I did a few more experiments including generating large factorial numbers that took a long time on my laptop but it responded accurately to a much larger length than my laptop could do (though these were only accurate to the first few hundred digits)
Lol why does ChatGPT hit ^C? Do you think it’s getting bored of waiting to respond to you and decides that’s enough time spent on an answer?
Edit: the base64 decoding examples are terrifying. I have no idea how that works.
Edit2: actually I can sort of see how that works, b64 encoding doesn’t have any obfuscation to it, I could see how an ML model can build a pretty good approximation over time after seeing all the examples on the internet.
Correctly produces a convincing output for having decoded the base64-encoding of "ping google.com" and then piping it to bash: https://media.infosec.exchange/infosecmedia/media_attachment...
Similar command, but with a garbage domain it hasn't seen before, and a less well-known domain. It produced convincing output in both cases: https://media.infosec.exchange/infosecmedia/media_attachment...
Having it just output a base64 decoding of an obviously unique string. Fascinatingly, it tried to correct typos that I intentionally included: https://media.infosec.exchange/infosecmedia/media_attachment...
This was also pretty cool -- ask it to start a webserver then curl it: https://media.infosec.exchange/infosecmedia/media_attachment...
Telling it that it is a python interpreter and calling self-defined functions: https://media.infosec.exchange/infosecmedia/media_attachment...
A slightly more complicated function: https://media.infosec.exchange/infosecmedia/media_attachment...
I did a few more experiments including generating large factorial numbers that took a long time on my laptop but it responded accurately to a much larger length than my laptop could do (though these were only accurate to the first few hundred digits)