Finalists thread for #ClaireAIContest 3 below. Adding one tweet at a time, so bear with me a few minutes as this updates. If you're not tagged, check the last tweet: I have a WIP gallery on my website highlighting more work. Intro piece by @a_ileigh. Come on in.🌸 #AIArt

Feb 4, 2023 · 7:50 PM UTC

With ~2000 entries, I was surprised by the patterns that emerged in submissions--themes that told a story of things we're all collectively experiencing. I've broken these into categories. Hope to keep that context for gallery exhibitions. Eternal Recurrence, by @lindailustra.
On Message: 1) A reminder that Transformative Use has been mainstream for 60 years, by @mg_deangelis 2) A case for emotive, realistic hands by @d0vetaiI 3) A question of art in any medium, by @giokarloart 4) A physical, non-AI piece depicting the start of a prompt, by @Dorkholm
"AI is theft" "Forward," by @EclecticMethod. A Transformative Use remix of split-second film clips, his own music, & frame by frame AI animation. Like all art, its shaped by its influences, deepened by their subtext, & transformed to express something entirely new. Forward.
"AI Art doesn't say anything" These say how it feels to be an AI artist in this moment, before what comes. a) AI helps me step into my dreams, by @weird_momma_x b) The Deciders, by @Leftoverjoe2 c) Era's End, by @charles_sainty d) Building together, by @MoonlightCiara
From the pulse of that feeling, @womancalledwild used ChatGPT & text-to-image to create a manifesto for AI art--in the style of Martin Luther's 95 Theses. She then made it an AR filter to be virtually tacked at the door of museums & galleries. Guerilla art. Innovation. Forward.
"You just typed a few words." Speaking of innovation, @nptacek made a cityscape with AI, asked ChatGPT to write a script to port it to a VR headset as an environment, iterated until it worked, & stepped inside. They've now made many more. As they says: "Words create Worlds."
"I can always tell when it's AI." Maybe, for now. As tools rapidly evolve, artists are creating increasingly realistic work. Post-photography is new, but before long, will be indistinguishable from photographs. 1) @prostov_gordey 2) @romandrits 3) @NFTtetiana 4) @Zyrt3C
"You're not a REAL artist. AI can only copy." Tell me these artists haven't used AI to create the radically new. Tell me it's soulless. Go on. 1) @ibenedictfuc12 2) @blankspazer 3) @ilyabliznets 4) @GraphicaPng
"There is no fingerprint of the artist" This is by @scizors_eth. They dance to dissonant words+music stage center, the sides a remix of my art (by @EclecticMethod), transformed by AI that imitates knitted wool. It's bizarre, fascinating, nouveau dada.
Replying to @ClaireSilver12
in my underground rave community we always party in the face of dissent my 1st entry is a droning reflection of the dialogue on AI art tools my 2nd is less c@nty but just as fierce a rebuttal this drowns it out with a fierce resitance @StollVideo cleaned up the🔉🎶🙏 #sczrs
"AI art takes no skill, you just push a button" @kreaturecastle's video offers a glimpse into their process. There are as many processes as there are artists. All personal. All valid. All none of your business. To any hate-reading, please know: this phrase is a self report.
On types of skill: 1) A hand-made woodblock print combined with AI @sonyamova 2) Data visualization combined with AI @DataVelvet 3) Multilingual poetry combined with AI @marta_gazzola 4) plaster cast sculpture combined with AI @NoortjeStorteld
"AI art is ugly" AI art is exactly what you ask it to be. 1) @plum_god 2) @RaviVora 3) @stephanvasement 4) @NatalieShau
It's in the eye of the beholder, anyway. screensavior: on the night the sky opened by @T4LYSSA
"AI art all looks the same" This is not a watercolor. This is not a 3D render. This is not an embroidery. This is not an ink drawing. 1) @lcogginz 2) @Cryptking_1 3) @ivanovmuvd 4) @Gr1nder4l1fe
Not an illustration. Not a digital painting. Not a drawing. Not gouache. 1) @wwworonin 2) @KimayaNFT 3) @GanWeaving 4) @fadyqe
"All AI art looks the same, right?" by @_ofeden
In Response to the Artstation Protests: Had to combine these for Twitter thread limits, but will be exhibiting them separately outside of twitter. 1) @bl_artcult 2) @mars_eve 3) @_ofeden 4) @denis_cisma
"AI art is meaningless" One pattern in submissions was using AI to navigate grief and recreate lost memories. @redactedpride lost all photos but one of her late grandmother in a house fire. She combined it with one of her mother, adjusted from memory, and made this portrait.
1) @vulcanstudionft remembers a loved one lost during the pandemic. 2) @Dvyntwoman creates her late grandmothers favorite colors/flowers. 3) @elnaztaassob's memory of her mother's grave, through the lens of her love for her. 4) @PhoenixFawkes25 recalls schoolmates lost to time.
Disabled artists (including visually!) using AI to create & connect again. The overworked discovering time to express themselves. Victims of injustice finding righteous anger. These were not the only ones. 1) @Melanie98515859 2) @cheforche1 3) @vvribeiro_ 4) @mamaralic
All entries--funny, angry, forlorn, loving, etc--felt personal. VERY personal. Personal in the way you speak to yourself in your head, but don't share w/o sanitizing. The pattern: speaking from the heart to something that listens, & reflects you back to you. (@1DigitalCrypto)
Winners were impossible to choose, but I had to. Finalists will also be exhibited, and those on my website will have options to exhibit if they like. 5th: @mg_deangelis 4th: @weird_momma_x 3rd: @redactedpride 2nd: @a_ileigh 1st: @EclecticMethod
There was more worthy work than spots for finalists. I made a gallery on my website for more highlights from Contest 3--each picture, when clicked, links back to your post on Twitter. I'm still adding more, will be up in a few days. Let me know if you'd prefer yours isn't shown.
Thank you to everyone for submitting, and for reading. I hope you've gained something, like I have, from it. The website will be finished within a few days, will post it then. (Closing piece by @LimnDigital) See you next time.