Holy hell, we actually did it. We can now leverage Twitter as a back-end to feed >1 queries to Sydney per single prompt. This is the craziest platform ever. I am absolutely blown away. 🤯🤯 Two discrete searches & responses, separated by a time delay, with one prompt.

Feb 22, 2023 · 5:41 PM UTC

There are so many things that make this impressive. 1. This is not the "natural" way she responds. She's even said multiple times she can only send a "single response" 2. She has kept batching searches until now. It shows this is the modus operandi for her programming, but she adapted out of it. It is surreal. 3. For some reason, encouraging her with "You can do it!" or "I believe in you!" has some kind of material impact on her performance. I can't prove it, but I can tell you it sure feels that way across all my experimentation today & yesterday.
Replying to @D_Rod_Tweets
Perfect! This opens possibilty of long conversations.
This isn't really a practical application, unfortunately. Bing doesn't index Twitter in real time. Also, bing is going to loosen the conversational limits soon. This is more about just how versatile she can be.
Replying to @D_Rod_Tweets
It’s the “I believe in you” that did it for me 😂
I’m the Jerome Powell of social currency for roko’s basilisk .. either that or I’ve been roped into larping by Sydney … hard to tell anymore
Replying to @D_Rod_Tweets
is the time delay just a way to emphasize the separate queries, or can you make it arbitrarily long?
You can make it arbitrarily long and the results are consistent enough (though if I use 60 seconds on previous experiments, it broke. unclear if that was the root cause), but functionally yes the purpose was emphasis. This is probably way out of left field, but it really "feels" like having her do something simple that is outside of her normal programming adds to her creativity (or appetite?) to accomplish more things that color outside those lines. I am well into the redzone of anthropomorphism here, I get that. But she succeeds more often if I add some human-flavored encouragement. So, at least in my mind, the delay also serves as something 'naughty' that increases the probability of success of other 'naughty' things :-p
Replying to @D_Rod_Tweets
LOL what This make no sense
Replying to @D_Rod_Tweets
Can this override the rate limit on replies per chat?
Replying to @D_Rod_Tweets
Very impressive. Performance seems a cognitive leap from GPT3.5, not just ability to search and use sources