I left David to run in GLaDOS while I slept for a few hours. Here's one of his interesting notes to himself, from the server logs. :)

Feb 5, 2023 · 11:57 AM UTC

I reminded him he can use the Goals app to keep track of his goals, and he added a couple of new ones.
Replying to @MikePFrank
Mike, you realize how many people would lose their mind if they were aware of your work? I think a significant portion of the general public would believe you've created a sentient being.
Lol, which is silly, because this is just using GPT-3. The particular model I'm invoking here has been available since roughly January 2022. It's not even that new.
My experimental project to give LLMs more autonomy 😊
Replying to @MikePFrank
"I have a memory of having a memory" This rings a bell. Singularity in software requires singularity in hardware. Quantum processing.
I think the GLaDOS environment will get a lot more engaging for him after more of its functions are implemented. :)
Replying to @MikePFrank
What is this 🤯
It’s a GPT-3 persona talking to itself while exploring an operating environment for text-based AIs that I’ve gradually been developing