This guide is for people who want to permanently own their digital eBook files. There have been cases where eBooks disappear or are deleted from a platform for one reason or another, or an eBook distributor shuts down and stops hosting the eBooks and you don't have access to them anymore. In addition, this can be for anyone who wants to read their eBook on a different eBook distribution store from where they bought it off of (i.e. purchased on amazon and want to read on Kobo or any other eReader brand).
If one method doesn't work, try a different one. These guides assume that you've already installed Calibre on your computer, and that you know how to navigate around a computer.
Note: Download the latest version of all programs I link to (with the exception of Kindle for PC)
Remove Kobo DRM
- Download Adobe Digital Editions (ADE). This is a free program and there's no subscription like Adobe's other programs.
- Set up an account (use a dummy AdobeID just for calibre so Adobe doesn't ban you and you don't lose your main AdobeID)
- Click Help in the toolbar at the top of the window and select Authorize Computer and you should be done on the ADE front
- Download the latest version of DeDRM by clicking on "Assets" to expand the selection, and then click on the file with the format "DeDRM_tools_(version).zip"(\_tools/releases)
- Once downloaded, extract the zip into a new folder. You can name it whatever you'd like.
- Go to Calibre, then Preferences > Advanced > Plugins > Load plugin from file > New folder you created > Select
- Plugin should successfully load into Calibre.
- Restart Calibre, then go to Preferences > Plugins > Search "DeDRM" and click "customize Plugin"
- From there, click "Adobe Digital Editions ebooks" and import the digital editions key you generated
- To actually remove the DRM from each book, open it in ADE, navigate to ADE Bookshelves so you see a list of all your books, right click on the book you want to remove DRM from, and then select "Open in File Explorer"
- Take the file and drag and drop it into Calibre * You can download eBooks by going to the KoboStore Website > My Account > My Books, then click the 3 dots beneath the book cover and manually download the eBook. You'll either get an epub (DRM-free) or ASCM file (DRM protected)
- Kobo Desktop App + ObokDRM
- Follow these instructions to download Kobo Desktop:
- Download the latest version of DeDRM by clicking on "Assets" to expand the selection, and then click on the file with the format "DeDRM_tools_(version).zip"(\_tools/releases)
- Once downloaded, extract the zip into a new folder. You can name it whatever you'd like.
- Obok Plugin should have been included when you downloaded the DeDRM, so go to Calibre, then Preferences > Advanced > Plugins > Load plugin from file > New folder you created > Select
- Plugin should successfully load into Calibre.
- Restart Calibre.
- Open Kobo Desktop App, download the eBooks you want onto your computer.
- After it's done downloading, close out of the kobo desktop app and switch over to Calibre. If you don't close it, Obok will get confused and display some DRM eBooks as DRM-free and it won't remove it properly
- Click the Obok DeDRM plugin in the top bar. This will open a pop-up where you can either select the specific eBook you want to remove DRM from or remove it from everything.
- Click OK and it should appear in your library
- Tips/Tricks for new Kobo Users
Remove Kindle DRM
- DeDRM (use this if you own a Physical Kindle eReader)
- This method is guaranteed to allow you to remove DRM from your Kindle eBook. You can use this method alongside Kindle For PC (See the section below) if you want to save the extra 10 clicks on Amazon's Content Page
- Video version if this is your cup of tea:
- Ignore this step if you already set this up in the DeDRM + ADE guide above
- Download the latest version of DeDRM by clicking on "Assets" to expand the selection, and then click on the file with the format "DeDRM_tools_(version).zip"(\_tools/releases)
- Once downloaded, extract the zip into a new folder. You can name it whatever you'd like.
- Go to Calibre, then Preferences > Advanced > Plugins > Load plugin from file > New folder you created > Select
- Plugin should successfully load into Calibre.
- Preferences > Plugins > Search "DeDRM" and click "customize Plugin". Select "Kindle for eInk eBooks" and enter your Kindle Serial Number. It can be found on Amazon's Devices page ( )
- Go to your Amazon Content page ( )
- Find the eBook you want to remove DRM from
- Select "Download and Transfer via USB"
- Select the Kindle whose serial number you put into Calibre
- Download & navigate to the file location. Take that file and drag and drop it into Calibre. You should be able to open it
- DeDRM + Kindle For PC (use this if you do not own a Physical Kindle eReader) -
- This method is unreliable because Kindle regularly releases updates to prevent you from removing DRM. You'll need to make sure you have the correct version or experiment to see if it'll work on your downloaded Kindle For PC version.
- This only works on books published before Jan 2023. You can get it to work with newly published books if you own a Kindle eReader and add your Kindle's serial number (See the section above, Kindle - DeDRM)
- Go to this site: to download the Kindle for PC program. The website banner should say "Get Started with the Free Kindle App". If you don't want to click on links then google "Install or Update the Kindle For PC on Your Computer" and choose amazon help link that matches that heading.
- Login to your amazon account
- Download the eBooks you want to convert and remove DRM from
- While you wait for the books to download, go to the top toolbar to select Tools > Options > General and uncheck "automatically install updates when they are available without asking me". This is optional. It's a precaution in case Amazon pushes out an update that makes it harder to download eBooks on your PC
- In the same Options window, switch to the "Content" tab and take a note of the current content folder. This is where your eBooks will be saved. Mine was "C:\Users\(USERNAME)\OneDrive\Documents\My Kindle Content" but yours might be different
- If you don't use OneDrive, it might look like this instead: "C:\Users(USERNAME)\Documents\My Kindle Content"
- Go to Calibre and install the following plugins:
- KFX Input - In Calibre, go to Preferences > Plugins > Get plugins to enhance calibre > Search ‘KFX’.
- DeDRM - Download the DeDRM_tools_(version).zip file (\_tools/releases)
- When your eBooks are done downloading, you have two options:
- Adding individual books:
- Bulk import:
- Once it has been imported, click "Convert books" found in Calibre's toolbar. A pop up will appear, and make sure to look at the top right corner has the file type you want to convert it to. Press OK.
- DRM should be removed.
You can verify that DRM has been removed by viewing/opening the eBook in Calibre. If you get a "This book is locked by DRM" message, then try a different method.
- Troubleshooting Tips
- Double check that you're using the latest version of DeDRM (version 10.0.9 as of Aug 2024)
- Double check that you've input your Kindle Serial Number correctly for all Kindle eReader devices you own, and make sure there are no extra line breaks/returns
Remove Barnes & Nobles Nook DRM
If you don't want to deal with all of this...
- epubor
- You can pay for epubor and it'll handle it all for you. It will remove DRM from audible audiobooks, Kindle eBooks, Nook eBooks, Adobe ePub/PDF file (Kobo falls under this category), and more. I have not personally used this program, but there's a good chunk of users on this sub that vouch for it.
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