#!/bin/bash # linkArchive.sh: archive a URL through SingleFile and link locally # Author: Gwern Branwen # Date: 2020-02-07 # When: Time-stamp: "2025-02-07 22:09:25 gwern" # License: CC-0 # # Shell script to archive URLs/PDFs via SingleFile for use with LinkArchive.hs: # extract the location of the static serialized HTML, and move it to the wiki's `./doc/www/$DOMAIN/$SHA1($URL).html`; # if the MIME type indicates a PDF, we download & host locally. # For detailed background on how this is used & the overall design, see & . # # Example: # "https://www.framerated.co.uk/the-haunting-1963/" → /home/gwern/wiki/doc/www/www.framerated.co.uk/31900688e194a1ffa443c2895aaab8f8513370f3.html # # $ linkArchive.sh 'http://www.jacurutu.com/viewtopic.php?p=101694' # /home/gwern/wiki/doc/www/www.jacurutu.com/718b0de585ef3dcd778a196fb2b8c842b42c7bc2.html # $ linkArchive.sh 'http://www.jacurutu.com/viewtopic.php?p=101694#p101694' # /home/gwern/wiki/doc/www/www.jacurutu.com/718b0de585ef3dcd778a196fb2b8c842b42c7bc2.html # # Requires: sha1sum, docker+SingleFile+chromium, timeout, curl, wget, ocrmypdf; pdftk recommended for 'decrypting' PDFs URL="" CHECK=0 NO_PREVIEW=0 if [[ $# != 1 && $# != 2 ]]; then echo "Must have either 1 or 2 arguments (ie. 'url', '--check url', or '--no-preview url'), one of which is a URL. Received: $*" && exit 98 fi for arg in "$@" do case $arg in --check) CHECK=1 ;; --no-preview) NO_PREVIEW=1 ;; http*://*) URL="$arg" ;; *) ;; esac done if [[ -z $URL ]]; then echo "No URL argument in arguments? $*" && exit 99; fi USER_AGENT="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:125.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/124.0" TARGET="" ## NOTE: anchor-handling is tricky. We need to drop everything after '#' because it's technically not part of the ## filepath/URL—it's only relevant to the web browser. ## A web browser visiting a URL like "https://foo.com/bar.html#1" is visiting the file "bar.html", *not* "bar.html#1". ## But we still need to return it as part of the final rewritten path/URL. HASH="$(echo -n "$URL" | sed -e 's/^\///' | cut -d '#' -f 1 | sha1sum - | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" DOMAIN="$(echo "$URL" | awk -F[/:] '{print $4}')" if [[ -n $(echo "$URL" | grep -F '#') ]]; then ANCHOR="#$(echo -n "$URL" | cut -d '#' -f 2)" fi FILE=$(ls "doc/www/$DOMAIN/$HASH."* 2> /dev/null) || true if [[ -n "$FILE" && $(stat -c%s "$FILE") -ge 1024 || $CHECK == 1 ]]; then # use of `--check` means that we always skip archiving and return either the path or its failure, an empty string; as all real webpages are at least 1kb in size, we treat <1kb as corrupted. echo -n "$FILE$ANCHOR" else URL=$(echo "$URL" | sed -e 's/https:\/\/arxiv\.org/https:\/\/export.arxiv.org/') # NOTE: http://export.arxiv.org/help/robots (we do the rewrite here to keep the directories & URLs as expected like `/doc/www/arxiv.org/`). ## 404? NOTE: Infuriatingly, Nitter domains will lie to curl when we use `--head` GET requests to be bandwidth-efficient, and will return 404 hits for *everything*. Jerks. So we can't use `--head` to be efficient, we have to do a full request just to be sure we aren't being lied to about the status. (Jerks.) HTTP_STATUS=$(timeout 80s curl --user-agent "$USER_AGENT" --compressed -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' \ -H "Accept: */*" --write-out '%{http_code}' --silent -L -o /dev/null "$URL" || echo "Unsuccessful: $URL $HASH" 1>&2 && exit 1) if [[ "$HTTP_STATUS" == "404" ]] || [[ "$HTTP_STATUS" == "403" ]]; then echo "Unsuccessful: $URL $HASH" 1>&2 exit 2 else # Remote HTML, which might actually be a PDF: MIME_REMOTE=$(timeout 80s curl -H "Accept: */*" --user-agent "$USER_AGENT" \ --head --write-out '%{content_type}' --silent -L -o /dev/null "$URL" || echo "Unsuccessful: $URL $HASH" 1>&2 && exit 3) if [[ "$MIME_REMOTE" =~ "application/pdf".* || "$URL" =~ .*'.pdf'.* || "$URL" =~ .*'_pdf'.* || "$URL" =~ '#pdf'.* || "$URL" =~ .*'/pdf/'.* ]]; then timeout --kill-after=1800s 1400s wget --user-agent="$USER_AGENT" \ --quiet --output-file=/dev/null "$URL" --output-document=/tmp/"$HASH".pdf TARGET=/tmp/"$HASH".pdf ## sometimes servers lie or a former PDF URL has linkrotted or changed to a HTML landing page, so we need to check ## that we actually got a real PDF file: MIME_LOCAL=$(file "$TARGET" | grep -F 'PDF document, version ') || true if [[ -f "$TARGET" ]] && [[ -n "$MIME_LOCAL" ]] && [[ ! "$MIME_REMOTE" =~ .*"text/html".* ]] || \ [[ "$MIME_REMOTE" =~ "application/pdf".* || "$MIME_REMOTE" =~ "application/octet-stream".* ]] || \ [[ ! "$MIME_LOCAL" == "" ]]; then mkdir --parents "./doc/www/$DOMAIN/" ## move the PDF into the Gwern.net repo: mv "$TARGET" "./doc/www/$DOMAIN/$HASH.pdf" echo -n "doc/www/$DOMAIN/$HASH.pdf$ANCHOR" ## use my local custom installation of recent ocrmypdf + JBIG2 encoder to OCR & optimize PDFs I'm hosting: compressPdf "./doc/www/$DOMAIN/$HASH.pdf" &> /dev/null # NOTE: we use `compressPdf` to benefit from its preservation of metadata & checks to avoid 'compressing' a PDF to 50× its original size (as happened with one Arxiv PDF). else echo "Unsuccessful: $URL $HASH" 1>&2 exit 4 fi # Handle actual remote HTML file: else TARGET="/tmp/$HASH.html" # Some websites break snapshots if any JS is left in them: the content will display briefly, but then the JS will refresh to an error page. This can be poorly written JS or deliberate anti-archiving. For such websites, we need single-file to remove JS from the snapshot entirely. # However, we cannot simply match on the domain, because a major offender here is Substack, which is often used under a custom domain and not just 'foo.substack.com' subdomains. # So we must do a quick cheap fingerprint check. if curl -s "$URL" | grep -q -e "https://substackcdn.com" -e "https://your.substack.com" || [[ "$URL" == *".substack.com"* ]]; then REMOVE_SCRIPTS="true" else REMOVE_SCRIPTS="false" fi # https://github.com/gildas-lormeau/SingleFile/blob/master/cli/README.MD (ArchiveBox didn't work out) # WARNING: for me single-file emits misleading errors about needing to `npm install` the browser, but # apparently you're supposed to `--browser-executable-path` workaround that, which is documented only in a bug report # CURRENT CLI from chrome://version: /home/gwern/snap/chromium/common/chromium/Default # REGULAR: /home/gwern/snap/chromium/common/chromium/Default set -x # NOTE: we must specify '--network="host"' to Docker, so that the Single-file app running inside Docker (which is its own private network namespace) can 'see' the local Nitter instance (running normally) for making Twitter snapshots; if we forget to do this, we get unhelpful 'connection error' messages like "$ docker run singlefile http://localhost:8081/novelaiofficial/status/1723601550927356343 → net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:8081/novelaiofficial/status/1723601550927356343" timeout --kill-after=30s 200s \ nice -n 19 \ docker run --cpus 0.5 --network="host" --stop-timeout=15 singlefile "$URL" --compress-CSS \ --block-scripts "$REMOVE_SCRIPTS" --block-videos false --block-audios false \ --user-agent "$USER_AGENT" \ --browser-load-max-time "30000" \ --load-deferred-images-max-idle-time "3000" \ --max-resource-size 100 \ --browser-wait-until "networkIdle" \ --browser-height "10000" \ > "$TARGET" # 1>&2 set +x if [[ -n "$TARGET" && $(stat -c%s "$TARGET") -ge 1024 && -f "$TARGET" ]]; then ## Check for error pages which nevertheless returned validly: ERROR_404=$(grep -F -e '403 Forbidden' -e '404 Not Found' -e 'Download Limit Exceeded' -e 'Access Denied' -e 'Instance has been rate limited' -e 'Token is required' -- "$TARGET") if [[ -z "$ERROR_404" ]]; then mkdir "./doc/www/$DOMAIN/" &> /dev/null || true # assume that ./doc/www/ exists; if it doesn't we may be in the wrong place. mv "$TARGET" "./doc/www/$DOMAIN/$HASH.html" ## everything successful, so return the filepath of the final result to our caller: echo -n "doc/www/$DOMAIN/$HASH.html$ANCHOR" if [[ $NO_PREVIEW == 1 ]] then # do nothing true else ## open original vs archived preview in web browser so the user can check that it preserved OK, or if it needs to be handled manually or domain blacklisted. ## we use `deconstruct_singlefile.php` to explode >5MB .html files from the original monolithic static linearized HTML to a normal HTML file which loads files (put into a subdirectory) including images lazily; this helps avoid the problem where a page may have 100MB+ of images/videos, and so opening the SingleFile snapshot at all entails downloading & rendering *all* of it, because it's all inlined into the .html file as data-URI text (which adds insult to injury by adding a lot of text-encoding overhead, bloating it further). This is good for archiving and ensuring all the assets are there, and so it's good to use the monolith as an intermediate, but then maybe parsing it back out to a normal HTML is the version readers ought to actually see… if [[ $(stat -c%s "./doc/www/$DOMAIN/$HASH.html") -ge 5000000 ]]; then php ./static/build/deconstruct_singlefile.php "./doc/www/$DOMAIN/$HASH.html" x-www-browser "./doc/www/$DOMAIN/$HASH.html$ANCHOR" "$URL" & else x-www-browser "./doc/www/$DOMAIN/$HASH.html$ANCHOR" "$URL" & fi fi else rm "$TARGET" echo "Unsuccessful: $URL $HASH" 1>&2 exit 5 fi fi fi fi fi