#!/bin/bash # crossref: query a PDF for its metadata, reformat it, strip encryption, # check if Crossref can provide a useful abstract, and print out available metadata in the format of a Gwern.net annotation GTX entry, # suitable for appending to `/metadata/full.gtx` & editing. # # Author: Gwern Branwen # Date: 2021-01-01 # When: Time-stamp: "2023-05-29 10:46:04 gwern" # License: CC-0 # # Dependencies: curl, exiftool, jq, gwa/annotation-dump set -e if [ $# != 1 ]; then echo -e "crossref fatal error: Exactly 1 argument is required.\nReceived $# arguments, as \"$*\"" >&2 && exit 1; fi . ~/wiki/static/build/bash.sh # for path2file TARGET_ORIGINAL="$(path2File "$1")" URL="$(file2Path "$1")" if [[ ! -f "$TARGET_ORIGINAL" ]]; then TARGET="/home/gwern/wiki/$TARGET_ORIGINAL" if [[ ! -f "$TARGET" ]]; then echo "Error: arg ($TARGET) does not exist?" && exit 1 fi else TARGET="$TARGET_ORIGINAL"; fi if [ "${*##*.}" = "pdf" ]; then if [[ -a "$TARGET" ]]; then # WARNING: unbelievably, 'tr' (still) doesn't support Unicode and does bizarre things with it TITLE=$(exiftool -q -q -printFormat \$Title -Title "$TARGET" | \ sed -e 's/()//' -e 's/­//g' -e 's/[–—]/-/g' -e "s/\(.\+\)'\(.\+\)'\(.\+\)/\1‘\2’\3/g" -e "s/'/\&\#39\;/g" -e 's/\([0-9]+\)-\([0-9]+\)/\1–\2/g' -e 's/\(.*\) - \(.*\)/\1—\2/g' -e 's/\([a-z]\)_ /\1: /g' -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g' -e 's/\.$//' -e 's/\'\;/’/g' -e 's/â\€\;\™\;/’/g' -e 's/.*PII\: .*//g' -e 's/☆//' -e 's/^_$//' -e 's/\([A-Z]\)\&\([A-Z]\)/\1\&\2/g' | \ tr -d '\n') echo "" echo "---" echo "$URL" echo "$TITLE"; ## Check if 'Author' is prefix of 'Creator', in which case 'Creator is probably the 'real' list of authors ## (eg in `/doc/psychiatry/alzheimers/2021-huang.pdf`, Author = 'Youtong Huang' but Creator = 'Youtong Huang, Kaisa E. Happonen, Patrick G. Burrola, Carolyn O’Connor, Nasun Hah, Ling Huang, Axel Nimmerjahn, Greg Lemke') clean_maker() { exiftool -q -q -printFormat \$"$1" -"$1" "$TARGET" | \ sed -e 's/;/,/g' -e 's/ \([A-Z]\.\)\([A-Z]\.\) / \1 \2 /g' -e 's/, and /, /g' -e 's/ and /, /g' -e 's/ , /, /g' -e 's/^ *//g' \ -e 's/ +$//g' -e 's/ & /, /g' -e 's/,,/,/g' -e 's/\n//g' -e 's/ & /, /g' | \ tr --squeeze-repeats '[:space:]' | tr -d '\n' } AUTHOR="$(clean_maker Author)" CREATOR="$(clean_maker Creator)" if [[ "$CREATOR" =~ $AUTHOR.* ]]; then echo "$CREATOR"; else echo "$AUTHOR"; fi # print out original published & date annotation created: DATE="$(exiftool -q -q -dateFormat '%F' -printFormat \$Date "$TARGET" | \ sed -e "s/^\([1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]\)$/'\1'/" -e "s/-01$//")" echo "$DATE" date '+%F' # date-created—which is today/now DOI=$(exiftool -q -q -printFormat \$DOI -DOI "$TARGET" | tr -d '\n' | tr '–—­' '-' | \ sed -e 's/^doi://' -e 's/https\:\/\/doi\.org\///' -e 's/https\:\/\/dx\.doi\.org\///') if [[ -z "$DOI" ]]; then echo; else echo "[(\"doi\",\"$DOI\")]"; fi echo # empty string for tags (files will inherit a tag, but we still need the empty string explicitly, and may want to add some anyway) timeout 8s curl -s -L 'https://api.crossref.org/works/'"$DOI" | jq .message.abstract 2> /dev/null | grep -E -v '^null$' || true echo "" ( if [ -z "$(pgrep annotation-dump)" ]; then if [[ -n "$TITLE" ]]; then gwa | grep -F -e "$URL" -e "$TITLE" || true; else gwa "$URL" || true; fi; fi; ) & echo "---" exiftool -q -q -Subject "$TARGET" | tr '\n' ' '; echo "" exiftool -q -q -Keywords "$TARGET" | tr '\n' ' '; echo "" exiftool -q -q -Encryption -printFormat 'Encrypted: $Encryption' "$TARGET" wait else echo "File doesn't exist? $TARGET" fi else if [[ "$*" == *.* && -f "$*" ]]; then echo "Error: Tried to call this on an invalid (non-PDF) file?" && exit 2; else # assume that it's a DOI and try querying Crossref timeout 9s curl -s -L 'https://api.crossref.org/works/'"$TARGET" 2> /dev/null | \ jq --compact-output '.message.title, .message.author, .message.issued, .message.DOI, .message.abstract' 2> /dev/null || true fi fi