Replying to @MichaelFriese10
Are these using the Pikachu eyes?
Nope! I'm actually pretty surprised how many of these ended up looking pikachu-esque; unless there's a new pikachu emoji that I don't know about, the data I used was pokemon-free.
Replying to @MichaelFriese10
I wish I was as good a ganslinger as you. Seriously, your generated emojis look awesome. I tried generating emojis from a data-set of front-facing, smileys and heart-shaped emojis and it ended up looking terrible 🤷‍♂️ norod78.s3-eu-west-1.amazona…
Replying to @MichaelFriese10
Magnificent...Those should be send to drunk friends to convince them to quit