ChatGPT is so amazing and so useless. Might eat my words once they meld it with WebGPT tho
Sometimes ChatGPT says 'given my limited knowledge, it's not clear' stuff which is fine, but this kind of 'it is not clear' is straight up false
It weirdly has a fuckton of opinions about The Critique of Pure Reason and will argue about it for hours without giving up
OK, fuck, 'Rewrite this in the New Yorker house style:' turns out to be crazy powerful for cleaning up prose

Dec 1, 2022 · 4:40 PM UTC

Replying to @peligrietzer
I guess you're eating your words now when you realize how useful it is at applying a different writing style.
Replying to @peligrietzer
yeah but the toll is having to go back and remove the diaereses and claw back the double consonants, etc
Boring. How about “Rewrite this in the style of the last 40 pages of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.”