#!/bin/bash # upload: convenience script for uploading PDFs, images, and other files to gwern.net. Handles naming & reformatting. # Author: Gwern Branwen # Date: 2021-01-01 # When: Time-stamp: "2024-05-25 10:22:01 gwern" # License: CC-0 # # Upload files to Gwern.net conveniently, either temporary working files or permanent additions. # Usage: # $ upload file # temporary documents are uploaded to /doc/www/misc/$file, and deleted after 90 days. # $ upload file directory-name # uploaded to /doc/$directory-name/$file if that is unique, otherwise the tag rewrite system guesses # $ upload 1994-benter.pdf statistics/decision # uploads to `/doc/statistics/decision/1994-benter.pdf` # $ upload benter1994.pdf decision # renames to `1994-benter.pdf` and uploads to `/doc/statistics/decision/1994-benter.pdf` # # Files receive standard optimization, reformatting, compression, metadata-scrubbing etc. # This will rename to be globally-unique, reformat, run PDFs through `ocrmypdf` # (via the `compressPdf` wrapper, to JBIG2-compress, OCR, and convert to PDF/A), and `git add` new files. # They are then opened in a web browser to verify they uploaded, have permissions, and render. . ~/wiki/static/build/bash.sh set -e if [ ! -f "$1" ] || [ ! -s "$1" ]; then red "l25: '$1' is not a file or is empty‽" && exit 1; fi # the fundamental function which does all the real work. Jump to the bottom for the actual argument-handling loop of `upload`. _upload() { wait (locate "$1" &) FILENAME="$1" if [[ $FILENAME == *.jpeg ]]; then FILENAME="${FILENAME%.jpeg}.jpg" mv "$1" "$FILENAME" fi # Attempt to make filename globally unique, due to repetition of surnames. # # eg. I go to do `upload 2023-liu-2.pdf economics`, and it turns out `/doc/psychology/2023-liu-2.pdf` already exists... # as do `/doc/biology/2023-liu-3.pdf` and `/doc/technology/2023-liu-4.pdf`. (Liu is an *extremely* common Asian surname.) # So this function will try to loop over numeric suffixes 1–9 to rename it to the first workable filename, in this case, `2023-liu-5.pdf`. function rename_file() { local filename="$1" local base_name extension new_filename new_file_path base_name="${filename%.*}" extension="${filename##*.}" new_file_path=$(find ~/wiki/ -type f -name "$filename" -print -quit) # if filename already exists, try to rename it if [[ -n "$new_file_path" ]]; then for ((i=2; i<=20; i++)); do new_filename="${base_name}-${i}.${extension}" # avoid spurious collisions with temporary/working files in the infrastructure repo or the scratch directory: new_file_path=$(find ~/wiki/ -type f ! -path "~/wiki/static/*" ! -path "~/wiki/doc/www/*" -name "$new_filename" -print -quit) if [[ -z "$new_file_path" ]]; then mv "$filename" "$new_filename" bold "File '$filename' has been renamed to '$new_filename'" filename="$new_filename" break fi done fi # if filename after possible renaming does not exist, that means we're using a new filename if [[ ! -e "$filename" ]]; then red "Error: File '$filename' could not be renamed. Please check for possible issues." >&2 return 1 fi FILENAME="$filename" return 0 } rename_file "$FILENAME" if [[ $# -eq 1 || "$2" == "" ]]; then # convenience function: timestamps are useful for files, but it's annoying to manually add the date. We can't assume that a regular file was created 'today' because it is usually a historical paper or something, but temporary files are almost always just-created, and even if not, it's useful to know *when* it was uploaded. if ! [[ "$FILENAME" =~ ^20[2-4][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] ]]; then DIRNAME=$(dirname "$FILENAME") # Extract the directory path BASENAME=$(basename "$FILENAME") # Extract the filename TIMESTAMPED="$(date '+%F')-$BASENAME" # Prefix the filename with the timestamp if [ "$DIRNAME" = "." ]; then # If the file is in the current directory, DIRNAME will be '.' mv "$FILENAME" "$TIMESTAMPED" FILENAME="$TIMESTAMPED" else # Reconstruct the full path with the timestamped filename mv "$FILENAME" "$DIRNAME/$TIMESTAMPED" FILENAME="$DIRNAME/$TIMESTAMPED" fi fi TARGET=$(basename "$FILENAME") if [[ "$TARGET" =~ .*\.jpg || "$TARGET" =~ .*\.png ]]; then exiftool -overwrite_original -All="" "$TARGET"; fi # strip potentially dangerous metadata from scrap images # format Markdown/text files for more readability TEMPFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/text.XXXXX) if [[ "$TARGET" =~ .*\.md || "$TARGET" =~ .*\.txt ]]; then fold --spaces --width=80 "$TARGET" >> "$TEMPFILE" && mv "$TEMPFILE" "$TARGET"; fi mv "$TARGET" ~/wiki/doc/www/misc/ cd ~/wiki/ || exit TARGET2="./doc/www/misc/$TARGET" rsync --chmod='a+r' -q "$TARGET2" gwern@"/home/gwern/gwern.net/doc/www/misc/" || \ rsync --chmod='a+r' -v "$TARGET2" gwern@"/home/gwern/gwern.net/doc/www/misc/" URL="https://gwern.net/doc/www/misc/$TARGET" echo "$URL" && firefox "$URL" 2> /dev/null & else TARGET_DIR="" TARGET_DIR=doc/"$2" if [ ! -d ~/wiki/"$TARGET_DIR" ]; then # try to guess a target: GUESS=$(cd ~/wiki/ && ./static/build/guessTag "$2") if [ ! -d ~/wiki/doc/"$GUESS"/ ]; then # the guess failed too, so bail out entirely: ls ~/wiki/"$TARGET_DIR" ~/wiki/doc/"$GUESS"/ red "$FILENAME; Directory $TARGET_DIR $2 (and fallback guess $GUESS) does not exist?" return 2 else # restart with fixed directory bold "Retrying as \"upload $FILENAME $GUESS\"…" upload "$FILENAME" "$GUESS" fi else if [ -a "$FILENAME" ]; then ## automatically rename a file like 'benter1994.pdf' (Libgen) to '1994-benter.pdf' (gwern.net): FILE="$FILENAME" if [[ "$FILE" =~ ([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])\.pdf ]]; then SWAP="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}-${BASH_REMATCH[1]}.pdf" SWAP=$(echo "$SWAP" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z') ## eg '1979-Svorny.pdf' → '1979-svorny.pdf' mv "$FILE" "$SWAP" FILE="$SWAP" fi TARGET=$TARGET_DIR/$(basename "$FILE") if [ ! -e ~/wiki/"$TARGET" ]; then mv "$FILE" ~/wiki/"$TARGET" cd ~/wiki/ || return 3 chmod a+r "$TARGET" if [[ "$TARGET" =~ .*\.pdf ]]; then METADATA=$(crossref "$TARGET") && echo "$METADATA" & # background for speed, but print it out mostly-atomically to avoid being mangled & impeding copy-paste of the annotation metadata compressPdf "$TARGET" || true; # sometimes PDFs error out in `ocrmypdf` and yield a size of 0, so ignore errors chmod a+r "$TARGET"; fi (git add "$TARGET" &) # TODO: add back in `--mkpath` (rsync --chmod='a+r' -q "$TARGET" gwern@"/home/gwern/gwern.net/$TARGET_DIR/" || \ rsync --chmod='a+r' -v "$TARGET" gwern@"/home/gwern/gwern.net/$TARGET_DIR/" URL="https://gwern.net/$TARGET_DIR/$(basename "$FILE")" cloudflare-expire "$TARGET_DIR/$(basename "$FILE")" # expire any possible 404s from previous failure or similar cache staleness curl --head "$URL" > /dev/null # verify it's downloadable echo "" echo "/$TARGET $URL" if [[ "$TARGET" =~ .*\.png ]]; then png2JPGQualityCheck ~/wiki/"$TARGET"; fi if [[ "$TARGET" =~ .*\.jpg || "$TARGET" =~ .*\.png ]]; then if [[ $(image-margin-checker.py ~/wiki/"$TARGET") == "YES" ]]; then red "Image needs padding!"; fi; fi firefox "$URL" 2> /dev/null) & else red "Error: ~/wiki/$TARGET already exists at this exact path & filename! Will not try to automatically rename & upload, as this may be a duplicate: the user must check & rename manually to override." echo crossref "$TARGET" return 4 fi else red "First argument $FILENAME is not a file?" return 1 fi fi fi } # `upload` main loop, calling `upload` as appropriate: ## If last argument is not a file, it's a directory, and we call `_upload` repeatedly with `_upload $file_n $directory`. ## This keeps the logic simpler than trying to handle many variable-length arguments in `_upload`. if [[ ! -f "${!#}" ]]; then dir="${!#}" files=("${@:1:$(($#-1))}") else files=("$@") fi for file in "${files[@]}"; do if [[ -n "$dir" ]]; then (_upload "$file" "$dir") else (_upload "$file") fi done wait