#!/usr/bin/env runghc
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad (unless, when, filterM)
import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd)
import Data.List (isSuffixOf, sort)
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
import qualified Control.Monad.Parallel as Par (mapM_)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M (fromList, lookup, filter, toList)
import GenerateSimilar (embed, embeddings2Forest, findN, missingEmbeddings, readEmbeddings, similaritemExistsP, writeEmbeddings, writeOutMatch, pruneEmbeddings, expireMatches, sortSimilars, readListSortedMagic)
import qualified Config.GenerateSimilar as C (bestNEmbeddings, iterationLimit)
import LinkBacklink (readBacklinksDB)
import LinkMetadata (readLinkMetadata, sortItemPathDateModified)
import Utils (printGreen)
import qualified Config.Misc (cd)
maxEmbedAtOnce :: Int
maxEmbedAtOnce = 2000
main :: IO ()
main = do Config.Misc.cd
md <- readLinkMetadata
-- prioritize the most recently modified/added non-index items:
let mdl = filter (\f -> not (head f == '/' && "/index" `isSuffixOf` f)) $ map fst $ reverse $ sortItemPathDateModified $ M.toList $
M.filter (\(_,_,_,_,_,_,abst) -> abst /= "") md -- to iterate over the annotation database's URLs, and skip outdated URLs still in the embedding database
mdlMissing <- filterM (fmap not . similaritemExistsP) mdl --fmap (take maxEmbedAtOnce) $ filterM (fmap not . similaritemExistsP) mdl
bdb <- readBacklinksDB
edb <- readEmbeddings
let edbDB = M.fromList $ map (\(a,b,c,d,e) -> (a,(b,c,d,e))) edb
printGreen "Read databases."
-- update for any missing embeddings, and return updated DB for computing distances & writing out fragments:
let todo = take maxEmbedAtOnce $ reverse $ sort $ missingEmbeddings md edb
let todoLinks = map fst todo -- just the paths
edb'' <- if null todo then printGreen "All databases up to date." >> return edb else
printGreen $ "Embedding…\n" ++ unlines (map show todo)
newEmbeddings <- mapM (embed edb md bdb) todo
printGreen "Generated embeddings."
let edb' = nubOrd (edb ++ newEmbeddings)
-- clean up by removing any outdated embeddings whose path/URL no longer corresponds to any annotations (typically because renamed):
let edb'' = pruneEmbeddings md edb'
writeEmbeddings edb''
printGreen "Wrote embeddings."
return edb''
-- if we are only updating the embeddings, then we stop there and do nothing more. (This
-- is useful for using `inotifywait` (from the `inotifytools` Debian package) to 'watch' the
-- GTX databases for new entries, and immediately embed them then & there, so
-- `preprocess-markdown.hs`'s single-shot mode gets updated quickly with recently-written
-- annotations, instead of always waiting for the nightly rebuild. When doing batches of
-- new annotations, they are usually all relevant to each other, but won't appear in the
-- suggested-links.)
-- eg. in a crontab, this would work:
-- $ `@reboot screen -d -m -S "embed" bash -c 'cd ~/wiki/; while true; do inotifywait ~/wiki/metadata/*.gtx -e attrib && sleep 10s && date && runghc -istatic/build/ ./static/build/generateSimilarLinks.hs --only-embed; done'`
-- [ie.: 'at boot, start a background daemon which monitors the annotation files and
-- whenever one is modified, kill the monitor, wait 10s, and check for new annotations to
-- embed & save; if nothing, exit & restart the monitoring.']
args <- getArgs
when (args /= ["--only-embed"] && args /= ["--update-only-missing-embeddings"] && args /= []) $
error $ "generateSimilarLinks: unrecognized arguments, erroring out; args were: " ++ show args
-- Otherwise, we keep going & compute all the suggestions.
-- rp-tree supports serializing the tree to disk, but unclear how to update it, and it's fast enough to construct (?) that it's not a bottleneck, so we recompute it from the embeddings every time.
ddb <- embeddings2Forest edb''
sortDB <- readListSortedMagic
unless (args == ["--only-embed"]) $ do
printGreen $ "Begin computing & writing out " ++ show (length mdlMissing) ++ " missing similarity-rankings…"
let mdlMissingChunks = chunksOf 10 mdlMissing
(mapM_ (\f -> case M.lookup f edbDB of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (b,c,d,e) -> do
let (path,hits) = findN ddb C.bestNEmbeddings C.iterationLimit Nothing (f,b,c,d,e)
-- rerank the _n_ matches to put them into a more internally-coherent ordering by pairwise distance minimization, rather than merely minimizing distance to the target URL:
hitsSorted <- sortSimilars edb sortDB (head hits) hits
let nmatchesSorted = (path, hitsSorted)
when (f `elem` todoLinks) $ expireMatches (snd nmatchesSorted)
putStrLn $ "gSL.nmatchesSorted: " ++ show nmatchesSorted
writeOutMatch md bdb nmatchesSorted
)) mdlMissingChunks
printGreen "Wrote out missing."
unless (args == ["--update-only-missing-embeddings"]) $ do
let chunkSize = 500
let mdlChunks = chunksOf chunkSize mdlMissing
printGreen ("Rewriting all embeddings:" ++ show mdlChunks)
printGreen "Rewriting all edb''…"
Par.mapM_ (writeOutMatch md bdb . findN ddb C.bestNEmbeddings C.iterationLimit Nothing) edb''
printGreen "Rewriting all mdlChunks…"
Par.mapM_ (mapM_ (\f ->
case M.lookup f edbDB of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (b,c,d,e) -> do let (path,hits) = findN ddb C.bestNEmbeddings C.iterationLimit Nothing (f,b,c,d,e)
hitsSorted <- sortSimilars edb sortDB (head hits) hits
let nmatchesSorted = (path, hitsSorted)
writeOutMatch md bdb nmatchesSorted
printGreen "Done."