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Here is my example. In the last two weeks I have rewritten, from scratch, one of my genomics pipelines which can analyse 1000 clinical exomes in a few hours to return candidate genetic causes of rare disease.

* 42 scripts/programs.

* 3694 lines of code.

* Several languages.

* Process raw fastq data up to germline variant calling.

* Using high-performance computing cluster.

* Process vcf data into clinical variant interpretation.

* Options for custom filtering strategies.

* Statistical analysis and logs.

* Replaced several mainstream tools that are difficult to manage.

Final results:

1. This work was ~6-10x times faster.

2. I probably would not have rewritten this better version as it would have taken too long.

3. Instead of getting stuck at any difficult impasse I can get context-specific alternatives and testable example code.

Which specific tools have you been using? Just a general dialogue with chatGPT or a are you using CoPilot?

Only ChatGPT. I usually state bullet points and pseudocode and ask for answer, or current code with request to fix the error. With good requests I usually get a working answer but sometimes need careful checking.

How would you estimate the work breaks down between you and chatgpt as a rough percentage? It sounds like you're still doing a lot of the coding, obviously lots of prompt work, analysing and understanding the results, etc.

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