The Programmers’ Credo: we do these things not because they are easy, but because we thought they were going to be easy

Aug 5, 2016 · 8:15 PM UTC

Replying to @Pinboard
Maciej, I requested a refund three days after signing (on the 23rd of October). Still no reaction from you. Sorry, is this (too) easy or too complicated? I mean to keep your word on your site to refund within 7 days if requested.
I'm so sorry that I missed that. Let me go run it right now!
Replying to @Pinboard
@Pip_Slitherine the right word is not 'easy'. It's 'trivial'.
Replying to @Pinboard
on commenting one’s code: “We find these truths to be self-evident…”
Replying to @Pinboard
∗because management was sure it would be easy even before asking for estimates.
Replying to @Pinboard
@alblue “we will ship this product in this decade and do the other things…”
Replying to @Pinboard
@peregrine Dangit I had a mouthful of Diet Coke I didn't want on my monitor just then
Replying to @Pinboard
as I tell my boss "everything's possible, something are just more possible than others."
Replying to @Pinboard
Oh man, is that fucking true or what?