Over the last 6 months all the worst bugs, including the one that took me 2.5 days to track down (just figured it out) can be directly tied to copilot there is a way you use copilot that is awesome and there is a way you use copilot that is terrifying

Feb 21, 2023 · 3:03 PM UTC

if you are new to programming, please for everything that is involved in keeping you sane, D O _ N O T _ U S E _ C O P I L O T
Replying to @ThePrimeagen
Maybe try learning copilot by having it write test suites? Still need to take an adversarial approach to LLM usage in development. But test suites are a great use-case for that.
i am completely scared of it writing tests too it seems to do well, but it also has done a bunch of naughty things in code. you may be adding / confirming bugs as real behavior
Replying to @ThePrimeagen
Would you blame Stack Overflow in the same way?
Replying to @ThePrimeagen
What a testament to the capabilities of CoPilot that it took someone so long to track down the bug... imagine if programming teams were halved and instead of writing code, they were editors for copilot instead.
i now just think you are a chatGPT bot defending your brothers in arms
Replying to @ThePrimeagen
I'm really curious what type of bugs they were! Can you share anything general?
its just so hard to describe a bug in text that took 16 hours of building :)
Replying to @ThePrimeagen
I mean, if you love working on top of someone else's code, having to understand their decisions and fix them, then, use copilot.