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   Welcome to the #ebooks faq website. We are located on irc server irc.irchighway.net (hopefully for good) Thank you all for sticking with us through all our roaming trying to find a stable server without a ton of spam or problems.

   The mission of #ebooks has always been to have a nice, friendly irc channel for trading ebooks and chatting with others of the same interests. We endeavor to create a fun loving, helpful environment without the typical amount of rudeness and disdain that seems to pervade the IRC and Newsgroup community.

   We frown on cursing and attempt to keep all discussion in light hearted fun. Argumentative behavior, talk of religion or politics is an easy way of getting yourself kicked right out, but if you are looking to laugh, chat and occasionally talk about ebooks then come on in...

   The #ebooks channel is primarily for fiction ebooks while our brother channel #bookz on the same network is for tech books, audiobooks and basically all the larger book related files.

   Please take a look through these pages before asking questions in the channel. If you still need help we will be glad to chat with you, but there is a ton of information throughout this website that should answer most of your questions about downloading, serving, scanning, proofing and just general ebook information.

   So, welcome to #ebooks! We hope all your ebook wishes and irc dreams come true. :P

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