module Config.Metadata.Title where
separators :: String
separators = "—·|"
badStringPatterns, badStrings :: [String]
badStringPatterns = ["Redirecting to ", "404 ", "Page Unavailable", "Page not found", "Page Not Found", "CAPTCHA", "s shortform feed"]
-- testing: unique keys
stringReplace :: [(String,String)]
stringReplace = [(" ", " ")
, (" � ", " - ")
, ("°", "°")
, ("Â ", " ")
, (" â\200\224 ", "—")
, ("\128\200\231", "’")]
-- testing: unique list; we do not bother unit-testing these because they are often used as few-shot examples
-- in `/static/build/` instead, and shouldn't matter much.
badStrings = ["", " ", "Quanta Magazine", "OSF", "CAIDA Resource Catalog", "Blogger", "Log in", "Stuff", "common.redirect_permanent.title", "Search", "search"
, "404 Not Found", "301 Moved Permanently", "Object moved", "302 Found", "WordPress \8250 Error"
, "Login \187 Qstream", "Kaggle Blog - Medium", "403 Forbidden", "500 Internal Server Error", "BBC NEWS Science & Environment", "Welcome!", "Flashback Forum", "Best search engine for True crime stories"
, "Research", "niplav", "SL4: By Thread", "Moved Temporarily", "Redirecting\8230", "Torch"
, "", "Site Not Found - Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science", "Documented Moved", "Notion \8211 The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis and databases."
, "TikTok - Make Your Day", "Just a moment...", "", "303 See Other", "Sorry! Something went wrong!"
, "", "Error 404 (Not Found)!!1", "Quanta Magazine\nQuanta Homepage\nSaved articles\nLogin\nSearch\nComment\nSave Article\nFacebook\nTwitter\nCopy link\nEmail\nPocket\nReddit\nYcombinator\nFlipboard\nComment\nSave Article\nComment\nSave Article\nFacebook\nTwitter\nCopy link\nEmail\nPocket\nReddit\nYcombinator\nFlipboard\nFacebook\nTwitter\nCopy link\nEmail\nPocket\nReddit\nYcombinator\nFlipboard\nQuanta Homepage\nFacebook\nTwitter\nYoutube\nInstagram", "Page not found", "Dropbox - 404", "Table"
, "Figure", "Page not found - Galois, Inc.\nLinkedIn icon\nYouTube icon", "Hacker News", "Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life", "Moved Permanently"
, "", "Attention Required!", "Redirecting...", "Page Not Found", "WebCite query result"
, "Opinion", "Google Colab", "Facebook", "The Evangelion Otaku Page :::", "Google Scholar", "Ponies at Dawn"
, "Not Found", "301 Moved", "Frontiers", "404 Page not found", "404 Not Found\n \8211 MEM TEA", ""
, "Home", "\38626\28149\28149\21305: \25160", "", "", "Wikipedia Statistics", "Wayback Machine\nInternet Archive logo\nDonate icon\nSearch icon\nSearch icon\nUpload icon\nUser icon\nWeb icon\nTexts icon\nVideo icon\nAudio icon\nSoftware icon\nImages icon\nDonate icon\nEllipses icon\nHamburger icon\nSearch icon\nDonate icon"
, "Access to this page has been denied", "404 - Page not found", "Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free & Borrowable Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine", "Document Moved"
, "404 Error", "Site not found", "Metropolitan Opera", "Imgur: The magic of the Internet", "Add-ons for Firefox (en-US)", "trees are harlequins, words are harlequins", "The page was not found!", "Page not found \183 GitHub", "Error", "Calvin & Muad'Dib: Photo", "404 - File or directory not found."
, "Slate Star Scratchpad", "Not found.", "Internet Archive: Error\nInternet Archive logo\nDonate icon\nSearch icon\nSearch icon\nUpload icon\nUser icon\nWeb icon\nTexts icon\nVideo icon\nAudio icon\nSoftware icon\nImages icon\nDonate icon\nEllipses icon\nHamburger icon\nSearch icon\nDonate icon", "File not found", "Central Intelligence Agency\nCentral Intelligence Agency\nInstagram\nFacebook\nTwitter\nLinkedIn\nYouTube\nFlickr\nTelegram", "Amazon Alexa"
, "About", "404 Not Found - Harney & Sons Fine Teas", "\227\131\139\227\130\179\227\131\139\227\130\179", "e-codices \8211\160Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland", "Weights & Biases"
, "Untitled Document", "Tor Project", "Redirect", "Private Site\", "Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting."
, "Error - LONGECITY", "Document Has Moved", "", "307 Temporary Redirect", "308 Permanent Redirect", "\8206Connecting to App\160Store", ""
, "openSNP", "You\8217ve reached a 404 page.\nActivating this button will toggle the display of additional content\nSlate homepage\nSubmit search\nEnter query\nActivating this button will toggle the display of additional content\nOpen menu\nClose menu\nActivating this button will toggle the display of additional content\nSlate on Instagram\nSlate on Twitter\nSlate on Facebook\nSlate on YouTube\nSlate homepage\n*\nSlate on Instagram\nSlate on Twitter\nSlate on Facebook\nSlate on YouTube\nThe Slate Group logo", "The Pirate Bay - The galaxy's most resilient bittorrent site", "Page not found - Sex Games Online\nPage not found - Sex Games Online", "Page Not Found (404)", "Object not found!"
, "LessWrong", "Hacker News Search powered by Algolia", " Forum - an Evangelion Fan Community - Login", " Forum - an Evangelion Fan Community - Information"
, "A Lesson Is Learned But The Damage Is Irreversible", "404", "", "moved to tonkatsu-slice", ""
, "Untitled", "Unable to Serve This Request", "Table of Contents", "Sam Harris", "Redirecting to Google Groups", "Publications"
, "Page Not Found - Straight Dope Message Board", "Page Not Found - Quantified Self Forum", "Page Not Found\nLock", "Music", "", "Manifold"
, "Library Genesis \8226 scientific articles", "JSTOR: Access Check", "Home - Torrents Proxy", "Felsida 404", "FeepingCreature", "FAQ"
, "", "Error Page", "", "DeviantArt: 404", "DSpace", ""
, "Browse :: Nyaa", "Blog not found", "", "Arbital", "Access to this page has been denied.", "APA PsycNet"
, "4chan archive", "404: Page Not Found", "404 / Page Not Found", "404 - Category not found", "401 Authorization Required", "302 Moved", "502 Bad Gateway", "504 Gateway Time-out"
, "", "worlds of DAVID BRIN", "vanishing_\227\129\151\227\129\152\227\129\191", "", "simon's darcsden", "siderea"
, "", "", "ribbonfarm", "reddragdiva"
, "rachelbythebay", "", "", "pied", " - Community / Paizo Blog", ""
, "megastep", "", "is No Longer Here", "index", "gigamonkeys", ""
, "", "", "articles", "Vercel Security Checkpoint", "CONTENTdm"
, "Not Found - Albion - Webflow HTML website template", "Siberian Times", "Toshi Omagari"
, "404 - Isomorphic Labs", "Page not found - PsyPost - Psychology News"
, "Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases."
, "Computer Vision and Learning LMU Munich", "Ryan Moulton's Articles"
, "Page not found : Stanford University", "GoLocalPDX", "Bookslut"
, " \n\tMedicine & Science in Sports & Exercise ", "Patlabor Wiki", "Reddit"
, "Reddit - Dive into anything", "why why why why why why why", "Exclusive", "Randomly updated", "Redirecting", "", "Welcome to the Orion's Arm Universe Project", "Web Page Under Construction", "Organization not found", "Page not found - Rybka Forum", "APA Dictionary of Psychology", "0xPARC", "graydon2", "Vimeo / CAPTCHA Challenge", "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists", "ORCID", "This page could not be found", "Are you a robot?", "Dario Amodei", "Nabeel S. Qureshi", "ScienceDirect", "", "home", "Welcome", "welcome", "index.utf8", "Getting Stronger", "University College London", "", "nyuu dot page", "Perma", "Justin Pombrio", "ō", "Research Scientist", "Vanderbilt University School of Medicine", "Olup Stories", "Human Verification", "Oceans Yet to Burn"]
-- A list of bad substrings to remove. Note this is used with `Utils.deleteMixedMany` to specialize down to either prefix or suffix deletion based on the trailing vs leading space (respectively). This should greatly reduce the risk of unintended deletions.
-- testing: unique list
stringDelete :: [String]
stringDelete = [" - The Public Domain Review"
, "â\200\224dConstruct Conference Talk"
, " - Long Bets"
, "Sequential Tart: Article - "
, " - IEEE Spectrum"
, " - The Willits News"
, "spotify-podcast-badge-wht-blk-165x40"
, "The Technium: "
, " « 33 Bits of Entropy"
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, " \128\200\223 Jay Alammar \128\200\223 Visualizing machine learning one concept at a time."
, "Abandoned Footnotes: "
, " - ScienceDirect\nScienceDirect"
, " Journal of Heredity"
, "\nStripe logo\nOpen mobile navigation\nStripe logo\nClose mobile navigation\nPayments\nCheckout\nElements\nRadar\nConnect\nBilling\nInvoicing\nTerminal\nIdentity\nClimate\nBilling\nInvoicing\nTax\nRevenue Recognition\nSigma\nAtlas\nConnect\nCapital\nIssuing\nTreasury\nPayments\nCheckout\nElements\nRadar\nConnect\nBilling\nInvoicing\nTerminal\nIdentity\nClimate\nBilling\nInvoicing\nTax\nRevenue Recognition\nSigma\nAtlas\nConnect\nCapital\nIssuing\nTreasury\nStripe logo"
, " - TODAY People -"
, "Erowid Online Books : "
, "The Splintered Mind: "
, "Github - "
, "GitHub - "
, "*Reflective Disequilibrium*: "
, " - The New York Times"
, " |"
, " - YouTube"
, "—Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists"
, " MIT News"
, " \\\\ Anthropic"
, " – Brendan Eich"
, "—ACM Queue"
, " American Political Science Review"
, " @ Things Of Interest"
, " - LessWrong", "A Neighborhood of Infinity: ", " by Jason Scott", " - <antirez>"
, " - Nick's Blog", " - <antirez>", " - Dwarf Fortress Wiki", " \8211 Armed and Dangerous"
, "Details Magazine: ", "(urth) ", " - Wishful Coding", "The Codeless Code:"
, "The Virtuosi: ", "Tom Waits - ", " \9733 The Scintillating But Ultimately Untrue Thought", " (Aaron Swartz: The Weblog)"
, " (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought)", " - Inquiries Journal", "Locus Online: ", "Loper OS \187 "
, "Mike On Ads \187 Blog Archive \187 ", " // Hayao Miyazaki Web", " - GhibliWiki", "\8212The Intercept"
, " - ", " : zhanpei fang", " \187 Blog Archive \187 "
, "American Express\nApple Pay\nDiners Club\nDiscover\nMeta Pay\nGoogle Pay\nMastercard\nPayPal\nShop Pay\nVenmo\nVisa", " \8211 You Are Not So Smart", " - XTools", "xkcd: "
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, " - Forum - an Evangelion Fan Community", " - MathOverflow", " - Cross Validated", " - Wikisource, the free online library"
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, "Swiss National Museum - Swiss history blog", "Matt Blaze: ", " �|� OR-Tools �", " - Justin Skycak"
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, "Abstract Heresies: ", " - ScienceDirect", " - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia"
, " - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia", " 2.0 viewer"
, " – Stratechery by Ben Thompson", " – Thread Reader App", " - by RJ Andrews - Chartography"
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