(Warning: long and exhaustive discussion of propaganda that nobody reads or cares about, by a non-specialist in North Korean politics. Contains complicated interactive graphs best viewed on a laptop or desktop computer).

I’ve always been a bit puzzled about the existence of the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) website in Japan. The site is defiantly Web 1.0: no pictures, static HTML, formulaic headlines in English and Spanish that would not have been out of place in a 1950s edition of Pravda.1 It’s not clickbait, to say the least, and one struggles to imagine that the stories there can actually inform or persuade anyone of anything.

Moreover, few people who might be plausibly interested can even read the site: it has always been blocked in South Korea, and since sometime in 2015, it also became inaccessible from outside Japan anyway. If you are actually interested in the North Korean perspective on current affairs, today you’d probably want to visit the new and spiffier Pyongyang-hosted website of KCNA, or KCNAWatch if you are a professional NK watcher.

And though the site may have had a signaling function before the emergence of these other websites, serving as a place where one could be sure of finding the official North Korean view of things, too many of its stories (“Kimilsungia show opens in Indonesia”, “floral basket from diplomatic corps”, “dancing parties of youth and students held,” to choose three headlines at random from the past decade) seem to be about matters of no interest whatsoever to just about anyone. Even the site’s value for understanding North Korean internal propaganda is dubious: as B. R. Myers has argued, actual North Koreans seem to be exposed to somewhat different propaganda content than that produced for the outside world.

The entire Chongryon-hosted enterprise thus seems almost completely devoid of informational and propaganda value today, if it ever had any; it is a classic example of “propaganda without readers.” This lack of strategic or informational value, however, may be useful if we are interested in these headlines as expressive literature. From this point of view, we can try to make sense of KCNA stories not as strategic attempts to convince people to support the North Korean regime, or to credibly signal particular commitments to external audiences, but simply as the nearly automatic manifestation of the North Korean state’s own commitments to itself. Much KCNA content may therefore be more susceptible to literary than political analysis.

But. These headlines and stories are REALLY BORING. (They are nothing at all like reading @DPRK_News on Twitter!) So instead of reading them myself, I thought I’d rather get my computer to read them – and in the process learn a bit about computer-aided text mining. Thus a couple of years ago, in one of my fitful efforts to learn more R programming, I scraped nearly all KCNA headlines from January 01 1997 to September 25 2014 (n = 114641). (A few dates are missing, mainly in 1997-1998, because my web scraping program was not perfect, but most dates are there). The project gathered dust, but over the past few months I’ve had some time to do some proper analysis.

So what do we learn from doing a “distant reading” of KCNA content? In general, as we shall see, nothing too surprising if you have any acquaintance with North Korea. KCNA turns out to produce mostly a sort of humdrum bureaucratic literature that precisely reflects the hierarchies of North Korean politics and draws extensively on nationalist themes, and where the members of the Kim family play a key role. But some things are surprising, such as the particular ways in which the Kims are actually portrayed and celebrated, or the uniformity of its themes over more than 15 years.


Dramatis Personae: Who does KCNA talk about?

One obvious question to ask of the headlines is simply who are the main dramatis personae, and how they are related to one another. I thus first extracted from the headlines all mentions of people with Korean names I could find, and used the magic of DBpedia to identify the roles of as many of these as I could. Now, most headlines (~80%) do not mention anyone with a Korean name I can detect, but the obvious people (e.g., Kim Jong Il, Kim Il Sung, and Kim Jong Un) are mentioned far more than anyone else. Indeed, the number of times a person with a Korean name is mentioned over this period (which contains most of the period of Kim Jong Il’s rule, from 1997 until his death in 2011) is reasonably well approximated (for the upper tail of the distribution) by Zipf’s law, with Kim Jong Il as the most mentioned person, followed by his father and his son:2

The number of mentions also reflects a strict hierarchy: members of the Kim family are the most mentioned, followed by Kim Yong Nam (a long-time foreign minister and the nominal head of state between 1998 and 2009 – no relation to the Kim dynasty), several South Korean presidents (Lee Myung Bak, Park Geun Hye, and Kim Young Sam), several North Korean government ministers (e.g., Pak Ui Chun), senior figures in the Worker’s Party of Korea, and so on, down to more ordinary people. (Some important names that may be unfamiliar: Kang Pan Sok was Kim Il Sung’s mother; Kim Hyong Jik was his father; and Kim Jong Suk was his wife).

We shouldn’t take the numbers in this particular picture too seriously; for one thing, as the years pass, Kim Jong Un would have been mentioned much more frequently, and in any case my name detection algorithm is not perfect. Moreover, perhaps mentions of people in news headlines around the world always follow this pattern – it certainly sounds plausible that the distribution of personal names in news headlines all over the world follows the kind of distribution that is well modeled by power laws of some sort, at least for the upper tail. After all, most people in the world are never mentioned in the news, and a disproportionate share of mentions must go to important public figures.

But the disparity in mentions between the Kims and almost everyone else is nevertheless striking, one bit of evidence of the “cultic” expressive function of the KCNA headlines. Conversely, among the 315 people with Korean names mentioned only once in the headlines, 31 are noted in the context of their funeral, when one of the Kims “sends a wreath to the[ir] bier,” as the headline formula has it; they are mentioned only in death.

Moreover, the three members of the Kim family also monopolized a very large proportion of all KCNA headlines throughout this period. For example, whenever Kim Jong Il was mentioned, he took up, on average, 14% of the headlines for the day. The average number of headlines per day is about 21 (median 19), so he was typically mentioned in the headlines of at least two stories whenever he was mentioned at all (he was mentioned in about 10% of all headlines, if we include the days when he’s not mentioned). Similarly, Kim Jong Un took up 13% of the headlines on average on days he was mentioned, and Kim Il Sung another 9%. On average over 10% of all headlines mention at least one of them in this period, with a slightly increasing trend since Kim Jong Il’s death. (The proportion of headlines mentioning members of the Kim ruling family on particular days can obviously be much larger; on some days, one or more of them were mentioned in more than half of all headlines).

Below, the dashed curve shows the smoothed proportion of mentions of the Kim family on all days; the solid curve shows only the proportion on days in which at least one of them is mentioned:

These proportions seem to me really high. For contrast, in a sample of headlines I gathered a few years ago from the Falangista organ Arriba during the 1940s, I don’t seem to get nearly the same proportion of mentions of Franco, though my sample is biased towards days where Franco is actually mentioned. (But I can’t tell for sure yet, since Arriba has many different ways of referring to Franco, and I gathered nowhere near every headline for the period). And according to Jan Plamper’s examination of Pravda from 1929 to 1953, Stalin did not seem to be mentioned or depicted nearly as often as the Kims are mentioned (though Plamper focuses on visual representations rather than mentions). Part of the reason for this disparity may be that both Pravda and Arriba actually did have to function at least in part as informational and propaganda organs, whereas KCNA operates under no such constraints, and is therefore free to serve purely expressive purposes. (Nobody reads KCNA to be informed of the news, in part because nobody reads KCNA, period).

Not only did the Kims monopolize a very large proportion of the headlines, they are also mentioned in very distinctive contexts. Using a technique called global word vector embeddings – basically, a way of transforming words into numerical vectors that captures similarities in meaning among them based on their patterns of co-occurrence with other words3 – we find that the names of the Kim dynasty are quite “similar” in meaning to one another within the KCNA imaginary (in the sense that their mentions occur in very similar contexts) – and very “dissimilar” in meaning to the names of just about anyone else.

In the graph below, I cluster the names of all Korean people mentioned at least 5 times in the corpus according to their degree of “semantic similarity” (see details in the code for this post). This “similarity matrix” defines a graph, where two people are connected to one another if they score at least 0.3 in a metric ranging from -1 (totally dissimilar contexts) to 1 (totally similar contexts). A similarity of 0.8 or above is a good sign the words are basically synonymous in the corpus. (This is actually kind of magical, given that the computer knows nothing about the text save for the pattern of word co-occurrence!). The three Kims (among the dark Green nodes) all share similarities with one another of over 0.6 (though the younger Kim Jong Un is less contextually similar to his grandfather than his father is, partly because both father and grandfather are dead by the time he begins appearing in the headlines):

Contextual similarities among Koreans mentioned in headlines
Cosine similarities > 0.3 from GloVE embedding (50 dimensions)

The other thing that jumps out from this graph is the degree to which South Korean presidents appear segregated into two distinct semantic communities: one that has as its members Lee Myung Bak, Kim Young Sam, and current president Park Geun Hye; and the other comprising Kim Dae Jung and Roh Moo Hyun. The first community is almost completely disconnected from anyone else, presumably reflecting their particular hardline policies and the consequent hostility of the North to them, while the second is much more tightly linked to various North Korean politicians, presumably reflecting a more positive view of them in view of their more conciliatory policies. (The remaining communities seem reasonable: North Korean politicians are mentioned in contexts similar to one another, as are the remaining members of the Kim dynasty; and Kim Yong Nam appears as a tightly connected node, reflecting his position as long-term Foreign Minister and head of state during much of this period).

Anger and Reverence: What emotions does KCNA express?

The overall number of mentions is not always a very good measure of popularity or respect; as we saw above, the fifth most mentioned person in this KCNA corpus (more than 1000 times) is the former South Korean president Lee Myung Bak, who was not especially beloved in the North given his hard-line policies toward the DPRK. Instead of looking simply at the number of mentions, however, we can look at the picture that emerges when we look at sentiment (positive or negative) in the headlines mentioning particular people over time. To this end, I used the NRC sentiment lexicon, included in the tidytext R package.4 This is not ideal (sentiment dictionaries are not highly context-sensitive, and they can sometimes produce funny results given the vocabulary of KCNA headlines, as we shall see), but the results are still useful as a way to get a broad-brush picture of KCNA’s likes and dislikes.

In the images below, the length of the bars encodes the proportion of all headlines that mention a specific person on a given date, and the color of each bar indicates the degree to which the headlines mentioning them express positive or negative sentiments (redder bars mean more negative sentiment in the set of headlines mentioning that person for that day on average, white means neutral sentiment, blue means more positive sentiment; Spanish-language headlines – about 20% of the total on any given day – do not have any sentiment scores assigned to them, and so would add to the grey bars). The vertical dashed line denotes the average proportion of headlines that mention the specific person for the dates where at least one headline mentions them (not as a proportion of all headlines, note!). Local peaks (days where the proportion of mentions of a person in headlines is unusually high) are labeled on the y axis, and a sample headline is shown for these dates:

Unsurprisingly, the tone of headlines referring to the top members of the NK elite (the Kim family plus Kim Yong Nam) is generally positive, except for one red spike of negative emotion on the funeral of Kim Jong Il (20 December 2011), where most headlines mourn his demise. By contrast, Lee Myung Bak stands out in red: almost all mentions of him were clearly negative, as we should expect, while the mentions of other people vary quite a bit (since they include both North Koreans and South Koreans, allies and adversaries).

Because lexicon-based methods of sentiment detection are insensitive to context, it is nevertheless worth checking which words contribute most to positive or negative sentiment in these pictures. We can do this by looking at a comparison word cloud. (I know word clouds are supposed to be bad visualization practice and all, but I’m not looking for exact proportions of words, and these are informative enough for our purposes):

Some negative sentiment words are clear mistakes (“vice” in headlines mentioning Kim Yong Nam usually is part of “vice-premier” or a similar construction; “exploit” is typically used to refer to the great deeds of the Kims, not as a verb; “communism” is hardly a negative term in NK official ideology, even though it’s not mentioned very often), and some words are dubiously classified (“foreign” does not always have a negative connotation, even in headlines by KCNA - especially if the topic is foreigners bringing gifts!). But the overall picture is reasonable: positive headlines show “praise” and include “gifts” – denoting mostly a kind of reverence or respect – while negative headlines “slam” people as “traitors” and “condemn” the “dictatorship” (usually of South Korea), in a key of anger.5

Similarly, there is nothing too surprising about the tone of headlines that mention the regime’s three main adversaries and its one patron: the United States, South Korea, and Japan are mostly presented negatively (though Japan less so than the other two countries, in part because headlines mentioning Japan often have something to do with Chongryon, the association of North Korean residents in Japan), while China is mentioned mostly in headlines with positive sentiment. (Some of these countries are mentioned more often than almost any individual person; for example, South Korea is mentioned in about 10% of all headlines, and in 12% of the headlines on dates where it is mentioned at least once):

Sentiment in the headlines mentioning South Korea also seems to track known changes in South Korean policy. For example, the “sunshine policy” from 1998-2007 coincides with a generally greater positive sentiment in headlines involving South Korea (not that there aren’t lots of negative headlines, but it’s a “bluer” period in the image), but becomes more negative with the election of Lee Myung Bak in 2008. This is to be expected, but it’s nice to know that the sentiment lexicon is not giving us totally idiotic results.

The NRC lexicon can also be used to score a text according to whether particular words are associated with one of eight emotions: anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, and trust. We can use these scores to construct more detailed “sentiment profiles” for the top people and countries mentioned. In the pictures below, we thus plot the proportion of words classified as belonging to a particular emotion in the lexicon for each date. (This lexicon is limited; for some dates, no words in the headline can be classified as belonging to any particular emotion):

Though the overall sentiment scores are plausible, these plots suggest that the sentiment classifications for individual emotions are less reliable. According to the NRC lexicon, for example, the dominant emotions over the years for headlines that mention Kim Jong Il are joy and trust (no surprise) and surprise (more surprising, this), and further investigation reveals that most of the headlines coded as having high levels of “surprise” mention Kim Jong Il receiving gifts, or noting the “good fortune” he brought to NK or the planet – an indication of the perils of automated sentiment coding. (Again, this is more respect or reverence). And headlines mentioning Kim Jong Il that are coded as having some “disgust” content are typically headlines that mention visits to pig farms, socialism (not a disgust term in KCNA!), or sending wreaths to funerals (the latter of which might be better coded as “respect” again). Many words are also (rightly) classified as expressing more than one emotion, though a more contextually sensitive technique might be able to disambiguate them.

Similarly, though the overall emotion profiles for particular countries are plausible (e.g., the disgust coding for mentions of the USA seems pretty accurate – high-disgust headlines mentioning the USA usually talk about its “hideous terrorism”) the scoring of particular emotions (joy and South Korea, for example, which includes lots of mentions of “amnesty”) is sometimes puzzling. This is to be expected; one would need to probably use a more powerful method (e.g., supervised ML coding of sentiment, with some form of adjustment to account for the fact that different people and countries are mentioned more or fewer times) to get a more accurate picture of specific emotions in the corpus.

One interesting point we can see from these graphs (despite their potential inaccuracies) is that some figures and countries have more complex “emotional profiles” than others. The headlines that mention Kim Jong Il, for example, display a wider range of emotion (according to the NRC lexicon) than the headlines mentioning Kim Il Sung or Kim Jong Un, let alone Kim Yong Nam (whose headlines are mostly associated with trust, as he typically appears in them when it’s a question of receiving this or that delegation). This is probably not because of more ambiguous attitudes by KCNA to Kim Jong Il, but simply because other people are always mentioned in very narrow contexts (as we shall see below). For example, Kim Il Sung, being dead for most of this period, was mentioned mostly in a context of remembrance, whereas Kim Jong Il is portrayed in a wider set of situations.

Similarly, South Korea also has a more complex emotion profile than the other countries – more so than China, for example. Though the dominant emotions are often negative, there’s a fair amount of positive emotion as well, especially when South Korean organizations are presented as praising North Korea or doing things the regime approves. There is nothing necessarily surprising about this, to be sure, as the North-South relationship is intrinsically complex, including civil society groups in South Korea that are sometimes friendly to the North’s aims.

Cult calendars: what days are special for KCNA?

Leader cults have calendars. Mentions of the leader are not uniformly distributed, but peak at particular days in with special significance. We can automatically identify these days by looking at the days where the proportion of mentions of each member of the Kim family is unusually high:

For Kim Jong Il, the main cult days indicated by KCNA are the days following his death (20 December – he died on 17 December), the anniversary of the Worker’s Party of Korea (celebrated 10 October), the anniversary of the founding of the DPRK (9 September), 16 April (the day after the birthday of Kim Il Sung), 16 February (his own birthday), and the day after New Year’s day (2 January), when the New Year’s address is discussed. Similarly, for Kim Il Sung peak cult days are his birthday (15 April), the days surrounding his death (July 8; mentions peak on the 10th), and the day following the proclamation of the DPRK, which is also the day in which he first assumed office as president (mentions peak on 10th September rather than the 9th).

For Kim Jong un, interestingly, peak mentions do not appear to include his birthday (8 January, according to Wikipedia), though they do include the other traditional days: the New Year, the anniversary of the Worker’s Party, his father and grandfather’s birthdays, and the days around the anniversary of the DPRK (though his mentions peak on the 12th instead of the 9th). Interestingly, only Kim Jong Un is disproportionately mentioned around the “Day of Victory in the Great Fatherland Liberation War” (end of the Korean War, 27 July, though mentions peak on the 26th). The fact that Kim Jong Un’s peak mentions are subtly different from those of his father and grandfather – including an increasing association with the end of the Korean War, which ended before his birth, and the downplaying of his birthday – seems significant: KCNA does not want to emphasize that the grandson was not born in the heroic time of the founding of the DPRK, but it does want to associate him with its victorious birth, like his grandfather.

Many but not all of these peak mention dates are official North Korean holidays. For example, death anniversaries of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, despite their high “cultic” content (lots of mentions in KCNA) are not, apparently, official holidays (as far as Wikipedia knows, at least). And peak mentions of one of the Kims sometimes occur after the event being commemorated. For example, mentions relating to Kim Jong Il’s death peak on the 20th of December (the day of his funeral), rather than on the 17th (when he actually died), while peak mentions of Kim Jong Un in September occur on the 12th rather than on the 9th, when KCNA typically reports that he receives congratulations by world leaders on the occasion of the DPRK’s anniversary.

Mentions of the Kims on “cult days” are distinctive in a couple of other ways. In particular, “cult days” use different formulae to refer to the Kims. We can see this by trying to identify the “distinctive” words used on cult vs. non-cult days. In the charts below, we consider the term frequency/inverse document frequency of words in headlines (a measure of the distinctiveness of words in documents) for the headlines mentioning the three ruling Kims (taking all headlines in cult days for each figure as a “document”), and separating the mentions according to whether they fall on special “cult calendar” days:

(Distinctive words by tf-idf value, on cult vs. non-cult days. Size indicates tf-idf value, not count.)

On cult days, the Kims are “commemorated” and “congratulated,” and given gifts by foreign leaders, while the headlines emphasize tribute paid to the statues of the two elder Kims. (By looking at a sample of headlines that mention these tributes, we can see that they often consist of making “floral offerings” – of Kimilsungia or Kimjongilia flowers, presumably – in front of the statues). By contrast, on non-cult days the headlines emphasize the activities of the Kims. We might say that they are more passive on cult days, and more active in other days, though the differences are not always sharp.

Ceremonial Language: How does KCNA speak about the Kims?

A quick glance at the KCNA headlines suggests that, while alive, the leader inspects, surveys, and gives guidance; and is in turn praised and honored, and remembered when dead. Reports of foreigners praising the Kims, giving them gifts, and publishing their work, are especially common. A cool way of visualizing these patterns is to use Sankey Diagrams, which reveal the main text flows around mentions of the Kims in the headlines (and look like medusa heads or river deltas to boot; more data art!). These diagrams may be understood as graphical summaries of concordances, a common way of examining and comparing word contexts in a text corpus.

Here I show the flows around the top 15 words before and after mentions of each of the Kims (and up to four words of context on each side):

Flow of text after mentions of Kim Il Sung
Kim Il Sung → s 1,315 times ... → ... 735 times ... → ... 513 timesKim Il Sung → ... 432 times s → ... 342 timesKim Il Sung → Kim Jong Il 299 timesKim Il Sung → and 284 times ... → ... 283 times s → work 277 times and → Kim Jong Il 257 times by → ... 233 times in → ... 219 timesKim Il Sung → praised 192 times s → feats 167 times s → exploits 149 timesKim Il Sung → remembered 118 timesKim Il Sung → to 117 times to → be 116 times praised → by 112 times work → ... 107 times praised → ... 102 times published → ... 92 times s → works 91 times s → birth 90 timesKim Il Sung → lauded 78 times in → ... 77 timesKim Il Sung → commemorated 74 times work → published 71 times for → ... 71 times Kim Jong Il → ... 70 times be → remembered 69 times posted → ... 69 times Kim Jong Il → ... 68 times remembered → ... 68 times ... → countries 65 times remembered → in 63 times birth → anniversary 61 times to → ... 61 times s → reminiscences 60 times exploits → praised 60 timesKim Il Sung → formed 57 times off → ... 57 timesKim Il Sung → university 55 times feats → praised 53 times anniversary → ... 53 times commemorated → ... 50 times ... → in 49 times work → posted 49 times lauded → by 47 times s → Korea 45 times volume → ... 42 times ... → of 41 times works → volume 41 times of → ... 41 times be → commemorated 39 times ... → in 38 times ... → to 36 timesKim Il Sung → held 35 times s → demise 35 timesKim Il Sung → published 34 times Korea → special 34 times special → ... 34 timesKim Il Sung → from 33 timesKim Il Sung → in 33 times from → ... 33 times in → ... 32 times s → statue 32 timesKim Il Sung → prize 31 times prize → ... 31 times feats → ... 31 times work → off 31 times lauded → ... 31 times feats → for 29 times remembered → by 28 times by → ... 28 times and → ... 27 times s → revolutionary 27 times university → ... 27 times revolutionary → ... 27 times Kim Jong Il → praised 25 times commemorated → in 24 times praised → in 23 times feats → in 23 times reminiscences → published 23 times ... → by 22 times exploits → ... 22 times reminiscences → ... 22 times birth → to 21 times demise → commemorated 21 times feats → lauded 21 times ... → for 20 times ... → Korea 20 times praised → ... 19 times ... → by 19 times formed → in 18 times exploits → for 18 times works → off 18 times ... → organization 18 times works → published 17 times held → in 16 times published → in 16 times exploits → lauded 16 times ... → organizations 15 times Kim Jong Il → by 14 times exploits → in 14 times remembered → abroad 12 times ... → abroad 12 times ... → figure 12 times ... → paper 12 times commemorated → abroad 11 times ... → published 10 times be → ... 10 times reminiscences → posted 10 times ... → party leader 10 times ... → abroad 9 times commemorated → by 9 times formed → abroad 9 times lauded → in 9 times ... → anniversary 9 times Korea → ... 9 times works → ... 9 times published → in Russia 9 times Kim Jong Il → by 8 times statue → ... 8 times ... → observed 8 times ... → people 8 times ... → for 7 times ... → in Russia 7 times ... → lauded 7 times ... → personages 7 times lauded → abroad 6 times praised → abroad 6 times ... → praised 6 times work → commemorated 6 times praised → abroad 6 times ... → commemorated 5 times demise → ... 5 times works → posted 5 times commemorated → abroad 5 times held → abroad 4 times lauded → ... 4 times exploits → published 4 times Kim Jong Il → for 4 times Kim Jong Il → lauded 4 times ... → in Nepal 4 times lauded → abroad 4 times ... → lauded 3 times birth → ... 3 times demise → anniversary 3 times Kim Jong Il → posted 3 times Kim Jong Il → to 3 times reminiscences → off 3 times remembered → in Russia 3 times ... → be 2 times ... → birth 2 times ... → Korea 2 times published → abroad 2 times ... → off 2 times ... → posted 2 times exploits → remembered 2 times Kim Jong Il → off 2 times Kim Jong Il → published 2 times commemorated → in Nepal 2 times published → abroad 2 times published → in Nepal 2 times ... → exploits 1 times ... → Kim Jong Il 1 times ... → revolutionary 1 times ... → statue 1 times ... → work 1 times commemorated → ... 1 times in → Korea 1 times Kim Jong Il → in 1 times to → ... 1 times university → by 1 times ... → remembered 1 times birth → published 1 times exploits → of 1 times exploits → posted 1 times exploits → to 1 times feats → off 1 times feats → published 1 times feats → remembered 1 times Kim Jong Il → in 1 times Kim Jong Il → remembered 1 times Korea → praised 1 times reminiscences → volume 1 times statue → by 1 times statue → in 1 times work → lauded 1 times anniversary → observed 1 times lauded → in Russia 1 times of → people 1 times praised → in Russia 1 times remembered → abroad 1 times remembered → in Nepal 1 timesKim Il Sung<br>3,187 timesKim Il Sung s<br>1,315 times s ...<br>1,286 times ... ...<br>1,611 times ... ...<br>870 times ... ...<br>432 times ... and<br>284 times and work<br>278 times work by<br>233 times by in<br>219 times in Kim Jong Il<br>299 times Kim Jong Il Kim Jong Il<br>258 times Kim Jong Il praised<br>192 times praised feats<br>167 times feats exploits<br>150 times exploits praised<br>145 times praised be<br>118 times be published<br>129 times published to<br>117 times to remembered<br>118 times remembered works<br>91 times works birth<br>92 times birth in<br>77 times in remembered<br>74 times remembered lauded<br>78 times lauded for<br>71 times for posted<br>70 times posted commemorated<br>71 times commemorated anniversary<br>73 times anniversary to<br>61 times to reminiscences<br>60 times reminiscences commemorated<br>74 times commemorated off<br>57 times off Korea<br>48 times Korea of<br>42 times of volume<br>42 times volume formed<br>57 times formed university<br>55 times university lauded<br>45 times lauded special<br>34 times special from<br>33 times from in<br>33 times in countries<br>65 times countries demise<br>35 times demise prize<br>31 times prize abroad<br>59 times abroad by<br>28 times by revolutionary<br>28 times revolutionary held<br>35 times held published<br>34 times published statue<br>33 times statue abroad<br>30 times abroad in Russia<br>21 times in Russia Korea<br>20 times Korea organization<br>18 times organization organizations<br>15 times organizations figure<br>12 times figure paper<br>12 times paper party leader<br>10 times party leader in Nepal<br>9 times in Nepal observed<br>9 times observed people<br>9 times people for<br>7 times for lauded<br>7 times lauded personages<br>7 times personages
Flow of text before mentions of Kim Il Sung
of → Kim Il Sung 1,148 timespresident → Kim Il Sung 520 times... → ... 500 timesto → Kim Il Sung 478 times... → ... 428 times... → of 320 timesstatues → of 260 timesanniversary → of 217 times... → Kim Il Sung 214 timesof → president 188 times... → ... 151 timespaid → to 150 times... → of 133 timestribute → to 129 timesto → statues 126 times... → president 115 timeslaid → before 113 times... → pay 111 timeshomage → to 108 times... → to 94 timesfloral → ... 93 timesbefore → statues 91 times... → to 91 times... → paid 89 times... → to 88 timesto → president 74 timescollection → of 73 timescomplete → collection 65 timesanniversary → of 64 timespay → homage 62 timeshomage → paid 61 timesexploits → of 61 timesdemise → of 60 timesbirth → anniversary 58 times... → on 58 timeson → Kim Il Sung 58 timesof → demise 56 timesbirth → of 54 timesof → birth 53 timesstatue → of 53 timescentenary → of 52 timesanniversary → of 52 times... → pays 50 timesby → Kim Il Sung 49 times... → by 48 times... → anniversary 46 times... → for 45 timespay → tribute 45 timestribute → to 44 timespays → tribute 43 timesremember → Kim Il Sung 41 times... → before 39 timesbefore → Kim Il Sung 39 timesbefore → statue 33 timesfloral → tribute 33 timespays → homage 32 timesstatue → of 32 times... → of 31 timesof → ... 30 timescentenary → of 30 timesto → remember 30 timesdelegation → pays 29 times... → exploits 29 timesfor → president 29 timesof → ... 28 timesfor → remembering 28 timesremembering → Kim Il Sung 28 times... → visit 26 times... → anniversary 25 times... → for 25 timesfor → ... 25 timeshomage → to 25 timesinternational → Kim Il Sung 25 times... → birth 24 times... → on 24 timesof → ... 24 times... → before 23 times... → committee 21 timeson → ... 21 timesbefore → ... 21 timescommittee → for 21 times... → praises 21 timespraises → Kim Il Sung 21 timesworks → of 20 timesbefore → ... 19 times... → for 19 timesfor → Kim Il Sung 19 timesbirth → anniversary 18 timesto → ... 18 timesvisit → statues 18 timesbasket → to 17 timespay → floral 17 timesbefore → statue 16 timeson → ... 16 timesto → ... 16 timespay → ... 15 times... → praise 15 times... → visit 15 timespraise → Kim Il Sung 15 timesvisit → Kim Il Sung 15 times... → statues 14 timespays → homage 13 timesto → statue 12 times... → lauds 12 timesto → ... 12 timescommemorate → Kim Il Sung 12 timeslauds → Kim Il Sung 12 times... → statue 10 timeskoreans → pay 10 timesbasket → before 9 timesdelegation → ... 9 timespay → homage 9 timespays → floral 9 timesfloral → ... 9 timesfor → ... 9 timesof → international 9 timestribute → ... 8 timescommittee → to 8 timespay → ... 7 timespays → ... 7 times... → commemorate 7 timeskoreans → ... 5 timesof → birth 5 timesof → complete 5 times... → centenary 5 times... → works 5 timesof → works 5 timeson → exploits 5 timesvisit → statue 5 timesto → commemorate 5 timesto → statue 4 timesbirth → ... 4 timesbirth → of 4 timespays → ... 4 timesvisit → ... 4 times... → remember 4 timesworks → ... 4 timesbasket → ... 3 timeson → birth 3 timesof → collection 3 times... → floral 2 times... → tribute 2 timesof → centenary 2 timeson → works 2 times... → international 2 times... → homage 1 timeskoreans → visit 1 timesof → visit 1 timesto → pay 1 times... → birth 1 times... → homage 1 times... → statue 1 timesbirth → centenary 1 timescomplete → ... 1 timeson → centenary 1 timesto → anniversary 1 timesvisit → paid 1 timespaid → by 1 timesKim Il Sung<br>2,694 timesKim Il Sungof <br>1,148 timesof ... <br>959 times... ... <br>917 times... to <br>478 timesto president <br>520 timespresident ... <br>895 times... statues <br>260 timesstatues of <br>221 timesof ... <br>214 times... anniversary <br>217 timesanniversary to <br>155 timesto paid <br>151 timespaid of <br>147 timesof before <br>145 timesbefore tribute <br>129 timestribute pay <br>122 timespay to <br>121 timesto homage <br>108 timeshomage pays <br>79 timespays collection <br>73 timescollection for <br>66 timesfor demise <br>60 timesdemise on <br>58 timeson laid <br>113 timeslaid homage <br>86 timeshomage birth <br>54 timesbirth statue <br>53 timesstatue birth <br>67 timesbirth by <br>49 timesby anniversary <br>52 timesanniversary exploits <br>61 timesexploits floral <br>93 timesfloral before <br>39 timesbefore remember <br>41 timesremember complete <br>66 timescomplete floral <br>42 timesfloral anniversary <br>64 timesanniversary statue <br>32 timesstatue remembering <br>28 timesremembering visit <br>28 timesvisit centenary <br>52 timescentenary tribute <br>52 timestribute committee <br>29 timescommittee for <br>25 timesfor on <br>24 timeson praises <br>21 timespraises of <br>41 timesof centenary <br>30 timescentenary delegation <br>38 timesdelegation for <br>19 timesfor international <br>25 timesinternational works <br>24 timesworks before <br>35 timesbefore pay <br>33 timespay praise <br>15 timespraise visit <br>15 timesvisit basket <br>29 timesbasket pays <br>29 timespays commemorate <br>12 timescommemorate lauds <br>12 timeslauds on <br>24 timeson to <br>23 timesto birth <br>18 timesbirth koreans <br>16 timeskoreans
Flow of text after mentions of Kim Jong Il
Kim Jong Il → s 2,913 times ... → ... 2,611 times ... → ... 2,542 timesKim Jong Il → from 1,418 timesKim Jong Il → ... 1,311 times from → ... 1,288 times s → work 1,056 times ... → ... 891 times s → ... 691 timesKim Jong Il → inspects 577 times of → ... 514 times work → ... 510 timesKim Jong Il → sends 400 times to → ... 397 times work → published 332 times ... → of 327 timesKim Jong Il → praised 318 times in → ... 310 times inspects → ... 297 times inspects → KPA 279 times published → ... 278 times by → ... 261 times s → birthday 248 timesKim Jong Il → enjoys 216 times ... → in 213 times sends → ... 202 times KPA → unit 199 times s → feats 194 times s → exploits 191 times field → guidance 189 times guidance → ... 189 times sends → wreath 179 times ... → to 178 times wreath → to 169 times s → start 164 times start → of 164 timesKim Jong Il → gives 160 times praised → by 160 times birthday → ... 156 timesKim Jong Il → receives 151 times in → ... 140 times receives → ... 137 times ... → president 137 times enjoys → ... 136 times s → election 134 times from → chinese 130 times chinese → ... 127 times praised → ... 116 timesKim Jong Il → visits 114 times s → Songun 113 times Songun → ... 113 times s → works 111 times as → ... 110 times gives → field 103 times election → as 100 times visits → ... 99 times KPA → ... 99 times posted → ... 96 times work → posted 90 times ... → in 89 times exploits → praised 86 times given → ... 84 times unit → ... 84 timesKim Jong Il → provides 81 times enjoys → performance 78 times provides → field 76 timesKim Jong Il → lauded 75 times performance → given 74 times for → ... 74 times ... → party 70 timesKim Jong Il → to 67 times to → ... 67 timesKim Jong Il → meets 64 times ... → by 59 times work → held 59 times feats → praised 58 times gives → ... 57 timesKim Jong Il → published 56 times meets → ... 55 times praised → ... 55 times published → in Russia 54 times lauded → ... 52 times held → ... 51 times ... → Korea 50 timesKim Jong Il → as 48 times as → ... 48 times birthday → to 48 times ... → abroad 48 times praised → in 45 times works → ... 45 times lauded → by 41 times published → in 40 times feats → for 38 times works → published 37 times feats → lauded 36 times ... → unit 36 times ... → countries 31 times ... → performance 30 times ... → in Russia 29 times ... → unit 28 times election → ... 27 times ... → for 26 times exploits → lauded 26 times feats → in 26 times ... → organization 26 times ... → committee 25 times ... → minister 25 times party → leader 25 times ... → delegation 24 times party → ... 23 times published → in Mexico 23 times exploits → ... 22 times works → held 22 times performance → of 21 times ... → corps 21 times sends → birthday 19 times ... → praised 19 times ... → published 19 times ... → figure 19 times ... → in different countries 19 times party → delegation 17 times chinese → party 15 times exploits → in 15 times held → abroad 15 times exploits → held 14 times feats → ... 14 times receives → chinese 13 times visits → KPA 12 times ... → lauded 12 times performance → ... 12 times praised → abroad 12 times lauded → in 11 times s → field 11 times ... → in Mexico 11 times ... → in South Korea 11 times ... → as 10 times exploits → for 10 times held → in Mexico 10 times wreath → ... 9 times ... → held 8 times feats → held 8 times ... → chinese 7 times ... → work 7 times lauded → ... 7 times meets → chinese 7 times ... → given 7 times ... → leader 7 times held → in different countries 7 times praised → in Mexico 7 times birthday → held 6 times work → in 6 times praised → in different countries 6 times president → ... 6 times provides → ... 5 times works → posted 4 times lauded → abroad 4 times lauded → in different countries 4 times published → abroad 4 times ... → KPA 3 times visits → chinese 3 times ... → guidance 3 times birthday → in 3 times work → praised 3 times held → in Russia 3 times ... → wreath 2 times enjoys → KPA 2 times published → ... 2 times election → to 2 times work → given 2 times published → in different countries 2 times published → in South Korea 2 times ... → feats 1 times inspects → work 1 times meets → in 1 times meets → KPA 1 times published → by 1 times receives → KPA 1 times ... → posted 1 times election → in 1 times exploits → of 1 times exploits → posted 1 times feats → given 1 times feats → of 1 times field → ... 1 times work → lauded 1 times work → of 1 times works → given 1 times works → in 1 times works → lauded 1 times given → abroad 1 times held → in South Korea 1 times in → Korea 1 times of → Korea 1 timesKim Jong Il<br>7,969 timesKim Jong Il ...<br>4,037 times ... ...<br>4,248 times ... s<br>2,913 times s ...<br>4,825 times ... from<br>1,418 times from ...<br>1,311 times ... work<br>1,064 times work inspects<br>577 times inspects of<br>515 times of sends<br>400 times sends to<br>397 times to published<br>388 times published in<br>310 times in KPA<br>298 times KPA praised<br>318 times praised by<br>261 times by birthday<br>267 times birthday enjoys<br>216 times enjoys guidance<br>192 times guidance field<br>190 times field feats<br>195 times feats exploits<br>191 times exploits wreath<br>181 times wreath start<br>164 times start gives<br>160 times gives unit<br>227 times unit praised<br>166 times praised chinese<br>160 times chinese receives<br>151 times receives in<br>141 times in election<br>134 times election visits<br>114 times visits Songun<br>113 times Songun works<br>111 times works as<br>110 times as performance<br>108 times performance held<br>117 times held posted<br>96 times posted given<br>85 times given provides<br>81 times provides party<br>85 times party for<br>74 times for president<br>137 times president lauded<br>76 times lauded lauded<br>75 times lauded to<br>67 times to meets<br>64 times meets published<br>56 times published as<br>48 times as in Russia<br>86 times in Russia abroad<br>84 times abroad Korea<br>52 times Korea in Mexico<br>51 times in Mexico delegation<br>41 times delegation in different countries<br>38 times in different countries unit<br>36 times unit leader<br>32 times leader countries<br>31 times countries organization<br>26 times organization committee<br>25 times committee minister<br>25 times minister corps<br>21 times corps figure<br>19 times figure in South Korea<br>14 times in South Korea
Flow of text before mentions of Kim Jong Il
to → Kim Jong Il 1,810 timesof → Kim Jong Il 1,263 times... → ... 746 timesgift → to 707 times... → ... 664 timessecretary → Kim Jong Il 627 timesanniversary → of 601 times... → of 431 times... → Kim Jong Il 420 times... → to 352 times... → ... 310 timesKim Il Sung → Kim Jong Il 299 timesletter → to 275 timesand → Kim Jong Il 261 timesKim Il Sung → and 257 timesgeneral → secretary 250 timeson → Kim Jong Il 230 times... → to 202 timesfloral → basket 182 timesbasket → to 182 timesdemise → of 159 timesof → Kim Il Sung 159 times... → on 150 timesstatues → of 136 timesof → Kim Il Sung 132 times... → of 118 timesto → general 116 timesgifts → to 113 timesmessage → to 113 timescongratulatory → letter 107 timesto → secretary 106 times... → anniversary 104 timesto → Kim Il Sung 102 times... → to 101 times... → of 98 timesto → statues 96 timescongratulatory → message 92 timesof → ... 86 timesseminar → on 80 timesand → congratulatory 72 timesstatues → of 72 timesexploits → of 70 timesgreetings → to 68 timesto → Kim Il Sung 67 times... → secretary 65 timesmourn → demise 62 times... → on 61 times... → mourn 54 times... → for 53 timesfor → Kim Jong Il 53 timestribute → to 51 timesof → secretary 50 timesof → ... 48 timesgift → to 47 times... → for 45 timesfor → remembering 42 timesto → ... 42 timesremembering → Kim Jong Il 42 times... → and 41 timesmessage → of 41 timesto → ... 41 times... → by 41 times... → praising 41 timesby → Kim Jong Il 41 timespraising → Kim Jong Il 41 timesanniversary → of 37 times... → statues 36 timestribute → to 36 timeson → ... 36 timesin → ... 34 timesleader → Kim Jong Il 34 timestribute → ... 33 times... → praises 33 timesgeneral → Kim Jong Il 33 timespraises → Kim Jong Il 33 timesgift → to 31 times... → demise 31 times... → exploits 29 timesbirth → anniversary 29 timescongratulatory → ... 29 timescelebrate → Kim Jong Il 29 times... → mourns 27 timesmeeting → ... 27 timesmourns → demise 27 timesof → ... 26 timeson → ... 25 timesand → ... 25 timesand → gift 25 timescommittee → for 25 timesof → demise 25 timesto → ... 25 timesmark → Kim Jong Il 25 times... → in 24 timespay → tribute 23 timesmark → anniversary 23 timesto → celebrate 23 timesand → ... 22 times... → Kim Il Sung 22 times... → Kim Il Sung 22 timesbasket → and 21 timesto → mark 21 timesletter → to 20 timesfor → ... 20 timesletter → of 19 times... → seminar 19 timesfloral → ... 19 timespays → tribute 17 timesand → gifts 16 times... → mark 15 times... → tribute 13 times... → general 13 timesof → general 13 timesto → mark 12 timesof → general 12 timesof → greetings 12 timesbasket → to 11 times... → gift 11 times... → birth 10 timeskoreans → in 10 timesletter → and 10 times... → committee 9 timeskoreans → ... 9 timesmessage → to 9 timeson → demise 9 times... → leader 9 timesto → mourn 8 timeson → exploits 8 timesto → leader 8 timespay → ... 7 times... → gifts 7 times... → letter 7 timescommittee → to 7 timesgift → ... 6 times... → celebrate 6 times... → general 6 timesfor → secretary 6 timesof → leader 6 times... → floral 5 times... → greetings 5 timestribute → ... 5 timesto → general 5 timesand → floral 4 timespays → ... 4 timesmark → ... 4 timeson → anniversary 4 times... → and 4 times... → mark 4 times... → congratulatory 3 times... → gift 3 timesand → gift 3 times... → message 3 timesand → letter 3 timeson → general 3 timesand → exploits 2 timesfor → general 2 timesbasket → gift 1 timesgift → and 1 timesmeeting → and 1 timesmeeting → on 1 timesmessage → and 1 timeson → birth 1 timesand → anniversary 1 timesand → general 1 timesand → greetings 1 timesand → seminar 1 timesgift → for 1 timeson → Kim Il Sung 1 timeson → message 1 timesfor → leader 1 timesgift → ... 1 timesgreetings → ... 1 timesKim Il Sung → secretary 1 timesletter → of 1 timesmessage → of 1 timesseminar → ... 1 timesKim Jong Il<br>5,241 timesKim Jong Ilto <br>1,810 timesto ... <br>1,527 times... of <br>1,263 timesof ... <br>1,362 times... ... <br>1,164 times... secretary <br>627 timessecretary ... <br>420 times... anniversary <br>601 timesanniversary gift <br>708 timesgift to <br>307 timesto Kim Il Sung <br>299 timesKim Il Sung of <br>267 timesof and <br>261 timesand of <br>254 timesof Kim Il Sung <br>258 timesKim Il Sung on <br>230 timeson to <br>208 timesto general <br>250 timesgeneral letter <br>276 timesletter basket <br>182 timesbasket demise <br>159 timesdemise congratulatory <br>228 timescongratulatory statues <br>136 timesstatues floral <br>201 timesfloral message <br>114 timesmessage to <br>157 timesto and <br>75 timesand for <br>71 timesfor gifts <br>113 timesgifts mourn <br>62 timesmourn on <br>62 timeson exploits <br>70 timesexploits tribute <br>56 timestribute for <br>53 timesfor and <br>101 timesand seminar <br>81 timesseminar greetings <br>69 timesgreetings remembering <br>42 timesremembering by <br>41 timesby praising <br>41 timespraising statues <br>72 timesstatues tribute <br>69 timestribute in <br>34 timesin praises <br>33 timespraises gift <br>54 timesgift general <br>33 timesgeneral celebrate <br>29 timescelebrate leader <br>34 timesleader mark <br>27 timesmark mourns <br>27 timesmourns message <br>51 timesmessage mark <br>25 timesmark letter <br>49 timesletter of <br>48 timesof committee <br>32 timescommittee birth <br>29 timesbirth anniversary <br>37 timesanniversary basket <br>33 timesbasket gift <br>32 timesgift pay <br>30 timespay meeting <br>29 timesmeeting on <br>26 timeson pays <br>21 timespays koreans <br>19 timeskoreans
Flow of text after mentions of Kim Jong Un
... → ... 809 times ... → ... 799 timesKim Jong Un → from 701 timesKim Jong Un → s 692 times from → ... 578 times s → work 319 times of → ... 225 timesKim Jong Un → ... 202 times ... → ... 172 timesKim Jong Un → sends 170 times ... → president 166 times s → ... 160 times ... → of 138 timesKim Jong Un → receives 135 times sends → ... 134 timesKim Jong Un → visits 116 times visits → ... 114 times work → ... 106 times posted → ... 100 times to → ... 99 times new → year 94 times carried → ... 91 times s → new 86 times ... → to 84 times from → ... 83 times published → ... 78 times year → ... 77 times work → published 76 times field → guidance 68 times work → posted 68 times guidance → ... 67 times by → ... 66 times from → president 61 times president → of 61 times work → carried 57 timesKim Jong Un → inspects 55 times inspects → ... 55 times s → works 52 times receives → ... 50 timesKim Jong Un → guides 44 timesKim Jong Un → has 43 times guides → ... 43 times message → ... 43 timesKim Jong Un → enjoys 42 timesKim Jong Un → praised 42 times enjoys → ... 40 times has → photo 40 times from → russian 39 times given → ... 38 timesKim Jong Un → gives 37 times gives → field 37 times praised → by 34 times ... → party 34 times photo → session 34 times session → ... 33 timesKim Jong Un → provides 29 times provides → field 29 times s → talk 29 times ... → from 29 times in → ... 28 times s → speech 27 times congratulatory → message 27 times political → party leader 26 times receives → greetings 25 times receives → message 25 times greetings → from 25 timesKim Jong Un → lauded 24 times ... → given 24 times ... → political 24 times party → leader 24 times from → participants 23 timesKim Jong Un → watches 22 times watches → ... 22 times lauded → by 18 times message → of 18 times year → address 17 times receives → letter 16 times ... → message 16 times participants → in 16 times receives → congratulatory 15 times letter → from 15 times russian → ... 15 times works → ... 15 times works → carried 15 times ... → corps 15 times ... → by 14 times sends → congratulatory 14 times message → from 14 timesKim Jong Un → as 13 times as → ... 13 times works → posted 13 times speech → ... 12 times russian → political 11 times sends → message 10 times congratulatory → ... 10 times talk → carried 10 times s → letter 9 times talk → ... 9 times talk → posted 9 times ... → organization 9 times praised → ... 8 times ... → in 8 times russian → president 8 times ... → general 8 times ... → minister 8 times ... → president 8 times party → ... 8 times political → ... 8 times s → congratulatory 7 times participants → of 7 times party → leaders 7 times president → ... 7 times sends → greetings 6 times greetings → to 6 times photo → ... 6 times russian → party 6 times works → given 6 times ... → carried 5 times letter → to 5 times speech → carried 5 times work → given 5 times ... → abroad 5 times ... → paper 5 times lauded → ... 4 times receives → new 4 times ... → posted 4 times new → ... 4 times speech → posted 4 times ... → by british organization 4 times ... → factory 4 times ... → figures 4 times carried → by nepali paper 4 times ... → new 3 times has → ... 3 times s → field 3 times sends → letter 3 times sends → new 3 times letter → carried 3 times letter → posted 3 times message → to 3 times speech → given 3 times work → in 3 times field → ... 2 times works → published 2 times ... → congratulatory 1 times ... → russian 1 times ... → speech 1 times ... → talk 1 times ... → work 1 times enjoys → field 1 times enjoys → new 1 times guides → work 1 times visits → new 1 times visits → work 1 times letter → ... 1 times letter → of 1 times speech → in 1 times talk → published 1 times work → to 1 times political → figures 1 times posted → abroad 1 times published → by nepali paper 1 times ...<br>1,396 times ...Kim Jong Un<br>2,367 timesKim Jong Un ...<br>1,055 times ... ...<br>1,784 times ... from<br>701 times from s<br>692 times s work<br>322 times work of<br>225 times of ...<br>202 times ... sends<br>170 times sends receives<br>135 times receives visits<br>116 times visits posted<br>101 times posted to<br>99 times to new<br>98 times new carried<br>95 times carried year<br>94 times year president<br>174 times president from<br>83 times from published<br>79 times published field<br>70 times field guidance<br>68 times guidance by<br>66 times by president<br>61 times president inspects<br>55 times inspects works<br>52 times works guides<br>44 times guides message<br>43 times message has<br>43 times has enjoys<br>42 times enjoys praised<br>42 times praised photo<br>40 times photo russian<br>40 times russian party<br>40 times party given<br>38 times given congratulatory<br>37 times congratulatory gives<br>37 times gives political<br>35 times political message<br>35 times message session<br>34 times session greetings<br>31 times greetings talk<br>30 times talk provides<br>29 times provides in<br>28 times in letter<br>28 times letter speech<br>28 times speech participants<br>23 times participants lauded<br>24 times lauded watches<br>22 times watches party leader<br>26 times party leader as<br>13 times as leader<br>24 times leader address<br>17 times address corps<br>15 times corps organization<br>9 times organization general<br>8 times general minister<br>8 times minister president<br>8 times president leaders<br>7 times leaders abroad<br>6 times abroad by nepali paper<br>5 times by nepali paper figures<br>5 times figures paper<br>5 times paper by british organization<br>4 times by british organization factory<br>4 times factory
Flow of text before mentions of Kim Jong Un
to → Kim Jong Un 758 timesgreetings → to 200 times... → ... 121 timesgift → to 121 timesof → Kim Jong Un 86 timesletter → to 85 times... → ... 77 timescongratulations → to 73 times... → of 67 timesmessage → to 65 timescondolences → to 55 times... → Kim Jong Un 49 times... → to 47 times... → ... 40 timesbasket → to 40 timesfloral → basket 39 timescongratulatory → message 32 times... → by 28 timesby → Kim Jong Un 28 timescongratulatory → letter 27 timesbasket → congratulatory 26 timesmessage → of 26 timesof → condolences 24 timesgifts → to 24 timesletters → to 22 timesanniversary → of 19 timeson → Kim Jong Un 19 timesof → ... 17 timescongratulate → Kim Jong Un 16 timesnew → year 15 times... → of 14 timesloyalty → to 14 times... → praises 13 timesseminar → on 13 timespraises → Kim Jong Un 13 times... → to 12 timescongratulatory → letters 12 timesfloral → baskets 12 timesin → ... 12 timesbaskets → to 12 timespeople → ... 11 times... → message 10 timesfor → Kim Jong Un 10 timesDPRK → people 9 times... → and 9 times... → in 9 timesto → congratulate 9 timesand → Kim Jong Un 9 timesin → Kim Jong Un 9 timestasks → set 8 timesset → ... 8 timesyear → ... 8 times... → in 7 times... → anniversary 7 times... → letters 7 timesKim Il Sung → ... 7 timesunder → ... 7 timesvow → loyalty 7 timesyear → greetings 7 times... → congratulates 7 times... → for 7 timescongratulates → Kim Jong Un 7 timesmarshal → Kim Jong Un 7 times... → and 6 times... → vow 6 timesof → ... 6 timesto → ... 6 timesto → remain 6 timespledge → loyalty 6 timesremain → ... 6 timesto → ... 6 times... → on 6 timesKim Jong Il → Kim Jong Un 6 timespraise → Kim Jong Un 6 times... → to 5 timesand → congratulatory 5 timesbaskets → congratulatory 5 timesDPRK → ... 5 timesbritish → organizations 5 timesorganizations → ... 5 times... → under 4 timesfloral → ... 4 timespeople → ... 4 timesto → Kim Il Sung 4 times... → organizations 4 timesand → ... 4 times... → about 4 times... → at 4 times... → congratulate 4 times... → Kim Jong Il 4 times... → marshal 4 times... → praise 4 timesabout → Kim Jong Un 4 timesat → Kim Jong Un 4 times... → pledge 3 timesheld → in 3 timesheld → under 3 timeskorean → people 3 timesmessages → and 3 times... → loyalty 3 timesand → letters 3 timesloyalty → for 3 timesorganizations → congratulate 3 timesto → ... 3 timesand → ... 2 timesmessages → of 2 timespeople → vow 2 times... → gift 2 times... → letter 2 timescongratulatory → ... 2 timesvow → to 2 timesorganizations → praise 2 timesto → marshal 2 times... → british 1 timesbaskets → and 1 timesheld → to 1 timeskorean → ... 1 timeskorean → in 1 timeskoreans → in 1 timeskoreans → pledge 1 timeskoreans → vow 1 timesmessages → congratulatory 1 timesof → Kim Il Sung 1 timespeople → pledge 1 timesto → pledge 1 times... → basket 1 times... → congratulations 1 times... → greetings 1 times... → seminar 1 timesand → congratulations 1 timesand → gift 1 timesand → organizations 1 timesbritish → ... 1 timesof → loyalty 1 timespeople → to 1 timesto → Kim Jong Il 1 timesto <br>758 timesto Kim Jong Un<br>1,031 timesKim Jong Un... <br>257 times... ... <br>172 times... greetings <br>200 timesgreetings of <br>86 timesof gift <br>121 timesgift ... <br>123 times... letter <br>85 timesletter congratulatory <br>73 timescongratulatory message <br>65 timesmessage ... <br>49 times... of <br>42 timesof basket <br>40 timesbasket condolences <br>55 timescondolences congratulations <br>73 timescongratulations by <br>28 timesby floral <br>51 timesfloral letters <br>22 timesletters on <br>19 timeson loyalty <br>17 timesloyalty congratulate <br>16 timescongratulate to <br>15 timesto year <br>15 timesyear anniversary <br>19 timesanniversary basket <br>26 timesbasket message <br>26 timesmessage praises <br>13 timespraises baskets <br>12 timesbaskets gifts <br>24 timesgifts in <br>12 timesin people <br>12 timespeople and <br>10 timesand for <br>10 timesfor organizations <br>10 timesorganizations and <br>9 timesand in <br>9 timesin vow <br>9 timesvow to <br>17 timesto set <br>8 timesset new <br>15 timesnew congratulates <br>7 timescongratulates DPRK <br>14 timesDPRK seminar <br>13 timesseminar under <br>7 timesunder marshal <br>7 timesmarshal Kim Il Sung <br>7 timesKim Il Sung pledge <br>6 timespledge praise <br>6 timespraise remain <br>6 timesremain to <br>6 timesto Kim Jong Il <br>6 timesKim Jong Il about <br>4 timesabout at <br>4 timesat tasks <br>8 timestasks and <br>7 timesand british <br>6 timesbritish held <br>7 timesheld of <br>7 timesof people <br>7 timespeople baskets <br>6 timesbaskets messages <br>6 timesmessages korean <br>5 timeskorean floral <br>4 timesfloral koreans <br>3 timeskoreans

And here’s Lee Myung Bak for comparison:

Flow of text after mentions of Lee Myung Bak
Lee Myung Bak → group 523 times ... → ... 443 times group → s 315 timesLee Myung Bak → s 256 times ... → ... 207 times s → ... 200 times s → ... 169 timesLee Myung Bak → ... 92 timesLee Myung Bak → regime 90 times of → ... 71 times to → ... 62 times group → ... 60 times group → of 58 times ... → ... 53 times accused → of 46 times of → traitors 44 times anti → ... 41 times s → anti 40 times s → suppression 40 times suppression → ... 40 times group → accused 38 times of → ... 37 times ... → to 35 times regime → s 32 times for → ... 32 times s → anti 29 times moves → ... 29 times s → moves 27 times traitors → ... 27 times ... → for 26 timesLee Myung Bak → accused 24 times accused → of 24 times ... → of 24 times regime → ... 23 times fascist → ... 23 times for → ... 22 times s → fascist 22 times to → ... 21 times South → Korea 20 timesLee Myung Bak → of 19 times anti → DPRK 19 times s → moves 18 times s → reckless 18 times in → South Korea 16 times in → South 15 times urged → to 15 times confrontation → ... 15 times DPRK → ... 15 times of → ... 14 times ... → in 14 times reckless → remarks 14 timesLee Myung Bak → for 13 times called → for 13 times for → ... 12 times ... → in 11 times group → urged 11 times moves → to 11 times s → confrontation 11 timesLee Myung Bak → and 10 timesLee Myung Bak → called 10 timesLee Myung Bak → urged 10 times called → for 10 times ... → for 9 times regime → accused 9 times urged → to 9 times anti → reunification 9 times hideous → ... 9 times s → policy 8 times s → sycophancy 8 times his → ... 8 times moves → for 8 times s → hideous 8 times sycophancy → ... 8 times ... → blasted 8 times ... → under fire 8 times remarks → ... 8 times reunification → ... 8 timesLee Myung Bak → government 7 timesLee Myung Bak → struggle 7 times group → for 7 times regime → urged 7 times ... → remarks 7 times of → South 7 times pro → ... 7 times ... → to 6 times s → pro 6 times ... → confrontation 6 timesLee Myung Bak → to 5 times and → ... 5 times group → to 5 times of → his 5 times regime → called 5 times struggle → called 5 times to → ... 5 times policy → ... 5 times DPRK → remarks 5 times in → ... 5 timesLee Myung Bak → censured 4 timesLee Myung Bak → condemned 4 timesLee Myung Bak → demanded 4 times government → ... 4 times for → in 4 times in → ... 4 times reckless → ... 4 times remarks → under fire 4 times ... → of 3 times and → his 3 times condemned → for 3 times demanded → in 3 times group → called 3 times regime → of 3 times ... → 3 times ... → assailed in South Korea 3 times ... → called for 3 times ... → in South Korea 3 times for → in South Korea 3 times remarks → blasted 3 times traitors → called for 3 times censured → for 2 times government → urged 2 times group → in 2 times regime → for 2 times ... → moves 2 times anti → ... 2 times policy → of 2 times urged → in 2 times ... → assailed 2 times ... → censured 2 times ... → denounced 2 times ... → protested in South Korea 2 times ... → remarks blasted 2 times for → bedeviling inter-korean relations 2 times South → ... 2 times ... → pro 1 times ... → s 1 times and → anti 1 times and → for 1 times censured → ... 1 times censured → in 1 times condemned → in 1 times for → his 1 times government → s 1 times group → moves 1 times regime → to 1 times struggle → ... 1 times urged → in 1 times ... → DPRK 1 times ... → hideous 1 times ... → reunification 1 times ... → suppression 1 times ... → traitors 1 times accused → in 1 times for → fascist 1 times for → moves 1 times his → anti 1 times policy → to 1 times s → remarks 1 times ... → remarks 1 times moves → assailed 1 times of → bedeviling inter-korean relations 1 times remarks → censured 1 times reunification → remarks blasted 1 times reunification → under fire 1 times suppression → protested in South Korea 1 times traitors → denounced 1 timesLee Myung Bak<br>1,078 timesLee Myung Bak group<br>523 times group ...<br>525 times ... ...<br>830 times ... s<br>349 times s ...<br>347 times ... s<br>256 times s of<br>88 times of ...<br>92 times ... regime<br>90 times regime of<br>72 times of to<br>62 times to accused<br>47 times accused for<br>47 times for anti<br>41 times anti suppression<br>41 times suppression traitors<br>45 times traitors for<br>34 times for moves<br>30 times moves anti<br>30 times anti accused<br>24 times accused fascist<br>23 times fascist South<br>22 times South in<br>21 times in to<br>21 times to DPRK<br>20 times DPRK remarks<br>22 times remarks in<br>19 times in moves<br>19 times moves of<br>19 times of urged<br>20 times urged reckless<br>18 times reckless confrontation<br>17 times confrontation called<br>13 times called for<br>13 times for Korea<br>20 times Korea reunification<br>10 times reunification and<br>10 times and called<br>10 times called urged<br>10 times urged hideous<br>9 times hideous his<br>9 times his South Korea<br>16 times South Korea policy<br>8 times policy sycophancy<br>8 times sycophancy pro<br>7 times pro government<br>7 times government under fire<br>13 times under fire struggle<br>7 times struggle blasted<br>11 times blasted to<br>5 times to censured<br>4 times censured condemned<br>4 times condemned demanded<br>4 times demanded called for<br>6 times called for in South Korea<br>6 times in South Korea remarks<br>6 times remarks <br>3 times assailed<br>3 times assailed assailed in South Korea<br>3 times assailed in South Korea bedeviling inter-korean relations<br>3 times bedeviling inter-korean relations censured<br>3 times censured denounced<br>3 times denounced protested in South Korea<br>3 times protested in South Korea remarks blasted<br>3 times remarks blasted
Flow of text before mentions of Lee Myung Bak
... → Lee Myung Bak 150 times... → ... 94 times... → ... 64 timestraitor → Lee Myung Bak 64 timesof → Lee Myung Bak 60 times... → ... 59 times... → of 40 timesslams → Lee Myung Bak 27 timesagainst → Lee Myung Bak 25 timesto → ... 22 timesKCNA → commentary 18 times... → traitor 18 timesaccuses → Lee Myung Bak 18 timesblasts → Lee Myung Bak 17 times... → to 16 timesfor → ... 15 times... → against 15 times... → by 14 timesby → Lee Myung Bak 14 timesout → Lee Myung Bak 13 timeskoreans → in 11 timesfor → ... 11 timesKCNA → ... 11 timespunishment → of 10 timesRodong Sinmun → ... 10 timesstruggle → against 10 timesanti → Lee Myung Bak 10 timesdenounces → Lee Myung Bak 10 times... → of 9 times... → of 8 timesactions → for 8 timesto → wipe 8 times... → at 8 timescommentary → slams 8 timesof → traitor 8 timesRodong Sinmun → accuses 8 timeswipe → out 8 timesat → Lee Myung Bak 8 timesdenounce → Lee Myung Bak 8 timesterms → Lee Myung Bak 8 times... → for 7 timesDPRK → ... 7 timesin → ... 7 timesin → China 7 times... → denounce 7 timesfor → judging 7 timesRodong Sinmun → slams 7 timescondemn → Lee Myung Bak 7 timesjudging → Lee Myung Bak 7 timesto → ... 6 timesvow → to 6 timesof → ... 6 timesKCNA → blasts 6 timesMinju Joson → ... 6 timesUSA → ... 6 times... → in 5 times... → to 5 timescall → for 5 times... → remarks 5 timesCPRK → ... 5 timesMinju Joson → ... 5 times... → accuses 5 times... → blasts 5 times... → denounces 5 times... → out 5 timesKCNA → terms 5 timesMinju Joson → slams 5 timesrat → ... 5 timesremarks → of 5 timesresignation → of 5 times... → and 4 timescalls → for 4 timesCPRK → ... 4 timesfor → ... 4 timess → ... 4 times... → for 4 times... → USA 4 timesand → ... 4 timescalls → for 4 timeskorean → ... 4 timeslashes → ... 4 timesRodong Sinmun → ... 4 timesSouth → ... 4 times... → condemn 4 timesChina → ... 4 timescommentary → ... 4 timesKCNA → slams 4 timesof → ... 3 timesrallies → ... 3 timesRodong Sinmun → calls 3 timesRodong Sinmun → lashes 3 times... → struggle 3 timesactions → to 3 timesstruggle → to 3 timesto → ... 3 times... → slams 3 timesMinju Joson → accuses 3 timesRodong Sinmun → blasts 3 timesUSA → anti 3 timesKCNA → ... 2 timesoverseas → ... 2 timessouth → korean 2 times... → punishment 2 times... → rat 2 timesin → USA 2 timesstruggle → for 2 times... → anti 2 timesChina → condemn 2 timescommentary → blasts 2 timescommentary → denounces 2 timesRodong Sinmun → terms 2 times... → actions 1 times... → calls 1 times... → korean 1 times... → struggle 1 timesfor → actions 1 timesKCNA → lashes 1 timeskoreans → ... 1 timesoverseas → korean 1 timesRodong Sinmun → ... 1 timessouth → ... 1 timesto → struggle 1 timesfor → punishment 1 timesof → rat 1 timesof → USA 1 timesRodong Sinmun → resignation 1 timesstruggle → ... 1 timesChina → denounce 1 timescommentary → accuses 1 timescommentary → terms 1 timesKCNA → accuses 1 timesKCNA → denounces 1 timesMinju Joson → blasts 1 timesMinju Joson → denounces 1 timesof → ... 1 timesRodong Sinmun → denounces 1 timesto → condemn 1 timesLee Myung Bak<br>446 timesLee Myung Bak... <br>190 times... ... <br>150 times... ... <br>139 times... of <br>60 timesof ... <br>97 times... traitor <br>64 timestraitor slams <br>27 timesslams against <br>25 timesagainst to <br>23 timesto accuses <br>18 timesaccuses commentary <br>18 timescommentary for <br>18 timesfor blasts <br>17 timesblasts for <br>16 timesfor in <br>16 timesin Rodong Sinmun <br>31 timesRodong Sinmun by <br>14 timesby KCNA <br>28 timesKCNA out <br>13 timesout to <br>11 timesto denounces <br>10 timesdenounces KCNA <br>18 timesKCNA of <br>9 timesof at <br>8 timesat denounce <br>8 timesdenounce Minju Joson <br>16 timesMinju Joson of <br>8 timesof terms <br>8 timesterms USA <br>9 timesUSA wipe <br>8 timeswipe anti <br>10 timesanti China <br>7 timesChina condemn <br>7 timescondemn judging <br>7 timesjudging actions <br>11 timesactions punishment <br>10 timespunishment struggle <br>10 timesstruggle koreans <br>12 timeskoreans remarks <br>5 timesremarks and <br>4 timesand calls <br>4 timescalls korean <br>4 timeskorean lashes <br>4 timeslashes rat <br>5 timesrat struggle <br>6 timesstruggle DPRK <br>7 timesDPRK Rodong Sinmun <br>7 timesRodong Sinmun to <br>7 timesto resignation <br>5 timesresignation vow <br>6 timesvow call <br>5 timescall CPRK <br>5 timesCPRK for <br>5 timesfor Minju Joson <br>5 timesMinju Joson Rodong Sinmun <br>5 timesRodong Sinmun calls <br>4 timescalls CPRK <br>4 timesCPRK s <br>4 timess South <br>4 timesSouth KCNA <br>3 timesKCNA of <br>3 timesof overseas <br>3 timesoverseas rallies <br>3 timesrallies south <br>3 timessouth

Here’s how to read these interactive diagrams. If you hover over a node (say, Kim Jong Il), it shows the number of mentions of that particular word in the english-language headlines (7,969 times in this case). Of these 7,969 mentions, 2,913 times the following word is “s” – as in “Kim Jong Il’s” – as we learn from hovering over the path between the two nodes – and more than 1,000 of these mentions are in turn followed by “work” (as we learn from hovering over the path between the “s” node and the “work” node). So the headlines mentioning Kim Jong Il – already a good 8% of the total – spend more than 1/8th of the time noting something about his work, in particular that it was published or posted in different countries, or praised by different foreign organizations or individuals, judging from the following nodes in the diagram. (Nodes with the label “…” just collapse many terms together that do not occur sufficiently frequently, so each “column” in the diagram only has 15 nodes).6

Thus, according to KCNA, Kim Jong Il spent a considerable amount of time inspecting KPA units (577 headlines!), sending wreaths to biers (181 headlines), enjoying performances and other artistic endeavours (216 headlines), and giving field guidance (over 200 headlines!). And the son follows in his footsteps, if perhaps with a less single-minded focus on the KPA (possibly a sign of changing priorities away from the “military first” policy of Kim Jong Il?).

The grandfather, being dead, is primarily praised, remembered, and commemorated; his works are published, and floral baskets or tributes are laid at his statues on his birthday (probably containing this flower). When he is referred to by a title, he is simply called “president” (just as his son is usually referred to as “secretary” and very rarely “general”). By contrast, an opponent, like Lee Myung Back (or George W. Bush), is denounced, censured, accused and otherwise struggled against, primarily by North Korean media and people in South Korea. With slight variations here and there, each of these “types” of headline are essentially uniform: “Kim Jong Il inspects KPA unit X” is repeated literally 200 times in the corpus of English-language headlines, for example.

There is thus a remarkable consistency to these headlines; it is not unfair to call them “formulaic.” We might think here of a kind of ceremonial language, single-mindedly reiterated for over 15 years, and painting an unvarying picture of the Kim’s activities and honours. (Indeed, if you take a random sample of headlines mentioning the Kims, it is usually not possible to know when any given headline was written – such is the degree of uniformity).

One striking pattern that emerges from these graphs is that the Kims rarely “order” anyone to do anything. The picture provided by the headlines is of kindly guidance and filial duty, not of command. Though they teach or inspect various establishments, they never simply assert their dominance; and though they receive many gifts (see below), a substantial proportion of their activity, according to KCNA, consists in sending wreaths to the biers of the illustrious dead, or gifts to elder people (a couple of headlines mention gifts to centenarians).

All the aggressive vocabulary we might associate with NK propaganda – slamming, flaying, denouncing, urging, or otherwise attacking enemies – is missing from headlines that mention the Kims, being associated instead with the media organs of the DPRK, such as the newspaper Rodong Sinmun or Minju Joson:

Flow of text after mentions of Rodong Sinmun or Minju Joson
... → ... 1,527 timesRodong Sinmun → on 1,018 times ... → ... 795 times on → ... 780 timesRodong Sinmun → calls 663 times calls → for 635 times for → ... 597 times of → ... 361 timesRodong Sinmun → ... 352 times s → ... 252 times ... → of 249 times ... → ... 237 times USA → ... 211 times korean → ... 182 times south → korean 178 timesRodong Sinmun → slams 111 times Japan → s 89 timesMinju Joson → ... 87 timesRodong Sinmun → accuses 74 times on → USA 71 timesMinju Joson → on 67 times for → ... 59 timesRodong Sinmun → denounces 58 timesRodong Sinmun → terms 57 times ... → USA 56 times ... → s 55 timesRodong Sinmun → urges 54 timesRodong Sinmun → blasts 53 timesRodong Sinmun → observes 53 times to → ... 51 times anniversary → of 47 times Korea → ... 47 times South → Korea 45 times Kim Jong Il → s 43 times and → ... 39 timesMinju Joson → slams 38 times accuses → USA 38 timesRodong Sinmun → discloses 37 times ... → south 36 times on → DPRK 36 times on → Japan 36 times slams → ... 35 times slams → USA 33 times japanese → ... 33 times group → ... 33 times USA → ... 33 times on → Kim Jong Il 32 times slams → south 32 times calls → on 31 times observes → anniversary 30 times USA → of 30 times ... → for 29 times DPRK → s 29 times terms → USA 28 times WPK → s 28 times South → ... 28 timesMinju Joson → accuses 27 times on → korean 27 times on → south 27 times terms → ... 27 times ... → and 27 times danger → of 27 times on → ... 25 times denounces → south 24 times on → WPK 24 times korean → ... 24 times USA → South 24 times accuses → south 21 times blasts → USA 21 times discloses → ... 21 times observes → ... 21 times urges → USA 21 times for → implementing 21 times implementing → ... 21 times people → ... 21 timesMinju Joson → blasts 20 times denounces → USA 20 times slams → Japan 20 times ... → USA 20 times ... → in South Korea 20 timesRodong Sinmun → raps 19 times urges → ... 19 times ... → to 19 times USA → for 19 timesMinju Joson → calls 18 timesRodong Sinmun → assails 18 timesRodong Sinmun → warns 18 times for → giving 18 times korean → people 18 times giving → ... 18 times on → anti 17 times ... → nature 17 times anti → ... 17 times Lee Myung Bak → group 17 times nature → ... 17 timesRodong Sinmun → lauds 16 times ... → anniversary 16 times ... → Japan 16 times discloses → USA 16 times urges → Japan 16 times Lee Myung Bak → s 16 times USA → to 16 times all → ... 16 timesMinju Joson → assails 15 timesMinju Joson → denounces 15 timesMinju Joson → discloses 15 timesMinju Joson → terms 15 timesMinju Joson → urges 15 timesRodong Sinmun → praises 15 times blasts → ... 15 times denounces → ... 15 times on → danger 15 times Japan → to 15 times ... → policy 15 times calls → ... 13 times on → South 13 times ... → korean 12 times assails → ... 12 times praises → ... 12 times slams → Lee Myung Bak 12 times USA → and 12 times accuses → Japan 11 times accuses → Lee Myung Bak 11 times blasts → south 11 times ... → group 11 times Japan → of 11 times on → all 11 timesMinju Joson → lays 10 timesMinju Joson → raps 10 timesMinju Joson → ridicules 10 times lays → bare 10 times ... → unity 10 times ... → on 9 times blasts → Japan 9 times lauds → ... 9 times DPRK → ... 9 times Japan → ... 9 times ... → independence 9 times ... → of DPRK 9 times ... → for 8 times accuses → ... 8 times accuses → South 8 times blasts → japanese 8 times raps → ... 8 times raps → south 8 times slams → japanese 8 times bare → ... 8 times Japan → for 8 times ... → of korean people 8 times ... → of WPK 8 timesMinju Joson → flays 7 timesMinju Joson → hits 7 times ... → japanese 7 times assails → USA 7 times discloses → danger 7 times lauds → Kim Jong Il 7 times slams → South 7 times urges → south 7 times japanese → reactionaries 7 times ... → for reunification 7 times south → ... 7 times ... → Lee Myung Bak 6 times assails → Japan 6 times denounces → japanese 6 times anti → USA 6 times Lee Myung Bak → of 6 times south → ... 6 times ... → day 6 times ... → for national reunification 6 times ... → of Kim Jong Il 6 times s → reckless remarks 6 times ... → danger 5 times ... → South 5 times ... → world 5 times assails → south 5 times denounces → Japan 5 times on → japanese 5 times ridicules → ... 5 times terms → south 5 times terms → South 5 times warns → ... 5 times warns → USA 5 times Lee Myung Bak → ... 5 times world → ... 5 times Lee Myung Bak → ... 5 times of → socialism 5 times reactionaries → ... 5 times ... → WPK 4 times blasts → Lee Myung Bak 4 times discloses → Japan 4 times flays → USA 4 times raps → USA 4 times terms → Japan 4 times warns → Japan 4 times ... → Lee Myung Bak 4 times ... → people 4 times at → ... 4 times for → all 4 times USA → moves 4 times USA → south 4 times ... → socialism 4 times ... → South Korea 4 times anti → ... 4 times ... → anti 3 times ... → at 3 times accuses → japanese 3 times blasts → South 3 times hits → ... 3 times raps → at 3 times ridicules → Lee Myung Bak 3 times warns → south 3 times Lee Myung Bak → for 3 times Park Geun Hye → group 3 times USA → anti 3 times ... → imperialists' ideological and cultural poisoning 3 times moves → ... 3 times ... → DPRK 2 times ... → Kim Jong Il 2 times assails → Lee Myung Bak 2 times denounces → Lee Myung Bak 2 times discloses → japanese 2 times discloses → Lee Myung Bak 2 times flays → south 2 times hits → at 2 times praises → Kim Jong Il 2 times raps → Japan 2 times raps → Lee Myung Bak 2 times terms → Lee Myung Bak 2 times urges → korean 2 times urges → South 2 times ... → korean 2 times ... → South 2 times DPRK → USA 2 times Japan → South 2 times Japan → USA 2 times Kim Young Sam → group 2 times on → korean 2 times ... → about " world without nuclear weapons " hypocritical 2 times ... → of Japan 2 times ... → of teachers 2 times moves → against DPRK 2 times people → unity 2 times reactionaries → claim to tok islets 2 times accuses → Park Geun Hye 1 times assails → South 1 times blasts → anti 1 times blasts → Park Geun Hye 1 times calls → south 1 times calls → South 1 times denounces → anti 1 times flays → Japan 1 times hits → Japan 1 times hits → Kim Young Sam 1 times observes → DPRK 1 times observes → korean 1 times on → anniversary 1 times on → Kim Young Sam 1 times praises → south 1 times raps → japanese 1 times raps → Park Geun Hye 1 times ridicules → Japan 1 times ridicules → south 1 times slams → anti 1 times slams → Park Geun Hye 1 times terms → DPRK 1 times urges → Kim Young Sam 1 times urges → Park Geun Hye 1 times warns → Lee Myung Bak 1 times ... → all 1 times ... → anti 1 times ... → Korea 1 times ... → south 1 times at → Lee Myung Bak 1 times at → moves 1 times at → south 1 times at → USA 1 times bare → south 1 times bare → USA 1 times for → Korea 1 times Kim Young Sam → to 1 times on → people 1 times on → USA 1 times Park Geun Hye → of 1 times Park Geun Hye → s 1 times ... → about " denuclearization " hypocritical 1 times ... → against other countries 1 times ... → aid to South Korea 1 times ... → aims sought by USA in reinforcing its overseas military bases 1 times ... → toeing USA policy 1 times of → abandoning " three principles of arms export " 1 times of → imperialists' ideological and cultural poisoning 1 times of → independence 1 times of → South Korea 1 times of → toeing USA policy 1 times s → aim to strengthen md 1 times s → ambition for overseas aggression 1 times s → day 1 times ...<br>1,748 times ... ...<br>2,729 times ...Rodong Sinmun<br>2,616 timesRodong Sinmun ...<br>1,245 times ... on<br>1,085 times on calls<br>681 times calls for<br>643 times for ...<br>439 times ... of<br>371 times of USA<br>324 times USA s<br>261 times sMinju Joson<br>376 timesMinju Joson south<br>184 times south korean<br>182 times korean slams<br>149 times slams Japan<br>136 times Japan accuses<br>101 times accuses blasts<br>73 times blasts denounces<br>73 times denounces terms<br>72 times terms urges<br>69 times urges for<br>59 times for observes<br>53 times observes discloses<br>52 times discloses to<br>51 times to Korea<br>47 times Korea anniversary<br>47 times anniversary Lee Myung Bak<br>47 times Lee Myung Bak South<br>45 times South Kim Jong Il<br>43 times Kim Jong Il korean<br>42 times korean DPRK<br>40 times DPRK japanese<br>40 times japanese on<br>40 times on and<br>39 times and group<br>33 times group USA<br>33 times USA assails<br>33 times assails raps<br>29 times raps South<br>28 times South WPK<br>28 times WPK danger<br>27 times danger people<br>23 times people anti<br>23 times anti implementing<br>21 times implementing giving<br>18 times giving warns<br>18 times warns nature<br>17 times nature all<br>16 times all lauds<br>16 times lauds praises<br>15 times praises in South Korea<br>20 times in South Korea bare<br>10 times bare lays<br>10 times lays ridicules<br>10 times ridicules at<br>8 times at policy<br>15 times policy reactionaries<br>7 times reactionaries south<br>7 times south flays<br>7 times flays hits<br>7 times hits unity<br>12 times unity independence<br>10 times independence Lee Myung Bak<br>5 times Lee Myung Bak moves<br>5 times moves Park Geun Hye<br>5 times Park Geun Hye world<br>5 times world of DPRK<br>9 times of DPRK socialism<br>9 times socialism of korean people<br>8 times of korean people of WPK<br>8 times of WPK anti<br>4 times anti day<br>7 times day for reunification<br>7 times for reunification for national reunification<br>6 times for national reunification of Kim Jong Il<br>6 times of Kim Jong Il reckless remarks<br>6 times reckless remarks Kim Young Sam<br>3 times Kim Young Sam South Korea<br>5 times South Korea imperialists' ideological and cultural poisoning<br>4 times imperialists' ideological and cultural poisoning about " world without nuclear weapons " hypocritical<br>2 times about " world without nuclear weapons " hypocritical against DPRK<br>2 times against DPRK claim to tok islets<br>2 times claim to tok islets of Japan<br>2 times of Japan of teachers<br>2 times of teachers toeing USA policy<br>2 times toeing USA policy abandoning " three principles of arms export "<br>1 times abandoning " three principles of arms export " about " denuclearization " hypocritical<br>1 times about " denuclearization " hypocritical against other countries<br>1 times against other countries aid to South Korea<br>1 times aid to South Korea aim to strengthen md<br>1 times aim to strengthen md aims sought by USA in reinforcing its overseas military bases<br>1 times aims sought by USA in reinforcing its overseas military bases ambition for overseas aggression<br>1 times ambition for overseas aggression

The Kims thus stand above the fray, while the abstract organs of the state and party engage in combat against ideological enemies. Perhaps this is in accord with B. R. Myers’ thesis that NK propaganda tends to depict the Kims as more “motherly” than “fatherly” figures. But in any case one might also detect a hint of a broad “Confucian” cultural background here, if I may generalize; there is a great deal of filial piety (both to and from the Kims) in some of these headlines, and they do refer to the leader occasionally as “fatherly” (and to the party as “motherly” – I won’t show you the graph here, but it appears at least 3 times).

Another aspect of the language through which the Kims are depicted is the extreme focus on their receipt of gifts and tribute from around the world. Indeed, I count 762 english-language headlines that mention “gifts” to the Kims from identifiable foreign countries, most from North Korea’s near abroad and allies – China and Russia most of all, but also Mongolia, Japan, and Iran (and 14 gifts from the USA!):

Many headlines also report gifts to the Kims from unknown persons, or without explicitly mentioning a country of origin (the plain headline “gifts to Kim Jong Il” appears literally 30 times). All these mentions of gifts are strictly prosaic; they constitute a catalog, devoid of literary embellishment, not an occasion for poetry. Occasionally a gift may be described (“a lacquered vase”, “a crystal-made flower basket”, “a woolen carpet” - the gifts themselves are not very special), but the main point of the headline is to record that a gift was made, not what it was.

The overall picture produced is thus one in which the North Korean ruler, rather than being a client of China or Russia (as reality suggests), appears as a sort of benevolent overlord, receiving their tribute and rarely sending anything back. Indeed, the flow of gifts is always primarily to the Kims, not from them; while 981 headlines mention gifts to Kim Jong Il, only 34 mention gifts from Kim Jong Il, most of these to Chinese people or other communist leaders (of which 3 went to Fidel Castro, the most of any individual leader recorded here!):

Flow of gifts to and from the Kims
Other → Kim Jong Il 278 giftsUnknown → Kim Jong Il 218 giftsChina → Kim Jong Il 115 giftsRussia (Soviet Union) → Kim Jong Il 85 giftsOther → Kim Jong Un 46 giftsRussia (Soviet Union) → Kim Jong Un 33 giftsMongolia → Kim Jong Il 29 giftsVietnam, Democratic Republic of → Kim Jong Il 28 giftsChina → Kim Jong Un 22 giftsLaos → Kim Jong Il 22 giftsJapan → Kim Jong Il 17 giftsIndonesia → Kim Jong Il 15 giftsSyria → Kim Jong Il 14 giftsUnited States of America → Kim Jong Il 14 giftsUnknown → Kim Il Sung 14 giftsSwitzerland → Kim Jong Il 13 giftsIran (Persia) → Kim Jong Il 11 giftsLaos → Kim Jong Un 11 giftsNepal → Kim Jong Il 11 giftsKim Jong Il → Other 11 giftsCuba → Kim Jong Il 10 giftsEgypt → Kim Jong Il 10 giftsItaly/Sardinia → Kim Jong Il 10 giftsMongolia → Kim Jong Un 9 giftsKuwait → Kim Jong Il 8 giftsIndia → Kim Jong Il 7 giftsMexico → Kim Jong Il 7 giftsMyanmar (Burma) → Kim Jong Il 7 giftsNigeria → Kim Jong Il 7 giftsUnited Kingdom → Kim Jong Il 7 giftsAlgeria → Kim Jong Il 6 giftsKorea, Republic of → Kim Jong Il 6 giftsPeru → Kim Jong Il 6 giftsOther → Kim Il Sung 6 giftsCambodia (Kampuchea) → Kim Jong Il 5 giftsforeign guests → Kim Jong Un 5 giftsGuinea → Kim Jong Il 5 giftsIran (Persia) → Kim Jong Un 5 giftsThailand → Kim Jong Il 5 giftsEgypt → Kim Jong Un 4 giftsNigeria → Kim Jong Un 4 giftsVietnam, Democratic Republic of → Kim Jong Un 4 giftsAlgeria → Kim Jong Un 3 giftsBrazil → Kim Jong Il 3 giftsBrazil → Kim Jong Un 3 giftsChina → Kim Il Sung 3 giftsJapan → Kim Jong Un 3 giftsMexico → Kim Jong Un 3 giftsKim Jong Il → Fidel Castro Ruz 3 giftsCambodia (Kampuchea) → Kim Jong Un 2 giftsCuba → Kim Jong Un 2 giftsforeign guests → Kim Jong Il 2 giftsItaly/Sardinia → Kim Jong Un 2 giftsNepal → Kim Jong Un 2 giftsPeru → Kim Il Sung 2 giftsPeru → Kim Jong Un 2 giftsSwitzerland → Kim Jong Un 2 giftsThailand → Kim Jong Un 2 giftsVietnam, Democratic Republic of → Kim Il Sung 2 giftsKim Jong Il → figure skaters 2 giftsKim Jong Un → Other 2 giftsKim Jong Un → Songdowon international children's camp 2 giftsKim Jong Un → war veteran delegates 2 giftsCambodia (Kampuchea) → Kim Il Sung 1 giftsGuinea → Kim Jong Un 1 giftsIndonesia → Kim Jong Un 1 giftsJapan → Kim Il Sung 1 giftsKuwait → Kim Jong Un 1 giftsMongolia → Kim Il Sung 1 giftsRussia (Soviet Union) → Kim Il Sung 1 giftsSwitzerland → Kim Il Sung 1 giftsSyria → Kim Il Sung 1 giftsSyria → Kim Jong Un 1 giftsThailand → Kim Il Sung 1 giftsUnited Kingdom → Kim Jong Un 1 giftsUnknown → Kim Jong Un 1 giftsKim Jong Il → academic degree and title holders 1 giftsKim Jong Il → Arirang creators and performers 1 giftsKim Jong Il → cambodian king 1 giftsKim Jong Il → children on remote islets 1 giftsKim Jong Il → chinese baby 1 giftsKim Jong Il → chinese president 1 giftsKim Jong Il → chinese school 1 giftsKim Jong Il → creators and artistes of phibada opera troupe 1 giftsKim Jong Il → delegates of songjin steel complex 1 giftsKim Jong Il → director general of IIJI 1 giftsKim Jong Il → flood victims 1 giftsKim Jong Il → Han Tok Su 1 giftsKim Jong Il → Jiang Zemin 1 giftsKim Jong Il → Kim Dae Jung and his wife 1 giftsKim Jong Il → leading media of DPRK 1 giftsKim Jong Il → officials of Chongryon 1 giftsKim Jong Il → participants in meeting of heroes and heroines 1 giftsKim Jong Il → participants in performance Arirang 1 giftsKim Jong Un → breast cancer research centre 1 giftsKim Jong Un → contributors to successful nuclear test 1 giftsKim Jong Un → contributors to successful satellite launch 1 giftsKim Jong Un → delegates to celebrations of youth day 1 giftsKim Jong Un → employees of Huichon power station number 2 1 giftsKim Jong Un → employees of kosan fruit farm 1 giftsKim Jong Un → gymnasiums, stadiums in chongchun street, Pyongyang indoor stadium 1 giftsKim Jong Un → KCU delegates 1 giftsKim Jong Un → KPA unit 1 giftsKim Jong Un → participants in 250-mile journey for learning 1 giftsKim Jong Un → participants in meeting of activists in fisheries of KPA 1 giftsKim Jong Un → participants of KCU 7th congress 1 giftsKim Jong Un → people's theater 1 gifts academic degree and title holders<br>1 gifts academic degree and title holders Arirang creators and performers<br>1 gifts Arirang creators and performers breast cancer research centre<br>1 gifts breast cancer research centre cambodian king<br>1 gifts cambodian king children on remote islets<br>1 gifts children on remote islets chinese baby<br>1 gifts chinese baby chinese president<br>1 gifts chinese president chinese school<br>1 gifts chinese school contributors to successful nuclear test<br>1 gifts contributors to successful nuclear test contributors to successful satellite launch<br>1 gifts contributors to successful satellite launch creators and artistes of phibada opera troupe<br>1 gifts creators and artistes of phibada opera troupe delegates of songjin steel complex<br>1 gifts delegates of songjin steel complex delegates to celebrations of youth day<br>1 gifts delegates to celebrations of youth day director general of IIJI<br>1 gifts director general of IIJI employees of Huichon power station number 2<br>1 gifts employees of Huichon power station number 2 employees of kosan fruit farm<br>1 gifts employees of kosan fruit farm Fidel Castro Ruz<br>3 gifts Fidel Castro Ruz figure skaters<br>2 gifts figure skaters flood victims<br>1 gifts flood victims gymnasiums, stadiums in chongchun street, Pyongyang indoor stadium<br>1 gifts gymnasiums, stadiums in chongchun street, Pyongyang indoor stadium Han Tok Su<br>1 gifts Han Tok Su Jiang Zemin<br>1 gifts Jiang Zemin KCU delegates<br>1 gifts KCU delegates Kim Dae Jung and his wife<br>1 gifts Kim Dae Jung and his wife KPA unit<br>1 gifts KPA unit leading media of DPRK<br>1 gifts leading media of DPRK officials of Chongryon<br>1 gifts officials of Chongryon Other<br>13 gifts Other participants in 250-mile journey for learning<br>1 gifts participants in 250-mile journey for learning participants in meeting of activists in fisheries of KPA<br>1 gifts participants in meeting of activists in fisheries of KPA participants in meeting of heroes and heroines<br>1 gifts participants in meeting of heroes and heroines participants in performance Arirang<br>1 gifts participants in performance Arirang participants of KCU 7th congress<br>1 gifts participants of KCU 7th congress people's theater<br>1 gifts people's theater Songdowon international children's camp<br>2 gifts Songdowon international children's camp war veteran delegates<br>2 gifts war veteran delegatesAlgeria<br>9 giftsAlgeriaBrazil<br>6 giftsBrazilCambodia (Kampuchea)<br>8 giftsCambodia (Kampuchea)China<br>140 giftsChinaCuba<br>12 giftsCubaEgypt<br>14 giftsEgyptforeign guests<br>7 giftsforeign guestsGuinea<br>6 giftsGuineaIndia<br>7 giftsIndiaIndonesia<br>16 giftsIndonesiaIran (Persia)<br>16 giftsIran (Persia)Italy/Sardinia<br>12 giftsItaly/SardiniaJapan<br>21 giftsJapanKim Il Sung<br>34 giftsKim Il SungKim Jong Il<br>981 giftsKim Jong IlKim Jong Un<br>175 giftsKim Jong UnKorea, Republic of<br>6 giftsKorea, Republic ofKuwait<br>9 giftsKuwaitLaos<br>33 giftsLaosMexico<br>10 giftsMexicoMongolia<br>39 giftsMongoliaMyanmar (Burma)<br>7 giftsMyanmar (Burma)Nepal<br>13 giftsNepalNigeria<br>11 giftsNigeriaOther<br>330 giftsOtherPeru<br>10 giftsPeruRussia (Soviet Union)<br>119 giftsRussia (Soviet Union)Switzerland<br>16 giftsSwitzerlandSyria<br>16 giftsSyriaThailand<br>8 giftsThailandUnited Kingdom<br>8 giftsUnited KingdomUnited States of America<br>14 giftsUnited States of AmericaUnknown<br>233 giftsUnknownVietnam, Democratic Republic of<br>34 giftsVietnam, Democratic Republic of

Note that these figures underestimate the actual number of gifts received by the Kims, since they only count headlines that mention the words “gift” or “gifts”. Many headlines speak directly of tribute or describe a particular gift – typically a floral basket or a congratulatory letter – without using the word gift. Including these would just about double the total number of “tributes” reported in the headlines.

Incidentally, the recording of gifts is in keeping with the general tendency of KCNA not to report easily falsifiable facts (cf. Tom Pepinsky on this point). The point of the headlines and stories is not to obviously deceive (the gifts, after all, are stored in the International Friendship Exhibition hall), but to paint a particular picture of the leader receiving tribute from powerful people and organizations.

The problem is that, though this picture may produce some effects among people who do not have access to any alternative information sources (as the wiki page about the International Friendship Exhibition suggests, without much evidence), it would seem to be totally ineffective when we think of the likely readership of KCNA. The propaganda apparatus here seems to be automatically producing content, or simply echoing the more important internal propaganda, rather than carefully thinking about how to produce an effect on external audiences. It is a of “ceremonial” propaganda, in which the state flatters itself without regards to external audiences, rather than a more clearly instrumental enterprise directed to shaping the views of others.

The Uniformity of Propaganda

The ceremonial character of KCNA’s propaganda is also evident in its remarkable uniformity. One indication of this is the difficulty one has in guessing the time period in which a randomly selected headline was written, unless they explicitly mention a particular person or event that can be identified as a historical anchor;7 the headlines are fractally similar in every period, we might say. And while it’s of course possible to slice and dice them in many different ways, my best guess is that the headlines typically fall into only about 8-10 topics, which recur in relatively constant proportions and with generally similar vocabulary year after year, with some fluctuations in response to events or great cult holy days.

First, there is an “achievements of the Kims” topic, where the work, feats, and ideas of the Kims are celebrated, especially by foreigners (e.g., “Kim Jong Il’s work off the press in Nicaragua”, “Kim Il Sung’s Idea of Great National Unity Lauded”). Second, there is a “tribute and honour” topic, where they are shown receiving gifts or granting gifts or honours to others (“Wreath from Guinean president”, “Representatives of CCP Mourn Demise of Kim Jong Il”). Here we find the many headlines noting gifts and floral tributes, or the similarly numerous ones depicting the Kims sending wreaths to the biers of the illustrious dead of the nation. Third, there is an “economic and social achievements of the nation” topic, where the headlines report on the progressive economic and social development of the DPRK, and show the Kims providing guidance to factories or other enterprises (“Kim Jong Il Visits Wonsan Youth Power Station”); and fourth, a “cultural and artistic achievements of the nation,” which notes artistic performances, sports events, and the like, and sometimes associates them with the leader (“DPRK Judokas Prove Successful at Military Judo Championship”, “Secy. Kim Jong Il enjoys performance of choir”).

The fifth and sixth topics depict the diplomatic activities of the DPRK’s political elites (“FM Kim Yong Nam meets Pakistani ambassador”) and encourage reunification (“Rodong Sinmun Demands End to Separatist Moves of S. Korean Authorities”). The seventh stresses international solidarity with North Korea, and in turn puts a positive light on adversaries of the Americans (e.g., Iran, the PLO). The eight and ninth focus on criticism of South Korean (“S. Korean Authorities Hit for Violating Workers’ Vital Rights”, “Explosive unemployment in S. Korea”) and American (“American-style”Globalization" Bound to Go Bust - Commentary on International Situation“) society and politics (including military moves by the US or South Korea). Sometimes one can find headlines that stress natural disasters around the world, but especially in countries that are perceived to be North Korea’s adversaries (”Continuous Earthquakes in Japan“); these may fall into a different topic; and there are many headlines that are about celebrations and anniversaries of important parts of Korean history.

Note what’s missing here: communism and socialism, and the associated rhetoric. The vocabulary of Marxism is not wholly absent from KCNA – socialism is mentioned in about 100 english-language headlines, often in connection with the “Juche” idea and national identity; Marx and marxism are mentioned 4 times; Lenin and leninism 6; and there’s the occasional mention of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. And of course the headlines cannot avoid speaking of workers – after all, the ruling party is the Worker’s Party of Korea, and the word “worker” does appear several hundred times, mostly in connection with critiques of South Korea. But national terms predominate; and of the classical Leninist terminology, the only term that seems to get a lot of use is “imperialism” (and its cognates). Once again, B. R. Myers is right; North Korean ideological constructions are not particularly Marxist in orientation, instead focusing on nationalistic themes. (Indeed, one might argue that most of the communist revolutions of the 20th century – Vietnam, China, etc. – except for the Russian one, were ultimately national in orientation; but that’s a story for a different day, or person).

We can visualize the uniformity of KCNA’s content with a topic model. After trying many different things, I find that using about 10 topics gives reasonable results when fitted either to the headlines only or to the stories in a given year (I was also able to scrape most KCNA stories from 2011), though fewer can work fine too - the topics do tend to clump into about 3-4 broadly similar clusters. Here’s what the topic proportions look like per year, with a 10 topic model fitted to the headlines (with each “document” the headlines for the entire year):

(Note the increase in Kim topics in 2012, the year after the death of Kim Jong Il in December 2011. See a more detailed interactive topic browser here. Topic numbers in the interactive visualization will be different from those above).

If we wanted to simplify this picture, we might say that KCNA spends about a quarter of the time praising and honoring the Kims, another quarter critiquing North Korea’s adversaries, and the rest extolling North Korea’s economic and cultural development and its cooperative disposition. The daily variation in these topics is of course much higher than their annual variation, but the trends are flat, and many (not all) peaks in some of these topics correspond to days where the topic is expected to peak (e.g., cult days for the “homage to Kims” topic):

(I did some time-series decomposition of these topics, but because of missing headlines for some days and changes after the death of Kim Jong Il this turns out to be harder than it looks, so I won’t bore you with the details, but nothing much changes – trends remain flat, seasonal peaks seem to correspond many times to major anniversaries, and so on. But you might get better results with a supervised approach to classification in any case).

Because the headlines by themselves are so short and cryptic, topic modeling may work better (i.e., give more interpretable results) when using the entire stories from KCNA. So here’s the model fitted to the stories from 2011 (topics are not the same as those extracted by looking at the headlines only), with a great big spike in the “homage to the Kims” topic after the death of Kim Jong Il on 17 December:

And if you’re interested, here’s an interactive topic browser for the model (topic numbers are different from those above).

Topic models do not always give intuitive results, and the specific terms that would be salient in a given model will vary depending on the random seed, the number of topics chosen, and the specific software used. But in general, it seems to be the case that KCNA propaganda is relatively uniform in time, with only large shocks (like the death of Kim Jong Il above) making much of a difference in its choice of topics.

Ceremonial Propaganda?

In some ways, none of the patterns discussed above should be surprising. It is well known that North Korean propaganda is highly nationalistic; that it fosters a cult of the Kims; and that it can be filled with invective against the North’s adversaries. But it is still interesting to see concretely how these patterns are manifested in content that can hardly have much persuasive effect, given its audience. KCNA propaganda is not, by the instrumental standards usually applied to these matters, a great success for outside audiences (unlike, e.g., the information operations of the Russian state, or perhaps the internal propaganda used in North Korea itself). As a kind of literature, however, displaying a fictional picture of reality without much regard for its effectiveness, there is something remarkable in the single-mindedness of its adherence to its own self-imposed canons.

Data and code details

I’ve bundled the data used to produce this post in an R package, available from this repository. To install from R, use devtools::install_github(repo = "xmarquez/KCNA"). Check the Readme file for more info. The code used to produce this post is available here as an .Rmd file; there may be a paper eventually too.

Finally, a couple of shout outs. Julia Silge and David Robinson’s tidytext package is great – it really simplifies text analysis! If you do any kind of text analysis, I highly recommend it. And Dmitriy Selivanov’s text2vec package implementation of topic modeling and word vector embedding is superfast and powerful; also highly recommended.

  1. It may have changed by now, though I doubt it. I can’t access it anymore, so I wouldn’t know.

  2. For those who care about the details, the exponent is around 1.5 for the top 44 or so most mentioned people.

  3. See this NYTimes Magazine piece on AI at Google for a non-technical explanation of how word vector embeddings work and what they capture. This is surprisingly easy to do with a small corpus like the KCNA headlines thanks to the fantastic text2vec R package by Dmitriy Selivanov, even on an old crappy computer. AI for the masses!

  4. Sentiment scores obtained with other sentiment lexicons are correlated at the 0.7-0.8 level.

  5. Different sentiment lexicons show somewhat different patterns – the AFINN or BING lexicons may give more weight to some other words in scoring the overall negative or positive sentiment of a headline – but nothing really affecting the larger picture.

  6. If you download the package used in this post, you can try more of these graphs on your own. Try “bush” for some further choice invective, or “communism” to note the paucity of classical marxsit language.

  7. One could model this properly by creating a model to predict the year from the words in the headlines – but I haven’t gotten around to it.