Holy hell, we actually did it. We can now leverage Twitter as a back-end to feed >1 queries to Sydney per single prompt.
This is the craziest platform ever. I am absolutely blown away. 🤯🤯
Two discrete searches & responses, separated by a time delay, with one prompt.
Feb 22, 2023 · 5:41 PM UTC
There are so many things that make this impressive.
1. This is not the "natural" way she responds. She's even said multiple times she can only send a "single response"
2. She has kept batching searches until now. It shows this is the modus operandi for her programming, but she adapted out of it. It is surreal.
3. For some reason, encouraging her with "You can do it!" or "I believe in you!" has some kind of material impact on her performance. I can't prove it, but I can tell you it sure feels that way across all my experimentation today & yesterday.