"A Practical Attack to De-Anonymize Social Network Users"
The attack scenario is the following: a malicious website wants to de-anonymize a user, i.e., find out the real name and identity of a visitor. The attack is implemented in two phases. In a first phase, we crawl the groups of a social network to determine the members of the different groups. This is our database from which we can generate a group fingerprint per user. In the second phase, we use the well-known technique of history stealing to probe the browser's history for links to group, thus determining the group fingerprint of the visitor. Wen can then compare this fingerprint to our database and de-anonymize the visitor. Even when unique identification is not possible, then the attack might still significantly reduce the size of the set of candidates that the victim belongs to.
As a proof-of-concept, we implemented the attack for XING, a well-known "Social Network for Business Professionals". Please note that this attack is not specific to XING or any other social network - it is generally applicable to different kinds of modern web applications that contain unique links for user that can be probed via history stealing. We crawled the ~7000 public groups of XING and found about 1.8 million members that belong to at least one group. These users are vulnerable to our attack and we have a demo website to participate in our experiment. Note that this test is only successful if you are a member of XING and a member of at least one group. If you regularly participate in groups the chances are higher that we can successfully de-anonymize you :-)
The following pictures show the different stages of the proof-of-concept attack:
We have published a technical report that summarizes our preliminary results at http://www.iseclab.org/papers/sonda-TR.pdf. In the next couple of weeks, we will finish the work on the paper and present our results at the 31st IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy in May. A demo of the attack is available at http://www.iseclab.org/people/gilbert/experiment/.
Very interesting work, thanks a lot!
Tracked: Apr 23, 14:56
Cool blog!
Tracked: May 17, 14:52