instead of a focused solution, Devin produced what can only be described as code soup - layers of abstraction that made simple operations needlessly complex. We ultimately abandoned Devin’s attempt and used Cursor to build the integration step-by-step, which proved far more efficient. Similarly, when asked to create an integration between our AI notes taker and, Devin generated what one team member described as “spaghetti code that was way more confusing to read through than if I’d written it from scratch.” Despite having access to documentation for both systems, Devin seemed to overcomplicate every aspect of the integration.
Perhaps most telling was our attempt at web scraping. We asked Devin to follow Google Scholar links and grab the most recent 25 papers from an author - a task that should be straightforward with tools like Playwright. This should have been particularly achievable given Devin’s ability to browse the web and write code. Instead, it became trapped in an endless cycle of trying to parse HTML, unable to extract itself from its own confusion.
2. Research Tasks
If Devin struggled with concrete coding tasks, perhaps it would fare better with research-oriented work? The results here were mixed at best. While it could handle basic documentation lookups (as we saw in our early Notion/Google Sheets integration), more complex research tasks proved challenging.
When we asked Devin to research transcript summarization with accurate timestamps - a specific technical challenge we were facing - it merely regurgitated tangentially related information rather than engaging with the core problem. Instead of exploring potential solutions or identifying key technical challenges, it provided generic code examples that didn’t address the fundamental issues. Even when Devin appeared to be making progress, the results often weren’t what they seemed. For instance, when asked to create a minimal DaisyUI theme as an example, it produced what looked like a working solution. However, upon closer inspection, we discovered the theme wasn’t actually doing anything - the colors we were seeing were from the default theme, not our customizations.
3. Analyzing and Modifying Existing Code
Perhaps Devin’s most concerning failures came when working with existing codebases. These tasks require understanding context and maintaining consistency with established patterns - skills that should be central to an AI software engineer’s capabilities.
Our attempts to have Devin work with nbdev projects were particularly revealing. When asked to migrate a Python project to nbdev, Devin couldn’t grasp even basic nbdev setup, despite us providing it access to comprehensive documentation. More puzzling was its approach to notebook manipulation - instead of directly editing notebooks, it created Python scripts to modify them, adding unnecessary complexity to simple tasks. While it occasionally provided useful notes or ideas, the actual code it produced was consistently problematic.
Security reviews showed similar issues. When we asked Devin to assess a GitHub repository (under 700 lines of code) for security vulnerabilities, it went overboard, flagging numerous false positives and hallucinating issues that didn’t exist. This kind of analysis might have been better handled by a single, focused LLM call rather than Devin’s more complex approach.
The pattern continued with debugging tasks. When investigating why SSH key forwarding wasn’t working in a setup script, Devin fixated on the script itself, never considering that the problem might lie elsewhere. This tunnel vision meant it couldn’t help us uncover the actual root cause. Similarly, when asked to add conflict checking between user input and database values, one team member spent several hours working through Devin’s attempts before giving up and writing the feature themselves in about 90 minutes.
Reflecting As A Team
After a month of intensive testing, our team gathered to make sense of our experiences. These quotes capture our feelings best:
Tasks it can do are those that are so small and well-defined that I may as well do them myself, faster, my way. Larger tasks where I might see time savings I think it will likely fail at. So no real niche where I’ll want to use it. - Johno Whitaker
I had initial excitement at how close it was because I felt I could tweak a few things. And then slowly got frustrated as I had to change more and more to end up at the point where I would have been better of starting from scratch and going step by step. - Isaac Flath
Devin struggled to use internal tooling that is critical at AnswerAI which, in addition to other issues, made it difficult to use. This is despite providing Devin with copious amounts of documentation and examples. I haven’t found this to be an issue with tools like Cursor, where there is more opportunity to nudge things in the right direction more incrementally. - Hamel Husain
In contrast to Devin, we found workflows where developers drive more (like Cursor) avoid most issues we faced with Devin.
Working with Devin showed what autonomous AI development aspires to be. The UX is polished - chatting through Slack, watching it work asynchronously, seeing it set up environments and handle dependencies. When it worked, it was impressive.
But that’s the problem - it rarely worked. Out of 20 tasks we attempted, we saw 14 failures, 3 inconclusive results, and just 3 successes. More concerning was our inability to predict which tasks would succeed. Even tasks similar to our early wins would fail in complex, time-consuming ways. The autonomous nature that seemed promising became a liability - Devin would spend days pursuing impossible solutions rather than recognizing fundamental blockers.
This reflects a pattern we’ve observed repeatedly in AI tooling. Social media excitement and company valuations have minimal relationship to real-world utility. We’ve found the most reliable signal comes from detailed stories of users shipping products and services. For now, we’re sticking with tools that let us drive the development process while providing AI assistance along the way.
Appendix: Tasks Attempted With Devin
Below is a table of projects we gave Devin, categorized by the themes of: (1) Creating a new project, (2) research, (3) analyze an existing code base and (4) modifying a code base.
1. Create A New Project
Project Name | Status | Description | Reflections |
Planet Tracker | Success | I wanted to debunk some claims about historical positions of Jupiter and Saturn | Devin nailed it. I actually talked to Devin from my phone via slack and it made it happen. |
Migrating data from Notion Into Google Sheets | Success | I told Devin to programmatically pull info from a Notion document into a Google Sheet. This was my very first project that I executed with Devin and it pulled it off nicely. Devin read notion and Google API docs by itself. Devin also navigated me to the Google Cloud console and provided me with instructions on all the different menus to click through which would have taken me quite a bit of time on my own! At the end, I was given a reasonable Python script that executed the task. | This was my very first interaction with Devin and it executed exactly what I wanted it to do, which was a brand new experience for me. I was quite excited about Devin at this point. |
Multi-app deploys on Railway | Inconclusive | I asked Devin to deploy multiple applications to a single railway deployment, so that I could have different apps sharing the same local db for testing. | It turns out that this task was ill-defined because it’s not actually possible to do this, if I understand correctly. However, Devin marched forward and tried to do this and hallucinated some things about how to interact with railway. |
Generate synthetic data and upload it to Braintrust | Failure | I asked Devin to create synthetic data for a LLM observability platform called Braintrust that I wanted to test. | Devin created overly complex code that was hard to understand, and got stuck trying to fix errors. We ended up using Cursor to do this step by step in an iterative fashion. |
Create an integration between two applications | Failure | I asked Devin to create an integration between Circleback, my AI notes taker, and with pointers to the documentation of each. | I got really horrible spaghetti code that was way more confusing to read through than me trying to just write it from scratch. So I decided to not invest any more time in using Devin for this particular task. |
Web scraping Papers By Following Google Scholar Links | Failure | I asked Devin to grab the most recent 25 papers from an author on Google Scholar programmatically using playwright, and if it encountered a paywall it was ok to skip that particular document. | Devin went into a rabbit hole of trying to parse HTML that it seems like it couldn’t get out of. It got stuck and went to sleep. |
Create minimal HTMX bulk upload example app | Failure | I asked Devin to read the HTMX documentation page for bulk edit example and with that and fake server code, create a minimal FastHTML version of the example for the FastHTML Gallery. | The example did not work and was not minimal. Devin used objects from the request object that didn’t exist and added many unnecessary things, like toasts (which also didn’t work), and inline css styling. |
Create a DaisyUI Themes to match FrankenUI Theming | Failure | I asked Devin to create DaisyUI and highlight.js theming so that they match the frankenui themes and can be used in the same app seamlessly | Devin mapped daisyUI pre-existing themes to frankenui themes, but did they did not match well in many cases. It was also a ton of code changes that I didn’t understand and I ended up not using any of it because I was too confused to know what to do with it. |
2. Perform Research
Project Name | Status | Description | Reflections |
Research How to make a discord bot | Success | I asked Devin to perform research on how I could use Python to build a Discord bot that summarizes each day’s messages and sends an email. I also told it to use Claudette if possible to do so. Finally, I told it to write its findings in notebooks with small code snippets I could use to test. | Devin produced research notes in the form of a markdown file as an intermediate step to creating the notebook, which I did not ask it for. However, it was quite useful to see a step-by-step plan on how an implementation might come together. The code that it provided me in the notebook was not 100% correct, but it was useful as pseudocode to give me an idea of how I might glue this together. Given that this was more of a research project and I wanted just to know the general idea, I would call this a success. |
Research on Transcript Summarization With Accurate Timestamps | Failure | One issue that I face with summarizing transcripts is that I would love to have accurate timestamps that go with notes, so that I could use it for YouTube chapter summaries or similar. Concretely, it is not a problem to get accurate time-stamps from a transcript, But it’s difficult to associate timestamps with summaries because the timestamps often get bungled. So this is kind of an AI engineering research task. | Devin regurgitated related things to my problem but it did not tackle it did not do a good job of performing research or trying to tackle the problem I was trying to solve, and gave me pointers to code and examples that were not helpful. |
Create a minimal DaisyUI theme as an example | Failure | I asked Devin to create a minimal DaisyUI theme as an example. My goal was to get a starting point to start from since asking it to do it in a more complete way was unsuccessful. | Devin ignored the request to make it as a FastHTML app, and it took some back and forth to get it to go down that path. Eventually, it created an app that appeared to work with different button types. While it gave a link that looked good, once I tried modifying the theme, is became clear the theme was doing nothing. The other colors in the app were from the default theme. This is not a helpful starting point. |
3. Analyze Existing Code
Project Name | Status | Description | Reflections |
Performing a security review of a code base | Inconclusive | For this task, I pointed Devin at a GitHub repository and told it to assess it for security vulnerabilities. The codebase is under 700 lines of code. I told Devin to write its notes in a markdown file with sample code where necessary. | Devin did identify some security vulnerabilities but was extremely overzealous and hallucinated some issues that were not there. Perhaps this was not the ideal task for Devin as this is something that would be just as good in a single call to my favorite LLM. |
Review blog posts and make a pull request with improvements | Failure | I asked Devin to review a blog post and suggest changes with a pull request. Ultimately, Devin failed because it could not figure out how the static site generator that I was using, Quarto, worked. | I think that this task would have been successful inside something like Cursor. It seemed like Devin did not do a good job of learning from the project structure and existing files, so it messed up things like front matter and other conventions necessary to edit the blog post correctly. |
Review An Application and Identify Potential Areas of Improvement | Failure | I asked Devin to view the timekeeping app I had mentioned earlier and provided an open-ended task of asking it to suggest any improvements. | The suggestions that it provided did not make any sense. |
Debug why ssh key forwarding is not working in a setup script | Inconclusive | I asked Devin to figure out why ssh key forwarding was not working on a server when I used a script to set it up. | The issue ended up being unrelated to the script, which I thought was the problem, but Devin never suggested or implied that maybe the problem was somewhere else. It was not helpful because it did not help me uncover the root cause. |
4. Modify An Existing Project
Project Name | Status | Description | Reflections |
Making changes to a nbdev project | Failure | I had a simple application for time tracking built with FastHTML and nbdev that I wanted to integrate with apple shortcuts via an API route. | Devin could not figure out how to operate successfully in this environment, even though it got impressively far. One curiosity that I noticed is that Devin created Python scripts to edit notebooks rather than trying to edit the notebook itself. However, Devin gave me some useful notes there and ideas that I hadn’t considered. However, the code that it tried to write did not make sense. Eventually, I ended up using a template from someone else and not going with any of Devin’s suggestions. |
Migration of python Project To nbdev | Failure | I asked Devin to migrate a project to nbdev [prompt details omitted for brevity] | It got horribly stuck and could not figure out basic nbdev setup. It seems like it didn’t do a good job of reading the nbdev docs. |
Integrate Styling Package Into FastHTML | Failure | I asked Devin to integrate MonsterUI into one of my applications. | Devin could not figure out how to work with a nbdev repo. |
Add feature to check for conflicts between user input and database | Failure | I asked Devin to add a feature to an app to compare user input values to values from a database based on prior runs and give a UI if they don’t match. | I spent several hours slowly working through getting it working properly before I gave up. I wrote the feature myself in about 90 minutes. |
Generate LLMs context file with the contents of every fasthtml gallery example | Failure | I asked Devin to create llms text files for the fasthtml gallery | I was excited to see it created a separate markdown file for each example and then tried to roll them up in the llms context files initially. I had not thought about doing that and things seemed all there at first. When I pulled down and started digging in I started finding things I did not like: The format of the llms wasn’t correct. Even though I gave it infomration to use XML tags to seperate examples, it didn’t. It added and pinned a specific version of the markdown package as a dependency and used that, instead of using the markdown2 package with is already used and was already a dependency. It did a bunch of pytest stuff and added a dep, even though the project doesn’t use pytest. |